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Dying Light Review Thread

Bold One

Why didn't you guys let me know bioGamergirl gave it a 7.5/10



Actually I am more interested in GAF's opinion of Dying Light. I am curious about the multiplayer. Is the game worth buying? Is the multiplayer fun and lengthy?

I am basically looking for a replacement for online coop gaming because my friends and I are done with Destiny. Would the coop for this game be a good replacement? Any recommendations for a replacement?
Actually I am more interested in GAF's opinion of Dying Light. I am curious about the multiplayer. Is the game worth buying? Is the multiplayer fun and lengthy?

I am basically looking for a replacement for online coop gaming because my friends and I are done with Destiny. Would the coop for this game be a good replacement? Any recommendations for a replacement?
I haven't tried out co-op yet, because I can't convince any of my friends to buy games for full price anymore, but the main story missions took me about 20 hours to complete, and that was with skipping a large chunk of the side missions.

The game is fantastic, and well worth paying full price for in my opinion.

The multiplayer is also a lot like Evolve, if you've played that yet. It's a lot of fun, but only if both the humans and the zombie are about equally skilled, otherwise it can easily be a one-sided slaughter. I've had matches as a solo human where the zombie didn't stand a chance, and I've had matches as a zombie versus four humans where the humans didn't stand a chance. Those matches are just not all that fun in my opinion.

I will say I like the multiplayer better than Evolve though, because Evolve literally turns into humans endlessly chasing a giant monster around for an entire match, because the tables are basically turned in that scenario.

I will warn you though... You won't be able to play any other FPS after this without wanted to be able to traverse the entire game with parkour.

Edit: Oh, and don't go in expecting a better story than your standard FPS. It's not on Destiny's level.


Neo Member
Posted our Double Review of Dying Light today, had a lot of fun in cooperative play while mowing down zombies and running across rooftops. The mainline of mission structure tended not to put you in the situations where the game was at it's best, which was unfortunate. Full thoughts from myself and our other reviewer are here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pmfk8h9N0hY

I also ran into a bug that wiped my players character level progression and weapons back to 0. Went online to see if this was an issue and it seemed to be mostly happening on the "Siblings" storyline. Techland has said they will be patching it though which is good to hear.

Gamespot also posted a review of the game today 7/10


Granted, I'm only 7-10 hours in or so, and this is a game thick with content, but I'm really surprised by the middling scores. I guess I'm just a lot more impressed by the fun mechanics and world than most reviewers. I'm enjoying this a lot more than other open world games of its ilk.


After several hours in....anything less than 7/10 makes the whole gaming site less credible with me. I'd say the game is definitely 8/10....but 7/10 at the minimum due to varying tastes.
This title is like a reversal of Shadow of Mordor where the reviewers saw the gold beneath the grime but many GAFfers rejected it... here it's much loved by the community but critics dismiss the game's best aspects.

I actually thought Jim Stirling had some of the more interesting criticism, viewing the game through the lens of a huge survival horror fan - and fair enough, it comes short if you look for hardcore survial and genuine scares (apparently an expectation he had after playing an early demo). It's like approaching Battlefield as a passionate ARMA player and complaining about the gun handling.

But Dying Light is such a succesful interpretation of the open world formula. The worst reviews just look at the surface aspects ('I climbed a radio tower once... obvious Ubisoft formula... yawn') without delving into the implementation. There is no open world game out there that does traversal this well. It just boggles me that Far Cry 4 and even Watch_Dogs are better received than this (which are both games I like but many of the criticisms levelled at Dying Light apply to them equally.)


this game is my first nice surprise of the year. I'm not saying it special or anything but i just think its a lot of fun and really, what else can you ask for from a game. Im really digging it but unfortunately I was one of the unlucky people that had to deal with the save glitch that makes you loose all your items. Not playing it again till they patch it (did they patch it already?)

It's an amazing game IMO and I can see it being one of my favourite games this year. I don't think they'll get much recognition for it but Techland have created some of the finest first person traversal I've had the pleasure of experiencing in a videogame. It's an absolute joy to play.

Totally agree, it feels great to just move around the map.


Unconfirmed Member
It's an amazing game IMO and I can see it being one of my favourite games this year. I don't think they'll get much recognition for it but Techland have created some of the finest first person traversal I've had the pleasure of experiencing in a videogame. It's an absolute joy to play.
Yeah, I agree with the consensus that the critics' reaction to this is baffling. I feel like it's a combination of Techland's reputation due to previous efforts (Dead Island's severe lack of polish, for example), coupled with the salt over not getting early review copies. Word of mouth will have to carry this game going forward, with the projected world wide release date being missed.

Dyling Light deserved better. It deserves to be recognized as being one of the best games available for PS4/Xbox One.


I have played the game a lot and think the game is a good solid 7/10. Clunky combat and an absolutely terrible story and that takes itself serious to a comedic level really drag it down. Also kinda badly balanced by being very hard early on and then you kinda become superman. At this point I either never see a zombie or I can one shot multiple ones. I do enjoy their side quests though which are really good. Wish the open world had more to explore though. There are a couple of of "dungeons" to find but they could have done more like that. The random encounters are really meh.
Around 15h in and I'm enjoying myself. IGN and GI score seems to be pretty accurate. TBH I don't get it why Techland didn't send review keys earlier, cause it's a pretty good title. I have way more fun with DL than I had with FC4.


Yeah, I agree with the consensus that the critics' reaction to this is baffling. I feel like it's a combination of Techland's reputation due to previous efforts (Dead Island's severe lack of polish, for example), coupled with the salt over not getting early review copies. Word of mouth will have to carry this game going forward, with the projected world wide release date being missed.

Dyling Light deserved better. It deserves to be recognized as being one of the best games available for PS4/Xbox One.

Plenty of users are chiming along with the reviews though.

I also don't think these are "middling scores", reviews are tending to be a lot harsher than they used to be and 7/10 is "good". Unless you guys are saying it really is good+/great (or something).

My friends' opinions are mixed between ok-great, seems in line.


Yeah, I agree with the consensus that the critics' reaction to this is baffling. I feel like it's a combination of Techland's reputation due to previous efforts (Dead Island's severe lack of polish, for example), coupled with the salt over not getting early review copies. Word of mouth will have to carry this game going forward, with the projected world wide release date being missed.

Dyling Light deserved better. It deserves to be recognized as being one of the best games available for PS4/Xbox One.

Totally agree. This is one of my favourite games of all time on fun-factor alone. And I've only played single-player.
My BFFF is getting the game today so we can co-op tonight OMG I'M SO EXCITE

Also I think a big factor in poorer reviews is that the critics needed to binge on the game. (Entirely Techland's fault tho). For some games/people, binging is an A-ok way to play. Specifically multiple choice games or RPGs or strategy titles. These are designed for long, long game sessions. But an action game like Dying Light will get more and more stale if you play it for countless hours on end. The frustrating bits will get a million times more frustrating, the unpolished aspects will stick out, and most key, you'll stop having fun.

I could only play the game for two-to-three-hour bursts over a few days to begin with, and I was in love. My time was tight so if I encountered a frustrating mission (only seen 2-3 really frustrating quests out of around 40 so far) I would just say 'fuck it, imma do something else' and go have fun elsewhere.

But as a reviewer with tight time you may a) only play the story missions (not the best ones) and b) get fatigue and notice the bad bits worse.

Plenty of users are chiming along with the reviews though.

I've been spending loads of time in the OT and about 80% of the users in there seem to think it's a great, borderline excellent game. 8/10 material, minimum. Most of us are really baffled by this. Occasionally someone pops up saying they don't enjoy it for whatever reason or prefer Dead Island, and that's fair enough. But the critics seem a bit off. I can't imagine any universe where this is a 7/10 game (7/10 is still a good score but this game is better than that.) It's not perfect, and it's clunky in several ways, but the sheer scale of fun on offer is better than most other new-gen games I can think of


Also I think a big factor in poorer reviews is that the critics needed to binge on the game. (Entirely Techland's fault tho). For some games/people, binging is an A-ok way to play. Specifically multiple choice games or RPGs or strategy titles. These are designed for long, long game sessions. But an action game like Dying Light will get more and more stale if you play it for countless hours on end. The frustrating bits will get a million times more frustrating, the unpolished aspects will stick out, and most key, you'll stop having fun.

I've binged on plenty of actions games and not got bored, if the game has flaws that become apparent during extended sessions that's not the fault of the user.

I've been spending loads of time in the OT and about 80% of the users in there seem to think it's a great, borderline excellent game. 8/10 material, minimum. Most of us are really baffled by this. Occasionally someone pops up saying they don't enjoy it for whatever reason or prefer Dead Island, and that's fair enough. But the critics seem a bit off. I can't imagine any universe where this is a 7/10 game (7/10 is still a good score but this game is better than that.) It's not perfect, and it's clunky in several ways, but the sheer scale of fun on offer is better than most other new-gen games I can think of

Same thing is happening in the Destiny OT. ;)

Outside of the OT opinions have seemed mixed to me, but I've not been paying 100% attention. Is the concensus in other threads echoing the OT?

I'm interested, but I also remember how I loved DI for about 2-3 hours then never played it again... £45 is a lot to drop on a game I may not finish.


I can't believe Shadow of Mordor was GOTY material for so many , one of the more repetitive games i've played in a while and a game like this gets reviewed so poorly by the same people. I finally got a chance to play coop yesterday, i played for five hours with a friend, doing missions i had already done cause he was right at the beginning and i had a blast, the missions felt fresh cause i played them at a different time of day and since i was no longer alone i wasn't just running from zombies and i really enjoyed the combat.

The game is just so much fun, the mechanics are great, the world is great, i'd give it a 9 so far after around 10 hours of gametime.
The game would've been better if they had just axed the main plot altogether and put more effort into diversifying the locales you explore. After DI's resort, which was pretty gorgeous at the time, Harran's griminess is a bit of a bummer. The lack of more suburban/rural portions of the map is a bit of a shame too.

There are definitely awesome moments to be experienced throughout the game, with the
introduction being a wonderfully disturbing highlight, but practically nothing in the main plot is worth devoting any time to. Relationships feel so half-baked and dissonant, it's really bizarre when Techland tries to heavy-handedly create drama using characters that you either don't care about, or ones that have no reason to care about you.

8/10 definitely feels right to me, though. No idea why reviewers are being so harsh on this one.


Unconfirmed Member
I've binged on plenty of actions games and not got bored, if the game has flaws that become apparent during extended sessions that's not the fault of the user.

I've played long sessions of Dying Light and never got bored at all, I don't feel that's a problem with Dying Light tbh.
I'm about two hours into it. I love it. I'm scared of it, I'm not scared of it, I'm having a blast, I'm frustrated, I'm encountering an annoying glitch, I'm having a completely smooth experience, the parkour is nowhere near as fluid as Mirror's Edge, the parkour is a rush...I could go on.

It's a good game that's bigger than the sum of it's parts. I'm digging it.


User scores on Metacritic for ps4 are at 8.1, PC 7.6. I know that site isn't a great reference but it seems in line with what you guys are saying the OT is like.

Ugh... £45... the Be a Zombie mode looks like a lot of fun...


Granted, I'm only 7-10 hours in or so, and this is a game thick with content, but I'm really surprised by the middling scores. I guess I'm just a lot more impressed by the fun mechanics and world than most reviewers. I'm enjoying this a lot more than other open world games of its ilk.

I agree. And so far, everything makes sense in DL. You're not collecting stuff just to collect stuff à la Ubisoft, traversal is fun and always a challenge combined with the fact that time of day passes, climbing-jumping isn't automatic, enemies are tough and there is no fast travel.
Story is ok, combat is challenging and fun, co-op is superb, crafting is simple and effective, unlocking skills truly males a difference, graphics are good, the soundtrack is spot on and sound design never makes you feel safe.

Bugs aside, it's easily the best open world I've played for a while, certainly worth 8 or more out of 10 IMO.


Game deserves the mostly good reviews. This is the coop game I have been waiting for, it's amazing. If you are on the fence, don't be. Go buy it.


Ok, well... if I were to get this would you recommend pc or ps4? I have a decent pc, but the person who's asking me to get it to play co-op is on ps4.

I'll do some research in the various threads myself, but if anyone here has tried both and can share their opinion I'd be grateful.


one thing they absolutely nailed in this game is making you fear the night time. That's an awesome accomplishment IMO. When the sun is coming down and I know the volatiles are about to come out all I can think is "oh shit, i better hurry the hell up and get the fuck outa here!" haha.
Ok, well... if I were to get this would you recommend pc or ps4? I have a decent pc, but the person who's asking me to get it to play co-op is on ps4.

I'll do some research in the various threads myself, but if anyone here has tried both and can share their opinion I'd be grateful.

The PS4 copy I have is stable and runs well if that helps.


Ok, well... if I were to get this would you recommend pc or ps4? I have a decent pc, but the person who's asking me to get it to play co-op is on ps4.

I'll do some research in the various threads myself, but if anyone here has tried both and can share their opinion I'd be grateful.
I think co-op goes beyond "more fun with a friend" and it actually makes the game a better experience. The way they handle the side missions and challenges makes the game more entertaining throughout. Going across the map to a story mission? Race your co-op buddy there, winner gets XP.

I'm running the PC version and I'm perfectly happy with it, but if I only had a co-op buddy on PS4 I'd switch right away.
DL is definitely 8/10 material and above. Been playing coop with friend for hours each night doing side quest, challenges, and just traversing the world to upgrade states. The ability perk unlocking is so addicting, and I love how its implemented. Games are supposed to be fucking fun, and this game honestly is...


one thing they absolutely nailed in this game is making you fear the night time. That's an awesome accomplishment IMO. When the sun is coming down and I know the volatiles are about to come out all I can think is "oh shit, i better hurry the hell up and get the fuck outa here!" haha.

I agree with this. Not since Dragon's Dogma has a game given me that sense of dread when the sun goes down.

I'm only 6 hours in so far (4 hours messing about and 2 hours on missions) but it's a hella-fun game so far. The rooftop traversal is the best I've seen since AC2, mixed with the familiar combat of Dead Island makes it a winner in my eyes.

Can't wait to finish work today to explore the city further (and spend hours just mindlessly kicking zombies into spike traps).
It's definitely harder and somewhat tense when the sun goes down, but it's not what it could've been. I don't know exactly how they could've made it better, but it's just a mini-game of avoiding coned sightlines.


After several hours in....anything less than 7/10 makes the whole gaming site less credible with me. I'd say the game is definitely 8/10....but 7/10 at the minimum due to varying tastes.
Why. Why. Why. Why? First of, you haven't finished it as you said. There is something to be said about the fact that awesome mechanics don't necessarily carry a game. Case in point: DA:I or Alien: Isolation. For some it does, but since you are so heavily focused on saying that a game shouldn't be much worse than what you personally experienced in a very limited amount of time, this is more than worth mentioning.

And... giving a whole site less credit, because one of their employees rated a game you liked slightly worse, was, is and forever will be stupid. Simple as that.


I think co-op goes beyond "more fun with a friend" and it actually makes the game a better experience. The way they handle the side missions and challenges makes the game more entertaining throughout. Going across the map to a story mission? Race your co-op buddy there, winner gets XP.

I'm running the PC version and I'm perfectly happy with it, but if I only had a co-op buddy on PS4 I'd switch right away.

Thanks to both people who responded, but these bolded parts are especially good to hear.
what do guys think about the graphics in this game compared to farcry 4?

It looks worse than Far Cry 4. Chrome Engine has never really been a looker. Textures are pretty hit and miss. The setting itself is kinda bland. Foliage isn't that great, but to give you the feeling like it blows in the wind, it's CONSTANTLY bouncing around unnaturally. It looks kinda strange when you stop to look at it.

It's not a bad looking game though. Just not great.
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