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Destructoid reviews Neogaffers reviews of an Uncharted 3 review

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you can't put a price on sparks
i think what we should really be asking is why destructoid thinks this is newsworthy.



Your Excellency said:
You tell me: if it has better graphics, better setpieces, better controls, more natural refined climbing, better gunplay, better sound and better storyline, is it better? Yes? Objectively? Yes.

In the same way, Gran Turismo is objectively better than Porsche Challenge. Sure, you may get some psychos saying that Porsche Challenge is a better game, and is in fact the best game ever, but that doesn't change the fact that viewed objectively on the basic merits, GT is better.
that sounds a lot like stuff you can only know for sure when you actually played the game...
Vice said:
All of those things are subjective, aside from graphics and possibly controls.

We agree graphics can be measured objectively.

Controls, you half agree they can. I would say that if the controls just work, and are not infuriating tank controls, then they're objectively more natureal.


Kinyou said:
that sounds a lot like stuff you can only know for sure when you actually played the game...

He makes it sound like Uncharted 2 had tons of areas to improve, and was just an overrated game.


Your Excellency said:
We agree graphics can be measured objectively.

Controls, you half agree they can. I would say that if the controls just work, and are not infuriating tank controls, then they're objectively more natureal.

I love tank controls. There you go.
GAF, ya done goofed. Even though that there destructoid article is all kinds of stupid, posting a clearly satirical post. I read plenty of replies that were just downright embarrassing.
Some of y'all need a new hobby (or a girlfriend).
You guys like to LOL games journalism and say how shitty it is, talk about how the current review system sucks so much, but you get up in arms over a review.
Jesus Christ. The fact that so many actual, professional gaming journalists are devoting time to this is even more embarrassing than the reactions to Eurogamer's review. Anyone who actually said those outrageous things and meant them is an idiot. Idiots have a short attention span, so if you just ignore them they'll go away.


Mike G.E.D. said:
Ive always felt that the actual gaming discussion here at NeoGAF was embarrassing. When it comes to platform exclusive news, the community loses it's shit.

Almost all of the stupidity is concentrated in the first eight to ten pages of a major news story. Excepting a few HAHA OH WOW and mybodyisreggie .gifs sprinkled throughout, dozens of posts could be swapped for youtube comments and there would be no discernible change in thread quality.

Its only after the hysteria dies down that the thread matures-- people can discuss things intelligently and rationally. But god damn the posters here mashing F5 ready to post their sub-ten-character micro-reviews in a new thread make us look bad.

I really don't mind fans mashing F5 or whatever, or being obsessed over a game, fans will be fans, some of them are just joking and some are just hyped over a game, I had fun when people are just hanging out posting on gaf being hyped over video games we all liked to play, I mean why so serious.

My problem is when people gets bittered and serious over others' opinions.


Not sure why Destructoid is all that surprised at how batshit insane Sony's fanboys can be. Did they not pay attention this gen at all?
Your Excellency said:
We agree graphics can be measured objectively.
I don't.

The_Darkest_Red said:
Graphics and controls are subjective as well. How do you define "better" graphics? More polygons? Who decides that more polygons should imply better graphics, and why do they have that authority? Why doesn't better artstyle take priority? Continuing on that thought, what makes one artstyle better than another? So on and so forth to ad nauseum.

The fact of the matter is there are varying subjective standards that are agreed upon by the majority of gamers and game reviewers. When people talk about a game being "objectively better" they are usually referring to these types of standards. However, no majority can take a subjective measurement to the unreachable realm of objectivity.

This is like philosophy 101 stuff right here.
Revolutionary said:
This is fucking retarded. The lot of you should be ashamed for participating in this - the people who made the comments, the people who took the time out of their day to collect the comments, etc.
What ever happened to the "lol games journalism" mentality that I see floating around every few posts on GAF? Game reviews mean absolutely nothing to your own enjoyment of a videogame - getting riled up over someone's opinion of a game is nothing short of pathetic. Oh noes but that precious high 9 Metascore has been dropped by .1 points!


Seriously. And I also thought that most folks around here hated metacritic because review scores are bullshit (e.g GTA IV).


Anteater said:
I really don't mind fans mashing F5 or whatever, or being obsessed over a game, fans will be fans, some of them are just joking and some are just hyped over a game, I had fun when people are just hanging out posting on gaf being hyped over video games we all liked to play, I mean why so serious.

My problem is when people gets bittered and serious over others' opinions.
Is it okay if we get bittered and serious over the opinions others have of others' opinions?


Your Excellency said:
You tell me: if it has better graphics, better setpieces, better controls, more natural refined climbing, better gunplay, better sound and better storyline, is it better? Yes? Objectively? Yes.
How are those things objective at all? Better gunplay? There's people on GAF who believe Gears 3 has better gunplay than Vanquish, I think they're crack heads, it's entirely subjective.
Your Excellency said:
We agree graphics can be measured objectively.

Controls, you half agree they can. I would say that if the controls just work, and are not infuriating tank controls, then they're objectively more natureal.

stop digging a hole to fall in yourself....

NubCakes09 said:
Seriously. And I also thought that most folks around here hated metacritic because review scores are bullshit (e.g GTA IV).

1st party game hype maybe?


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
speedpop said:
Wouldn't surprise me if this was the reason why a lot of serious dev heads (both within the industry and on the article-writing side of things) that used to belong on GAF have gone silent over the years. Or maybe it's just me.

It's probably more like since a Microsoft vice president had to issue a press release publicly apologizing for a crass comment he made on NeoGAF, and then quietly resign to "pursue other opportunities," everyone realizes that speaking openly on a site like NeoGAF is not something that will go unnoticed. We're in the era of letting PR handlers and community managers take charge. It's understandable, if unfortunate, though we still see plenty of indie devs participating openly since they're not beholden to corporate lockstep.


Your Excellency said:
We agree graphics can be measured objectively.

To an extent. If a series is going for a certain look, and only a certain look, you can measure it against other titles in the series for stuff like consistent art and character design and lighting and junk. I haven't played U3 though so it could be horribly designed.


I enjoyed the overreaction, but without the overreaction about the overreaction, this situation wouldn't have been nearly as hilarious.


Pinko Marx said:
GAF, ya done goofed. Even though that there destructoid article is all kinds of stupid, posting a clearly satirical post. I read plenty of replies that were just downright embarrassing.
Some of y'all need a new hobby (or a girlfriend).
You guys like to LOL games journalism and say how shitty it is, talk about how the current review system sucks so much, but you get up in arms over a review.
Why are you talking about the users on GAF like they are all one homogenous being? Ever consider that the ones saying reviews are shit and lol games journalism aren't the ones crying their eyes out in the Uncharted thread?


I also don't understand the love and hysteria that Uncharted brings. They're great games, but truly not all that special.

I guess it has something to do with the fact that Uncharted was the first game to really give the PS3 legitimacy and Playstation fans immediately attached themselves emotionally to it.


The Lamonster said:
I guess Destructoid has never been to YouTube commentland or GameFAQs.
I would hope the the quality of posts on GAF were better than those found there...

Apparently I was wrong.


Green Scar said:
Oh, yeah, I think YE is a troll, I was more saying it's so hard to be sure nowadays when it comes to judging such things. The dangers of living in a hyper-ironic world, bleh
It's observable over time, anyone can make a retarded comment now and again, but your post history gives a pretty good indication of what you're up to :)
^ That's why we need post history back, like, now :lol

Loudninja said:
Or their own comment section lol.

Remember when they told that French dude to fuck off coz he was fed up at them giving him a shit review? Lol
Vice said:
To an extent. If a series is going for a certain look, and only a certain look, you can measure it against other titles in the series for stuff like consistent art and character design and lighting and junk. I haven't played U3 though so it could be horribly designed.
That doesn't make it objective. There is absolutely no standard whatsoever that can be used to judge a game that is objective.

I don't think a lot of people here are understanding the weight associated with calling something objective. From wikipedia:

A proposition is generally considered to be objectively true when its truth conditions are met and are "mind-independent"—that is, not met by the judgment of a conscious entity or subject.
Are you saying there is a transcendent standard by which games can be judged?


Socreges said:
I also don't understand the love and hysteria that Uncharted brings. They're great games, but truly not all that special.

I guess it has something to do with the fact that Uncharted was the first game to really give the PS3 legitimacy and Playstation fans immediately attached themselves emotionally to it.

Yeah, the media praising the Uncharted franchise are all Playstation fans..


Momo said:
It's observable over time, anyone can make a retarded comment now and again, but your post history gives a pretty good indication of what you're up to :)

I'm not sure you can objectively justify his intentions.
The Lamonster said:
I guess Destructoid has never been to YouTube commentland or GameFAQs.

The amount of stupidity on those sites is expected. I personally like to think NeoGAF is above the Gamespot-style system wars bullshit, but this "controversy" is doing a good job of making me think otherwise. I come here to read peoples opinions on video games, not hear them bitching about fucking review scores. Not even the god damn review, the fucking score. Give me a god damn break.


Don't take it out on Mama Robotnik. All he did was shine a light into the dark corners of GAF where cockroach poop can on occasion be found.

This all means nothing in the greater sense but just to be sure we should shut down ALL UNCHARTED threads, ban everyone who posted in the 8/10 thread, and enter a Blood-Covenant of Silence (tm) to prevent it from ever being mentioned again.

Also kill Robotnik. Seriously, fuck that guy, right?
There were like 10 users who said something outrageous. The discussion that followed could have been more substantial if it were not for the comments that continued to react to the ridiculous posts about the score.

With that said, Destructoid is the epitome of the gaming blog that attracts those 10 users.


Josh7289 said:
Is it okay if we get bittered and serious over the opinions others have of others' opinions?

I don't like them either :p that's why I got the hell out of the review thread, people were just being bittered over the bitterness and trying to get back at each other at the end.

Once it gets to a certain point, it's impossible to just make jokes and have fun.


The_Darkest_Red said:
That doesn't make it objective. There is absolutely no standard whatsoever that can be used to judge a game that is objective.

I don't think a lot of people here are understanding the weight associated with calling something objective. From wikipedia:

Are you saying there is a transcendent standard by which games can be judged?

Well, yeah I don't believe you can judge pretty much any work objectively, since reviews are opinions. So while I was incorrect to say design could be judged objectively there could be a case for pure polygon or sprite pushing power, although that would technical rather than graphical now that I think about it.

So, I was wrong. Thank you. My belief has always been a review is always subjective but now that I've though about it every aspect of any work of art is subjective since you get into personal taste when it comes to execution of certain style.


I feel like diehard Sony fans (does anyone use Psyborgs any more?) are probably the most over the top this generation about their prized series because it's tough to accept their guy has gone from a distant first to a distant third so they're in defensive mode.


Are we at this stage reacting to the overreaction of the overreaction, or have we indeed already reached the point where we're overreacting to the overreaction of the overreaction. The internet is a wonderful place.
Vice said:
Well, yeah I don't believe you can judge pretty much any work objectively, since reviews are opinions. So while I was incorrect to say design could be judged objectively there could be a case for pure polygon or sprite pushing power, although that would technical rather than graphical now that I think about it.

So, I was wrong. Thank you.
It's okay, I didn't mean to sound harsh or anything, it's just that I feel like the word "objective" is constantly misused here. You were a very minor offender in the spectrum though. :)

Anyway, an example of an objective truth would be, "there are more polygons in the model of Nathan Drake in Uncharted 3 than in the model of Mario in Super Mario 64." However, going from that statement to, "Uncharted 3 is a better looking game than SM64" takes a subjective standard, because you have to subjectively claim that more polygons equals better graphics.


daviyoung said:
I'm not sure you can objectively justify his intentions.

I have a lot of experience with trolls from modding/admining some dodgy boards to being party to dodgy communities.


Meier said:
I feel like diehard Sony fans (does anyone use Psyborgs any more?) are probably the most over the top this generation about their prized series because it's tough to accept their guy has gone from a distant first to a distant third so they're in defensive mode.
So you think making comments like this is better or something?


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
SykoTech said:
Yep. Anyone who followed from the start could see how comedic the thread was at first. Then the people complaining about the complaining wander in and make list, taking everything seriously. Then the fanatics get mad, become super defensive, and thread was just crap.
The funny part is that anything that was a specific reply to something entirely outside of the Eurogamer review still got caught in the tidal wave. Maybe the the mistake was discussing it outside of the already established multiplayer thread. But I'm amazed that the response to any disagreement with an evaluation of the multiplayer is "you haven't played the game yet." People have been playing it. For 23 days as of the start of that mayhem. I don't disagree with the notion that people arguing about the campaign is whacky, since they haven't played it. But the access to the MP of this game is an entirely unique situation, and unless you just redeemed a code on Monday, you've played the game enough to laugh at the idea that it is "tacked on."


Meier said:
I feel like diehard Sony fans (does anyone use Psyborgs any more?) are probably the most over the top this generation about their prized series because it's tough to accept their guy has gone from a distant first to a distant third so they're in defensive mode.

Ps3 is distant third? I thought the X360 and the Ps3 have sold almost the same amount of hardware so far?
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