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Digital Foundry: Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection is more than just a remaster


As I say I agree that is clear as to why they have done it I never said otherwise, I can see I have rattled some.

You missed the if part of that statement. It's not like DF have only just started making videos. You only have to look at the frame rate analysis videos for evidence of that.
Saying that DF are aping NX is more than a bit disingenuous, as DF have made quite a name for themselves with their technical analysis breakdowns, and it's not tough to see how NX may have seen an opportunity there.
As for the bolded, don't flatter yourself.


You missed the if part of that statement. It's not like DF have only just started making videos. You only have to look at the frame rate analysis videos for evidence of that.
Saying that DF are aping NX is more than a bit disingenuous, as DF have made quite a name for themselves with their technical analysis breakdowns, and it's not tough to see how NX may have seen an opportunity there.
As for the bolded, don't flatter yourself.
it really is not but I have no desire to continue a pointless argument, you are using the word "disingenuous" in not only the wrong context but conversation, but let's leave it as it is now derailing the thread not my aim.

If I don't then who will ;-)


Those textures aren't the same. Look at the scratches on Garrus' collar. They aren't there at all in the lower res one.

That's what I'm saying. A texture bump means the texture is higher resolution. The image texture is larger. When you have a larger image you can paint more detail in the texture. If something is 256px X 256px, will the brushes be small enough to pain scratches? Bump the resolution to 2048 X 2048 and you can gets all kinds of detail in the texture that you could never get before. Of course, you have to redo the texture. You can't just resize it in photoshop. I am pretty sure that Naughty Dog created higher resolution textures and scaled them to fit into the PS3 memory. So if that's the case, you could use those textures. If they didn't, all the textures have to be redone.


it really is not but I have no desire to continue a pointless argument, you are using the word "disingenuous" in not only the wrong context but conversation, but let's leave it as it is now derailing the thread not my aim.

If I don't then who will ;-)

Fine, I'll drop it, but you should really learn what disingenuous means before trying to give me a lesson on its definition.

disingenuous - not candid or sincere, typically by pretending that one knows less about something than one really does.


No. You don't go from blurry mess to super crisp from 720p to 1080p.

Blurrier doesn't mean blurry. Do the test on a PC game.
What blurry mess? You should replay UC3 and watch this specific scene. In this particular scene all the added detail are coming from 1080p real time rendering compared to 720p compressed cutscene in the original. Or you seriously think that they're redrawing textures for UC3 as well as UC1? UC3 PS3 assets are fine.

It is a texture bump.

See above. I'm pretty sure that most of UC3 textures are the same as they were on PS3. You're getting more details because of higher frame buffer resolution and different lightning setup. A rendering resolution bump can do wonders to assets if they're of high quality.

Edit: Ah, I've watched the video and now I see what you're talking about - Nate's clothes textures are a clear improvement, yes. I guess they've took the highest quality assets they had for cutscenes and such and used these since there is no need to fit them all into 512 MB of memory anymore.

Nightmare fuel.


This thread went places.

Uncharted Collection: it's more than a remaster.... it's a revengeance.

Edit: Excited! Will pick this up when I get my Star Wars Limited PlayStation that everybody seems to hate.


What blurry mess? You should replay UC3 and watch this specific scene. In this particular scene all the added detail are coming from 1080p real time rendering compared to 720p compressed cutscene in the original. Or you seriously think that they're redrawing textures for UC3 as well as UC1? UC3 PS3 assets are fine.

See above. I'm pretty sure that most of UC3 textures are the same as they were on PS3. You're getting more details because of higher frame buffer resolution and different lightning setup. A rendering resolution bump can do wonders to assets if they're of high quality.

Oh well, you told us !

Wait. Wait.

By that I mean, can you please open your eyes ? And stop arguing blatant facts ? Thanks.

Love <3 .


This isn't res bump.


What blurry mess? You should replay UC3 and watch this specific scene. In this particular scene all the added detail are coming from 1080p real time rendering compared to 720p compressed cutscene in the original. Or you seriously think that they're redrawing textures for UC3 as well as UC1? UC3 PS3 assets are fine.

See above. I'm pretty sure that most of UC3 textures are the same as they were on PS3. You're getting more details because of higher frame buffer resolution and different lightning setup. A rendering resolution bump can do wonders to assets if they're of high quality.

They are not the same textures. The textures on UC3 are blurrier because the resolution is low. Here is an Ellie facial UV Map painted at 128px X 128px and one painted at 512px X 512px. As you can see we can paint more detail in 512 map. Imagine how much more detail we could paint if the size was quadrupled, when we bump the texture resolution because we have more memory. Notice how it is impossible to paint the freckles on the smaller map.

Looks really good on PS4 and great job by BP.

But can't believe how good it still looks on PS3 specially UC2. ND are just above and beyond most of the high profile studios. Incredible.


Every time I see someone complain that the NDC lacks multi-player, my first thought is, "Uncharted has multi-player? Why?" I've played through each game multiple times and never touched anything other than the single player experience. When it's so perfectly crafted, why would you want to play anything else?


O_O nightmare fuel.

Lol! If you ever get into game development or modeling/texture mapping you will see a lot of this. When you draw the texture you have to draw it on a 2d plane by flattening the model to 2 dimensions. It is called a UV unwrap. Sorry, I see this discussion is going nowhere. I should have posted the model.
I can't wait for this. Looks amazing. Coming from 360 and GoW3R and TLOU R naughty dog is my new favorite studio. Excited to get these since I had no PS3.


Junior Member
The Nate model changes from 1 are simply due to using the model from 3 as was a no brainier you can see the same face structure and hair.
I think they transplanted Nate's U3 scalp hair but otherwise it looks firmly based on the original UDF model, with tweaks to the ears, nostril area, lips and clearer eyelashes.



it really is not but I have no desire to continue a pointless argument, you are using the word "disingenuous" in not only the wrong context but conversation, but let's leave it as it is now derailing the thread not my aim.

If I don't then who will ;-)

Nah, his usage of the word was fine. Watch that backfire, man.


The big question I have is whether they've improved the actual gameplay in Uncharted 1. If it plays more like the sequels then it will be almost a whole new game.
As one who's a proponent of keeping things classic, I don't believe you're suggesting that they tamper with uncharted 1's gameplay, the 60fps and no tearing should be good enough as it is. Let Uncharted 3 play like Uncharted 3 and Uncharted 1 play like Uncharted 1.

Ding ding ding

It makes a difference at any frame-rate. You can still see gaps at 60fps anyways.

It really should be included.
I just don't understand this, we've just had a bevy of below 30fps remasters on basic looking games (saints row, zombi, payday) etc....What we're getting here is an already great looking series, with thorough improvements to textures, models, lighting, shadows, AA, dof, improved shaders and effects at 1080p 60fps, but what do we do? we choose to complain about motion blur not being present......At this point, they should just offer a 30fps/w MB option for the two persons who want to play that way, there's no way we should be losing a solid 60fps on account of an MB implementation. The dev is great, the PS4 console is a good one but it doesn't have infinite power......

I wish more complaining would be projected at obvious bad ports like RE-R2, Alien Isolation, Remake, Xenoverse, Zombi etc....Most of the time, all we get from DF is that such games are cpu limited.......


As one who's a proponent of keeping things classic, I don't believe you're suggesting that they tamper with uncharted 1's gameplay, the 60fps and no tearing should be good enough as it is. Let Uncharted 3 play like Uncharted 3 and Uncharted 1 play like Uncharted 1.

I just don't understand this, we've just had a bevy of below 30fps remasters on basic looking games (saints row, zombi, payday) etc....What we're getting here is an already great looking series, with thorough improvements to textures, models, lighting, shadows, AA, dof, improved shaders and effects at 1080p 60fps, but what do we do? we choose to complain about motion blur not being present......At this point, they should just offer a 30fps/w MB option for the two persons who want to play that way, there's no way we should be losing a solid 60fps on account of an MB implementation. The dev is great, the PS4 console is a good one but it doesn't have infinite power......

I wish more complaining would be projected at obvious bad ports like RE-R2, Alien Isolation, Remake, Xenoverse, Zombi etc....Most of the time, all we get from DF is that such games are cpu limited.......

But the article said as much, and was very positive. It's still worth pointing out what's missing.


I just don't understand this, we've just had a bevy of below 30fps remasters on basic looking games (saints row, zombi, payday) etc....What we're getting here is an already great looking series, with thorough improvements to textures, models, lighting, shadows, AA, dof, improved shaders and effects at 1080p 60fps, but what do we do? we choose to complain about motion blur not being present......At this point, they should just offer a 30fps/w MB option for the two persons who want to play that way, there's no way we should be losing a solid 60fps on account of an MB implementation. The dev is great, the PS4 console is a good one but it doesn't have infinite power......

You're right, this is a great collection that they're working with.

But come on, the PS4 can do 60fps and MB on a PS3 game, no it doesn't have infinite power, but it's not like it's asking for 1440p downsampling.

That said, there's a difference between complaining and wishing something was there, and I hope people here are doing the latter.


I had no desire to get this collection, but hearing about the improved Uncharted 1 makes me kinda curious. It's been so long since I last touched it.
Love to hear they're doing the franchise justice, but I'll wait before picking this one up.


No, it's not. They even addressed way more improvements and even gameplay enhancements in their Wind Waker HD analysis (map and item management via GamePad and faster sail makes it at least a 20 % better game by default) yet never said anything as stupid as "it's more than a remaster"... whatever that is supposed to mean.

That there are some texture improvements that you have to look for with a magnifier doesn't make it a remake, I can't even comprehend how they believe making a video that shows the absolute same thing happening on each side and that the framework is entirely unchanged would support their implication that it's a remake.

Not saying it can't be fun, not saying it should be boycotted, not saying it isn't great for people that have never played Uncharted. But ultimately it's just another cash grab (that's what Digital Foundry calls the Saints Row 4 and Sleeping Dogs remasters even though they have a higher resolution, better framerate and textures as well) made possible by a missing backward compatibility.
LOL, why so salty? You seem to hate ND games for whatever reason.


You're right, this is a great collection that they're working with.

But come on, the PS4 can do 60fps and MB on a PS3 game, no it doesn't have infinite power, but it's not like it's asking for 1440p downsampling.

That said, there's a difference between complaining and wishing something was there, and I hope people here are doing the latter.

No, I'm complaining because it's something that was in the original games, hence part of the original artistic vision and it should be included.


Aftershock LA
I'm just really excited to see the return of Eddie Raja, the true star of Uncharted: Drake's Fortune.

He should get his own spin off series. Him, Sully, Chloe, and Cutter, all need to be in more games.


I always turn off motion blur tbh. On PC if you are at 30 motion blur is often way too strong, then at 60 (where I always play) its so minimal imo. I'd rather have the clearer IQ honestly.

To be fair, I haven't played with it on in a long time so I'll give it another shot I guess.


Bluepoint is awesome. I'm super excited for this collection. I've somehow only played the first game, and I look back on it very fondly. I'm honestly as anxious to go back to it with all the improvements as I am to finally play 2 and 3. Such a gem of a game.


Edit: Ah, I've watched the video and now I see what you're talking about - Nate's clothes textures are a clear improvement, yes. I guess they've took the highest quality assets they had for cutscenes and such and used these since there is no need to fit them all into 512 MB of memory anymore.

That can't be it, since the textures in the cutscenes are improved as well.


But the article said as much, and was very positive. It's still worth pointing out what's missing.
Yes, the article was a good one, but I think we're missing the forest for the trees here. I do think the absence of motion blur is primarily because they opted for 60fps, so it's a bit wild to say it's simply missing.

I think 30fps with MB is the other option they can go for, frankly I'd rather the devs concentrate on polishing the framerate from the odd drops still present, not bother with MB on a 60fps title. I'd also like to see how many MB enthusiasts would play the series at 30fps with MB as oppposed to 60fps solid with none? Just like I wonder how many persons played TLOU-R with better shadows at 30fps as opposed to 60fps solid.

You're right, this is a great collection that they're working with.

But come on, the PS4 can do 60fps and MB on a PS3 game, no it doesn't have infinite power, but it's not like it's asking for 1440p downsampling.

That said, there's a difference between complaining and wishing something was there, and I hope people here are doing the latter.
Well, I won't call the Uncharted Series any old PS3 game, that series including tlou pushed the hardware a great deal, tlou at one point was'nt even running at 10fps on the PS4 close enough to release, these are not run of the mill games and code.

I'm looking at all the improvements they made including no pre-rendered cutscenes and it's really not out of the ordinary to believe that they chose 60fps over 30fps with MB, just like the journey devs, because they felt the former is just superior (which it is) or that running the game at 45-60fps with MB was not an option either. 60fps is the highlight, if you reach there on a great looking series, I don't think people have too much right to complain. MB is really not necessary at 60fps, on the flipside, if it were a 30fps remaster I'd wholeheartedly agree with dark10x.


I'd be in the dick
^^How is saying it's missing out of line? It is. Especially in a game that has as many cinematic leanings as the Uncharted series, it's an important part of the visual composition. No one is asking for or saying 30fps with motion blur is preferable, or saying that this makes it a poor remaster, just noting that a key effect is gone.

Obviously I prefer 60 but I'd really like to see this collection be as accurate visually as possible. We've already seen contact shadows and AO added since the Warzone footage, motion blur could potentially be next on the list. For me the presence of a good object motion blur effect can be one of the most visible and tangible improvements a game's visuals can have and I'd like to mention it in case they can get it in and still hit 60.


Yeah people get too defensive too quickly when someone is displeased with something a lot of times. I'm in no way saying the lack of motion blur is a deal breaker, or that it isn't a great remaster without it, but if we say something now, there's a chance it could still be included. Maybe even a toggle on or off could be added, and it isn't something the dev would have considered otherwise.
Is this game coming on 3 discs or what?

Weren't the games pretty huge on ps3 as well? I remember downloading uncharted 3 and it was like 45gb.. With higher resolution textures they will be even bigger!
Is this game coming on 3 discs or what?

Weren't the games pretty huge on ps3 as well? I remember downloading uncharted 3 and it was like 45gb.. With higher resolution textures they will be even bigger!

If they took away rendered cutscenes that's a lot of memory cut down also U3 was 45gb because it had 3D feature which doubles the sizes of the actual game and there is no 3D in this collection. Add the lack of MP and yeah I think all 3 games will be able to fit into one disc.


If they took away rendered cutscenes that's a lot of memory cut down also U3 was 45gb because it had 3D feature which doubles the sizes of the actual game and there is no 3D in this collection. Add the lack of MP and yeah I think all 3 games will be able to fit into one disc.

I don't think 6 hours of high-quality 1080p60fps video files would fit in a 50GB disc alone, let alone besides the entire games.
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