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Does PS Vita exist / Lack of Vita games at E3

Play-Asia will be getting more money I guess.



Sony just shot themselves in the foot.

I don't know how much the rest of you know about Gaming culture (I'm an expert), but games are huge parts of it. It's not like it is in Japan where you can become successful by being moe. If you screw someone over in America, you bring shame to yourself, and the only way to get rid of that shame is repentance.

What this means is that Gamers, after hearing about this, are not going to want to purchase The PS Vita nor will they purchase any other piece of Sony's hardware. This is HUGE. You can laugh all you want, but Sony has alienated an entire market with this conference.

Sony, publicly apologize and cancel the Vita or you can kiss your business goodbye.



This wouldn't be terrible but still underwhelming

Not terrible for me either, in fact it will get tons of play from me just because Disgaea, Persona 4, Ragnarok and i'm sure Atlus and Xseed will have more. I'm pretty excited for Assassins Creed on it to and may pick up that Playstation All Stars Battle for Vita where i wouldn't have for PS3. Plus i'm sure there will be PSN games, like Sound Shapes. The problem with that, and why i made the comparison to PSP is that if you are not into RPG's or those niche titles you probably won't be happy with Vita. Just like how GTA psp wasn't enough to win gamers into those type of games to the PSP. I'm not sure Assassins and CoD will be enough to win people to Vita.

Maybe CoD and I will say thats a missed opportunity on Sony's part. If they really wanted Vita to succeed they would have been better off getting a CoD Vita bundle over an Assassins Creed bundle. Hopefully they still will do a CoD bundle.


Seems like Sony threw in the towel already. Only three Vita games mentioned during the whole conference, only one of those a first party game? Wow. And after announcing it a whole year ago they didn't even show anything of CoD Vita besides a logo.

Doesn't seem like a good sign that they completely glossed over Vita at E3. No price drop, didn't give gamers any real reason to own the system.


Junior Member
Sony really seems to be banking on the Vita being a miniature PS3. I don't know if that's going to work. Almost every successful handheld has been a miniature version of a console (GB = NES, Game Gear = Master System, GBA = SNES, PSP = PS2, etc.), but all of them became successful off of their own original games. Sony doesn't seem to realize that. They don't even seem to realize the nature of the killer app that saved the PSP's ass - Monster Hunter.


What happened to Bioshock for Vita? Any news so far at the event?

Ken Levine's said outright that it's taking a backseat until Infinite is completed.

Unless Sony is funding the whole thing, it's never going to see the light of day. What publisher would actually expect a significant market for a game that couldn't be out until 2014 at the earliest?


you can play Little Big Planet 2 with a Vita as a controller or Little Big Planet Vita with a Dualshock as a controller or something I don't know what the hell


Nintendo was off to a rough start with the 3DS, but at least they made a serious effort to salvage it. They lowered the price (and even apologized for this), announced a bunch of A games at E3, and put the system back on track.

Sony? Absolutely no effort whatsoever. No price cut. No more than one or two somewhat big games at E3 for Vita. Nintendo, meanwhile, are going full steam ahead with a second conference solely for the 3DS tomorrow.

It's as if they want the Vita to fail.


Man, I've been the biggest Vita defender since its release. But even I am shaking my head right now.

In front of the world's gaming enthusiast press, thousands of core gamers at the LACC and millions watching online, they spend 40 minutes of a fucking two hour show on a book simulator and showed NOTHING new for the Vita except a 10 sec AC clip and a COD logo.

That's it, pack it up, this shit is done. Sony, hand in your portable and clear the room, because you're not wanted.
I'm being completely serious when I say this, should I sell it? I've known about the NGP since the 27th of January 2011 1:30am. I had such high hopes for it, and really am truly sad right now. I can't just keep hoping on the next conference. I think it's over and I can't believe I'm saying it.
I'm probably in the minority but my biggest disappointment with the Vita is the lack of PS and Minis updates. And on top of that the store hasn't even been updated properly with the games that do work on it and aren't listed, but can be transferred via a PS3. I don't regret buying the handheld but if I knew support for PS and Minis was going to be like this I would have held off until later.
With Nintendo holding an entire 3DS press conference, and Sony only showing three new games (one being a port) are you bailing out along with Sony?

I know I am.

Really thinking of getting a 3DS now, since Nintendo won't leave their handhelds to die (already have an iPad). Really wanted to get the white Vita, but if it's not going to even be ON, I'll just save the $$$


I really wanted a Vita, but they announced nothing new. I'm not 100% not buying the system. Oh well, I'll have to miss out on Uncharted. I'll get Rayman for PS3.


I'm worried for the Vita after this showing. Unless they're dirt cheap upgrades I won't buy any of the cross platform stuff on it, and there were almost no new games mentioned.
With Vita sales in the gutter, Sony comes to one of the big gaming shows and:

- Does not announce any new games.
- Barely talks about it.
- 10 seconds clip of AC3 Liberation
- COD logo, no video or gameplay on it
- Cross play demo of PSAB with PS3 that, if I try to be nice, had mixed reactions

I thought they would come out in desperation mode for it. Someone (Keighley? Whoever else) needs to ask Tretton what's up with that shit.


I was looking forward to getting a Vita but the few games I was interested aren't enough. I was waiting for Sony's E3 conference to see what they announce before making up my mind. Not going through with the purchase in the end. The lack of push from Sony, this is where they needed to make push and case for the PS Vita and address concerns regarding it, was the deciding factor.
By announcing that bundle so far ahead of time (and it selling well isn't even a sure thing), they've basically ensured that Vita will have a very dry summer, sales-wise.



With Nintendo holding an entire 3DS press conference, and Sony only showing three new games (one being a port) are you bailing out along with Sony?

I know I am.

I hope Ys IV comes out for it in English, as that's the game I want for the Vita, based on the titles for it.

But goddamn did they destroy the system. They marketed it poorly, emphasized the wrong games, and now have barely shown anything. It's amazing that Sony has such a more powerful machine but is willing to actively give the floor to Nintendo.

If this is how it must be, I for one welcome our 3DS portable king.


Very happy how Sony handled the Vita at their conference.

I want them to focus their full efforts on the consoles.
The problem with waiting for TGS to 'save' Vita is that anything announced there - if it even gets localized - isn't going to hit the West until Mid-2013 at the earliest. Vita needs hype for titles now that will hit in the next 4-5 months for the holiday season.


With Nintendo holding an entire 3DS press conference, and Sony only showing three new games (one being a port) are you bailing out along with Sony?

I know I am.

I'm waiting for the 3DS conference. A couple good titles and an RPG and I'm in.
Here's what I think will happen.

The PS Vita will become the standard controller for the PS4. You'll get one with the console, and developers will have a standard to work with - so all PS4 games will use the second screen.

It's either that, or the system is absolutely dead.


At least that made up my mind. ipad 3 it is. It's going to be funny showing this Vita to people in 10 years. "Holy shit, you bought one of those!?"


By announcing that bundle so far ahead of time (and it selling well isn't even a sure thing), they've basically ensured that Vita will have a very dry summer, sales-wise.


Well this ensures alot of used vitas at Gamestop. Probably a decent trickle at Amazon.
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