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Dragon Age Inquisition: Gameplay series Part 1- The Hinterlands


Waiting for a review and trying to decide if the reviewer's opinion is in-line with what will make the game enjoyable may or may not be a dumb practice, so I can respect not listening to "gaming journalism". However there is such as thing as making sure there are no pigs being coated in make-up and shipped with your game. Simply put, in my opinion the company has lost my trust and needs to be made up for the significant down-gradation of Dragon Age 2. Whatever you think about the design decisions to make the game more arcadey and twitch-combat-oriented is one of opinion. The decision to rush the game out the door and re-use assets over and over and over alongside a rather linear/bland/predictable story is simply EA/Bioware sapping the development budget because they know the name of said IP will ensure extra sales. It's not like they don't have the talent to make a solid sequel with a gripping story; they simply choose a quick moneygrab with heavy handed PR instead of a quality game.

I understand your trepidation and it makes total sense for someone that feels the way you do to take a wait and see approach. I didn't buy DA2 at release because I hated the direction they were taking the game and was never impressed with anything they showed or said about it. In cases like that, I will look to reviews and others to see what they have to say before I take the plunge.

However, if I've got a good feeling about a game (like DA:I) then that is a feeling that I'm fine with taking a gamble on. If I'm wrong? Then its something to keep in mind the next time Bioware wants to sell me a game.


Holy shit, this looks awesome! I wish the combat had a bit more of that "Dragon's Dogma" weight to it, but I've been wishing that for every game since Dragon's Dogma.

This is running on a PC, I assume?

PC with xbox controller, yea.
Melee mage essentially. Less tanky than the one from Dragon Age: Origins, but presumably has higher damage output (so think more like a two handed warrior with magic conceptually than a sword and shield warrior with magic).

Even better than that - Knight Enchanters seem to be Dragon Age's version of Jedi.


I heard one of their main specialities is summoning arcane blades to attack with as weapons, which I'm excited and also unsure about. I like the idea of summoned weapons, but usually they pale in coolness comparison (and the idea you're missing out on sick drops that look cool and have good stats).

I'm thinking it'll be more like the art - you get an awesome item, and the Knight Enchanters can "fire up" the blade into a pure arcane lightsaber thing overtop. Sounds sick to me.


I just realized I am picking up 5 games in October..... my wife is going to kill me..... must have this ...... NOW

thats not that much man,i want to pick 12 games from october lol.I'm expecting some delays from minor games because some games will be crushed with the releases of new AC and BF:H.


Graphics are mighty impressive in that video, it is everything else I am worried about. I would really like for Bioware to prove me wrong with DAI though. I guess while I am a it I am worried now that they might be making the world too big with all this talk about how it is the biggest DA yet, one area is bigger then all of DAO, and so on. Personally I think too many games go for quantity over quality when it comes to their worlds. Give me a small(by comparison) extremely well done world any day.


Graphics are mighty impressive in that video, it is everything else I am worried about. I would really like for Bioware to prove me wrong with DAI though. I guess while I am a it I am worried now that they might be making the world too big with all this talk about how it is the biggest DA yet, one area is bigger then all of DAO, and so on. Personally I think too many games go for quantity over quality when it comes to their worlds. Give me a small(by comparison) extremely well done world any day.

I'm actually not worried about that; they've shown that sidequests and missions can come up ANYWHERE in the zone just by talking to people, they have no indication at all that a quest would arise by just talking, which makes it feel all the more exciting and spontaneous to me.


The only thing I'm not very happy with is that combat.

People in full plate armor flipping in the air like they have rockets strapped to them, the archer looked like she was in a rave, not a fight. Technicolor rainbow crap coming off her like the player is in some sort of acid trip. Twirling around, cartwheels, jumping up 10 feet in the air...

It's like the combat was animated by 12 year olds who watch too much anime.

Everything else looked pretty cool.


The only thing I'm not very happy with is that combat.

People in full plate armor flipping in the air like they have rockets strapped to them, the archer looked like she was in a rave, not a fight. Technicolor rainbow crap coming off her like the player is in some sort of acid trip. Twirling around, cartwheels, jumping up 10 feet in the air...

It's like the combat was animated by 12 year olds who watch too much anime.

Of course you have a Witcher avatar.
The only thing I'm not very happy with is that combat.

People in full plate armor flipping in the air like they have rockets strapped to them, the archer looked like she was in a rave, not a fight. Technicolor rainbow crap coming off her like the player is in some sort of acid trip. Twirling around, cartwheels, jumping up 10 feet in the air...

It's like the combat was animated by 12 year olds who watch too much anime.

Everything else looked pretty cool.

grumble grumble realism with my fantasy grumble grumble


grumble grumble realism with my fantasy grumble grumble

It doesn't have to be choreographed by historical martial artists or anything, but there's stylized combat, and there there is this crap.

It's on another level.

I think they can have visual interesting, visceral combat with some level of stylization and some level of groudedness, while not having people in plate armor jumping up 20 feet like some bad super-hero TV show or oozing colors out of their asses like some nyan cat shit.

Something more stylized than DA:O would be perfect. This is something out of a super over the top JRPG.
Does EA still release GOTY editions? They did for DA1 but not for 2 (I think). I would rather wait if I can get the game and all DLC for cheaper later on. I have no problem replaying the first...two while I wait.

It doesn't have to be choreographed by historical martial artists or anything, but there's stylized combat, and there there is this crap.

It's on another level.

I think they can have visual interesting, visceral combat with some level stylization, while not having people in plate armor jumping up 20 feet like some bad super-hero TV show.

Something more stylized than DA:O would be perfect. This is something out of a super over the top JRPG.

I agree with you. Whenever I watch anime and see someone jump 20 feet I stop watching. That being said I am unable to watch about 95% of anime out there. I liked that the Game of Thrones combat animations were not over the top but they were kind of boring. Maybe something in the middle would be nice.


It doesn't have to be choreographed by historical martial artists or anything, but there's stylized combat, and there there is this crap.

It's on another level.

I think they can have visual interesting, visceral combat with some level stylization, while not having people in plate armor jumping up 20 feet like some bad super-hero TV show.

Something more stylized than DA:O would be perfect. This is something out of a super over the top JRPG.

I actually think it's better for it, as it separates itself from the other RPGs that are trying too hard with their realism.

But let's not turn this into a Witcher vs. Dragon Age thread, because both games could not be more dissimilar.


I actually think it's better for it, as it separates itself from the other RPGs that are trying too hard with their realism.

But let's not turn this into a Witcher vs. Dragon Age thread, because both games could not be more dissimilar.

Lol, what RPG's AREN'T doing the over the top combat? Witcher is the only one I can think of, and certinaly the series STARTED a lot more grounded and western with DA:O.

If anything, they are doing this BECAUSE they think it's a more appealing type of combat for the mainstream market, definitley not because it's goign to set them apart.


Looked amazing, very much looking forward to this now. I have almost no reason to believe this will be another Dragon Age II.


Lol, what RPG's AREN'T doing the over the top combat? Witcher is the only one I can think of, and certinaly the series STARTED a lot more grounded and western with DA:O.

If anything, they are doing this BECAUSE they think it's a more appealing type of combat for the mainstream market, definitley not because it's goign to set them apart.

If anything, Dragon Age shows there needs to be MORE exaggeration of magical abilities and attacks. This is high dark fantasy here.


Does EA still release GOTY editions? They did for DA1 but not for 2 (I think). I would rather wait if I can get the game and all DLC for cheaper later on. I have no problem replaying the first...two while I wait.

I agree with you. Whenever I watch anime and see someone jump 20 feet I stop watching. That being said I am unable to watch about 95% of anime out there. I liked that the Game of Thrones combat animations were not over the top but they were kind of boring. Maybe something in the middle would be nice.

If Japanese influece is a must, I definitely wish this war more Record of Lodoss War and less Naruto.


Grounding a fantasy game in reality is boring. Not everything needs to be Witcher or Souls-esque combat.

I'm tlaking about combat, not the setting.

In that sense, DA:O says different. As does Souls. As does the Witcher. As does Baldur's Gate, as does Divinity Original Sin as does a huge number of other games.

I personally think this type of combat is utterly uninteresting and lazy, but different strokes for different folks I guess.
Imru’ al-Qays;120265126 said:
Souls. And unlike Witcher the combat isn't total ass.

For the most part yeah. That gif with the hitboxes is pretty sweet. I think the dodging is over the top but I would never change that.

Grounding a fantasy game in reality is boring. Not everything needs to be Witcher or Souls-esque combat.

It has not been a problem for Game of Thrones. If anything I like it that much more because of it.


Kinthalis complaint is pretty funny considering Serah herself ridicules the idea of her doing any major high flying when Iron Bull brings it up in this very video.


For the most part yeah. That gif with the hitboxes is pretty sweet. I think the dodging is over the top but I would never change that.

It has not been a problem for Game of Thrones. If anything I like it that much more because of it.

EXACTLY how I feel. Imagine game of thrones with people flying up in the air in armor and glitter crap all over the place...

Suddenly you'd have the Dungeons and Dragon Movie... ::Shudder::
There was no Dragon Age II, Silly.

It's DA:O, DA:A, and now DA:I. DA2 was cancelled before it hit store shelves.

This I agree with. I keep reading people discussing a DA2. If there was a DA2 wouldnt this one be called DA3? It is not so clearly there was never a Dragon Age 2. Bioware never rushes development and decided to give Inquisition the same amount of development time that Origins had.
Combat mechanics look boring and bad

It has action combat that looks really poorly done compared to dragon's dogma, and 'tactical' combat that is gona be shit compared to divinity

Also that combination of agressive color grading and the youtube compression make it a contrastless mess to look at in the video


No bald cap? Lies!
Combat mechanics look boring and bad

It has action combat that looks really poorly done compared to dragon's dogma, and 'tactical' combat that is gona be shit compared to divinity

Also that combination of agressive color grading and the youtube compression make it a contrastless mess to look at in the video

Divinity is a very different game from DAI. Their schools of combat are quite far apart and the depth and style of tactics used in each are quite different. It's like apples and pears, they share a lot in common but one is not at all a substitute for the other.


The comparisons are getting out of hand; DAI is its own thing. It's realistically only comparable to previous entries.


Maybe its just me, but I've never understood the demand for "realism" in a fantasy world.

We're totally fine with suspending belief when it comes to people spraying fireballs from their finger tips, killer shadow babies, and inter-dimensional spirit elves... but a guy in heavy armor being a little more nimble than he should is suddenly "WTF thats ridiculous". ::shrug::

To me, the whole point of fantasy is that you get to re-write the rule book.


Junior Member
"this is our biggest game, you can anywhere you want, see that mountain in the distance? you can go there but there's a catch, you have to follow the corridor we created for you to get there" WTF man, this game looks like DA2 when it comes to exploration, combat does look awesome


"this is our biggest game, you can anywhere you want, see that mountain in the distance? you can go there but there's a catch, you have to follow the corridor we created for you to get there" WTF man, this game looks like DA2 when it comes to exploration, combat does look awesome

Huh? In what way did you gather that first statement? The video takes a specific route to show off specific details and make it look like the player is moving naturally through the environment. In fact, the part where they jump off a cliff down to a lower road is more like how players will really move through the environment; we'll dash and move about and jump madly because we can. There's probably a way around most of the geometry.


Junior Member
Huh? In what way did you gather that first statement? The video takes a specific route to show off specific details and make it look like the player is moving naturally through the environment. In fact, the part where they jump off a cliff down to a lower road is more like how players will really move through the environment; we'll dash and move about and jump madly because we can. There's probably a way around most of the geometry.
im not sure we watched the same video, because in this one they never deviate from the path, always on it, im buying this regardless, bioware games might not be the best when it comes to combat or exploration but the writing alone makes it worth it
"this is our biggest game, you can anywhere you want, see that mountain in the distance? you can go there but there's a catch, you have to follow the corridor we created for you to get there" WTF man, this game looks like DA2 when it comes to exploration, combat does look awesome
Thw fact that the Inquisitor can jump already makes it superior to DA:O.


Nork unification denier
why is it not October already. ;_;

Also "exotic mounts" =
griffins? Yes, I know they're extinct, but maybe...
Maybe its just me, but I've never understood the demand for "realism" in a fantasy world.

We're totally fine with suspending belief when it comes to people spraying fireballs from their finger tips, killer shadow babies, and inter-dimensional spirit elves... but a guy in heavy armor being a little more nimble than he should is suddenly "WTF thats ridiculous". ::shrug::

To me, the whole point of fantasy is that you get to re-write the rule book.




Maybe its just me, but I've never understood the demand for "realism" in a fantasy world.

We're totally fine with suspending belief when it comes to people spraying fireballs from their finger tips, killer shadow babies, and inter-dimensional spirit elves... but a guy in heavy armor being a little more nimble than he should is suddenly "WTF thats ridiculous". ::shrug::

To me, the whole point of fantasy is that you get to re-write the rule book.

Oh please, this tired old argument.

There needs to be a set of rules that are consistent within the game world. If the plate armor your guy is wearing is 50 lbs in weight according to your inventory, why is he jumping in the sky like superman? Is that explained somehow in the world is some way?


And it's not "just alittle more nimble" don't give me that crap. This is completely out there, jumping 10 fee tin the air and doing a twirl stuff, not moving slightly faster or something.

The lore of the game, the setting as described in books and in previous games is very much a Western RPG in a world like Game Of Thrones. Just to illustrate my point again, Imagine Game Of Thrones would come back next season and all of a sudden episode one Instead of a fight like this:


We get a fight like this:


No one would take that show seriously anymore.

That fight was tense, brutal, heart gripping, exciting, and no, no one was floating up in the air, No rainbows were farted out, and it was the better for it, IMHO.


This looks so awesome. Loving the setting, gameplay and graphics.

Comming from EA/Bioware you can never be sure but everything seems to point to the fact that this will be one of my top games of the year.

Also, based on how stunning it looks I'm going to asume that was PC.
I wonder how the current-gen console version looks like, hopefully close to that

Maybe its just me, but I've never understood the demand for "realism" in a fantasy world.

We're totally fine with suspending belief when it comes to people spraying fireballs from their finger tips, killer shadow babies, and inter-dimensional spirit elves... but a guy in heavy armor being a little more nimble than he should is suddenly "WTF thats ridiculous". ::shrug::

To me, the whole point of fantasy is that you get to re-write the rule book.


Seriously, who cares.
-Having magical powers? yeah sure
-Surviving any attack from a dragon (realistically should be insta-death for a normal human)? Awesome
-Magic Item bag that allows you to carry tons of weapons, potions, materials and random items? No problem
- Running or jumping with heavy armor? OMG this is so fake and over the top!!!


Maybe its just me, but I've never understood the demand for "realism" in a fantasy world.

We're totally fine with suspending belief when it comes to people spraying fireballs from their finger tips, killer shadow babies, and inter-dimensional spirit elves... but a guy in heavy armor being a little more nimble than he should is suddenly "WTF thats ridiculous". ::shrug::

To me, the whole point of fantasy is that you get to re-write the rule book.

Except fantasy worlds have lots of rules and principles. Like gravity and physics clearly based in our own. It's silly for stuff to be heavy in one scenario and like a cracked out gymnast unitard for an action move.


I am assuming the argument is over the Inquisitor, who is a Mage, and thus wearing lighter armor than a heavy warrior? Which means ya'll need to sit down before you fall down.
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