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Driveclub weather update out NOW. laawwwwwd.gif


Explain? Best? as in what?, most realistic?

Rather than praise or slate something with hyperbole, I wish people would justify their reasoning behind their opinions.

As in : It feels best for me.

The difference between having your car under complete control and losing that complete control can be so close together, 1 millisecond of not enough concentration and I lose control and spin out. THAT is why for me this feels like the best handling ever.
Shaving that 0.001 second of my previous time just because I took that one corner slightly better, it just feels right with this game.. And every car handles differently, love that too.




Looks pretty, I like it.
Now they should add dynamic weather race lobbies to online multiplayer.


Hah, no it's not. The driving model is terrible in every possible way; nothing about it is as it should be. I don't know what feeling they were going for during initial development, but what they landed on is decidedly lacking.

That's because you're not able to drive, brah.

Oh wait, i'm sure you don't even have the game.


As in : It feels best for me.

The difference between having your car under complete control and losing that complete control can be so close together, 1 millisecond of not enough concentration and I lose control and spin out. THAT is why for me this feels like the best handling ever.
Shaving that 0.001 second of my previous time just because I took that one corner slightly better, it just feels right with this game.. And every car handles differently, love that too.

I agree that they have pitched the physics model at mid-range, and yes, it does feel nice when you hit a section of corners just right, but there are issues.

1) There appears to be a layer of driving assists that you can't turn off, and they appear to be, at times, dynamic, I wonder if this is there to cover up failings in the driving model that would appear with all assists off.

2) Weight transfer isn't simulated that well, suffers from the same issue as GT, as in not having any feeling of weight transfer in the cockpit view, but having it in the other views.

3) Tyre model appears to be very basic, slip angle doesn't appear to be very realistic, I also get a very "SImbin" feeling of canned under and oversteer affects.

Smacks of PGR4 to me, which isn't a bad thing, but personally I'd prefer some more options to be able to push the driving model into sim territory.


Explain? Best? as in what?, most realistic?

Rather than praise or slate something with hyperbole, I wish people would justify their reasoning behind their opinions.
I'm not sure if I'd say it's the best, but it's a top tier racing game. I think the handling finds just the right balance between arcade & sim where all cars definitely feel different in a somewhat realistic way (depending on all the attributes of a car), but it's not a full-blown sim and is more accessible than many realistic sims. It rewards skillful driving with a sense of success when you nail those corners and gives just the right kind of OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD I'M GOING FAST sensation when driving on straights at high speeds. You really can't just get through races with your foot on the gas pedal, you need to learn the ins and outs of the tracks as well as how all the vehicles handle, yet it's not quite as drab as realistic sims can sometimes be. You have to be completely focused on the driving if you want to drive well which brings all except maybe the Hot Hatch races this "on the edge of your seat" feel if you don't want to screw up. It feels really intense. And the sense of speed is beyond amazing, easily some of the most thrilling racing experiences I've ever experienced. And all of this in some of the best designed tracks in racing ever. There's not a single track I'd remove or change in any meaningful way.

And despite it being 30fps, it feels really responsive.

There's really nothing I would change in the game when it comes to the racing aspect itself. Rarely have I felt that a racing game is this perfect when it comes to handling & the sensation of driving.
Whenever I get a new racing game, I always assume there's going to be a learning curve for the way the game will handle. They always have their own little quirks or handling models. DC was no different, but I cant say it was a very large learning curve. I got used to it pretty quickly. It didn't feel too loose, too floaty, too slippery, or like you were hovering above the road. It felt good. And each car handles differently which I think adds another layer to the game. Otherwise it would get boring. Fairly easy to jump in, but hard to master.

It straddles that line between arcade and sim and I feel like it does it well. Not exactly like a PGR, but in that same vein.


DC is like the new Killzone

- technical mastery
- high end visuals
- some people say it's soulless, some love how spare and focused it is
- "physics" = "aiming"


DC is like the new Killzone

- technical mastery
- high end visuals
- some people say it's soulless, some love how spare and focused it is
- "physics" = "aiming"

Driveclub is actually really fun though, Killzone was very dull


Likely the only problem will be tearing.
Well, yes, 'smooth' probably wasn't the best term to use.
Whatever, screen tearing is an eyesore and you'll probably be better with solid synced 30 fps than with tearing 30 fps (because the TV won't ever show you 45 frames)

that's why there is a thing called VSYNC
Won't change the fact only 30 frames will be displayed in a second.
Until G-Sync and other shit becomes the norm, I mean.


Well, yes, 'smooth' probably wasn't the best term to use.
Whatever, screen tearing is an eyesore and you'll probably be better with solid synced 30 fps than with tearing 30 fps (because the TV won't ever show you 45 frames)

Won't change the fact only 30 frames will be displayed in a second.
Until G-Sync and other shit becomes the norm, I mean.

Excuse me,maybe i'm ignorant, but why should be the way you said?

I mean, look at Infamous SS, it float between 30 and 60, most of the times it's 40/45 and you can CLEARLY see that the game is much smoother at 45 fps than 30 fps... (not smoother as if it is 60 btw)

And there no tearing at all.


Explain? Best? as in what?, most realistic?

Rather than praise or slate something with hyperbole, I wish people would justify their reasoning behind their opinions.

Well describing handling might not be the easiest, but I will try.

Braking in corner is not realist, and the brake is quite strong. However this difference makes that you spend more time accelerating or/and in high speed. High speed is dangerous as a single bump can send you crashing. Better release the throttle from time to time, and that's one thing to master.

However, braking is not a joke either. Some car can be slippery, and on the hypercar, you better be gentle on the throttle when getting out of corner. Now that I'm doing mostly challenges, it also turns out that I need to be gentle on the brake in some places to actually beat some time trial.

Drifting is one part I like because it's fluid and fun. It takes some training but being able to drift around a large hairpin or a long curve for 6 seconds is simply exhilarating

All cars are different too. Concept of racing line and exiting cornering speed are important.
Ok guys, I made a comparison from vanilla DC (launch) to the patch that came out today to see if there's been any change in IQ for gameplay. It's not a perfect comparison but I tried to get the lighting and positioning as close as possible.

Here's the original shot I took back in October:


And the one I took today:


I honestly don't see much difference but I do feel that the game...looks better...post weather patch. Not sure what it is exactly.

Game DOES look cleaning with less aliasing. I'm impressed. There's some aliasing near the side window and the door that was distracting. I remember it being much worse during gameplay, even.


My only criticism would be that in dashboard view, since you see the rain up so close,it breaks the illusion a little as the rain drops look a tad too big and you can tell when they get close together and don't merge in quite the same way as they would do in real life. They look more like silicone pebbles or something. Minor gripe, it's by far the best rain effect by far and using the driver view from further back it does look fantastic. Also in some cars in dashboard view the rain gathering at the bottom can blind you for a significant amount of time in between wipes. Would be awesome if they included manual wiper controls and a slow, medium and fast wiper speed settings. I also don't feel a big difference in handling at all,I kinda hoped I would. The challenge now comes from visibility,but nothing more than that.

I hate nit picking as this game just got even more awesome but if devs keep supporting it the way they have then constructive criticism is valuable going forward! :p


I'm not sure if I'd say it's the best, but it's a top tier racing game. I think the handling finds just the right balance between arcade & sim where all cars definitely feel different in a somewhat realistic way (depending on all the attributes of a car), but it's not a full-blown sim and is more accessible than many realistic sims. It rewards skillful driving with a sense of success when you nail those corners and gives just the right kind of OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD I'M GOING FAST sensation when driving on straights at high speeds. You really can't just get through races with your foot on the gas pedal, you need to learn the ins and outs of the tracks as well as how all the vehicles handle, yet it's not quite as drab as realistic sims can sometimes be. You have to be completely focused on the driving if you want to drive well which brings all except maybe the Hot Hatch races this "on the edge of your seat" feel if you don't want to screw up. It feels really intense. And the sense of speed is beyond amazing, easily some of the most thrilling racing experiences I've ever experienced. And all of this in some of the best designed tracks in racing ever. There's not a single track I'd remove or change in any meaningful way.

And despite it being 30fps, it feels really responsive.

There's really nothing I would change in the game when it comes to the racing aspect itself. Rarely have I felt that a racing game is this perfect when it comes to handling & the sensation of driving.

What this person said 100%. I genuinely love this game. Now that everything is working I tried a challenge last night and I can see this game getting even more addictive. For me racing games are mostly about the driving sensation and self improvement. Learning the tracks and car's handling and using it to improve your times until you can't go any faster. This game is literally perfect for me in that regard. Also it's nice having fantasy (but not ridiculous) tracks that are as well designed as they are in this game, I'm genuinely sick of the sight if some real world tracks and they're not needed in a game like this. I'll reserve those for GT7/PCars.


OK maybe I'm being stupid but how do I make it snow? I've tried a few tracks and can only seem to set it to variations of rain.

Is it only some tracks?


Well describing handling might not be the easiest, but I will try.

Braking in corner is not realist, and the brake is quite strong. However this difference makes that you spend more time accelerating or/and in high speed. High speed is dangerous as a single bump can send you crashing. Better release the throttle from time to time, and that's one thing to master.

However, braking is not a joke either. Some car can be slippery, and on the hypercar, you better be gentle on the throttle when getting out of corner. Now that I'm doing mostly challenges, it also turns out that I need to be gentle on the brake in some places to actually beat some time trial.

Drifting is one part I like because it's fluid and fun. It takes some training but being able to drift around a large hairpin or a long curve for 6 seconds is simply exhilarating

All cars are different too. Concept of racing line and exiting cornering speed are important.

What i love most about the physics is the way it handles bumps and jumps at high speed. Some sections of tracks are actually scary in some cars. You know it CAN be done flatout, but you also know you HAVE crashed there before when you've hit that crest at slightly the wrong angle...


I'd swear I've driven through some (mixed rain and) snow showers on the heights of Sinclair Pass.

There is definately snow in that track (one of my favourite tracks btw.) but it only occured at night so far. I assume most snow occurs at night though or is there also snow possible at daytime?


Excuse me,maybe i'm ignorant, but why should be the way you said?

I mean, look at Infamous SS, it float between 30 and 60, most of the times it's 40/45 and you can CLEARLY see that the game is much smoother at 45 fps than 30 fps... (not smoother as if it is 60 btw)

And there no tearing at all.

The thing is, that a image sequence to appear fluid it needs to sync with the monitor refresh times.

A monitor IS ALWAYS throwing 60 frames per second. So, when the game fps is not 60, every frame needs to stay on the screen for the same ammount of time to make it fluid. And you can only measure the time on screen by number of refreshes.

With 60 fps, each frame stays 1 refresh, with 30 fps, each frame stays 2 refreshes... and with 45? One refresh and a half?

It cant be handled. Thats why VSYNC goes for 30 fps.


Excuse me,maybe i'm ignorant, but why should be the way you said?
Because your TV has fixed refresh rates.
Think of it as trying to put 45 balls in a box that can only hold 30: 15 balls will fall off the box.
And these 15 balls that won't carry over, they are wasted resources you could have used for something else.

I mean, look at Infamous SS, it float between 30 and 60, most of the times it's 40/45 and you can CLEARLY see that the game is much smoother at 45 fps than 30 fps... (not smoother as if it is 60 btw)

And there no tearing at all.
So smooth that they had to patch in an option to lock it down to 30 fps because people were complaining. Yeah.
I raced a Norwegian track in blizzard conditions in the dead of night. Was terrifying, but looked sensational. PGR4, your successor has arrived.
Hah, no it's not. The driving model is terrible in every possible way; nothing about it is as it should be. I don't know what feeling they were going for during initial development, but what they landed on is decidedly lacking.

Hi-larious. You just attacked the game's best point since launch, the driving and car handling.


i love a good weather effect in a game to the point that I would enjoy something just because of a cool atmospheric rain/storm in it. I was really disappointed when the weather for this got delayed since I was expecting that to mean it would be downgraded from the early teases. but no, they just went and made it amazing.

does the weather also appear in the current tour mode or is it only if you turn it on in a single race? I tried a single race but didn't have time to try any tours again yet.

its a shame this had such a bad launch because as it is now its fantastic.


There is definately snow in that track (one of my favourite tracks btw.) but it only occured at night so far. I assume most snow occurs at night though or is there also snow possible at daytime?
The game's weather system simulates temperature falling during night (you can see that from the dashboard of cars featuring a thermometer), so there's more chance of snow during night, yeah.
does the weather also appear in the current tour mode or is it only if you turn it on in a single race? I tried a single race but didn't have time to try any tours again yet.
The weather isn't in any of the current tours, but they will be in future ones. edit (inaccurate): I'm not sure if that includes the tour that comes out tomorrow or not.
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