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East Bay jogger kills 15-pound pug with a kick

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41 > 38
The willingness to "beat into a bloody pulp" a person who hurts your unleashed dog is not a good reason to keep your dog unleashed. What happens when it's a coyote that gets to your dog while you're 50 yards away? You going to beat up the coyote with your fists?

I will never have to worry about someone attacking my dog because she is always leashed at my side. And if there is another person within a half block or so of us, she has two feet or less of leash to work with. I suggest all of the tough guys out there do the same.


No charges will happen. It's one word against the other. She already cremated the dog so no way to know how hard he kicked the dog.

We had something similar happen in my city. Golden retriever gets attacked by dog off leash (dog park) and dies. Police order autopsy. Dog had a heart attack and no puncture wounds even though the retrievers owner said he was being bit. Golden retriever apparently was the aggressive one after eyewitnesses came forward.

Unless there are other eyewitnesses nothing will happen in this case.


I would hurt someone of this happened to my dog

Because you ignored the regulations and didn't put your dog on a leash, so that he was running towards a jogger with a possible intent to bite him? Sorry, but I'm with the jogger on this one.
(Wouldn't do so personally though since dogs like me in general.)


I almost want to give the shitty dude the benefit of the doubt, because shitty dog owners justify their shit, dumbfuck decisions in every way they can. I'm more willing to believe a guy got startled by a random dog running at him and reacted instinctively than that he went out of his way to kick a pug, which is what the owner claims.

Maybe I've just had way too many experiences with imbecilic dipshits that don't have their dogs on a leash.

This is what it sounds like to me to be honest...
The willingness to "beat into a bloody pulp" a person who hurts your unleashed dog is not a good reason to keep your dog unleashed. What happens when it's a coyote that gets to your dog while you're 50 yards away? You going to beat up the coyote with your fists?

I will never have to worry about someone attacking my dog because she is always leashed at my side. And if there is another person within a half block or so of us, she has two feet or less of leash to work with. I suggest all of the tough guys out there do the same.
I'd say most people that are saying they would beat the shit out of someone who harmed their dog aren't saying that it was alright to have the dog off the leash. Most people clearly have said that the dog being off the leash was wrong. Just that kicking a 15 lb dog in the head shouldn't be anyone's first reaction to a Pug running up to them.


I'm with the jogger. Dog owner should have kept the pug on a leash.

I have a hard time believing this guy chasing a dog just to kick it.

If a dog was running towards me, I'd be a bit defensive as well. Not kick the dog, but maybe just step back.


Not everyone does this. Anyway, I'm operating under the assumption that the guy didn't actually intend to purposely kill a dog. Like I said, I'm guessing it was an instinctive reaction.
I don't necessarily side on the jogger since the story makes it sound like he ran for the dog to kick it but if it's wrong and he didn't than that is different.

shitty situation either way.

The willingness to "beat into a bloody pulp" a person who hurts your unleashed dog is not a good reason to keep your dog unleashed. What happens when it's a coyote that gets to your dog while you're 50 yards away? You going to beat up the coyote with your fists?

I will never have to worry about someone attacking my dog because she is always leashed at my side. And if there is another person within a half block or so of us, she has two feet or less of leash to work with. I suggest all of the tough guys out there do the same.
Nobody is saying they should keep the dog unleashed, if the dog is out in public than they should be on the leash but if someone willingly attacks my dog and laughs about it than they deserve whatever comes to them.
I'm with the jogger. Dog owner should have kept the pug on a leash.

I have a hard time believing this guy chasing a dog just to kick it.

If a dog was running towards me, I'd be a bit defensive as well. Not kick the dog, but maybe just step back.

If you're "with the jogger", then you would have kicked the dog. That's what he did


41 > 38
I'd say most people that are saying they would beat the shit out of someone who harmed their dog aren't saying that it was alright to have the dog off the leash. Most people clearly have said that the dog being off the leash was wrong. Just that kicking a 15 lb dog in the head shouldn't be anyone's first reaction to a Pug running up to them.

Personal experience has taught me that these two groups don't converge as much as you'd think. Most people I've interacted with in my life who fantasize about beating people to a pulp for hurting their dog also ardently defend their right to not use a leash. That's why I said what I did, at least.


Doesn't know that "You" is used in both the singular and plural
Guys, just because you're comfortable with a pug running around your feet, doesn't mean everyone else is. Even small dogs bite and some people aren't comfortable around dogs at all.

That's why owners use a leash. Owner is at fault here.


Sorry, I just can't side with someone who kicks a pug to death...it was a pug, like c'mon.

It could have been instinctive or a reaction even if it was an over reaction. Not everyone is fond of dogs.

I was bitten by one when I was a kid and whenever I see a dog not leashed, I do get a bit edgy.

Especually, think about it. A dog running towards you even if small. If you're afraid of dogs, you could react instinctively.


if the dog is out in public than they should be on the leash but if someone willingly attacks my dog and laughs about it than they deserve whatever comes to them.

What would a person deserve for not having their dog on a leash? They are endangering their dog and are irresponsible pet owners. Should they also deserve whatever comes to them?
Some things in the story seem odd to me.

Firstly, The jogger was the one who called police. Generally the kind of person who would be an asshole to maliciously kick a dog wouldn't be the one to call police to the incident.

Secondly, if the ladies story was true, the dog had to have passed by the jogger once, before passing by him a second time. So the jogger was such a dick that he decided to not care when the dog passes by once but the kicks it (rather awkwardly I would imagine) when it is on his left and he is jogging?

Also, why the immediate cremation? Yes grief can do things to people, but if she wanted accountability, why wouldn't she want a necropsy to gather evidence of these violent kicks?

Also, we only have the ladies story. I wouldn't be surprised if "just a tap" was taken out of context and the pug simply ran between the joggers legs as he came around a corner.

Also, the only information we have about these people before the incident is that the lady was already irresponsibly walking her dogs without having them on their leashes.


Sure it is.

And this thread keeps slowly sliding away from the actual scenario as laid out in the OP because people keep trying to generalize "little dogs" as opposed to the specific dog we're talking about here. The story is about a pug. Not the weiner dog that chased you when you were a little kid, not the jack russell that went after your ass when you were trying to deliver a refrigerator.

Dumb owner's unleashed pug. Dumb jogger's intentional kick.

Was the pug running towards the jogger still, or running back to the owner? Did the pug have health issues, or was it relatively healthy? Did the jogger have phobias about dogs? Is the jogger unaware of the relative harmlessness of pug dogs?

Lotta stuff not really accounted for.

Says you. I'm sure you own a lovely little pug. I've known more than a few awesome pugs over the years because all of their owners raised them well.

But if you spend any time around the dogs, especially when they're pups, you know they can attempt to be dominant. A good owner will take their pug to obedience school when it's young and teach it that it's not dominant and nip the aggressive behavior in the bud. Hop on any largish pug forum on the net and you'll find some discussion about it.

There is no way to know the temperament of a specific dog until you interact with it.

As you note, there are a lot of questions and conflicting statements.

If you take the jogger's word for it, the jogger isn't to blame.
If you take the pug owner's word for it, the jogger is completely at fault.


Guys, just because you're comfortable with a pug running around your feet, doesn't mean everyone else is. Even small dogs bite and some people aren't comfortable around dogs at all.

That's why owners use a leash. Owner is at fault here.

If you're genuinely frightened by a 15 pound dog and decide to kick it hard enough to kill it, you're a ginormous coward or an asshole. Sorry, gonna call it as I see it. Just because someone has irrational fears doesn't make their actions justified, same can be said for cops that murder black people just cuz.


don't kick dogs, especially tiny little dogs

or victim blame that's cool too

You know why the jogger won't be charged?

Because it's ILLEGAL to not have dogs on a leash.

Yes, the poor dog should be alive right now. But the owner clearly wasn't a good one. My dog has never been off her leash when she wasn't supposed to.
If you're "with the jogger", then you would have kicked the dog. That's what he did

I would have, yes. Not intentionally

If some dog is running around my legs, I have no idea his temperament or intentions and he's bothering me, so I'd probably try to shoo him away with my legs. Doing this I may accidentally kick the dog.

I used to have a house rabbit that liked running around my legs. Almost tripped me a few times. I learned to just shuffle my legs and it'd scoot her away.

If I was startled or didn't know the animal, I'd probably react with a little more force, if only unintentionally.

If you're genuinely frightened by a 15 pound dog and decide to kick it hard enough to kill it, you're a ginormous coward or an asshole. Sorry, gonna call it as I see it. Just because someone has irrational fears doesn't make their actions justified, same can be said for cops that murder black people just cuz.

That escalated quickly.


If you're genuinely frightened by a 15 pound dog and decide to kick it hard enough to kill it, you're a ginormous coward or an asshole. Sorry, gonna call it as I see it.

A lot of people have a fear of something. Arachnaphobia, claustrophobia, etc. A fear of dogs is one of them. So I guess in your eyes there's a shit ton of ginormous cowards out there.

For those with arachnaphobia for example, it could be a small spider or a giant tarantula. They'll be scared of it either way.
I'm not going to lie, I almost did something exactly like this jogger last year in NYC. I was walking back to an apartment I was staying in while listen to music when just out of my peripheral vision I saw this small black animal rushing at my ankle. I was about to stomp it into oblivion thinking it was a large rat or something when at the last second I realized it was just a small dog off its leash.

I would have felt like shit if I hurt someone's dog like that but I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings and got caught by surprise. Even though that dog should have been on a leash I wouldn't have blamed the owner if I hadn't realized in time. Stomping/kicking a small animal, even a rat, isn't the best reaction to have in that situation.


It could have been instinctive or a reaction even if it was an over reaction. Not everyone is fond of dogs.

I was bitten by one when I was a kid and whenever I see a dog not leashed, I do get a bit edgy.

Especually, think about it. A dog running towards you even if small. If you're afraid of dogs, you could react instinctively.
You were bitten by a pug?


A lot of people have a fear of something. Arachnaphobia, claustrophobia, etc. A fear of dogs is one of them. So I guess in your eyes there's a shit ton of ginormous cowards out there.

For those with arachnaphobia for example, it could be a small spider or a giant tarantula. They'll be scared of it either way.

If someone that's afraid of spiders decided to take a hammer and smash their own house up to kill one spider, I'd call them a dumbass. Fear isn't a just justification for rash decision making in a ton of scenarios.

If someone lets their fear take control and they kill a tiny dog because of it, they fucked up.


Doesn't know that "You" is used in both the singular and plural
If you're genuinely frightened by a 15 pound dog and decide to kick it hard enough to kill it, you're a ginormous coward or an asshole. Sorry, gonna call it as I see it. Just because someone has irrational fears doesn't make their actions justified, same can be said for cops that murder black people just cuz.

Yes, he's justified. It's a loose animal that may or may not be attacking him.
Pugs do have a pretty dehumanizing stare. We need to check the dogs Facebook to see if it posted any pictures of itself smoking weed.

I have been making this connection of reasoning throughout the thread and have been wondering if some of the posters are consistent in here with other threads


Yes, he's justified. It's a loose animal that may or may not be attacking him.

Right. So if a five foot tall woman that weighs 90 pounds attacks me I should be able to take a baseball bat to her, after all, I don't know if she's actually trained in krav maga and has killed a slew of men with her fists.

The amount of force needed to deter a tiny dog is miniscule as fuck. Doesn't take a dog whisperer to know this.


If someone that's afraid of spiders decided to take a hammer and smash their own house up to kill one spider, I'd call them a dumbass. Fear isn't a just justification for rash decision making in a ton of scenarios.

If someone lets their fear take control and they kill a tiny dog because of it, they fucked up.

Look, this guy overreacted, but I'm not gonna crucify him for trying to defend himself. In his story, he kicked the dog to get it away from him killing it unintentionally.

His story just makes more sense to me than the dog owners.

Ray Wonder

Founder of the Wounded Tagless Children
If you're genuinely frightened by a 15 pound dog and decide to kick it hard enough to kill it, you're a ginormous coward or an asshole. Sorry, gonna call it as I see it. Just because someone has irrational fears doesn't make their actions justified, same can be said for cops that murder black people just cuz.

I guarantee there is a situation where you could be surprised enough by a pug to be frightened for a short enough time to have a jerk reaction. It may not be the same reaction as this guy. But this guy had a reason to have a kicking reaction. He had recently been bitten by a small dog. He says that in the video.

Also, "hard enough to kill it" is an unnameable amount of force. There's no proof either way how hard he kicked the dog, because the owner got the dog cremated before they could get a necropsy on it.
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