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Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze announced for WiiU

Sales in proportion to install base are not immutable concepts. Smash sold around 12 million on the Gamecube and the Wii. Was that number a failure?
FPS would be a personal preference of mine, as I've always wanted to see them make one. The point still stands however that Nintendo could have got Retro to make various genres, a 2D platformer is the last thing Nintendo needs right now from a team of their talent.

On the contrary, it's exactly what they need. DKCR was Retro's best selling game by a large margin. Nintendo needs games that are going to sell and have widespread appeal.


I doubt Nintendo would put out anything as bad as MoH, it's Nintendo.
Based on Nintendo's long history of stellar FPS development, you mean?

Absolutely untrue. CoD and Halo are the most successful FPS IP, they are also amongst the weakest FPS games graphically.

They still have a pretty high bar for graphical quality, and certainly neither is considered "ugly" compared to their peers. And Halo isn't really that weak graphically.

Regardless, consider that to distinguish oneself in this genre, graphics are paramount. Even in CoD, why do you think they spend so much time with massive setpieces with cool whiz-bang graphical effects? Why do you think Activision spent so much time talking about how much better CoD looks now on next-gen? Do you think people were just ignoring Halo 2's graphics when it was revealed? People were flipping their shit. Meanwhile Battlefield is presented with a "is this real life, or is it Battlefield?" campaign. killzone2.gif, killzone4.gif, etc. The target for these games wants a top-tier graphical experience. To deny this is ludicrous.

Goldeneye sold well iirc. The Conduit didn't because it was terrible.
Goldeneye sold worse okay. But it certainly wasn't DKCR numbers, and it sure as shit wasn't CoD/BF/Halo numbers.

lol, why? What financial sense does that make? What are they going to accomplish? EA can't even put together a basketball game to compete. And now Nintendo has to go and pay for licenses for cars, sports teams/leagues, etc. for a fanbase that has already decided they want "the real thing" in Madden, NBA2K, etc. Not to mention that getting involved in that requires yearly installations, competing against teams where that is literally the only thing they do all year every year, etc.

But Nintendo have never fixed their first party relations, and probably wont for a long time.

Still a better solution to fix third party relationships than try and build enough studios to compete with the top 5 largest third-party publishers combined.

Conor 419

On the contrary, it's exactly what they need. DKCR was Retro's best selling game by a large margin. Nintendo needs games that are going to sell and have widespread appeal.
Exactly, so what better idea than to pass DKR on to one of their various 2D teams, allowing Retro to work on something else and have the best of both worlds.

Based on Nintendo's long history of stellar FPS development, you mean?
Based on their stellar development history across most genres.

They still have a pretty high bar for graphical quality, and certainly neither is considered "ugly" compared to their peers. And Halo isn't really that weak graphically

Not really, neither are renowned for graphical quality. Halo thrives on its art style and core gameplay, it's never been a technical powerhouse. Graphics have similarly never been important to CoD, it's been running on a barely retooled engine since CoD4 in the name of maintaining 60FPS.

Why do you think Activision spent so much time talking about how much better CoD looks now on next-gen? Do you think people were just ignoring Halo 2's graphics when it was revealed? People were flipping their shit. Meanwhile Battlefield is presented with a "is this real life, or is it Battlefield?" campaign. killzone2.gif, killzone4.gif, etc. The target for these games wants a top-tier graphical experience. To deny this is ludicrous.

I am denying this because it's not true. Go back to CoD:Ghosts announcement threads, it's not difficult to see that fans have been largely uncaring about the graphical jump, largely as the jump has both been insignificant, and has never been a staple to the series. Killzone cannot even be considered in the league of those two, so I'm not sure how the IP is relevant. Conversely graphically weak IP's like Half Life and Borderlands are overwhelmingly popular with gamers. FPS games are very much about the gameplay and not the graphical quality.

lol, why? What financial sense does that make? What are they going to accomplish?

I don't know, software?

EA can't even put together a basketball game to compete. And now Nintendo has to go and pay for licenses for cars, sports teams/leagues, etc. for a fanbase that has already decided they want "the real thing" in Madden, NBA2K, etc. Not to mention that getting involved in that requires yearly installations, competing against teams where that is literally the only thing they do all year every year, etc.

Then do what Nintendo have done traditionally and focus on sports like Snowboarding and Jetskiing, regardless, there are still more genres that Nintendo can be competing in than 2D platforming, licences or not.
Metroid Prime did better sales relative to its install base than DKR did.

maybe but DKCR did better in absolute terms and probably cost less to make. and thats the bottomline for nintendo. they want a game to appeal to a lot of people and is cheap to make not a game that costs them a lot and nobody gives a s..


Holy mother of spin....

So... (and I already feel stupid for asking) ...what about Prime 3?

Metroid Prime: > 2 million
Metroid Prime 2: > 800,000
Metroid Prime 3: > 1.3 million
Donkey Kong Country Returns: > 5 million

These were the only solid numbers I could find, unfortunately. Here's some official numbers for other Wii/Gamecube stats.

Gamecube Hardware Sold: 21 million
Gamecube Software Sold: 198 million units
Gamecube Software Attach Rate: 9.42

Wii Hardware Sold: 100 million
Wii Software Sold: 869 million
Wii Software Attach Rate: 8.69

Total Software Sold / Units Sold -
Metroid Prime: ~1.0%
Metroid Prime 2: ~0.40%
Metroid Prime 3: ~0.15%
DKCR: ~0.58%

So, yes, you could say that the first Metroid Prime sold better in comparison with the total install base (but who is to say that a 2D Donkey Kong wouldn't have sold even more?).
"a cultural disaster" oh boy.

Are all the threads for this game going to be ruined by this kind of crap?
It's incredibly annoying, and I don't even know what "cultural disaster" is supposed to mean. I get that people like it when developers make games they want and don't like it when they don't make games they want, but I can't understand the level of dissatisfaction with Retro making another Donkey Kong Country game. As someone who doesn't really enjoy Metroid games, I'm perfectly fine with it. Also, hasn't Retro been making Metroid games for the better part of the last decade? After seven or more years working on the same franchise you would think they'd like to work on something else. From what I've heard, DKCR was a quality game, and Tropical Freeze will be another quality game, so it's not like Wii U owners will be getting a bad game by Retro forgoing Metroid.

After Tropical Freeze, I'd really like to see something new from Retro.


maybe but DKCR did better in absolute terms and probably cost less to make. and thats the bottomline for nintendo. they want a game to appeal to a lot of people and is cheap to make not a game that costs them a lot and nobody gives a s..

And that is why I don't care for Wii U. Not only no 3rd party games is a huge problem. But Nintendo software itself don't seem anything special anymore. NSMBWiiU and DKC seem to look like the same games running on Dolphin emulator, just upressed with a lot of reused assets. Also the new Mario 3D World seems to be cheap too. I am still waiting for that nextgen high budget Nintendo software, I want a next gen Mario platformer, that takes the next step, from Galaxy, I want a next gen 3D Metroid, The only sign of a truly next gen high budget game was that Zelda tech demo, and it seems the next Zelda is far off. And even though Nintendo are only releasing cheaper budget games, there is still a software drought. Finally just for the sake of not being off topic, this DKC game seems more of the same (mainly due to it being similar to the old one but upressed), I would have atleast liked if they expanded the gameplay, like DKC2 which had more types of level design like verticality.
NSMBWiiU and DKC seem to look like the same games running on Dolphin emulator, just upressed with a lot of reused assets.

Yes, literally the same game. Except, you know, the fact that the entire game is different (besides maybe some assets). Or does the visual style make it the "same game running on Dolphin emulator?"

Finally just for the sake of not being off topic, this DKC game seems more of the same (mainly due to it being similar to the old one but upressed), I would have atleast liked if they expanded the gameplay, like DKC2 which had more types of level design like verticality.

Water levels? More partners for Donkey Kong which add entirely new mechanics based on the partner (like Dixie Kong and the third unrevealed character)?

It's like people haven't actually watched the trailers for the games Nintendo revealed at E3.
Are people really still bitching about this? I think we all wanted something else from Retro, but let's not shit all over what will likely be an excellent game simply because our expectations weren't met.

On a side note, I was listening to the DKC2 OST over the weekend, and am stoked to hear what David Wise does with this one. Curious what, if any, remixes he'll include. The pirate sound of the second game could very well meld with the Viking theme in this game, with slight alterations. Themes like those in the forest, ice cave, swamp, and forest levels had a nice pop sound to them that I found really unique, and it's a sound that was sorely missing from the 3rd game, and Returns. I also hope Nintendo releases an official OST for this one.


The NewEgg's newsletter this morning has this listed as a special. You can pre-order the game and save $7 ($52.99 instead of $59.99) using the promotion code:

The NewEgg's newsletter this morning has this listed as a special. You can pre-order the game and save $7 ($52.99 instead of $59.99) using the promotion code:


Thanks for the heads-up, but the pre-orders are already sold out..

edit: nm, the mobile site wouldnt let me click the preorder button, but the desktop site still allows it.
Are people really still bitching about this? I think we all wanted something else from Retro, but let's not shit all over what will likely be an excellent game simply because our expectations weren't met.

On a side note, I was listening to the DKC2 OST over the weekend, and am stoked to hear what David Wise does with this one. Curious what, if any, remixes he'll include. The pirate sound of the second game could very well meld with the Viking theme in this game, with slight alterations. Themes like those in the forest, ice cave, swamp, and forest levels had a nice pop sound to them that I found really unique, and it's a sound that was sorely missing from the 3rd game, and Returns. I also hope Nintendo releases an official OST for this one.

I honestly think Tropical Freeze will have my favorite soundtrack of all time. Wise is my favorite composer ever, and for once he's not held back by crippling limitations like games changing franchises mid-development or shitty GBA sound quality.

What we've heard so far is truly fucking glorious:




Um exCUSE me Sakurai but CLEARLY the best choice for Smash Bros would be my fav niche character HOWEVER you are clearly INCOMPETENT and
When will we be letdown by the last character reveal? At the next direct?

K. Rool is thirsty for melted freezies.


After beating DKCR on both Wii and 3DS, I am stoked for a sequel. Those videos RawkHawk2010 linked a couple posts up are DELICIOUS. The seal boss, in particular, has so many attacks, and I like the way he incorporates various henchmen into the fight. Such a high-energy encounter. :)


Um exCUSE me Sakurai but CLEARLY the best choice for Smash Bros would be my fav niche character HOWEVER you are clearly INCOMPETENT and
Apparently Ninty don't do directs any more, it seems. :(

Who needs the directs when you can talk even more directly to the millions of Wii U customers on Miiverse. The internet doesn't reach as many people as Miiverse does. Miiverse.
Watching those videos just shows how beautiful this game looks, and with an amazing soundtrack. I know it isn't what a lot of people wanted Retro to be working on but it looks amazing.

Day one!


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
This thread is really small for having been announced over 1.5 months ago.
I wasn't paying attention to DCKR's release or post-release conversations so I don't know if what I'm about to say got talked about much but:

The bassy "thump" when DK jumps on enemies, and the animation of bananas and coins flying off screen are amazing little touches I loved in the first game and which sound/look equally as great here. They mastered making those "little things" that you do all the time feel satisfying. Also, the roll is godlike.
Wow, looking at the videos again just made me again realize how amazing the first game was. And despite givibg each character two hearts instead of one like on the SNES, it was also really, really hard (something I liked... for the most part. :p), so it is interesting looking at this game with an easier difficulty.

This thread is really small for having been announced over 1.5 months ago.

Most of the posts related to this game were in a thread named something like, "Retro is making freakin' Donkey Kong." or something like that.
This thread is really small for having been announced over 1.5 months ago.

I agree. This game
of the year contender
should get some more attention.

I wasn't paying attention to DCKR's release or post-release conversations so I don't know if what I'm about to say got talked about much but:

The bassy "thump" when DK jumps on enemies, and the animation of bananas and coins flying off screen are amazing little touches I loved in the first game and which sound/look equally as great here. They mastered making those "little things" that you do all the time feel satisfying. Also, the roll is godlike.

Yes to all of these. I believe the bass thump when DK lands from a jump was further emphasized in the 3DS version of Returns. And the roll jump is probably my favorite mechanic in any platformer. Fucking launching DK halfway across the screen with reckless abandon and somehow making it through alive never, ever gets old.

The wait for Tropical Freeze will be a hard one. I'm honestly like 99% sure it'll be my GotY by a wide margin. Sadly I think it will be generally overlooked amidst the new console launches... :(


This thread is really small for having been announced over 1.5 months ago.
I'm waiting for this game and will buy it eventually, maybe not at launch just to get it cheaper, but still. It's just that the game is pretty much the same as the Wii game, of course with new levels, enemies and some gameplay stuff (and of course MUSIC!). So I guess many other people are like me, they'll buy the game, but there's no need to hype it because we know what we're getting.
I'm waiting for this game and will buy it eventually, maybe not at launch just to get it cheaper, but still. It's just that the game is pretty much the same as the Wii game, of course with new levels, enemies and some gameplay stuff (and of course MUSIC!). So I guess many other people are like me, they'll buy the game, but there's no need to hype it because we know what we're getting.

It's just weird because that doesn't make any sense.

"It's the same game, except for everything that's different, which is pretty much everything."

They don't need to reinvent moving from left to right on the screen for it to be a new experience.


I'm waiting for this game and will buy it eventually, maybe not at launch just to get it cheaper, but still. It's just that the game is pretty much the same as the Wii game, of course with new levels, enemies and some gameplay stuff (and of course MUSIC!). So I guess many other people are like me, they'll buy the game, but there's no need to hype it because we know what we're getting.

There are still a lot of unknowns, like how the two extra characters are going to work. I'm ready to hype for it whenever others have gotten over their Mystery Retro Game blues. Maybe people will open up to it more after a few actual Wii U games launch and we get another Nintendo Direct with a few more announcements.
Well guys, looks like we may be seeing some more of this game tomorrow.

(More of Wise's glorious music? More lush, dynamic-camerafied environments? The reveal of the much-talked-about fourth playable Kong? And that it's actually King K. Rool?

((My dopamine nodes are going all silly.))


I need more glorious Retro Studios DK in my life.

Best thing to happen to the series since the Rare buyout happened.
Well guys, looks like we may be seeing some more of this game tomorrow.

(More of Wise's glorious music? More lush, dynamic-camerafied environments? The reveal of the much-talked-about fourth playable Kong? And that it's actually King K. Rool?

((My dopamine nodes are going all silly.))

...well, that never happened.

Anyway, I was thinking...we know (most of) the bosses in this game will be based on high ranking Arctic animal vikings. We've already seen Big Top the seal and I think the developer direct said something about penguin and polar bear bosses too.

So...what other bosses would y'all wanna see? (I want a narwhale.)


...well, that never happened.

Anyway, I was thinking...we know (most of) the bosses in this game will be based on high ranking Arctic animal vikings. We've already seen Big Top the seal and I think the developer direct said something about penguin and polar bear bosses too.

So...what other bosses would y'all wanna see? (I want a narwhale.)

Giant Moose!
I just want them to be better than DKCR's. After the generally awesome Metroid Prime Bosses, DKCR's were a letdown. This is my most anticipated title this year... I watched every bit of footage at E3, so time to go on media blackout (I don't mind finding out about who the fourth character is, but I don't want to see footage). This will only be Retro's fifth game in 11 years, so I don't wanna spoil it! I can't wait to see all their crazy ideas. I will die if we see this realized:

I just want them to be better than DKCR's. After the generally awesome Metroid Prime Bosses, DKCR's were a letdown. This is my most anticipated title this year... I watched every bit of footage at E3, so time to go on media blackout (I don't mind finding out about who the fourth character is, but I don't want to see footage). This will only be Retro's fifth game in 11 years, so I don't wanna spoil it! I can't wait to see all their crazy ideas. I will die if we see this realized:


Judging by how much more awesome Big Top is than Mugly, I think we'll be pleasantly surprised.

(I love how TF's bosses will be legitimate bad dudes and not just brainwashed innocents this time.)


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
Hope i can find a good deal before this comes out because i need a Wii U for this game.
I wanted a Metroid announcement from Retro, but that said, cannot wait for this game, looks like a ton of fun!!
This game will deliver!!
One thing I've been thinking about is that I'd really love to see the 3D dynamic camera used for things besides barrel blasting.

Imagine corkscrewing up an inclined plane in a minecart level with that camera following you...so many possibilities.


Wouldn't it be wise to give it a more generic name for the sake of sales? Or is this one of those Nintendo moments when they have come up with a name that inexplicably works.
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