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Does PS Vita exist / Lack of Vita games at E3


Really disappointing to me. I guess the Vita will just be a souped up PSP.
Not even that judging by it's mediocre sales. PSP actually did quite well in the west for awhile and god knows if it even has a slim chance to reproduce the success of its predecessor in Japan :S


The Light of El Cantare
Don't worry guys, Gravity Rush is going to move hundreds of thousands of Vitas its first week.
Right into the stockrooms to make shelf space for merchandise that actually sells :(
Holy crap i must be the only one who is pleased. Assassin's creed and call of duty are big but there are Sly cooper, Allstars, Little Big Planet Vita, Persona 4, Metal Gear, Gravity Rush....I'm buying more games for the Vita this year then i did all together for PSP. (GTA, FFVII crisis and I think 2 others can't remember)

I'm happy. The world is not ending. Look at the games coming. 3rd parties can announce new games in the coming days too.


Master of the Google Search
I really see a repeat of PSP with Vita. Atlus, JRPG's and niche quirky machine that can play PSP and PSone games on an awesome screen. If you are expecting anything past that I think you will be disappointed. Games like Assassins Creed and CoD will be surprise not the norm.
But the PSP only got those because it was on fire in Japan. But now the VITA is practically dead on arrival in Japan, so I very much doubt its going to become the Japanese game machine this time around.

I'm worried about this poor little system :/
Sony just shot themselves in the foot.

I don't know how much the rest of you know about Gaming culture (I'm an expert), but games are huge parts of it. It's not like it is in Japan where you can become successful by being moe. If you screw someone over in America, you bring shame to yourself, and the only way to get rid of that shame is repentance.

What this means is that Gamers, after hearing about this, are not going to want to purchase The PS Vita nor will they purchase any other piece of Sony's hardware. This is HUGE. You can laugh all you want, but Sony has alienated an entire market with this conference.

Sony, publicly apologize and cancel the Vita or you can kiss your business goodbye.


CoD Vita doesn't exist. It can't. If it did, it would have taken up the time that was devoted to Wonderbook.

When is PSX support happening? They keep saying it's coming, but when? That shit is way overdue.

I wonder if they just weren't confident in CoD Vita or if the footage wasn't ready. Who knows, maybe the game will just get delayed or ends up total shit.


All of those people trumpeting COD as the savior look pretty stupid right about now. They still don't even have a measly screenshot a year later.
Were you guys expecting western third-parties to actually support a handheld with 2 million sales worldwide? Fuck, they didn't support the DS, why would they put games on Vita?

Handheld = Japan

Waiting for TGS. You know Square is working on something.

And don't expect Nintendo to announce games bigger than AC or COD for the 3DS, as far as I know they have Epic Mickey and Castlevania, that's it.

You will get your life from Animal Crossing though, GOTY 2012.
My post from the other thread:

I'm going to wait until the show floor opens before I declare doom. For instance, how many Japanese developed games were shown the entirety of E3 so far? Resident Evil 6, and... um...?

In short, there are very likely unannounced games on the show floor, and we may get some awesome Vita games still.

But that's kind of the point, isn't it? Japanese games are great and all but they won't make the Vita a viable platform in the United States. Meaning we will see limited shelf space, and lots of games not localized, and ultimately end up dying way before it needed to (just like the PSP). Sony totally just gave up on this thing.
I really feel bad for the people that have bought this thing. :(

Well you shouldn’t......I still think the Vita is one of the best portables I’ve ever owned. I freaking love the thing!

Sure the conference was a complete disaster for the Vita, but it still has heaps of games I’m looking forward to.


Not an asshole.
Wow Sony really couldn't get any developers on board for their handheld, huh? Even all the Sony stuff is B / C tier.

Sorry bros, but this ship is sinking hard.
I'm just putting this out there-after this - I'm not even getting a PS4 when it comes out.

Fuck you, Sony-seriously. MS + Nintendo next time around for me.
Holy crap i must be the only one who is pleased. Assassin's creed and call of duty are big but there are Sly cooper, Allstars, Little Big Planet Vita, Persona 4, Metal Gear, Gravity Rush....I'm buying more games for the Vita this year then i did all together for PSP. (GTA, FFVII crisis and I think 2 others can't remember)

I'm happy. The world is not ending. Look at the games coming. 3rd parties can announce new games in the coming days too.

This is what is really pissing me off. People are acting like the PSV has no games. There is a lot of good content coming out but Sony decided to completely ignore it for "storytime" bullshit.


So far, even after getting one for cheap, all I want are Gravity Rush, Persona 4 Golden, Uncharted GA at some point, Forsaken Souls, Jet Grind Radio HD and ALL my PS1 classics to be compatible.

I'll probably download Gungnir and Growlanser for it too.

EDIT: People wanted a few exclusive originals + a demo reel at least. A CoD logo, and a quick trailer of ACIII liberation really wasnt that great.




Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Again, where is the first party attempts? It's not like Nintendo gets great Western 3rd party support- but they support the hell out of their portable.


Sony just shot themselves in the foot.

I don't know how much the rest of you know about Gaming culture (I'm an expert), but games are huge parts of it. It's not like it is in Japan where you can become successful by being moe. If you screw someone over in America, you bring shame to yourself, and the only way to get rid of that shame is repentance.

What this means is the Gamers, after hearing about this, is not going to want to purchase The PS Vita nor will they purchase any of Sony's hardware. This is HUGE. You can laugh all you want, but Sony has alienated an entire market with this conference.

Sony, publicly apologize and cancel the Vita or you can kiss your business goodbye.

For once, this meme isn't even an exaggeration. Lol.


Sony gave Move a greater chance at succeeding this year. Fucking MOVE!

Basically what that conference proved to me is that Sony blew their first-party load prematurely, third-parties are just as disinterested as they were in January 2011, and the only life left in the system is the same stuff we already knew about, very little of it likely to move any units.

At least they have PlayStation Mobile, because I don't see them surviving in the traditional handheld space after this. If Vita was on life support earlier this year, tonight Sony pulled the plug.

Holy Wars

Did Sony just forget to push it? Did they really think the Fake Book That You Don't Read was more important? Or do they just have nothing to show?

It's really baffling.


nods at old men
They showed off 1 first party title, and 1 3rd party video.

And 1 logo.

Nintendo is going to have a second conference just for 3DS software.
Sony just shot themselves in the foot.

I don't know how much the rest of you know about Gaming culture (I'm an expert), but games are huge parts of it. It's not like it is in Japan where you can become successful by being moe. If you screw someone over in America, you bring shame to yourself, and the only way to get rid of that shame is repentance.

What this means is that Gamers, after hearing about this, are not going to want to purchase The PS Vita nor will they purchase any other piece of Sony's hardware. This is HUGE. You can laugh all you want, but Sony has alienated an entire market with this conference.

Sony, publicly apologize and cancel the Vita or you can kiss your business goodbye.

Bravo. One of the best juniors in some time.


Hunky Nostradamus
Very disappointing Vita showing. The only game I want is AC:Liberation; all the others (if I want them) I'll just get for PS3. This is...


With Nintendo holding an entire 3DS press conference, and Sony only showing three new games (one being a port) are you bailing out along with Sony?

I know I am.

I have enough money that I will keep my Vita, but I planned on getting a 3DS the second SMT4 was announced. I really wanted Vita to succeed but Sony seems to have abandoned it already. :SMH


This is really disappointing, but I guess the games I play on handhelds are usually made by Japanese studios anyway. I'll still hold out hope that many interesting games are coming at later events...

AC Creed Liberation looks really nice at least, I love the lead character as well. I may end up picking up the bundle along with Gravity Daze and Persona 4 depending on how TGS goes.
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