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DF Performance Analysis: Diablo 3 at 1080p on Xbox One


But Frame rate is king..no?

EDIT: The advantage of 1080 outweighs the small hit in frame rate especially if it's only during busy scenes and still doesn't drops below 50FPS, the perception for the vast majority of players would still be of 60FPS (perceptual 60FPS)
Phil Spencer just said framerate was more important than Resolution. Diablo Was locked at 60fps when it was 900p. He completely contradicted himself, I take him less serious then I already did.

"Reaching parity with our partners has been important. But in the end I don't want it to be about a number, because 1080p isn't some mythical, perfect resolution. Framerate to me is significantly more important to gameplay than resolution and the mix of those two which brings the right art style and freedom, whether it's on PlayStation or our platform."

I would say he worded it exactly right so people couldn't say he contradicted himself.
Not really. Instead of people having a mature discussion about the real story here, which is that the XB1 version is very nearly equal to the PS4 version, and probably due to the Kinect reservation helping them accomplish this, we have people making a very big deal out of minor framerate drops on the XB1 because they're mad the resolution is the same on both consoles. It's a fanboy war, pure and simple.

There are some people in here for real discussion, but they're the minority.

Well said.
Phil Spencer just said framerate was more important than Resolution. Diablo Was locked at 60fps when it was 900p. He completely contradicted himself, I take him less serious then I already did.

Did it ever occur to you that Phil Spencer might not have been the guy that called up the Diablo developers and said "let's get your game to 1080p guys"? Did it ever occur to you that there are lots of people that work in the Xbox division, and some of them may even have disagreements over which is more important, framerate or resolution?

Did it also ever occur to you that maybe that quote from the developer about hitting 1080p wasn't really an exact quote, but was more just his way of expressing that Microsoft wanted to help them hit 1080p with the new SDK changes they implemented?
I don't see an awful lot of technical discussion and analysis in this thread, just a lot of console wars.

So let's try and get it on topic:

What are people's thoughts on:

1) The relatively close performance of the game between the two consoles, despite the alleged 50% power gap? Have they gimped the PS4 version? Should they have added more graphical effects? Should they have dialled back effects on the xbox one to guarantee that 60fps and what effects do we think are the "expensive" ones in a game like D3?

2) Why do we think that the framerate dips occur in some relatively quiet moments? Is it loading ahead of textures, perhaps? Any other factor?

My guess is they've capped the framerate at 60 on both systems in order to reduce stutter. Unlocked, it's certainly possible the PS4 (and XB1) could hit noticeably higher numbers. I haven't watched the DF analysis yet, but if the PS4 isn't dropping frames at all then that means an unlocked framerate would give it at least 60+ on the low end when action is busy, so it could very well be going MUCH higher than that on occasion.

So in any case, I don't think they gimped the PS4 version at all. We just can't see the performance gap because they capped the framerate, similar to games that run at 1080p/30 on both systems. PS4 might be hitting 45-50 often and XB1 sitting in the 30s, but when you cap them both it will appear to be the same performance.

Not that any of this is a bad thing - though I do wish devs would include a framerate lock option, since I am one of the few who actually prefers a game run unlocked. (had no issues with TR or Infamous)

stay gold

900p all the time or occasional drops to low 50s, easy call, MS made the right choice.

Spencers comments obviously meant they wouldn't force devs to run at 1080p if it would result in a disaster of a framerate. I mean come on...


So it runs at 60 fps with dips to the low 50s?What's wrong with that?! Would anyone even notice if it was 60 or 52? Doesn't last of us dip to below 50? Should have gone 900p. ;)


The most interesting news is how MS insisted in upgrading the resolution, even given the secret code to unlock the power from another universe.


Gold Member
I think that based on the responses in here Naughty Dog should have probably offered the 60fps experience at 900p due to the frame drops in tlou on PS4. That would have guaranteed a silky smooth 60fps on the console.

I see someone noticed a frame drops on TLOU which according to DF happened only once during their test and is generally silky smooth but then for Diablo 3 on Xbone dropping to 50's it's all ok and it's not noticeable, right....


I see someone noticed a frame drops on TLOU which according to DF happened only once during their test and is generally silky smooth but then for Diablo 3 on Xbone dropping to 50's it's all ok and it's not noticeable, right....
Your sarcasm meter..its broke.

Just outlines the huge double standards that are so prevailent here.
Can we go back to the days when some early ps1 console games allowed us to change visual settings for the better, i'd take a 900p drop for solid 60 over 1080, even though it kind of sucks that the xbox one has to do that in the first place.


Wonder what the frame rate is like in areas like rakkis crossing where my 100+ fps on pc can drop to single digits. Was that area a problem as well on the ps360 versions?

This was actually my first thought when I read that. GAF never disappoints, lmao!
The most interesting news is how MS insisted in upgrading the resolution, even given the secret code to unlock the power from another universe.

LOL I'm not sure if that's where it came from but it is awesome that the Xbox team work that closely with dev partners to help performance.


Gold Member
Great! So, I guess this means we won't see bickering about small fluctuations in framerate on PS4 then right?

I know right? I mean once released, if Uncharted 4 ever see fluctuations I guess we won't see any complains from the usual suspects.
I swear to christ some of you just need to summarize your posts as "HYPOCRACY" and "HIVEMIND" so that we can see your argument for what it truly is: a waste of time.

We've gotten to the point where agreeing with the article's subjective conclusion means you're an anti-Xbox fanboy.


I watched that youtube video showing the XboxOne frame rate drops and this insanity has to end.

I cant believe this is the conversation of EVERY single game that comes out. Scrutinizing absolutely every single detail to the point every pixel needs to be analyzed. Stop.

Its to the point were its downright psychotic. If we didn't have a line graph (seriously...) or numbers represented at the top left corner NONE of us would be able to tell there was a "difference". No wonder the gaming industry is catabolizing itself when this is the "fan base" the developers are working for. This is embarrassing.

You are on an enthusiast forum.

If you go on avsforum you'll find people who only buy BluRays for the best picture quality possible. If you go on HydrogenAudio you'll find people who buy music based on the clarity of the masters. If you go on NeoGAF, you'll find people who like to discuss the technical details of video games. Shocker.


LOL I'm not sure if that's where it came from but it is awesome that the Xbox team work that closely with dev partners to help performance.
If Destiny can hit and hold a good frame rate it bodes well for X1 multiplats to offer a quality experience even if the ps4 version will be better.


Have we seen an Xbox One game keep framerate AND resolution parity with a PS4 version by dropping other technical aspects yet? Model detail, shadows, AO, AF, AA? I know Watch Dogs on Xbox One had worse Ambient Occlusion or something but was also 792p IIRC?

I wonder if gamers would complain more or less if these settings were tweaked instead of framerate/resolution. They're generally held up as "the big ones" and lots of PC gamers will readily drop shadows and other effects before touching framerate or res, but I kinda suspect developers don't want people to take screenshots of Xbox One and PS4 and be like "hey look! this model is worse!" etc. That was pretty common last gen, lots of games had crappier textures on PS3 I believe?


Which part of discuss the subject, not console warrior bullshit are people not getting? Take the preemptive whining about what people might or might not do in the future and the wailing about hypocrisy out of this thread.


Wonder what the frame rate is like in areas like rakkis crossing where my 100+ fps on pc can drop to single digits. Was that area a problem as well on the ps360 versions?

I think that the PC version had heavier mobs. Not sure what they're doing on the XB1/PS4.


This thread has had very little technical discussion, and a whole lot of "lol Xbone" discussion. Unfortunately that's what these threads have become.

It's annoying as all heck.

One poster declares "HA WE WON!" while another decrees that "IT'S ALL ABOUT HAVING FUN I DON'T CARE ABOUT THIS".

Just clogs the thread up with nonsense.

Anyway, the resolution increase is great but the timing of those drops is indeed peculiar as there doesn't seem to be much going on to bog down the framerate. I would like to see how both versions hold up with four Witch Doctors casting against rooms full of mobs.

Have this preloaded and ready waiting for me at home!


Umm the original df article said the ps4 did not perform as well as the Xbone at 900p.

The new patch fixed the framing issue that made the performance issue noticeable but this do article clearly says they haven't fully tested it.

So where are you guys getting "rock solid 60 fps"?

It could very possibly dip as well. This article is comparing the 1080p xbone to 900p xbone.

900p xbone was the one version df claimed rock solid 60 fps so far.

We have to wait for the real comparison.
Umm the original df article said the ps4 did not perform as well as the Xbone at 900p.

The new patch fixed the framing issue that made the performance issue noticeable but this do article clearly says they haven't fully tested it.

So where are you guys getting "rock solid 60 fps"?

It could very possibly dip as well. This article is comparing the 1080p xbone to 900p xbone.

900p xbone was the one version df claimed rock solid 60 fps so far.

The original DF article said that the game itself ran perfectly at 60 FPS, but that certain geometry in the game wasn't animating at 60 FPS.

It's possible that there's a difference since the patch, but it's unlikely.


Whelp seems a decent improvement. It was very unlikely they be able to jump from 900p to 1080p without something taking a hit somewhere else: and in this case it's the fps.

The game overall isn't going to be the most taxing (a few sections aside) and is one I'd expect to be pretty close to parity.

Sounds like MS should be sending their hit squad around more often though : seems often developers can only get do far with the architecture/tools at this point without some assistance.
If the frame rate drops to low 50's in only the most taxing scenes then the bump up to 1080P is worth it.

A side by side, X1/PS4 comparison during similar system pushing scenes would go a long way in knowing what exactly the losses and gains equate to visually.
TE=BruiserBear;1261 0441 4]Did it ever occur to you that Phil Spencer might not have been the guy that called up the Diablo developers and said "let's get your game to 1080p guys"? Did it ever occur to you that there are lots of people that work in the Xbox division, and some of them may even have disagreements over which is more important, framerate or resolution?

Did it also ever occur to you that maybe that quote from the developer about hitting 1080p wasn't really an exact quote, but was more just his way of expressing that Microsoft wanted to help them hit 1080p with the new SDK changes they implemented?[/QUOTE]

With all businesses or corporations The head takes the brunt of the responsibility. He made a statement a few days ago, that framerate is most important. The devs said MS felt 900p was unacceptable, yet Diablo Was locked at 60fps.

I like clear concise messaging from the top down. If it's true MS forced them to bump the resolution, and the game is no longer locked. It's clearly a contradiction with the messaging with the company.


Whelp seems a decent improvement. It was very unlikely they be able to jump from 900p to 1080p without something taking a hit somewhere else: and in this case it's the fps.

The game overall isn't going to be the most taxing (a few sections aside) and is one I'd expect to be pretty close to parity.

Sounds like MS should be sending their hit squad around more often though : seems often developers can only get do far with the architecture/tools at this point without some assistance.

How many titles have worked with MS's engineers now to bump up res? I know Destiny did. Impressive effort from Microsoft if they're really doing a significant portion of the work here. Is that unprecedented? I don't recall it happening before, seems like a sensible way to help dev relations at the same time as making games look better on your console.


Umm the original df article said the ps4 did not perform as well as the Xbone at 900p.

The new patch fixed the framing issue that made the performance issue noticeable but this do article clearly says they haven't fully tested it.

So where are you guys getting "rock solid 60 fps"?

It could very possibly dip as well. This article is comparing the 1080p xbone to 900p xbone.

900p xbone was the one version df claimed rock solid 60 fps so far.
The original article also stated the PS4 version was as solid as the XO version
Having tested both extensively over the last few days, with a mind to produce a full Face-Off feature once the Gamescom mania is dispensed with, the promise of 60fps is, on the face of it, delivered on both of the new-wave consoles. We ran both versions of the game through our analysis tools, which reported a flawless frame-rate on both - but there's a catch

DF still havent finished their face-off article so we will have all this to go through again...

ps3ud0 8)


That must have been one of the worst DF articles I've ever read.

In areas with more enemies and effects - like the Tristram gates battle, or chaotic Act Two overground encounters - we now see frame-rates drop from the locked 60fps seen at 900p to the low 50s.

Chaotic A2 overground encounters? What? No one cares about story/campaign performance. You will be playing this for maybe 4-5h if you haven't played the story before. The majority of this game is playing in parties and clearing Rifts and Bounties. Even while leveling up. As long as they don't test the performance in those cases it means nothing.

This is how a normal 4 player Rift looks like in most of the encounters (just a quick find on YT - I don't know who the guys playing are but it is a decent representation of how the game looks most of the time for everyone who's never seen it):


This is the time when you want a solid framerate to be able to dodge and react quickly. All this talk about some dropped frames in desolate and barren areas while running around with a Barbarian and pummeling enemies without any full screen spell effects is REALLY conclusive. Thanks, DF!
If the frame rate drops to low 50's in only the most taxing scenes then the bump up to 1080P is worth it.

A side by side, X1/PS4 comparison during similar system pushing scenes would go a long way in knowing what exactly the losses and gains equate to visually.

Agree with this.


That must have been one of the worst DF articles I've ever read.

Chaotic A2 overground encounters? What? No one cares about story/campaign performance. You will be playing this for maybe 4-5h if you haven't played the story before. The majority of this game is playing in parties and clearing Rifts and Bounties. Even while leveling up. As long as they don't test the performance in those cases it means nothing.

This is how a normal 4 player Rift looks like in most of the encounters (just a quick find on YT - I don't know who the guys playing are but it is a decent representation of how the game looks most of the time for everyone who's never seen it):


This is the time when you want a solid framerate to be able to dodge and react quickly. All this talk about some dropped frames in desolate and barren areas while running around with a Barbarian and pummeling enemies without any full screen spell effects is REALLY conclusive. Thanks, DF!

You're right, I hope they do some benchmarks in those areas in the full faceoff.
That must have been one of the worst DF articles I've ever read.

Chaotic A2 overground encounters? What? No one cares about story/campaign performance. You will be playing this for maybe 4-5h if you haven't played the story before. The majority of this game is playing in parties and clearing Rifts and Bounties. Even while leveling up. As long as they don't test the performance in those cases it means nothing.

This is how a normal 4 player Rift looks like in most of the encounters (just a quick find on YT - I don't know who the guys playing are but it is a decent representation of how the game looks most of the time for everyone who's never seen it):


This is the time when you want a solid framerate to be able to dodge and react quickly. All this talk about some dropped frames in desolate and barren areas while running around with a Barbarian and pummeling enemies without any full screen spell effects is REALLY conclusive. Thanks, DF!

This article is just a follow up to Digital Foundry's brief preview-code impressions. It's not an in-depth analysis.

EDIT: You're right that this isn't nearly the worst the drops could be, however.


hide your water-based mammals
Given the lack of severe drops, I see very little wrong with this. I would expect this to be a solid 60 but the drops don't look bad.

This article is just a follow up to Digital Foundry's brief preview-code impressions. It's not an in-depth analysis.

You know, it's great for what they do but they need to stop milking this stuff. Just give us the one definitive article with analysis.


"Huge" double standards that are prevalent here? care to elaborate?

Last time I checked this is GAF not N4G....

No, he doesn't want to clarify, because a mod has already told you to quit talking about hypocrisy and double standards. Either discuss the technical details of the article, or move on.


Phil Spencer said:
But in the end I don’t want it to be about a number, because 1080p isn’t some mythical, perfect resolution. Frame rate to me is significantly more important to gameplay than resolution and the mix of those two which brings the right art style and freedom, whether it’s on PlayStation or our platform.

Microsoft said:
This is unacceptable. You need to figure out a way to get a better resolution.

Also, wow, a five page thead already littered with grey user names.
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