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Emily Rogers: (Rumor) Retro Studios NX game isn't Metroid or DKC. Releases 2017.


They can always do a Donkey Kong later. Just to have a second trilogy out there with their name on it sounds goods.

I think they're done with metroid. Not sure if there's anyone left that cares about it anyway.

Whatever it is, I know I'm excited for it.
Does Emily Rogers have any credibility? I'm genuinely asking. I'm not at all familiar with her other than that she makes totally vague statements like this....

She started her leaker career with a pretty lousy record, but for the last five years or so, she's been extremely reliable.


I want to see them do either an RPG or a survival horror game. Oh Lawd... :O

Why you are some of you being pessimistic? This is Retro Studios and probably a new IP. They make great games. I just can't see how you can be pessimistic.

The Metroid fan in me would've loved a Metroid Prime 4(or other iteration of the IP) from Retro, but if they really are developing something new, that makes me crazy excited! Hype!!!
Why you are some of you being pessimistic? This is Retro Studios and probably a new IP. They make great games. I just can't see how you can be pessimistic.


If NX doesnt feature Wii Remotes then why not give us Prime Trilogy HD on Wii U in the meantime and Skyward Sword HD, just in case they won't be playable in the future.


New IP is best case scenario. Metroid Prime 4 is second best case scenario.

Donkey Kong Country Returns 3 is also a scenario.
Metroid Prime turned out the way it did because Miyamoto got directly involved and cancelled all their other original games (which were, by most accounts, either floundering in dev hell or just plain bad).

I'm not saying they haven't earned a shot at an original game but one has to wonder...

Yep. And Nintendo only continued to babysit them with Prime 2 and 3, only with Kensuke Tanabe overseeing things instead of Miyamoto. I would say the latter two entries actually did feel too Western, especially Prime 2 with its silly multiplayer mode.

I really hope this is all-new IP that they've developed on their own with minimal direction from Nintendo. Let's see how they fare on their own.

They always could develop new IPs and they always got creative.

Wrong. There's reason they focus on only one IP at a time: they're really not a huge studio. If they would have the chance to develop new IP in the last 15 years I'm sure they would have, but Nintendo didn't even give them a chance to breathe after Metroid and just shoved DK on them.


Unconfirmed Member
It's time.



It's going to be an action-adventure title with light RPG elements where you play as President Donald J. Trump.

At the beginning of the game, Osama bin Laden (who it turns out was Obama all along — the one killed was a decoy) unleashes an EMP field and disables all of Trump's power-ups. (Trump is a cyborg, literally self-made... well, with $1 million from his dad, but just $1 million.)

However, since he is Trump, he will still win, even if he loses. But first he has to collect all of his power-ups, which will allow him to explore more and more of Osama's skull-shaped fortress on the moon.

Trump will need to track down power-ups such as Sexism, Racism, Islamophobia, Schoolyard Bullying, Ambiguous Campaign Promises, Questionable Grasp of the Issues, and last but not least, THE WALL. It's only when he has THE WALL that he can stop Osama from sending immigrants to steal the jobs that no one else wants to do.

The game is so HUUUUUUUUUGE that you will need 10 NXs to play it, duct-taped together, and the controller is so massive that only Trump could hold it. It will receive 11/10s from every outlet including ones that don't review videogames, and the gaming industry shall cease to function since no one will ever top it.


Why you are some of you being pessimistic? This is Retro Studios and probably a new IP. They make great games. I just can't see how you can be pessimistic.

Well, the only Retro games I've played are Prime 3 and DKCTF. Didn't like Prime 3 that much. DKCTF is great, but it doesn't change up the formula much, and it's a Rareware formula in the first place. Not to mention a big part of the reason I liked Tropical Freeze so much was David Wise, who isn't a part of Retro.

That said I'm not pessimistic (I know you weren't addressing me in particular). I'm incredibly curious to see what a new IP from Retro would be like. I really have no idea what to expect. Will it be something huge and epic or cute and cuddly, or something completely out of left field?


So new IP? About time; they earned the right to work on something original.

I loved their work on Metroid and DKC, so will look forward to their new project with open arms :D.
They always could develop new IPs and they always got creative.

I'm referring specifically to new IP. Of course they've been creative, but now they are working on a new IP which they haven't done yet. I'm not implying they were being forced to do Donkey Kong. I was just frustrated when we got Tropical Freeze.
Why you are some of you being pessimistic? This is Retro Studios and probably a new IP. They make great games. I just can't see how you can be pessimistic.

Just to play devil's advocate (I seriously mean that, I LOVE Retro), didn't several people leave after Tropical Freeze? Or am I misremembering?


I figured that they were not developing Metroid Prime due to the series low sales. I can see theme doing a Western-RPG since Nintendo does not have one of those games.

Stupidest meme of all time. The series sells minimum a million apiece with each entry doing Souls type numbers.


Tropical Freeze might be the greatest video game ever made and I'm not joking. Been thinking about making a thread about it.
I could see a strong case being made for this.

I'd probably still argue for RE4, but I could certainly appreciate someone loving Tropical Freeze that much.


It's another Zelda game, and it was co-developed with Platinum and From Software and it's super dark and mature

I was going to say; remember when Matt was still editor at IGN and he talked of rumors that Retro was developing/toying with the idea of an anti-Zelda like game - instead of playing as Link you play as Ganon?....it was a fresh take on the Zelda/Adventure execution.

Let's say that idea was a go but Miyamoto "turned the table over" on them and said it would be good to make a new IP for it. Or even to use a different IP that hadn't been recently used..

Oh, please..

I want more grand adventure games!!
Tropical Freeze might be the greatest video game ever made and I'm not joking. Been thinking about making a thread about it.
The music alone would put it top 5 for me. Even if I think the game itself isn't all that great. (8/10 for me)

But man Music is everything to me


Didn't Tabe(spelling) say that Retro would be "doing something different" in a Eurogamer article about Metro Prime. The article mention that it would take years to work on a hypothetical Metro Prime 4 and that it would take a lot of work.
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