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[Eurogamer] UK: One sold 170k in two weeks (20k in week two), Wii U around 150k LTD


That's online, if you look at the Argos high street availability it is showing 222 stores as having click and collect, this is probably replicated in other retailers as well, with store availability varying but the online warehouse out of stock. PS4 just seems sold out everywhere.

do we know anything about how substantial is re-stock going to be?

I like them selling out and all, but i want to get my own unit :)


In the UK, chart weeks end on Sunday. The Xbone has been available for two Sundays, hence it's been out for two weeks.

It doesn't make sense to compare 48 actual hours to "chart weeks." 48 hours is a real time measurement, "chart weeks" is not. That 48 hours took place in the span of one chart week, or maybe bridged two of them, so if you were being consistent you would call it at least one week.

I'm no XB1 fan but using different units of measurement to try to make the sales looks bad smacks of trying too hard.


It is superb. You brought the Vita into it (poor bastard) for no reason other than to in-directly highlight how good the 3DS is - even with lesser hardware. It's no good highlighting how shitty the 3DS start was as it didn't have a competitor.

The Wii U has been blown out of the water in one week and is never getting back in again here (UK).

I brought it up as the 3DS/Vita comparison perfectly matches the WiiU/PS4 situation. Both were perceived as overpriced, outdated hardware marred by gimmicks, without a proper account system or online infrastructure.

Thread from a week ago: Which had the better first 12 months software-wise: Wii U or 3DS?

Pretty even result, in many cases it's a close call. I just don't see it. Yes, in the long-term 3DS will probably have the edge due to Japanese 3rd party support and healthy sales. Sorry but I just don't see the supposed gulf between the two platforms.

Excellent GIF, but it does have one major flaw...
PS4 : 250k in 48 hours.
XBO: 170k in 2 weeks.
WIU: 150k in ~1 year.

This is disingenuously describing the XBO / PS4 demand. Those numbers are describing a supply constrained demand. While all signs indicate that the PS4 is the more in demand product there, both XBO/PS4 could have sold more if they had more supply.

The WiiU on the other hand is not supply constrained, and the timeframe adequately describes the demand. That is really quite depressing :(.


Junior Member
do we know anything about how substantial is re-stock going to be?

I like them selling out and all, but i want to get my own unit :)

Argos should be shown the stock will coming and allow to advance reserve, if it haven't arrive in the retail yet. It can be up to 4 to 5 days before the stock arrive. I dunno if they still doing that after I was worked there many years ago.

With that PS4 seem many OOS in Argos, that might be there won't be re-stock this week.


It doesn't make sense to compare 48 actual hours to "chart weeks." 48 hours is a real time measurement, "chart weeks" is not. That 48 hours took place in the span of one chart week, or maybe bridged two of them, so if you were being consistent you would call it at least one week.

I'm no XB1 fan but using different units of measurement to try to make the sales looks bad smacks of trying too hard.
Don't be daft. Think of the PS4 numbers as one week if it makes you feel better (since it is one week).

The XBone numbers cover weeks 46 and 47. The PS4 numbers are for week 47.


Going to be interesting to see how each system does over Christmas worldwide. The PS4 and One will probably be supply constrained and the Wii U's sales should be boosted by Super Mario 3D World.

I think the only thing that can save the Wii U over here in the UK is dropping the price so that it's the same price the Wii was at launch - £180. Should fly off shelves then.



Microsoft is done over there

Not even gonna comment on the failure that is the Wiitney HoUston

170k in 2 weeks is done? One of the absolute dumbest posts I've read in awhile.

Looks like the market in the UK is alright afterall. Hopefully third parties are feeling better about next gen now.


Poor Nintendo. My Wii U purchase in a few weeks will help....it's so frustrating that they can make some of the best games imagineable but then their hardware is overpriced, underpowered and under marketed.

They completely f'd up with the Wii U and I cant imagine the situation being turned around. 10 years ago if you'd have told me "Nintendo should go multiplatform" i'd have told you to do one and vehemently argued against the idea, but since early this year i've slowly began to wish they'd focus on handheld and just release their mainline titles on MS and Sony platforms.

There are so many gamers who would play/buy Nintendo games if it did not require the purchase of a Nintendo console. There is definitely money in it for them, and i'm betting the likes of Sony and MS would love to have their games on their systems, I could even imagine one of them moneyhatting titles for exclusivity to try and target the family friendly audience etc which would only mean nintendo get more money.

Seriously, I get that people are happy about the PS4 selling more (although it's not surprising, Sony shipped more and had the better price), but to pretend the last eight years didn't happen is just madness...

Hahahaha love ya Miles. Damn right :D

I was really scared for a second a trigger happy mod would punish me before reading the whole post lol
Nintendo believes if they make games that are awesome enough, people will come.

And in a year they've made a grand total of one that people were looking for... and it just came out like a week ago or so.

Imagine if Wii U had launched this month and had specs at least in the ballpark of X1. Zombie U, Mario 3D, Mario U (not sure what you'd do with this... maybe a downloadable pack-in or something), and Pikmin would easily be the strongest launch library.


Don't be daft. Think of the PS4 numbers as one week if it makes you feel better (since it is one week).

Don't attack other posters for employing basic logic.

Wording PS4 sales as taking place over 48 hours and XB1 as over 2 weeks is purposely misleading. There's no reason not to use the same measurement system for both.

I'm daft for pointing that out? Get over yourself.


"Since the initial announcement back in February, preorders for PS4 have surpassed all expectations and we continue to work hard to fulfil the remainder of these preorders and to deliver additional consoles to the market for the many more gamers who want a PS4. Substantial further volumes of PS4 will arrive in the UK before Christmas."


So when they say substantial, what do you reckon that number will be, another 50k, 100k, 250k? If they were doing regular re-stocks, they would have said just that, to include the word "substantial", suggests they have a larger than expected (for launch systems) re-stock inbound.

Mikey Jr.

Wow, WiiU sold 150k in 1 year.

That really puts things into perspective. The thing might as well not exist over there.


Not that I'm disputing the figures but does anyone know where they are getting the Wii U numbers from as the uk does not have official sale figure charts like other countries, which would make me think only Nintendo knows the numbers.


Nintendo is done. Time to pack it on guys. It's going the way of the Dreamcast. My bets 2 years from now we will be playing Mario on Xbox's and PS4's. When a product in 2 days outsells one that's been out for a year, it tells me your product isn't worth buying. It's only going to get worse. At this point I'd rather buy a 3ds at $250 than a Wii U.


Was Wii big in the UK? Just trying to understand why Wii U is so pitiful there.

Because it's an absolutely terrible value proposition console compared to the competition, that doesn't have enough games people want to play and no unique hook for the market.

I'm continually shocked when people act surprised about the Wii U's commercial performance. I know there's a lot of pro-Wii U rhetoric around at the moment but from the conception to the delivery, the Wii U has been fucking dreadful so far.

The Wii was a colossal success here until it dropped off a cliff like everywhere else in the world.


Nintendo is done. Time to pack it on guys. It's going the way of the Dreamcast. My bets 2 years from now we will be playing Mario on Xbox's and PS4's. When a product in 2 days outsells one that's been out for a year, it tells me your product isn't worth buying. It's only going to get worse. At this point I'd rather buy a 3ds at $250 than a Wii U.

Nintendo would go handheld-only in worst case scenario. You will not see any of their properties on a competing platform anytime soon.


Nintendo would go handheld-only in worst case scenario. You will not see any of their properties on a competing platform anytime soon.

So they'd cut their nose of to spite their face? handhelds are not substitutes for consoles.
UK hates Nintendo, is indifferent to MS, and loves Sony. PS4 will continue to flourish there.

I really wish "country x is blindly in love with company y" wouldn't be tossed around so callously to hand-wave performance. UK went MS-Nintendo-Sony last gen, with Nintendo dominating the front end, just like the US. You can't completely divorce the products being offered from the performance in those territories. In many PAL countries, Xbox Live is a noticeably worse service than it is in the US/UK. And MS has precisely zero Japanese development studios. These kinds of decisions had consequences last gen, and they will this gen as well. The PS4 offers much better performance per dollar than either rival console, and relatively equal 3rd party support and online play compared to Xbox One. It should be selling the best given what's currently offered. This may change with more games and price drops and services in the future, but you can't play the future on Christmas morning.
Expect huge discounts for Wii U again early next year, larger than the ones previously this year.

It seems like Nintendo couldn't move consoles at all and now there are even more units just sitting on store shelves.

Don't expect retailer stores to stock Wii U again.


Haha, no. Not gonna happen because Microsoft will be watching. A PS2 situation is very very hard to replicate. I think Sony are gonna have a great generation but it's too early to tell if they're gonna be first or have PS2 sales momentum.

I agree with you in that things could change & that PS2 sales would be very hard to replicate, but the same would also hold true for Microsoft. IMO, just because Microsoft got very big in the US & the UK with the 360, doesn't mean that it's guaranteed that they'll get lucky again with Xbox One in those same two regions.

Look at Sony with PS2 to PS3. Look at Nintendo with Wii to Wii U. Past success =/= future success.


I agree with you in that things could change, but IMO, just because Microsoft got big with the 360 in the US & the UK, doesn't mean that it's guaranteed that they'll get lucky again with Xbox One in those same two regions.

Look at Sony with PS2 to PS3. Look at Nintendo with Wii to Wii U.

The PS2 to PS3 drop is actually not that big.


So they'd cut their nose of to spite their face? handhelds are not substitutes for consoles.

You think they can maintain a healthy handheld ecosystem when the same games are readily available on a system you already own for other reasons?


Impressive numbers for XB1 in comparison to PS4 given the fact it costs $100 more. Expected a bigger difference.


Impressive numbers for XB1 in comparison to PS4 given the fact it costs $100 more. Expected a bigger difference.
I don't think you can say that when comparing the days that they've been out. PS4 is way, way ahead based on that metric.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
I maintain that the majority of the problem with the WiiU is how absolutely horrendously they did and continue to fail to market it


Right, so for the people sensitive about "2 weeks".

PS4: 250k in 48h
XB1: 170k in 216h
WiiU: 150k in 8760h


I don't think Nintendo should follow the Sega route.

They should just make handhelds instead. They already sell like hotcakes, the 3DS has more interesting games than the WiiU imo (SM, EtrianOdyssey4, MonsterHunter4, BravelyDefault, etc ), not to mention all the multiplats between them (like SSB)

If they focused on one platform they'd be in a better position. Their antiquated ways just don't work with homeconsoles anymore - the Wii was already behind the curve (talking about online services and functionality, not hardware), WiiU barely improves on it. I can't see Nintendo ever getting on the same level as MS/Sony

On handhelds the gimmicky online apps nintendo is known for actually work pretty well, like street pass or FlipnoteStudio (RIP Hatena). People just don't care as much about proper online functionality on-the-go. It's a nice thing but not a must. Games are what matters and Every nintendo handheld to date was a godsend


You think they can maintain a healthy handheld ecosystem when the same games are readily available on a system you already own for other reasons?

Do you not understand that outside of Japan where they have gone batshit insane there is almost no over lap between handhelds and consoles? They are different markets. Nintendo would be leaving a lot of money on the table.
I brought it up as the 3DS/Vita comparison perfectly matches the WiiU/PS4 situation.
No it doesn't. They have the same flaws but are fighting different battles - mainly that there was never a doubt the 3DS would bomb.
Pretty even result, in many cases it's a close call. I just don't see it. Yes, in the long-term 3DS will probably have the edge due to Japanese 3rd party support and healthy sales. Sorry but I just don't see the supposed gulf between the two platforms.
The 3DS will have the 'edge' because it's the benchmark for handheld gaming. The Wii U isn't the benchmark for console gaming.


So a future of Nintendo is hipermarket console ?


With big letters " 40 Mario games included " ?
I'm not suggesting a drop in hardware or software quality

like said, do you honestly believe that if nintendo releases a console as powerful as the next PS and xbox they will get the same kind of third party support those 2 have?
or that it will sway the core gamers to buy it instead of a ps/xbox?
the devs perceive nintendo consoles as not offering the kind of demographic that would buy the core games plus a console maker that has a history of abusing third parties and the gamers perceive the console as a kiddie/casal console and nintendo did nothing for what, 3 or 4 generations now to counter that view

I don't see nintendo winning in that fight that's why I am suggestion going the cheap "here is a box for your mario and zelda needs" route while at the same time trying to get the casual market back with fitness games, party games etc, where I think people would take a lower price point over graphical quality



360 leads PS3 by a large margin so this is a big disaster as it indicates UK is no longer xbox territory, much like USA.

I see your point and I'm buying a PS4, but 170k for Xbone isn't bomba

Its a issue MS need to address certainly. It'll be £350-£370 in six months tops
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