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Details for Last of Us PSN release and the Season Pass (1 SP & 2 MP DLC packs)


Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member


what I most love is that they're asking people to go all in with the Season Pass (on top of the shit that people who purchased a pass last time had to go through), and one of the primary reasons is because of 2 Multiplayer DLC packs.

And yet, to date, they have not even given us a shred of information about the multiplayer. :p

The story of this fucked up generation in a nutshell. Industry is fucked, watch the world burn.


I can't believe this is happening. They haven't told people about MP ( game launches in 2 or so weeks ) and they want people to pre-order MP DLC? Who is running the show up there? A feces throwing, glue huffing monkey?

My head just aches trying to figure the thought process that lead to these decisions. But I guess this is the modern video games industry. Amazing.
Single player upgrades? Why? So this is how the game probably was originally and they just lowered the settings afterwards so you would need to buy it. Probably required for hardest mode.

if it's anything like dead space 3 preorder bonus, using the bonus is easy mode, I regret playing dead space 3 with preorder bonus, the game is way too easy, your starting weapon is too good and I really have no need to craft weapons.


Fuck this shit. I was looking forward to watching the making of videos.

Edit: I don't care about the multiplayer. I'll probably never touch it. It would be nice if they would include the making of videos with the single player DLC. I'd bite at a reasonable price.


I think multiplayer might be awesome obviously im only hoping but might make you want the extra maps etc. Who knows but if its awesome what are u going to do?


in a game where the whole point is tools and materials are scarce and you have to try to survive with what you find

seems logical

Just guessing, according to the demo I played(which will be released on Friday), the upgrades are in SP.
I've played easy and hard(survival is blocked in the demo). Most time when I encounter enemies, Joel would be dead after 3-4 shots or 1 bite from infected. So it won't change the experience too much, the battle is still exciting.

The difference I spot is the supply. In easy mode, more supply is provided.
If the extra bonus is for SP, that gives some advantages to players to upgrade their weapons and increase skills. Meanwhile saves some medicine and tools and materials. But those upgrades won't make the gun a super weapon.


I'm getting the game at a discount due to buying Ascension at launch so buying this pass will make it regular price, $59.99. Hopefully it's better than the Uncharted 3 pass.
Naughty Dog, why you no tell me more about the multiplayer?



Are people honestly not expecting the multiplayer to just be a third person shooter with some deathmatch modes, a capture the flag type mode and territories mode?


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
SP DLC is a bad thing to you? Wat.
I get what he's saying. When it gets announced before launch that a story heavy game is gonna have story content locked behind a paywall, it definitely lowers my hype for the game. It sucks even more when after playing the game you realize the gaps in the main plot are there cause of the SP DLC. I'm not saying the SP DLC in TLoU will be like that, but from my limited experience with SP DLC, it usually does turn out to be like that. So I can see why he would want to wait for a price drop before purchasing the game. At least that way he's fully informed on what the base game includes, what's in the DLC, and he'll probably be able to purchase both for less than $60.

Are people honestly not expecting the multiplayer to just be a third person shooter with some deathmatch modes, a capture the flag type mode and territories mode?
I would be a disappointed if it turned out like that. All the secrecy behind it just has me thinking there's a hook to the mp they don't want to spoil till the last second.


I had $60 and change in my PSN wallet so I just got the game for now. I'd welcome future SP DLC but I'm not sure how I feel about the bonuses. How long do those things last anyway? Are they time limited? I remember when I bought RDR I got some sort of perk that I hardly used because I didn't like deadeye or whatever it was called.


I had $60 and change in my PSN wallet so I just got the game for now. I'd welcome future SP DLC but I'm not sure how I feel about the bonuses. How long do those things last anyway? Are they time limited? I remember when I bought RDR I got some sort of perk that I hardly used because I didn't like deadeye or whatever it was called.
How long do they last?

They are early access to upgrades that you can already get in the game.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
I had $60 and change in my PSN wallet so I just got the game for now. I'd welcome future SP DLC but I'm not sure how I feel about the bonuses. How long do those things last anyway? Are they time limited? I remember when I bought RDR I got some sort of perk that I hardly used because I didn't like deadeye or whatever it was called.
I'm sure the bonuses will just be an unlock key that you can choose to not download if you don't want them. Like the U2/U3 preorder MP bonuses they released.


How long do they last?

They early access to upgrades that you can already get in the game.

Thanks for the clarification. I didn't realize they were just advancing you something that was already in the game.

I'm sure the bonuses will just be an unlock key that you can choose to not download if you don't want them. Like the U2/U3 preorder MP bonuses they released.

Hopefully. It would be good to pick and choose the downloads. Something about getting early access to unlocks doesn't sit right with me given the nature and setting of the game.


I get what he's saying. When it gets announced before launch that a story heavy game is gonna have story content locked behind a paywall, it definitely lowers my hype for the game. It sucks even more when after playing the game you realize the gaps in the main plot are there cause of the SP DLC. I'm not saying the SP DLC in TLoU will be like that, but from my limited experience with SP DLC, it usually does turn out to be like that. So I can see why he would want to wait for a price drop before purchasing the game. At least that way he's fully informed on what the base game includes, what's in the DLC, and he'll probably be able to purchase both for less than $60.

I would be a disappointed if it turned out like that. All the secrecy behind it just has me thinking there's a hook to the mp they don't want to spoil till the last second.

There is practically zero chance that any SP DLC will just be cutting room floor shit. I would bet my word that it will be post production additional side-plot type stuff that you won't see for some time down the road. To think otherwise to me implies a lack of respect for the developer in question.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
There is practically zero chance that any SP DLC will just be cutting room floor shit. I would bet my word that it will be post production additional side-plot type stuff that you won't see for some time down the road. To think otherwise to me implies a lack of respect for the developer in question.
I didn't say it would be, I just said most SP DLC I've played has turned up like that so I can understand why someone would take a wait and see approach after hearing a SP DLC announcement right before release. And I don't think it's disrespectful to think that and treat them with the same cynicism I would treat any other dev especially after the way they handled the U3 season pass.
I would be a disappointed if it turned out like that. All the secrecy behind it just has me thinking there's a hook to the mp they don't want to spoil till the last second.

Makes me think that they just don't want all the negativity about how the MP is just another shooter to blow up till the game is almost out! I mean, c'mon, just reveal the stupid thing already. You're already asking us to pay for more of the goddamn thing.


Looks like a SP spoiler to me. TY.

I'll make it a clickable. I haven't been following every piece of tlou media, I just saw it when I went to their blog and it's under info from their season pass. I don't think naughty dog would post it if it were inherently spoilery, and I dont feel its spoilery myself. it's just silhouettes.


So GameStop is offering the download voucher for the soundtrack... I want that. It looks all I got for pre-ordering on PSN was a static theme. I'm still not clear on whether or not I get the sights & sounds pack later on.


The Last of Us ($59.99)
Abandoned cities reclaimed by nature. A population decimated by a modern plague. Survivors are killing each other for food, weapons; whatever they can get their hands on. Joel, a brutal survivor, and Ellie, a brave young teenage girl who is wise beyond her years, must work together if they hope to survive their journey across the US. Download The Last of Us Pre-Order Bundle which includes the full game, PSN Pre-Order Theme, and Sights & Sounds Pack.

it'll probably go live when the store updates on June 11th or on release day


I'll make it a clickable. I haven't been following every piece of tlou media, I just saw it when I went to their blog and it's under info from their season pass. I don't think naughty dog would post it if it were inherently spoilery, and I dont feel its spoilery myself. it's just silhouettes.

Well think about it, man.
The rear silhouette is a good 3-4 feet taller than a normal human and is most likely an enemy type we've never seen. Regardless of whose dumb decision at ND or related PR it was to include that, it shouldn't be out in the open. Especially with some of our members on blackout.


As excited as I am/was for this, I've come to the realization that I didn't need the Survival Edition after all, so I cancelled my pre-order. The art book would have been nice, but all of the other items [MP DLC, steelbook, etc.] didn't interest me enough to pay the additional $35 [including shipping] for the SE.

As for the game, I don't think I'll purchase it right away [I have enough games as it is right now], but I'll likely pick it up a few months from now [hopefully for a cheaper price, we'll see].

I'll be interested in reading all of the impressions come launch, though. I was super-excited for the game when it was revealed, but somewhere along the line my hype diminished. I think my backlog has a lot to do with it. Sometimes having more games than you have the time to play can be more of a burden than anything else. ~_~



The Last of Us ($59.99)
Abandoned cities reclaimed by nature. A population decimated by a modern plague. Survivors are killing each other for food, weapons; whatever they can get their hands on. Joel, a brutal survivor, and Ellie, a brave young teenage girl who is wise beyond her years, must work together if they hope to survive their journey across the US. Download The Last of Us Pre-Order Bundle which includes the full game, PSN Pre-Order Theme, and Sights & Sounds Pack.

it'll probably go live when the store updates on June 14th or on release day

Thank you, sir!


If they didn't include the soundtrack like retail pre-orders then I wouldn't do it, but I got some credit on PSN still so I'll get the regular DD version. Not much really has been worth it with these season passes, maybe Borderlands 2 but even then I still think you are better off just picking one or two things you want when they are on sale.

Still like to hear how many GB and it's just weird UK can pre install the whole game but for some reason they don 't do it in the US.


As saddened as I am to see single-player DLC, does this honestly surprise anyone by now?

As long as the actual game [non-DLC] offers the full story, and doesn't contain a "To Be Continued..." scenario, I see no real issue with it.

Yes, it's unfortunate that developers feel the need to essentially "hold back" content to sell at a later date, but there's no telling when this content was developed. It's possible that it was created well after the game was finished, so it splice it into the final product might have been difficult.

As I said, I'm not intending to purchase the game at launch [but I will at a later date], I'm just curious as to why so many are deciding not to purchase the game because of single-player DLC. If it's additional, and has no real impact on the core storyline, you can just as easily avoid it entirely. I view it as a "bonus/side-story" that can either be viewed/played for additional information, or ignored in its entirety.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion(s) on the matter, of course. :)


Suffering From Success
Wait, can someone clarify this to me?
DLC is available widely and you can get it separately regardless of Season Pass or do you get DLC only if you choose Season Pass? I am confus.


Wait, can someone clarify this to me?
DLC is available widely and you can get it separately regardless of Season Pass or do you get DLC only if you choose Season Pass? I am confus.
Season passes are for savings you can still get the DLC separate.
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