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Downton Abbey |OT| Estate in Disrepair

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Pretty good episode. Though the time jumps each episode are pretty jarring sometimes.

Next week's looks crazy. Possibly soap opera-ish. Pretty soon we will have an evil twin show up.


Jimmy Stav said:
I am far too forgiving when it comes to this show. The conclusion to today's episode was very "precious" but it still got me. The points of conflict are starting to feel a bit contrived, however. The Episode 5 preview has me worried.
I’m just as forgiving. I feel like each episode in the first series kept pushing the plot along so that the whole story covered a bunch of different things. But this second series has sort of stalled. Not as much ground has been covered; just the same plot points each episode.

Lactose_Intolerant said:
Pretty good episode. Though the time jumps each episode are pretty jarring sometimes.

Next week's looks crazy. Possibly soap opera-ish. Pretty soon we will have an evil twin show up.
I think this week’s episode (2x5) was the saddest/most melodramatic of all the episodes. I wouldn’t have predicted these events.

But 2x6 looks a little absurd. Hopefully it’s not too over-the-top.


i thought it was a pretty good episode although i guess i never minded the soapy stuff. My opinion on Mary has really turned this season.....next ep looks a bit crazy


venison crêpe
I really didn't like yesterday's episode mainly becase of the storyline. The game has completely changed, especially judging by next week's preview. I can't keep up haha!

Mary continues to be fantastic. I love the inner turmoil.
Bates' difficulty getting married is getting a bit stale--I wish they'd wrap up that subplot because it's starting to get predictable.

And next week's episode does indeed look pretty absurd
I just finished the first series. Wow.

I've never been much of a fan of British costume dramas, but I loved every minute. Every single character is fantastic.
Seems today's episode was just a setup for next weeks. Nothing really happened except for P. Gordon coming to the house. Even that just seemed to waste time with the story.
Wheels felts something in his leg again, so I expect him to walk to Mary and ask her to marry him or some nonsense like that.
lol @ calling him "wheels."

I seriously don't understand this constant criticism of 'nothing happening' every episode. This is Downton Abbey for gods sake. You know, the place where takes half an hour for someone to smile longingly at someone else, and then another ten to re-suppress those feelings. I don't think I've ever seen a TV show (or movie for that matter) do these slow-burning subtle moments better than Downton.


HiroProtagonist said:
lol @ calling him "wheels."

I seriously don't understand this constant criticism of 'nothing happening' every episode. This is Downton Abbey for gods sake. You know, the place where takes half an hour for someone to smile longingly at someone else, and then another ten to re-suppress those feelings. I don't think I've ever seen a TV show (or movie for that matter) do these slow-burning subtle moments better than Downton.
Yeah, I agree with this. I don't have any problem with the writing of each episode. This isn't an action series. It's a period piece that's subtle and understated.

Nonetheless, I'll say that I think that overall the first series is better than this one. More was done with the story in a more crafty and less dramatic way whereas this series has relied on dramatic twists every few episodes.

A new example:
the sudden feelings in Matthew's legs
was a somewhat disappointing development.
Two episodes into the second series (sorry, PBS, but I can't wait until January).

Goddamnit, Edith. You were almost likable for a second.
Okay, the most recent episode was a little absurd. I honestly don't understand the criticism that "nothing happened."

I'm assuming this guy will turn out to be full of shit.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
Jimmy Stav said:
Okay, the most recent episode was a little absurd. I honestly don't understand the criticism that "nothing happened."

well if you feel like the Canadian officer was a complete fake and he won't come back, then it's probably a wasted storyline, maybe that's why some had that reaction.

He seemed fake when speaking with Edith privately, but yet Lord Grantham had such a strong reaction when speaking with him, not sure how they'll take that storyline.

right, sorry!
levious said:
well if you feel like the Canadian officer was a complete fake and he won't come back, then it's probably a wasted storyline, maybe that's why some had that reaction.

He seemed fake when speaking with Edith privately, but yet Lord Grantham had such a strong reaction when speaking with him, not sure how they'll take that storyline.

Yeah, that only recently occurred to me (check my edit). And you should probably spoiler tag that stuff seeing as how the episode only aired last night.
All caught up now. Take that, Masterpiece.

I hope Scarface stays gone, though I doubt he will. I'm not too keen on that storyline.

I wish they would have given Mrs. Bates
a bit more depth before killing her off. Granted, there are a handful of truly evil people in this world, but it seems kind of lazy to not give her any shred of humanity.

And poor Daisy is the Butters of Downton Abbey. She exists to be tormented.

The second series has gotten surprisingly wacky toward the end, but I'm confident Fellowes knows what he's doing. Fingers crossed.
Saw the first season last year with my mother on spanish tv. It was great and im waiting now that they air the second one. The spanish dub is pretty great, but I would also love to watch it in english becuase british accent is awesome.

Phonomezer said:
Nah, she's pretty white


I fucking love this girl <3


Does anyone know about this: that gesture P. Gordon makes when he was speaking with Lord Grantham? It was weird and I hope it's explained in the next episode

Also finally remembered to check Wikipedia and confirm that Sir Richard Carlisle = Ser Jorah Mormont from Game of Thrones.

I'm guessing it's some tick or gesture that the potential heir did as a child, which he is either copying or does legitimately.


Jimmy Stav said:
I'm guessing it's some tick or gesture that the potential heir did as a child, which he is either copying or does legitimately.
yeah, thought so. just making sure I didn't miss anything.


questionmark said:
While I would agree that season two has more drama than the first season, your hyperbole is quite unwelcome.

Calling a soap opera a soap opera is hyperbole now? It's a quality soap opera, I'll give you that much, but just recant the the storylines, and perhaps you will see what I mean.

All I ask is that you bear this in mind next time you watch the 'drama'.
Yeah, this season has been a bit too wacky for my tastes. It's still a great show, but it's gotten a bit weird. I think I'll chalk it up to a sophomore slump and hope the third series improves. I'll be sure to give the second series a re-watch when it airs on PBS this winter. Perhaps it will grow on me a bit more. It's just gotten really chaotic.

Matthew chooses Mary over Lavinia he's fucking nuts. Mary is the type who wants what she can't have. She's cold and fickle, and Mrs. Hughes is right in saying that her misfortune is mostly her fault.

Also, I didn't realize that
Sybil meant to marry Branson - at least not immediately. I thought they were merely running away together, not necessarily tying the knot.

Robert going after Jane was really random. I'm not quite understanding his increasingly bizarre behavior. I don't really get why he's being so petulant.


I think this show needs more episodes per series. The first had 7 and the second will have 8. Another 4-5 episodes would really help spread out the storyline, I think. This way they wouldn't have to jam all this chaos into one episode.

Is the 7-8 eps/season a UK thing?

At least Thomas
finally became a fucking human character in this episode. The twist with the black market goods was well done.

Lactose_Intolerant said:
Lol, Captain Crowley leaping out of the
was laughably bad. The music, everything. Not a soap opera at all.
Ugh. Total waste of a plot point. Can't believe they reversed on that.

BertramCooper said:
Yeah, this season has been a bit too wacky for my tastes. It's still a great show, but it's gotten a bit weird. I think I'll chalk it up to a sophomore slump and hope the third series improves. I'll be sure to give the second series a re-watch when it airs on PBS this winter. Perhaps it will grow on me a bit more. It's just gotten really chaotic.
The first series was understated and subtle. The writing in this series is the complete opposite. It's like they were so excited by the success of the first series that they just ratcheted up the drama on this one. More drama/chaos does not = better show.

Matthew chooses Mary over Lavinia he's fucking nuts. Mary is the type who wants what she can't have. She's cold and fickle, and Mrs. Hughes is right in saying that her misfortune is mostly her fault.
Looks like it's headed that way.
The relationship between Mary and Matthew is kind of the main arc of the show. I feel like they never really developed Lavinia enough.

Also, I didn't realize that
Sybil meant to marry Branson - at least not immediately. I thought they were merely running away together, not necessarily tying the knot.
Yeah I think that was sort of implied.

Robert going after Jane was really random. I'm not quite understanding his increasingly bizarre behavior. I don't really get why he's being so petulant.
Seriously! This was actually worse than
Matthew's miraculous ability to stand/walk. Robert is supposed to be a rational, empathetic character with a moral code - not a crazy, unpredictable one.
So I've been watching this series and thought I'd chime in:

fooling around with the maid
is completely out of character. I know he's lost his sense of importance, but that's a little much for him.

I really agree with what others have said, this second series really lost the reserved nature of the first run, but it's still one of the best shows on television. And to answer your question SD-Ness, that is a British thing to have just a few episodes in a season. Smaller quantity, but the overall quality tends to be better because of this.


Oh wow, a Downton Abbey OT. I love this show.
Subscribed and will probably join in on the discussion when I have more time.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
PushTheButtonMax said:
So I've been watching this series and thought I'd chime in:

fooling around with the maid
is completely out of character. I know he's lost his sense of importance, but that's a little much for him.

That plus his wife's attitude throughout the war, he became more and more resentful of her.


God, I love this show so much. I understand and mostly share the complaints, but I just don't care.

Nurse Sybil makes me faint with desire.



I need to catch up on the last few episodes, but season 2 definitely hasn't been as good as season 1.
Jimmy Stav said:
It irks me that this entire series so far still hasn't broken one page of discussion.
This season has been amazingly cliche, I stopped watching when the dude kissed the maid. Did the writers from the first season die or something?
I can't stop watching but this show is so bad now. Lol
Why would the doctor wait till last to see the bride. Not that he seems to be able to do anything, but still. Check on the mom and the servants but the future lady of the house comes last.
Just popping in right quick. I finished S1 a few days ago, really liked it. The show is well written, beautifully shot and acted, and oddly addictive. I went through the season quite slowly due to time constraints, but found myself constantly thinking about it. In some ways it feels like a more posh Game Of Thrones, with its intrigue and back stabbing - and Mr. Bates playing the role of Ned Stark, the ever honorable fool.

Perhaps my only complaint about S1 was the coincidental/convenient nature of some things, mainly the death of the infant towards the end of the season. That just struck me as ridiculous. I'm also not a fan of the multiple attempts by Mr. Bates to take the high road, only to be saved by someone else.

I just got finished with the first episode of S2. I really liked it, but the return of Mr. Bates related drama turned me off. It was so obvious he was going to get tied up by his wife, and I just found it convoluted. He's one of my favorite characters but this is getting old.

Finally, I hope nothing happens to Matthew; would suck for so much of S1 to be focused on his ascension only for him to be killed. If I had to make a bet I'd say he gets horribly injured, his fiance leaves him, and Mary swoops in.

kk leaving this thread until I finish S2


Only saw 2 episodes of season 2 so far. Sad to hear that there seems to be considerable drop in quality. Will finish the season later.
PhoenixDark said:
Just popping in right quick. I finished S1 a few days ago, really liked it. The show is well written, beautifully shot and acted, and oddly addictive. I went through the season quite slowly due to time constraints, but found myself constantly thinking about it. In some ways it feels like a more posh Game Of Thrones, with its intrigue and back stabbing - and Mr. Bates playing the role of Ned Stark, the ever honorable fool.

Perhaps my only complaint about S1 was the coincidental/convenient nature of some things, mainly the death of the infant towards the end of the season. That just struck me as ridiculous. I'm also not a fan of the multiple attempts by Mr. Bates to take the high road, only to be saved by someone else.

I just got finished with the first episode of S2. I really liked it, but the return of Mr. Bates related drama turned me off. It was so obvious he was going to get tied up by his wife, and I just found it convoluted. He's one of my favorite characters but this is getting old.

Finally, I hope nothing happens to Matthew; would suck for so much of S1 to be focused on his ascension only for him to be killed. If I had to make a bet I'd say he gets horribly injured, his fiance leaves him, and Mary swoops in.

kk leaving this thread until I finish S2

The Bates arc in S2 is agonizing. Prepare yourself.
I'm not as disenchanted with Season 2 as many here were, but it was definitely a sloppy set of episodes. There were far too many nonsensical and/or boring plotlines that took away from the genuinely interesting ones.

In the end, I think the
Jane/Robert stuff worked out better than I thought it would. It would have been better had they introduced her at the beginning of the season and just cut out Ethel entirely. What a pointless character she was.

I hope
Branson doesn't end up being a psychpath and abuse Sybil. I love her too much. Methinks he'll get really deep into the IRA and end up getting killed or something.

I'm dreading the inevitable return of
Scarface. I hated that single storyline more than anything else this season. So fucking stupid.

There's going to be a Christmas special, right? Any clue what it's going to be about?
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