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Doom review codes not getting sent out until launch day?


This is almost always a bad thing and anybody in here saying by different is in denial.

Holding review copies doesn't necessarily mean the game is going to be panned, but is does usually mean it is going to underperform critically. The trouble with this game and unlike Destiny/The Division is it has no expectations. People are not expecting this game to be a 85+ game. Destiny/The Division review copies were clearly held back because of the huge investment and expectations in those games. Those games delivering a 80ish metascore was a bit of a bad look considering the investment and hype. The same can't be said for this game.


I've been mildly excited about a new Doom game for a while, but to honest I haven't seen any videos or screenshots that have got me interested. The whole thing feels a bit like the build up to Dragon Age 2, where I just didn't see anything that got me excited, right up until launch, and eventually just cancelled my pre-order. Does anyone else think Doom looks a bit m'eh, or have I missed some really cool stuff?


So much fuss about MP... I don't get it, it seems obvious that this isn't the next big thing, even so with free, and superior UT4 on PC...
So SP plz be good!
I wonder if this kind of practice will continue if stores install electronic price-tags that shows, besides current price, the current Metacritic/Opencritic score and a flag icon. With yellow flag meaning reviewers got the review code on time, but cannot post reviews until launch day, and Red Flag meaning reviewers got no review code or getting it on launch day so they cannot post reviews on time for launch day.

If this kinda system is in place, I wonder how many people would be willing to buy a $60 game with a Metacritic score of 0 and a Red Flag next to it.
The general public doesn't care about reviews.


Gold Member
I wonder if this kind of practice will continue if stores install electronic price-tags that shows, besides current price, the current Metacritic/Opencritic score and a flag icon. With yellow flag meaning reviewers got the review code on time, but cannot post reviews until launch day, and Red Flag meaning reviewers got no review code or getting it on launch day so they cannot post reviews on time for launch day.

If this kinda system is in place, I wonder how many people would be willing to buy a $60 game with a Metacritic score of 0 and a Red Flag next to it.

But how would this work with all the suspicious uncharted 4 reviews out there?

All it would do is further deceive consumers.
This doesn't particularly matter to me because I played in a few of the closed and the open beta so I have a good idea of what to expect. What I don't like is how they consider MP and Snapmap a "huge" part of the experience. The MP was an amalgamation of several different types of MP games. Instead of being simply a good arena shooter or a good load out shooter it tries to be too much of everything and IMO ends up failing to be great at anything. Nonetheless I hope the SP is solid, it looked great from footage but I simply can't justify purchasing this game currently for only a potentially decent SP.
That's true to some degree, but the actual issue is that such a system would come at no small cost and be dissuasive more than anything else.

game sales are so front loaded most of the time plus most people have alreayd made up there mind if they are gonna get a game before it releases so they can pre-order.


Fine by me.
Doesn't look like the game I'd jump to buy day 1 so I don't mind waiting a week or 2 for reviews.

Besides, now that DS 3 and Uncharted are out I think my day 1 purchases for this year are comming to an end. Time to go back to waiting for sales and price drops


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
game sales are so front loaded most of the time plus most people have alreayd made up there mind if they are gonna get a game before it releases so they can pre-order.

I wasn't saying otherwise. Of course those who've made up their mind are unlikely to change it; I was referring to the impact on uninformed/whimsical purchases.
haha oh god

What reality do you live in man

I'm assuming this is a joke?

He doesn't need one reality.
He's a gamer. He has many.

I think
it's a joke?

Of course it's a joke, a very bad one. :p I kinda get all over the place when joking and some people take it super-serial :p

But on topic again, why didn't Bethesda send review codes on time and giving reviewers time to at least get a decent opinion of the single player, before having to rush their time on multiplayer so they can get their review out on time-ish. So what if the multiplayer servers aren't online yet, unless the game is online-only and denies single-player progress when offline?


Fine by me.
Doesn't look like the game I'd jump to buy day 1 so I don't mind waiting a week or 2 for reviews.

Besides, now that DS 3 and Uncharted are out I think my day 1 purchases for this year are comming to an end. Time to go back to waiting for sales and price drops

FFXV is still a Day 1 purchase for me but agreed.


could never
You mean the opposite.

Not what I read... right here on GAF!



But how would this work with all the suspicious uncharted 4 reviews out there?

Are you suggesting there's some kind of grand conspiracy in regard to Uncharted 4's reviews? Sites as disparate in size from the Gamespot's of the world to the tiniest little self-ran blog are giving it 9's and 10's. They're all rating it in lock-step?

DOOM will be fine. It's just one of those games that I think a lot of people value more at $40 than at $60, particularly after the underwhelming multi-player beta.
Doom could be a tough one to review, because the original is still loved so much. It will either get ripped for being too old school / too much like the original, with not enough changes or it will get ripped for changing things too much and not feeling like Doom anymore, hope they get the balance right.

I'm expecting 7's and 8's when the reviews come in though, as nothing I've seen makes it look really bad or anything and the campaign looks decent enough, hopefully reviewers won't be too harsh on it.


Gold Member
Are you suggesting there's some kind of grand conspiracy in regard to Uncharted 4's reviews? Sites as disparate in size from the Gamespot's of the world to the tiniest little self-ran blog are giving it 9's and 10's. They're all rating it in lock-step?

DOOM will be fine. It's just one of those games that I think a lot of people value more at $40 than at $60, particularly after the underwhelming multi-player beta.

JustSomeone showed us the light:

All those 10's look awfully suspicious. Even without considering my personal opinion that the first 3 games weren't that good.

You will join us soon.
I highly doubt the SP will be some sort of giant train wreck but instead am assuming it to be highly mediocre, generic and ultimately forgettable. Based on the marketing campaign, Bethesda dumped serious cash into this thing and is really gambling big here which if what I previously wrote is the case, will most certainly not cut it for them financially.

My assumption, or jump to a conclusion, is that they're exercising a bit of damage control to get all that Day 1 and near Day 1 impulse buy cash in without interruption to brace for what comes after the, more than likely, mediocre reviews. I think id really tried but the talent just isn't there anymore and the writing is on the wall.

All that being said, my utter frustration with this game is the fact that we're talking about Doom here. I grew up with this franchise, waited patiently for Doom 3 bla bla bla and a generic yet serviceable and playable enough FPS with a Doom license slapped on it to me is worse than just letting the franchise die.


I highly doubt the SP will be some sort of giant train wreck but instead am assuming it to be highly mediocre, generic and ultimately forgettable. Based on the marketing campaign, Bethesda dumped serious cash into this thing and is really gambling big here which if what I previously wrote is the case, will most certainly not cut it for them financially.

My assumption, or jump to a conclusion, is that they're exercising a bit of damage control to get all that Day 1 and near Day 1 impulse buy cash in without interruption to brace for what comes after the, more than likely, mediocre reviews. I think id really tried but the talent just isn't there anymore and the writing is on the wall.

All that being said, my utter frustration with this game is the fact that we're talking about Doom here. I grew up with this franchise, waited patiently for Doom 3 bla bla bla and a generic yet serviceable and playable enough FPS with a Doom license slapped on it to me is worse than just letting the franchise die.

Are you saying Doom 3 was generic and barely serviceable or this Doom? The former I agree on but at least this one looks like a blast to play.
Not a big deal since reviewers are no more qualified than us here on GAF to critique a game. Just don't buy it day 1 and wait for GAF opinions. Problem solved.
This DOES make me slightly concerned for the quality of the game but the alpha/beta were a blast and the stream looked great so I have hope.
Are you saying Doom 3 was generic and barely serviceable or this Doom? The former I agree on but at least this one looks like a blast to play.

I didn't say *barely* serviceable. My comments are about this reboot. I'm not a fan of Doom 3 but I give it credit for being creative and trying its own things back then even if it ultimately failed for my tastes. My biggest problem with it was the introduction of the whole enemy teleporting/spawning right in front and behind you at every turn which completely went against what I enjoyed about Doom 1/2. You couldn't really retreat and plan, be strategic very much or anything because it insisted on that random factor. I assume they thought it would create tension, but it just sucked and felt lazy.


Doom could be a tough one to review, because the original is still loved so much. It will either get ripped for being too old school / too much like the original, with not enough changes or it will get ripped for changing things too much and not feeling like Doom anymore, hope they get the balance right.

I'm expecting 7's and 8's when the reviews come in though, as nothing I've seen makes it look really bad or anything and the campaign looks decent enough, hopefully reviewers won't be too harsh on it.

Well, I think that's just it: with a game like this, there is simply no way to make everybody happy -- the second you introduce keys that open doors (as this game has), you've now alienated the subset of FPS players that believes such a thing should never occur.

I don't think it's a good thing to not send out review copies, but I understand why they haven't in this case, if their logic is basically "You know, it's Doom. There's no way what we've done here is going to be anything but divisive." I think they've been very fair in showing the game, trailers, *long* demos, and a multiplayer beta that should alleviate fears that there's anything mediocre about the performance or visuals. I think they're confident they have a good product for people who like what Doom is about. I don't think they are at all confident that it's going to get good reviews for sticking to its roots as a gory, fast-paced shooter with old school sensibilities.

Reviewers probably will be harsh. Honestly, that's fine -- they should stick to their guns with regards to what is important to them from an FPS game. I don't think they should make a 'special regard' for Doom just because of its heritage, or because of the game it's trying to emulate. But I do think when that first 70 hits, or whatever it is, that people should hold off on the knee-jerk "Oh it must be a pile of shit" remarks, especially if they actually like old school shooter campaigns. Just be aware that your expectation of what the game should be is likely quite different from theirs.
You could read this as one of two things.

1) They want to keep everything not show in the beta a nice surprise for the players.

2) It's quite bad and they know it, they want to keep a lid on it up until the very last moment.
- Either way the answer to both of the questions is don't pre-order. You can find many outlets that give spoiler free reviews once it's launched so you don't need to spoil the surprise and can still not get ripped off.


You could read this as one of two things.

1) They want to keep everything not show in the beta a nice surprise for the players.

2) It's quite bad and they know it, they want to keep a lid on it up until the very last moment.
- Either way the answer to both of the questions is don't pre-order. You can find many outlets that give spoiler free reviews once it's launched so you don't need to spoil the surprise and can still not get ripped off.

Point 1 is easily solved by having a day 1 review embargo and giving codes early. You can (but shouldn't IMO) even embargo specific details from being revealed in reviews, Nintendo used to do it a lot.

There's very little reason to ever not send review codes early.
My order just shipped so should be able to give you some impressions tomorrow.

I must say I'm a little skeptical but really looking forward to playing. I think even if the game is far from perfect it'll have some redeeming features.


I'm keeping my pre-order, and I'll enjoy my 7-8/10 throwback FPS. I've seen enough gameplay to be convinced the campaign will be enjoyable, and the game felt mechanically sound in the beta.

Mr Swine

Should we really be that concerned? How many times have sites written positive previews of games only for them to go all out and say "yeah this game sucks" and give it a low score
I just got every weapon in the game and now I feel.... overwhelmed!!!

Enemies are faster, more agressive and they are coming in so many numbers!!!! I just got the BFG (took 15 minutes to solve a stupid puzzle) and game keeps delivering.

I mean, like it a lot, but I won't do my review so early. I saw something at the main menu and I wish to see at least one type to give my opinion.

I guess it's spoiler-ish.... so....

I found at the main menu the option to turn off the BOSS HEALTH GAUGE....

But I haven't found any after 8 hours of campaing.... since I got every weapon, maybe now the game starts with some surprises

In the mean time.... I'll post some pictures in 10 minutes
All I wanted to know is if the campaign is any good. The MP doesn't interest me.

Same here, if it ends up being as good as Rage (well I really enjoyed it dammit) and the latest Wolfenstien I will be picking it up this weekend. Also waiting on PS4 impressions.


I just got every weapon in the game and now I feel.... overwhelmed!!!

Enemies are faster, more agressive and they are coming in so many numbers!!!! I just got the BFG (took 15 minutes to solve a stupid puzzle) and game keeps delivering.

I mean, like it a lot, but I won't do my review so early. I saw something at the main menu and I wish to see at least one type to give my opinion.

I guess it's spoiler-ish.... so....

I found at the main menu the option to turn off the BOSS HEALTH GAUGE....

But I haven't found any after 8 hours of campaing.... since I got every weapon, maybe now the game starts with some surprises

In the mean time.... I'll post some pictures in 10 minutes
Puzzles are back too? Nice!
I just got every weapon in the game and now I feel.... overwhelmed!!!

Enemies are faster, more agressive and they are coming in so many numbers!!!! I just got the BFG (took 15 minutes to solve a stupid puzzle) and game keeps delivering.

I mean, like it a lot, but I won't do my review so early. I saw something at the main menu and I wish to see at least one type to give my opinion.

I guess it's spoiler-ish.... so....

I found at the main menu the option to turn off the BOSS HEALTH GAUGE....

But I haven't found any after 8 hours of campaing.... since I got every weapon, maybe now the game starts with some surprises

In the mean time.... I'll post some pictures in 10 minutes
Glad to hear you're enjoying it! I'll ask the same question I did a few pages back; is every enemy encounter arena based, or are there some scattered between levels?
Hey pal, where did you order from. UK based?
SimplyGames, really hoping it'll be here tomorrow as it despatched early afternoon and it was first class. Cost me £32.
Rage is one of my favourite shooters of last gen, I think it's genuinely great. Fuck all y'all! :p

Feels like there are far too few of us...Rage was great, the biggest problem was the story which was one big mess other than that it's a very enjoyable game especially the gun play.
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