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Downton Abbey |OT| Estate in Disrepair

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I guess the Matthew/Mary thing is going to keep on going? They have to do something with him now I guess unless
He goes into drunk mopey mode

I still enjoyed this season though but I agree that it could have used a few more episodes.

Now the wait begins, September next year :(


I think the last episode was one of the best in the second series. My only gripe is that
Cora and Lavinia should have been both seriously ill. It's kind of silly to have one almost dying and the other one hardly sick and then the latter ends up dying.

I'm not sure how the relationship between
Matthew and Mary can go on. Seems like Richard Carlisle will turn more antagonistic.
But the romance between the two is kind of boring at this point.

More needs to be done with Edith.

And it'll be interesting to see
Sybil/Branson in Ireland.

Kind of disappointed the saga of
Mr. Bates will continue. I think they can do more stuff with his past but they're dwelling only on the stuff with his wife.
Boring. Is it really realistic that they could
arrest him because he got married
after his wife's death? Seems so circumstantial.


They've also failed to develop Thomas'
life as a gay man
- seems like it was totally ignored this series.
SD-Ness said:
They've also failed to develop Thomas'
life as a gay man
- seems like it was totally ignored this series.

Yeah, strange that we didn't even get to see him getting one knocked out on his face in the trenches ;)

Also agreed with the Bates thing - time to end, nobody cares.

Mary needs a return to the bitch she was in season 1. I miss her being rude to Edith :(
SD-Ness said:
They've also failed to develop Thomas'
life as a gay man
- seems like it was totally ignored this series.
I'm pretty sure we got to see Thomas fall in love this season (or as close to as heartless Thomas is likely to come).
Just finished S2. I must say I really enjoyed it, despite its flaws. It certainly felt soap opera-ish at times, the jumps in time were jarring, and some of the side plots were rather annoying...and yet I can think of few seasons of television that resonated as much emotionally. I teared up, at times I dreaded what was going to happen next (even if I knew what it was), at times I literally cheered. The season was a roller coaster culminating in quite a devastating finale.

While the big reveal of
Matthew jumping out the chair
was certainly abrupt and somewhat convenient, I loved it nonetheless; in hindsight, something good had to happen. Similarly I felt the relationship between
Branson and Sibil
felt ridiculous at times, but certainly improved over the course of the show. It'll be very interesting to see what they do with him next season;
the IRA guerrilla war began around 1919 and was quite explosive in Dublin. I could see him dying while protecting Sibil

In terms of plot lines, the baby one was especially annoying but not memorable enough to complain about. On the other hand, the reveal of
"Patrick" was quite stupid. That episode certainly was not bad, but the story was so ridiculous, and so much of a red herring that it kind of wasted an hour of the season.

As I said in my previous post, I was not a fan of the various convoluted hoops Mr. Bates found himself in every other episode, from the pilot to the last episode of S2. He's a great character, perhaps my favorite, but I must say the drama surrounding him at all times seems forced.

I was pleasantly surprised by this show. I tried going through it slowly yet found myself constantly thinking about it, and I already want to re-watch it; a couple days ago I wound up watching the pilot episode again, for no particular reason (outside of stalling myself from finishing S2). I can't wait for the next season.


I must be the only one that sees a manface when I look at Sybil.

I would prefer it returns to more silent tension drama in the third season. England's varied socialist parties could provide more class drama, but it's likely to be set too early in history for any big changes.

I kind of wish they'd kill off Thomas at this point. He's sort of a pointless villian. He has no aim anymore. His whole idea of himself should be changed, but the show looks like it just wants to stick him back into his s1 role.


Junior Member
Just saw the Christmas special. It was okay. I mean, it was Downton Abbey, so of course I enjoyed it immensely, but I was a little disappointed in the end that they decided not to shake things up. The whole episode was filled with promises of "I'm leaving" from all sorts of characters, but, save one exception, everything pretty much stayed the same.

Also I agree that Thomas is kind of bleugh now. He was probably my favorite character in the first season, but the fact that everyone continues to give him chances is just eye-rolling. The writers are clearly just proud that they've created an interesting character and don't want to lose him.

Can't wait until the next season, though. Hopefully they'll get away from all the boring marriage bullshit and move closer towards addressing the impending doom of the upper class.
I thought it was good, although I was also disappointed that things weren't shaken up a bit. For instance I would have liked to have seen Mary go to New York; I feel like she was going to get together with Matthew anyway, no need to rush things. On the opposite side of things, I'm so tired of Bates drama. He's such a great character but the writers keep throwing drama at him for whatever reason. I feel like he's going to be found innocent eventually, so dragging this out annoys me. Why must every season feature some large plot concerning his imminent doom, only for him to escape?

I thought Thomas had a great arc in S2. He's an interesting character I'd love to see more of from a personal level; we got a glimpse at his vulnerability in the first episode of S1, but that was it. The stuff with the dog was kind of funny, but I didn't like seeing him become the valet. Still, if it means the character will be developed more in S3 I'm all for it. He has a lot of potential as a character, and I hope it isn't squandered by him reverting back to the same wiseass of S1.


Does anyone know if PBS is going to be editing the second season in the same way? I know it's a huge ratings hit for them (compared to most of their programming) so I assumed they'd keep the longer episodes. My only issue with the show in its first season was The Turk and the boopity-boppity Look-this-is-awkward! music everytime Isobel and Maggie Smith talked. Keep that stuff to Grey's Anatomy, please.

One more week!

EDIT: Also, someone mentioned Thomas's love life. Though I haven't seen the second season, I think it would be silly for him to have anything more than a fling maybe once or twice. He's a gay character in a period drama - they're doomed to be alone thanks to social stigma.

And of course everything is a slow-burn. It's all about the pomp-and-circumstance of the aristocracy and how insane their issues are compared to actual legitimate problems in the real world. It mirrors that in the ways in which its drama unfolds.


PBS is airing the first episode of series 2 on Sunday night in the US! As someone who watched series 1 on Netflix, I haven't watched it on PBS. I heard that they cut out some scenes for series 1 on PBS only. Does anyone know if they are continuing that with series 2? I'm sure I'm not the only one who would prefer to watch it as it originally aired.


PBS is airing the first episode of series 2 on Sunday night in the US! As someone who watched series 1 on Netflix, I haven't watched it on PBS. I heard that they cut out some scenes for series 1 on PBS only. Does anyone know if they are continuing that with series 2? I'm sure I'm not the only one who would prefer to watch it as it originally aired.

They're not doing it for season 2. They're trying to maximize viewers and it was one of their most watched programs (4-6 million viewers) in ages.

SO EXCITED! All I want is Violet to get super bitchy.


They're not doing it for season 2. They're trying to maximize viewers and it was one of their most watched programs (4-6 million viewers) in ages.

SO EXCITED! All I want is Violet to get super bitchy.

Awesome, thanks for the good news.


Season 2 starts on PBS in 5 minutes. Can't wait. Well, I can. It's only five minutes.

Just watched the first season for the first time this weekend. It's amazing. I care about these people, because it's so obvious the creator and writers have affection for these people. (That's why I prefer it to, say, Mad Men or The Walking Dead. Even when DA tortures its characters, you can tell it cares about them, so you do too.)
Just a heads up for people that don't know. The episodes shown on PBS are re-edited from the original broadcast version.

In the first season, a whole sub-plot was removed and scenes were shown out of order. I'm not sure what season 2 will be like, but if you want to see it unedited, I'd suggest waiting for the DVD/Blu-ray release.


Just a heads up for people that don't know. The episodes shown on PBS are re-edited from the original broadcast version.

In the first season, a whole sub-plot was removed and scenes were shown out of order. I'm not sure what season 2 will be like, but if you want to see it unedited, I'd suggest waiting for the DVD/Blu-ray release.

They're not doing that for season two.
They're not doing that for season two.

Oh? I was under the impression that it was still being edited into different versions. The DVD & Blu-ray boxes even say "Original UK Edition" like they did with the first season.

Edit: Well, thanks for the heads up ivysaur, it was just in time so I could see the premiere.


Oh? I was under the impression that it was still being edited into different versions. The DVD & Blu-ray boxes even say "Original UK Edition" like they did with the first season.

Edit: Well, thanks for the heads up ivysaur, it was just in time so I could see the premiere.

Apparently I was wrong - they said at TCA they wouldn't, but apparently there was a scene cut of Branson doing something. But that was it for the first episode. It seems that, if there are cuts, they are extremely minor.

Almost done with the first hour. Impressions:

- Fuck you, Ethel
- "I'm on Team Edith!" - no one
- Cybil is the definition of a trustafarian
- Fuck you, Mrs. Bates
- Mrs. Hughes is the tits. So is Mrs. Patmore.
- The scene with the "coward" pens was heartbreaking
- Watching Moseley's face after Isabel basically sentences him to the war was also... heartbreaking
- Branson, you're an idiot
Yea I really liked the second season, and it had a couple points that man a brotha cry no lie. But it feels like a weird transition from a serious show to a more daytime soap thing, which I hope doesn't continue in the future.


Yea I really liked the second season, and it had a couple points that man a brotha cry no lie. But it feels like a weird transition from a serious show to a more daytime soap thing, which I hope doesn't continue in the future.

I've never really seen Downton as a "serious" show, more a show about the ridiculousness of the "help" and aristocracy who takes their roles in Downton and society far more seriously than anyone could imagine.

I'm missing Gwen, though. Gwen rules.

EDIT: Wait, William put his hand up with a lighter and... he gets shot? Uhh. Okay Julian Fellows.
Apparently I was wrong - they said at TCA they wouldn't, but apparently there was a scene cut of Branson doing something. But that was it for the first episode. It seems that, if there are cuts, they are extremely minor.

Oh, that's disappointing. What the heck PBS. It's not like they didn't have time to show the scene, it ended eight minutes early. :/

Now I don't know if I can wait for the blu-ray after I've watched the first two episodes.
Thomas and the soldier. ;_;
And it seems like PBS might be showing the Christmas Special too, but I'm not sure if it will be on the blu-ray. (It was separate in the UK I think.)

Hmmmm, now that I've had I taste, can I wait until Feb. 7?

Edit: Just read some more accounts of additional scenes and lines being cut besides the one you mentioned ivysaur.

PBS is full of it apparently. That seals it then, definitely waiting for the blu-ray now.


They really cut stuff? Jesus, they said they wouldn't! There's no way I can wait at this point. God dammit, what the hell.


Also, all of the daughters seems like they're joining the 20th century, except for Mary. I wonder what'll change that? And does O'Brien just want to jump on Thomas' dick or what?


Fair warning to those just starting Series 2.

Shit's about to get weird. Really weird.

It's still fun, though.

Huh? I don't know what you mean.

I enjoyed the second series much more than the first.

In season 1, all the characters were very one-dimensional and really lacked depth.
Season 2 is much more dramatic due to the wartime setting, and the characters actually start to develop and show different sides of themselves.

But I agree to a point: In season 3, they should slow down things a bit. The chaos of war is over. No reason to still start and finish a dozen storylines each episode. That could quickly become tiring for the viewer.


I started watching the show a while back and now I'm on the 5th episode of the second series. It's definitely one of the best period dramas I've ever seen. I find it interesting that even with the huge cast and fast-forward pacing you still get attached to the characters and care what happens to them.

Also Maggie Smith as Countess of Grantham is so good. Gotta love that dry english humor.


Yea I'm recording the PBS airings too. That sucks that they have actually cut stuff though, especially when they said they wouldn't. Worth waiting another month for the unedited release? Maybe, but probably not...
Define weird.

To be clear, I'd never classify the second series as bad.

It just becomes increasingly bizarre and overwrought as the series progresses. There's one episode that's downright terrible (
the sixth episode with the mysterious Canadian officer
), which introduces a subplot that I hope Fellowes abandons entirely because it's incredibly stupid. He won't though, and it will almost certainly come back in the future.

That said, it's still fun. It's just a noticeable step down from the first series.


finished season 1, and first epi of season 2. I'm usually not a fan of these pieces but its strangely addicting. I think Americans and the British have this weird fascination with each other, like we were long lost cousins who reunited or something.

One question, and I hope the thread doesn't get derailed.
But is the class structure still intact in the UK? Are there still Earls and viscounts and landed gentry and all that? Do they still have servants? I'm sure the middle/working classes are the most visible, but to my knowledge the structure is intact, no?


finished Season 1 on Netflix last night! Went through the whole thing in one day.


I woke-up thinking about it this morning.

Strong "Pride and Prejudice" overtones.
Finished series 2 this weekend, love this show. I am surprised and how much I ended up addicted to it. I can see why so many people enjoy the show, the cast of characters has some thing for everyone.

Series 2 feels a lot different than 1 but after watching the entire story line unfold I thought it was just as good. I ended up liking some people less than series 1 and others more so. Some quality new characters added as well.

My fiance ended up giving series 1 to her grandma on DVD for xmas and even she loves it.
Will I like this if I'm not normally into period dramas? As in is it so good it transcends it's genre?

Mind You I've never really seen a period drama so it's not necessarily something I dislike, it's just never appealed.
Any word on if yesterday's episode on PBS was edited too? I'm not too keen on searching myself as I don't want to be spoiled anymore.
Will I like this if I'm not normally into period dramas? As in is it so good it transcends it's genre?

Mind You I've never really seen a period drama so it's not necessarily something I dislike, it's just never appealed.

Were in the same boat it seems.

Im usually not into the period stuff. Find them quite boring.

For some reason, I absolutely LOVE Downton Abbey.


Just watched the first episode of the show, as I've been meaning to for a long while.

Umm...wow. That was awesome.
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