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Dragon Age: Inquisition has gone gold


I've rolled a human warrior. I always do this.

Every single RPG.

Human warrior.

Maybe I'm just boring, or maybe I just prefer the traditional choice. In my opinion, warriors usually get the coolest looking weapons and armor. I'm a huge fan of crazy plate sets though. Combined with awesome looking 2H weapons or a decent sword/shield combo, I feel like a real champion.


The game costs on Origin (normal nondeluxe edition) 75 dollars here. In a country with average montly salary 1000 dollars. I doubt anyone from here is going to buy this on Origin.

And in Mexico it is 40 dollars. Why not use this more sane price in other countries, like mine, is beyond me. People here are not going to be paying full price. They will either wait for sales or pirate it.
At least I read GAF so I know about the Mexico option, and if the game proves really good I will get it.


I've rolled a human warrior. I always do this.

Every single RPG.

Human warrior.

Maybe I'm just boring, or maybe I just prefer the traditional choice. In my opinion, warriors usually get the coolest looking weapons and armor. I'm a huge fan of crazy plate sets though. Combined with awesome looking 2H weapons or a decent sword/shield combo, I feel like a real champion.

I actually can't decide if I want to roll a warrior or a dagger rogue this time around.


I've rolled a human warrior. I always do this.

Every single RPG.

Human warrior.

Maybe I'm just boring, or maybe I just prefer the traditional choice. In my opinion, warriors usually get the coolest looking weapons and armor. I'm a huge fan of crazy plate sets though. Combined with awesome looking 2H weapons or a decent sword/shield combo, I feel like a real champion.

This is always my dilemma as well. Which is why I always play as a spell-warrior in every game that I can. Knight Enchanter will most definitely be what I end up going with in this game.


I've rolled a human warrior. I always do this.

Every single RPG.

Human warrior.

Maybe I'm just boring, or maybe I just prefer the traditional choice. In my opinion, warriors usually get the coolest looking weapons and armor. I'm a huge fan of crazy plate sets though. Combined with awesome looking 2H weapons or a decent sword/shield combo, I feel like a real champion.

Yay another person who does human warrior lol. I'm doing female human warrior for my first run through which granted will take me a while but I agree with what you said! I guess it's just habit, plus I guess it works if I want to think of myself as a neutral party between the mages-templars who can from there go on to make decisions. Kind of like Geralt is a Witcher and isn't tied to one alliance necessarily.


I'd be in the dick
I've rolled a human warrior. I always do this.

Every single RPG.

Human warrior.

Maybe I'm just boring, or maybe I just prefer the traditional choice. In my opinion, warriors usually get the coolest looking weapons and armor. I'm a huge fan of crazy plate sets though. Combined with awesome looking 2H weapons or a decent sword/shield combo, I feel like a real champion.
Same here and especially in Bioware games. I like knowing that I'll have a main character that can deal with lots of situation and utilize my other party members in order to deal with the special situations that may arise.
Maybe I'm just boring, or maybe I just prefer the traditional choice. In my opinion, warriors usually get the coolest looking weapons and armor. I'm a huge fan of crazy plate sets though. Combined with awesome looking 2H weapons or a decent sword/shield combo, I feel like a real champion.

The opposite of mages, the class I typically prefer to start as! DA mages in particular have always had a terrible aesthetic - their robes and hoods have always looked incredibly dweeby, and their staves have been...sticks, I guess. They more than make up for it in the gameplay department but sadly for me the best armor you can get as a mage is the stuff that looks like other classes could use it (like the final "robes" you get in DA2 that just look like warrior armor.

For the folks playing the game, what difficulty are you playing on? Is it providing enough of a challenge?

Secondary question: If you're playing on hard or above, does the challenge feel fair? Or is it just more of the same damage sponges and endless reinforcements from DA2?
I've rolled a human warrior. I always do this.

Every single RPG.

Human warrior.

Maybe I'm just boring, or maybe I just prefer the traditional choice. In my opinion, warriors usually get the coolest looking weapons and armor. I'm a huge fan of crazy plate sets though. Combined with awesome looking 2H weapons or a decent sword/shield combo, I feel like a real champion.

I'm the same way. I'll often go a different route on successive plays, but my first time through is always a human warrior. But I'm already planning to play a female Qunari on my second trip through.


In the past Origin has taken monies on release day or like day before, but never instantly upon pre-order.

I still will wait for my payday before putting pre-order in.


They changed it? I have never before been billed before release.

I pay with CC.
I checked my bank account on the day I preordered (6/20), the money was taken out, yeah. It should be noted I paid through paypal.


I've rolled a human warrior. I always do this.

Every single RPG.

Human warrior.

Maybe I'm just boring, or maybe I just prefer the traditional choice. In my opinion, warriors usually get the coolest looking weapons and armor. I'm a huge fan of crazy plate sets though. Combined with awesome looking 2H weapons or a decent sword/shield combo, I feel like a real champion.

I love being a mage, so much fun and it really puts you in the heart of the DA world and its problems.


The opposite of mages, the class I typically prefer to start as! DA mages in particular have always had a terrible aesthetic - their robes and hoods have always looked incredibly dweeby, and they're staves have been...sticks, I guess. They more than make up for it in the gameplay department but sadly for me the best armor you can get as a mage is the stuff that looks like other classes could use it (like the final "robes" you get in DA2 that just look like warrior armor.

Mages are fun in Dragon Age: Inquisition. I find myself changing to Solas every now and then just because I want to play a mage instead of warrior for a while. I also do this when I'm fighting a boss or a dragon, as mages have a lot of support spells. Shielding is important. I like the little details like different animations when simply firing the basic attack spell with your staff.

El Jaffe

I've rolled a human warrior. I always do this.

Every single RPG.

Human warrior.

Maybe I'm just boring, or maybe I just prefer the traditional choice. In my opinion, warriors usually get the coolest looking weapons and armor. I'm a huge fan of crazy plate sets though. Combined with awesome looking 2H weapons or a decent sword/shield combo, I feel like a real champion.
This is always my first playthrough in any RPG (except Dragon's Dogma where I rolled a female archer the first time which was awesome).

Think it's because my first playthrough I don't role play but just make decisions that I would make, so I pick the closest representation of myself. I always differentiate in other playthroughs. I'm sure I'll have a playthrough with each of the 4 species eventually.

So I'm thinking Male Human warrior, then Female elf archer, Male Dwarf warrior, then female Qunari mage.


Is there a huge difference between the PS4 and XB1 version? I'm having a difficult time figuring out which system to get it for. I know the PS4 is more powerful but I prefer the xbox controller :/


I roll anything in DA that makes me a Battlemage. in DAO, it was Arcane Warrior. In DA2, I spec'd for frontline defense and manipulation (Force Mage), and in DAI, I'll be Knight Enchanter.


Is there a huge difference between the PS4 and XB1 version? I'm having a difficult time figuring out which system to get it for. I know the PS4 is more powerful but I prefer the xbox controller :/

Don't quote me, but PS4 is 1080p and One is 900p, both are 30fps.


I've rolled a human warrior. I always do this.

Every single RPG.

Human warrior.

Maybe I'm just boring, or maybe I just prefer the traditional choice. In my opinion, warriors usually get the coolest looking weapons and armor. I'm a huge fan of crazy plate sets though. Combined with awesome looking 2H weapons or a decent sword/shield combo, I feel like a real champion.

I play the very same character in every RPG out there that features character customization. It's always a female human warrior with a particular set of features, and I always give her the same name. It may be boring and predictable, but I like it... a lot. :p


Thanks Dawg for being so active in this thread, makes the wait wayyy more bearable.

No problem, I'm technically allowed to share this stuff because 95% of what I'm saying here was also in the preview build and I've also written about it in my preview.

Sorry that I can't answer everything yet though. If I skipped your question, it's probably because it happens after the first area or so. I did share a screen of Iron Bull in the Skyhold earlier but it was really subtle, I won't share more stuff like that until tuesday.
The opposite of mages, the class I typically prefer to start as! DA mages in particular have always had a terrible aesthetic - their robes and hoods have always looked incredibly dweeby, and their staves have been...sticks, I guess. They more than make up for it in the gameplay department but sadly for me the best armor you can get as a mage is the stuff that looks like other classes could use it (like the final "robes" you get in DA2 that just look like warrior armor.

Agreed, mages get the axe when it comes to aesthetics in DA. At least the robes you get in DA2 after killing the dragon and in the Legacy DLC look pretty cool. They looked terrible in Origins, which was one of the reasons I played as an Arcane Warrior.

I never understood why mages couldn't wear light armor. It's not like their robes enhance their magical abilities (from a lore perspective, I know the robes do boost stats).
For those that pre order and download on x1 via ea access do we have to download a separate trial for the 6hr demo or will our client unlock for that period?
These two look great:


I've rolled a human warrior. I always do this.

Every single RPG.

Human warrior.

Maybe I'm just boring, or maybe I just prefer the traditional choice. In my opinion, warriors usually get the coolest looking weapons and armor. I'm a huge fan of crazy plate sets though. Combined with awesome looking 2H weapons or a decent sword/shield combo, I feel like a real champion.

I do the same thing.

Human male warrior.

I'm not into exotic races and I prefer to play as a manly dude.


Dawg, I'm not sure if you're too busy playing to riddle me this
or if you're allowed
, but do you unlock schematics for armor by finding the armor piece, or are there only a select few pieces you can get schematics for by finding the plans in a chest or the like?

Also: How early in the game can I craft a heavy-looking helmet for my knight enchanter mage? ;)
I've rolled a human warrior. I always do this.

Every single RPG.

Human warrior.

Maybe I'm just boring, or maybe I just prefer the traditional choice. In my opinion, warriors usually get the coolest looking weapons and armor. I'm a huge fan of crazy plate sets though. Combined with awesome looking 2H weapons or a decent sword/shield combo, I feel like a real champion.

High five.
I just can't see a hero wearing a cloth or carrying around daggers and bow.


lol IMO rolling mage means you want to stay far away and feel safe and spam abilities, that sounds dull to me, i'd rather be up close and personal

I know you're all probably joking, but the Knight Enchanter has some pretty cool skill synergies that opens up for a bit tankier and more melee-based combat style for the mage.
With the melee and healing of the knight enchanter specialization, the fadestep for charging and mobility and the winter tree for chills and armor bonuses, I think you can get pretty in-your-face as a mage.

Or at least that's what I'm hoping, haha. :p
lol IMO rolling mage means you want to stay far away and feel safe and spam abilities, that sounds dull to me, i'd rather be up close and personal

No, it means you want to be flippin magical.

Roll Knight Enchanter, bam, CQC Mage. Mages can wear heavier gear in this game too.

It seems you just have this stereotype cemented in your head about what mages in fantasy act like. I prefer more of the Jedi type, a mix of martial arts and magic powers for battlemage badassery. DAI is letting us do that.
Rolling anything but mage is like admitting you're a boring person.


I like mages too, but the DA series has always done a great job of keeping each class just as fun and involved to play as any other. The same couldn't be said for most RPGs, where mages really are the most varied.
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