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Doctor Who Series 8 |OT| We've fucking time-travelled, yes?

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Super good episode. Gareth Roberts may secretly be my favourite writer.

I love that they pretty much deal with the 'monster' within the first half and spend most of the time on really fantastically written character stuff.

And most of all I love that it didn't end with Danny and the Doctor making up and becoming buds and him jumping into the TARDIS and becoming another Rory/Mickey. He's definitely the most well developed and grounded of the three 'boyfriends' thus far.

Also Chris Addison! Yay!

Oh, Courtney Woods is a good character so far. Props to them for not fucking up the child character (yet). The previous ones were unbearable.

Yeah Im surprised about Courtney. I am amazed they keep trying with the 'annoying troublesome girl' archetype. Like, it almost never works both thanks to people being unable to write teenagers and terrible casting decisions. But this one seems OK for once.


Is she going to be Clara's replacement? I'm finding Clara & the new Doc's relationship really entertaining (particularly this week) and although it's expected that Clara will be out at the end of this series I'm not sure I'd be happy with Courtney as a replacement. The Doctor's current attitude, I think, would work well with an older women as a companion, to give it more of an older husband/wife dynamic.
Either way it'll be interesting to see how it all pans out.
Nah, don't think that'll happen. She's confirmed for next week's episode, don't know if she'll be in any episodes beyond that. I think Moffat likes having a bigger TARDIS crew (see also: Amy and Rory, + Mels/River/Rory's dad/etc), and this is him building a bigger TARDIS crew for series 8 again.

You never know with Moffat, but I find it unlikely that she'll be the full-time series 9 companion.
Great episode. Monster of the week just a distraction for some good character work.

What's with the promised land though? That policeman had no connection or interaction with the doctor, so doesn't that mess up previous suggestions about people making sacrifices for him etc?
Perhaps. But it is worth noting that he was the first that wasn't directly initiated by Missy so maybe she's taken a personal interest in the Doctor and only bothers with people who have directly died as a result of knowing him.


Pizza Dog
My girlfriend (who isn't a fan of the show generally) hated the episode. Asked me if they were deliberately making both The Doctor and Danny as unlikeable as possible, and thought there were unfortunate racist undertones to The Doctor appearing as though he was refusing to accept that a black man could be a maths teacher and constantly calling him a P.E. teacher. Obviously not the case, but it made her uncomfortable nonetheless.

I liked seeing Chris Addison at the end, the depiction of heaven reminds me of A Life Less Ordinary, ha.


Damn this episode was fucking fantastic, I think it's the best episode of the season IMHO.

The tension between Danny and the Doctor in the TARDIS was palpable and I was really shaking near the end when he yelled out "YES GET OUT!"

I was like "woah, the Doctor really is an asshole this regen"


I loved this episode, and this was the first episode I actually liked Danny. The only thing I didn't like as probably Danny flipping over the robot which was one of the stupidest cheesiest things I've seen on Who in awhile. I think what made it especially awful was that that was basically the resolution to figuring how to stop the robot when they could've literally done anything else far less dramatic.

Still, everything else was on point. I'm not even disappointed there wasn't an Ian cameo.

I'm also really intrigued by the Heaven stuff. Is it everyone who dies or what?


My girlfriend (who isn't a fan of the show generally) hated the episode. Asked me if they were deliberately making both The Doctor and Danny as unlikeable as possible, and thought there were unfortunate racist undertones to The Doctor appearing as though he was refusing to accept that a black man could be a maths teacher and constantly calling him a P.E. teacher. Obviously not the case, but it made her uncomfortable nonetheless.

I read that as being an ex-soldier must be a PE teacher. That's how it played to me.


I loved this episode, and this was the first episode I actually liked Danny. The only thing I didn't like as probably Danny flipping over the robot which was one of the stupidest cheesiest things I've seen on Who in awhile. I think what made it especially awful was that that was basically the resolution to figuring how to stop the robot when they could've literally done anything else far less dramatic.

Yup. The episode was generally pretty good, one of the better ones in a very mediocre season so far, but then the ludicrous flip came out of absolutely nowhere.


Obviously that's not what they meant but a friend of mine got the racist impression too. And he has decided he absolutely hates this Doctor now. I thought it was pretty obvious what they intended but hey. Hope the next few episodes will change his mind on that.

It's a very good episode but I can't help wondering how much people it turned off that way. Not too many hopefully. :s
Loved the episode. Minus Closing Time, Gareth Roberts is one of my favourite writers. He writes so easily episodes full of humour action and drama. Felt very natural. Robot was a bit naff but hey, it's Doctor Who. Great character stuff really liked Danny's put down to The Doctor, his comments on aristocracy and also his natural responses, wanting to evacuate the school and calling in the army.

The Nethersphere? Chris Addison, Missy? Brilliant stuff. Loving the little codas for the season ends plot, being embedded throughout this series.

Broken Joystick

At least you can talk. Who are you?
There was a throwaway comment about R-Tron energy, so maybe it's related to that?

Not being a dick but it's Artron haha. Honest mistake.

Did The Doctor whistle "we don't need no education"? That was glorious.

I loved that little touch.

Love that they got Ollie Reeder to go along with Malcolm Tucker, I want the next afterlife attendant to be Glenn, constantly making the dead cups of tea and generally getting overlooked.

YES. Or Terri just pacing around with a clipboard.

Brilliant episode, but that fucking front flip by Danny at the end. What the actual fuck.


Wow at this episode. The Doctor was being a real asshole there; all of his interactions with Danny plus that uneasy feeling of Clara's and the Doctor's relationship being a clearly emotionally abusive one is really getting to me. It's interesting because after 7 seasons I feel like I know the Doctor and, as Clara, I know underneath he cares, but the way he acts now makes it really difficult not only for Clara to justify staying and travelling with him to the characters they meet, but for me too. No one should get a pass for being emotionally abusive just because they're clever, and the show is really making me wonder whether Clara is staying with him because that's what victims of domestic abuse do. I really really wanted Danny to hit him in the face for a second there.

I guess that's sort of the angle of the season though, and we're gonna see some redemption from the Doctor eventually. It's bold though, and I really don't think I would be able to keep watching an asshole Doctor if he were to go on like this next season.

Anyway, great episode. Loved the plot, the Matt lookalike joke was BRILLIANT; my brother and I burst out laughing for like 5 minutes straight when we figured out what was going on. Really, really good. And I thought using Amy's theme when Danny first looked inside the TARDIS was really odd though welcome in a way since we hadn't heard it in a while. I also liked the Nethersphere scene, and I love that we're back to square one about all those theories on why some people end up there since the policeman didn't even interact with the Doctor! Maybe everyone who dies in the vicinity of the Doctor ends up there and they just didn't make scenes for everyone? Oh and I also liked the River mention, because I like River. Shoot me.


Really liked it; it's such a strong season so far. Halfway through and the weakest episode is Time Heist, which was still enjoyable enough too.

I've absolutely loved Capaldi's Doctor up until now, and while the actor was again very good, I did find him a bit mean tonight, a bit too aggressive towards Danny. I think my favourite Twelfth scene so far is the start of Into The Dalek when he's speaking to Journey. It was calm, curt, to the point; I'd like to see some more of that one again because he was very aggressive tonight and in your face and it was a bit disconcerting. Still really liked him, though.

Next week looks great.


Isn't the whole thing with the Doctor and soldiers explained by Davros speech:

DAVROS: The man who abhors violence, never carrying a gun.

DAVROS [OC]: But this is the truth, Doctor. You take ordinary people
DAVROS: And you fashion them into weapons.
DAVROS [OC]: Behold your Children of Time
DAVROS: Transformed into murderers. I made the Daleks, Doctor. You made this.
DOCTOR: They're trying to help.
DAVROS: Already I have seen them sacrifice today, for their beloved Doctor. The Earth woman who fell opening the Subwave Network.
DOCTOR: Who was that?
ROSE: Harriet Jones. She gave her life to get you here.
DAVROS: How many more? Just think. How many have died in your name?
DAVROS: The Doctor. The man who keeps running, never looking back because he dare not, out of shame. This is my final victory, Doctor. I have shown you yourself.

During the time war he hated what he had become and now his partners have become like soldiers. Listening to every command because they have trust in him and willing to die for that belief in him.

Danny sees this but Clara hasn't yet.


Subete no aware
I'm liking the show now and understand what it's going for. I almost wish I skipped the 50th anniversary stuff so that I wouldn't have that baggage coming into the show whatsoever. As an episodic science fiction series with light continuity, it works better than I expected.


I read that as being an ex-soldier must be a PE teacher. That's how it played to me.

Yeah, that's how I saw it. Pretty obvious and I didn't even consider race.

That was a really good one as far as character development and humour is concerned and Danny Pink is growing on me, even though he came off as a one-note love interest beforehand. Looking forward to next week's.


Man, Capaldi's doctor was FIERY this episode.

While I really don't get the "racist" comments, yeah they walked a fine line here. At some point I kinda thought "Woa...he's kind of a huge prick this episode", although I totally understand why and that's why I'm loving this huge doctor. Because he's not perfect. He's a prick sometimes, he has a bad temper and is extremely volatile.

Danny was pretty cool this ep, really brought his character up (although not very subtly but seeing a direct confrontation was cool)

No opinion on courtney but she doesn't seem terrible like the kids from nightmare in silver so i'll give it a shot !

Clara continues to get development here, really good. I'm not too much being it mostly focused on her this time around to be honest. I always thought that seeing too much of the doctor kinda tires his presence if it's abused.

That little Pink Floyd whistle cracked me up


he doesn't like Soldiers for one reason or another. Racist concerns..well I'm a black man didnt see any of that whatsoever. I guess I understood the context of his digs.


Best of the season so far.

I think I agree with this. "Listen" was really neat, but this one felt like a more fully-rounded story to me. Lots of great interactions, nice simple plot, beautifully photographed and performed.

Gareth Roberts has been nailing it since Moffat took over IMO. Lodger/Closing Time/Caretaker have all been great fun.


Wow. The Doctor has become such an asshole.

(Not that it's a bad thing, exactly.)

My girlfriend (who isn't a fan of the show generally) hated the episode. Asked me if they were deliberately making both The Doctor and Danny as unlikeable as possible, and thought there were unfortunate racist undertones to The Doctor appearing as though he was refusing to accept that a black man could be a maths teacher and constantly calling him a P.E. teacher. Obviously not the case, but it made her uncomfortable nonetheless.

I liked seeing Chris Addison at the end, the depiction of heaven reminds me of A Life Less Ordinary, ha.

It was intended to to be him refusing to believe a soldier could be a math teacher, but it was uncomfortable because you just know people out there are assuming it's because he's black.


This was such a fantastic episode. The dynamic between Clara and the Doctor this season has been so on point. I love that she isn't just willing to back down to him in confrontations, that scene with them both opening and closing the TARDIS doors for example.

Also burst out laughing as soon as I saw that teacher with the quiff and the bowtie lol.
It was intended to to be him refusing to believe a soldier could be a math teacher, but it was uncomfortable because you just know people out there are assuming it's because he's black.
Maybe if they had never seen another episode in this series but I think it is pretty obvious by this point that he is stereotyping soldiers because of his experiences with war and the ways he believes soldiers are coded to deal with situations. The theme is reoccurring enough that it didn't need any more explanation than it was given in this episode, I mean he made the PE teacher remark directly after hearing about Danny being a soldier. There was nothing uncomfortable about it at all imo unless taken greatly out of context.


Maybe if they had never seen another episode in this series but I think it is pretty obvious by this point that he is stereotyping soldiers because of his experiences with war and the ways he believes soldiers are coded to deal with situations. The theme is reoccurring enough that it didn't need any more explanation than it was given in this episode, I mean he made the PE teacher remark directly after hearing about Danny being a soldier. There was nothing uncomfortable about it at all imo unless taken greatly out of context.

Oh, I knew from the first moment what he was talking about, but this world is crawling with people looking for something to be outraged about.


everything about that episode was great fun. Everyone shined in that episode. Had emotion and funny parts. I liked it a lot and next week looks to be amazing.


Oh, I knew from the first moment what he was talking about, but this world is crawling with people looking for something to be outraged about.

I can't wait for the next episode when the Doctor reveals the reason he doesn't like Danny is because this regeneration is racist.
SMH, people thinking it was a race thing... Really?

The whole exchange makes its abundantly obvious that it was about a soldier being a maths teacher.


YES. Or Terri just pacing around with a clipboard.

Now I want Terri as his next companion. The most useless fucking companion the Doctor could ever end up with. Doctor Tucker blowing a gasket every episode. Maybe that's why they're moving it to 8:30 - post watershed sweary Doctor.


Obviously that's not what they meant but a friend of mine got the racist impression too. And he has decided he absolutely hates this Doctor now. I thought it was pretty obvious what they intended but hey. Hope the next few episodes will change his mind on that.

It's a very good episode but I can't help wondering how much people it turned off that way. Not too many hopefully. :s

Your friend sounds like he's a PE teacher.

Great episode all around except for the flip and the cheap looking robot.


SMH, people thinking it was a race thing... Really?

The whole exchange makes its abundantly obvious that it was about a soldier being a maths teacher.

People thinking it's a race thing says more about them than it does about the writing in my opinion. I just don't get how you can come to that conclusion after watching every episode in this series where The Doctor makes it abundantly clear that this regeneration hates soldiers. I know he always has a thing against soldiers and guns, but this time he seems more vocal about it.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Pretty cool episode.
12 is definitely showing his grumpier side. Lots of "SHUT UP" this week.
I loved the alien design
More "Promised Land" foreshadowing.
Next week looks pretty good too.
Disappointing. I normally enjoy Gareth Roberts episodes, but I found that pretty underwhelming, with a lot of lackluster melodrama (particularly that whole bit where there's suddenly another character who looks kind of like Matt Smith and there's a crazy misunderstanding about who the Doctor and Clara are talking about. That's real low-hanging fruit territory). The overarching plot was pretty forgettable, and I just didn't find a whole lot of the character stuff to be particularly good. There were a few funny moments, and the episode didn't completely shit the bed, but it was fairly disappointing.
That was really good. We're six episodes through, and I can say confidently that I've liked/loved all of them.

The argument with Danny + Twelve was pretty damn tense. I was expecting one of the two to take a swing at the other. Courtney was great, and I'm happy she'll be back in the next episode.

We get some Promised Land stuff, albeit with Ollie doing the welcoming and Missy being - I guess - preoccupied (or maybe not caring too much, I wonder what that's about). Once again, Missy/TPL doesn't completely take over the episode, but manages to fit in nicely at the end.
Fucking awful. Framing his problem with Pink gave it unnecessary racist connotations. Too many characters. The super hero leap.

What is happening? I thought clara was awful as a character for this series and then they introduce danny.

I've read about this, and I really don't read it as racist. It's prejudiced against soldiers, sure. "Army grunt couldn't possibly teach anything other than offside rules". But I'm really not seeing the race claims.


Finished watching the episode -- probably the best one since Into The Dalek for me. Very solid episode.

Although I viewed
the Doctor's dislike to Danny due to him trying to 'protect' Clara. His reaction to Adrian (the Matt look-a-like) was a bit different and he thought that Adrian was her boyfriend until the scene in the auditorium. He just used the 'soldier/P.E. teacher' cutdowns to make Danny lose his cool in front of Clara.

I still don't like Danny at all (I personally think the character has the personality of a block of wood but so does Clara), but this was a better episode for him.

I really want
Courtney as a companion. It would bring the show almost full circle back to the original First Doctor series.
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