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Disney's Pocahontas is terrible

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lol, official

whoever counts Mulan in the same breath as Aladdin doesn't deserve to have any authority within the cartoon renaissance governing body
Eh, I personally prefer Mulan. Both are great, though, and Mulan didn't have a cool SNES game :p


It is, apart from the fucking sidekicks. Leave them out and Hunchback is a dark and fantastic Disney film.
The problem with the gargoyle sidekicks was that with they way they were going with them, they seemed to be more like a figment of Quasi's imagination. That was until near the end which essentially proved that they were real things. A shame too, as it would have been a great way into seeing Quasi's psyche.
I just saw The Emperor's New Groove for the first time the other day. Not a musical movie but still good and funny. Animation and art are great, especially Yzma.
I like the music, but I like Pocahontas 2 more for one stupid funny line.

However, the movie did give my childhood a badass Sega Genesis game.




Those gifs could also be from some hair product commercial.


The only serious goof in an amazing run of Disney animation.

Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin, The Lion King, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, Hercules, Mulan, Tarzan? All fantastic films.

Can't say I have anything in particular against The Rescuers Down Under, I just don't understand what it's doing there.


I think Pocahontas was the Disney movie that started killing off my desire to see Disney movies theatrically. They had that really strong run, then came out with this upscale Fern Gully thing. Meh.

I just saw The Emperor's New Groove for the first time the other day. Not a musical movie but still good and funny. Animation and art are great, especially Yzma.

Emperor's New Groove is an underappreciated classic to me. I worked at a rental place during college where we had to play either a trailer loop tape or G-rated kids stuff during all open hours. We played that movie so much the tape we used started to noticably wear out with periods of distorted audio. We then swapped to another tape and kept playing. I used to be able to recite the whole thing. It's a very flimsy film without a ton of depth, but it's very good at what it does, and the dialogue was fairly good.


They are both about the same quality (as in, really good), neither of them are as good as Lion King, Beauty, and Mermaid. The only one I'd say was pretty poor was Hercules, and even that one had great art design.

I never id see that movie, but I was a fan of the show when it was on. Maybe it worked better as a series? I really liked James Woods in it.


If you haven't seen it, look for the uncut version of pocahontas. Probably not going to change anyone mind, but it does elevate the final act of the movie.


Junior Member
I have been watch Disney movies with my son. I usually pick ones that I have never seen before. This weekend it was Pocahontas.

Growing up I remember this movie being a huge success. Now that I've finally seen it, I don't understand why it was so beloved. While I'm offended* by many things in the movie, such as by the depiction of Native American's actually being magical, Disney's attempt at making Native's look equally guilty/blood thristy as the settlers who crapped up their land, speaking to mother nature in the form of a tree, and the unlikeable sidekicks of Nico, stupid hummingbird, and worthless sailor boy played by Christian Bale, nothing was more offensive than Mel Gibson's performance of John Smith.

Holy cow, he phoned this one in. Maybe its because his performance was surrounded by legit and talented voice actors. His delivery made me question if he even put an effort into his acting for this movie. Most of his line were corny as hell, it didn't help that were spoken with his lackadaisical performance. "I'd rather die tomorrow than live the rest of my life not knowing you." oi...

*Offended may be a bit strong of a word to use, but I did roll my eyes a lot.

Pocahontas was actually the begening of the end for traditional Disney animated films. It was not all that well reviewed either. We had a streak of Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, Alladin, The Lion King, The Hunchback of Notre Dame..... And then Pocahontas. That is when it went to shit. I doubt you will find a lot of people defending that film.


Tangled is as forgettable as Dinosaur, Chicken Little and Emperor's New Groove.

Disney made only 4 amazing movies after the 80s, and those were Beauty and The Beast, Aladdin, Lion King and Cool Runnings.

you sir, deserve a prize, I think this the first time I heard someone praising that movie


No, Tangled is a classic, Disney at their best.

I like your style. A real return to form for the non-Pixar arm of Disney animation, and Alan Menken's songs are fantastic.

Awesome pick. Frollo is pretty fantastic in general, actually.

lol, official

whoever counts Mulan in the same breath as Aladdin doesn't deserve to have any authority within the cartoon renaissance governing body

C'mon man. As far the critics are concerned Mulan only lagged behind Aladdin by 6%. Its fine if you don't like it, but suggesting they're on wildly different levels of quality is kinda silly.


Pocahontas was actually the begening of the end for traditional Disney animated films. It was not all that well reviewed either. We had a streak of Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, Alladin, The Lion King, The Hunchback of Notre Dame..... And then Pocahontas. That is when it went to shit. I doubt you will find a lot of people defending that film.

Hunchback came after Pocahontas. Mulan and Tarzan were also released after it and were critical and financial successes.

I'd say Tarzan was the cut-off point myself. Even then, few of the subsequent films were actually bad. Lilo and Stitch especially was fantastic.


Junior Member
Hunchback came after Pocahontas. Mulan and Tarzan were also released after it and were critical and financial successes.

I'd say Tarzan was the cut-off point myself. Even then, few of the subsequent films were actually bad. Lilo and Stitch especially was fantastic.

Yeah I was trying to remember the order of those films. I actually liked Hercules and Lilo a lot. I just remembered that around the time of Pocahontas is when the streak of awesome Disney films ended, and then if was every other film was good. Then they stopped making traditionally animated films yearly.


This movie was basically Kazenberg and co.'s response to Beauty and the Beast not winning the Best Picture oscar.

Katzenberg got greedy after that, and basically changed the entire film that had been bouncing around in pre-production for a while up to that point so that it could be seen as Oscar-candy for the Academy. Changes such as taking voice actor John Candy off the project(because he's too funny for a project like this), and aging up the 12-year old Pocahontas so they could have a more 'mature' romance story. Originally, the film was supposed to be more kid-friendly and fun. Alas, it was not to be. Instead, we got a picture that's trying to be more Oscar-friendly, but completely failing in every regard and instead just coming off as hollow and empty.

A little bit of that trickled into 'Hunchback' as well, though I would argue that was a much stronger film than Pocahontas was.

Despite the quality, I think it is admirable for them to deviate from the classic Disney's formula. Even as a kid when it first came out, I noticed the more "grounded" approach. With the exception of the willow tree, there very little fantasy. While disappointing when I was a kid, as an adult, that gave the movie a refreshing, unique identity.


I heard people were pooping on Emperors New Groove in this thread. Y'all are crazy is you think that movie isn't good. A style of humor you don't see in other Disney films (the trampoline gag, for example) and delicious animation.


John Smith was a bad character, sure. but man, moments like this
really made that movie.

My favorite is definitely Aladdin, though. and to those saying they can't make good stuff anymore, i'd say some of their new movies are pretty fantastic. Tangled, for example, I think is as good as their old stuff.


Watch The New World, its the only good film Terrence Malick has ever made.
The New World still has that historically inaccurate "mythical" romantic relationship between John Smith and Pocahontas though.. but my god the attention to detail is so damn good and avoids a lot of those cliches in terms of it's portrayal of native indians.


Hunky Nostradamus
I haven't seen the movie in years, and barely remember it, but I used to love it when I was a kid. I loved the songs and the colors - it's such a stunningly gorgeous film.
well disney aint shit anymore anyways. tangled isn't a good film. it just looks fantastic due to the animation but damn that film kinda sucked.

rango was better (on a technical scale as well)

Heh, go home, you're drunk.

Tangled was a masterpiece. Had some really good music too which is rare these days. The only thing the Tangled had going against it was the marketing, which positioned it as a comedy and downplayed the fact it was a musical (and a very decent one).


Yeah, it pretty much follows all the "white dude conquers foreign culture" trope (though films with the same premise came out after as big studio productions) and there were a lot of stereotypes. But this isn't supposed to be a historical documentary, but a romantic fantasy. Colors of the Wind is a good song and the animation still looks gorgeous today, such rich use of colors and very fluid. I think you can just watch Colors of the Wind on Youtube and then you're done with the movie.


Tarzan is considered to be the official ending of renaissance, as starting with Fantasia 2000 the back-to-back success streak had ended.

And besides, Mulan, Hunchback, and Tarzan are fantastic movies; especially this number from Hunchback which is still one of the absolute highest points of that renaissance.
Yeah I have to say no matter how bad the film was; if it was a Disney musical the music was so good and memorable. I will watch all of Hunchback just for this song right here. Really I can't even believe someone approved that movie to get made much less what's going on in this song. Frollo had some real adult issues. :p

Anyway, same with Pocahontas; the music of that movie is just so memorable and amazing. I think the biggest downfall of that and a lot of these movies is the dumb as hell sidekicks (merchandise). The early films like Little Mermaid and Beauty & the Beast you had sidekicks being their own characters and interacting with the main cast in meaningful ways. Then you have the fucking raccoon, hummingbird and dog in Pocahontas which basically had some kind of plot all their own and distracting from everything else. Horrible.


Say what you will about the movie, I don't care too much about it. But you will NOT in any shape or form criticize even the tiniest aspect of Colors of the Wind. It's the best song Disney ever put out and one of the best songs ever made. It's perfect and anybody who doesn't like it is a ghoul.


Emperor's New Groove was very funny and had great art, but it wasn't good at much else.

Considering its an animated comedy, what else does it have to be good at exactly?
You never hear "Zoolander was very funny, but wasnt good at making me cry. PASS", but when it comes to animation all of a sudden pure comedies are sidelined


I wrote a paper during my Freshman year of college about how inaccurate it is.

So yeah, definitely agree that it's bad.


Hercules was awesome, and that came out in 1997. Mulan was great too, 1998.

Since then only Lilo and Stitch and Princess and the Frog were good 2d films from them.

I'm not saying that Disney didn't make any other good movies after--Tarzan is one of my favorites, but that Pocahontas was the combo breaker and Disney animation was up and down after that.


well not really...yet
Post Lion King 90s Disney:

Tarzan> Hunchback of Notre Dame > Pocahontas > Mulan > Hercules


It's easy enough to ignore, isn't it? Being a DTV movie by a different studio and all.

For the Blu-ray, it's on the same disc as Pocahontas. Let's say after watching Pocahontas to relive it's solid music and great visuals, you think, "hey, I got 80 minutes with nothing to do, maybe I should just toss on the sequel? It's right here on the same disc!"

DON'T DO IT. Pocahontas II is baaaaad. It's a borderline insulting plot about Pocahontas going to England liberally peppered with uninspired gags featuring the animal sidekicks.
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