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Existing Xbox One owners - are you still happy with your purchase?


Not really, haven't used it much since launch aside from Sunset Overdrive and Tomb Raider. Use my ps4 much more frequently. That said, I like the tech and the UI and all that, but have never really gotten into the games. Really looking forward to Recore and Sea of Thieves though!


Only use it for Netflix and exclusives, but since everything will be coming to PC going forward it's really just turning into a Netflix box.


I use it for Hulu and collecting Xbox Live games that I'll probably never play. So, sure, it was worth it. Still replacing it with an S and a Scorpio when that launches.

Miles X

Sure? I barely play these days, nothing to do with all the games going to PC tho, just very little seems to hold my interest.

I think I've grown disinterested with gaming over recent years and that dates back to 2011/2012 when MS essentially gave up on 'gamers'. IMO. Their brief spurt in 2013/2014 was awesome tho, Killer Instinct being a highlight.
I got my 'Bone about a year into its life, on one of the MS Store "trade in your 360 for $100, plus other free stuff" deals.

I don't feel bad about ditching my 360, but I do honestly regret my One purchase a bit. I bought it for exclusives - at the time - like Tomb Raider and Quantum Break, but just a few months after buying my Xbox, Tomb Raider was announced for Steam and Quantum Break was announced for the W10 Store.

At this point, I'm likely going to sell my Xbox One. I'm not angry about it - I'm perfectly happy to be one of the "Xbox on PC" people going forward; excited, even - but it's definitely made me a little disappointed with my 'Bone purchase specifically.


I'm very happy with my XBO. MS has done an absolutely amazing job of enhancing the platform over the last few years with new features and revised controllers. The new hardware announcements and everything surrounding that such as Play Anywhere just make me more confident and happy with my choice because I know that all of my stuff will work and be supported for years to come. The direction MS is taking means no more worrying about compatibility when new hardware releases, and in some cases current games will be made even better on new hardware. The idea of console generations is an outdated way of thinking, and I embrace this new iterative cycle with open arms. It's taking what makes console gaming great and combining it with what makes PC gaming great.


Definitely still enjoy it and use it everyday. We have two in our house, one in the living room and one in my game room. In the living room, we use it for the Kinect/TV functions and my Wife uses this system when we game together. It has been a great system and with the 360 BC I have actually been getting more use out of it. I have about 40 Disc based games, but also had about 60 360 Digital games. Only about 20 of my 60 Digital and about 30 of my physical disks are currently BC, but a lot of those games I was not able to play as much as I wanted when they released.

I am a multi-console owner and have a gaming rig, but find myself using the Xbox One more since many of my friends are on it and I have such a big collection of games for it, both One and 360.

Like many, I am looking forward to Scorpio and moving all my stuff to it (5 TB External HDD currently in use). I am mainly looking to Scorpio and to a degree the Xbox One S since I have a 4k set and it has HDR capability. But like many, I do wish the Xbox One had a bit more muscle on it's bones and Scorpio sounds to remedy and getting a Xbox console back to how the original and 360 were, which was a bit more cutting edge, a bit more advanced that what is currently available.

I just hope with all this investment in developing new hardware that they continue to drive more and new IP's on the software side of things.
I don't regret buying one, I've enjoyed the exclusives that have released thus far, and it has worked well as a cable pass through so that I can have surround sound on more devices. I have zero incentive to upgrade to the S or Scorpio though. Play Anywhere is a nice initiative, but my PC is a better option to run those games, and I'd rather put my money toward upgrading it in the future instead of purchasing a Scorpio.
I absolutely love my xbone.


I paid Day One with Kinect.

The value I've had out of this, with over 100 games, plus all the back compat games that I am working my way through?

Absolutely delighted with my purchase.

And I will be upgrading to the Scorpio next year.
I got mine during Black Friday two years ago. It was a pretty good deal. I've only played Halo MCC, Halo 5, and Ori on it.

MCC was a huge let down. I don't think I need to say more.
I only played the first 2 levels of Halo 5. Idk why but it just didn't grab me. I'll go back to it eventually.
I love Ori. I only bought it on Xbone because it's not the kind of game that benefits from being on PC, and I figured why not.

So basically I own an Xbone for no reason. If I could go back, I wouldn't have bought it. The promise of Gears 4 and a handful of other exclusives convinced me to buy.

Personally though I think MS is going in the right direction and I can fully understand why people would say they are happy with their Xbone. I just personally think the PS4 is a better console.
Got mine at launch, but was absolutely worth it to me. I was even a Kinect hater and ended up loving the voice commands(not for games though, very happy they moved on from that shit).

I do wish it had more horsepower so it could run games 1080p. Titantfall releasing so shortly after release validated my purchase as I fucking loved that game(wish they had fixed the screen tearing).

Also, the new dash from last fall is a huge improvement over what we had. Combined with that most of my friends have an Xbox One, I made the right call.

I still intend on getting a PS4, but maybe I'll wait for Neo details before I decide. The Last Guardian is a game I absolutely need and of course Uncharted 4 and would love to play The Order.
Microsoft's direction with all games being on PC, would make my Xbox One feel like a complete waste (bar the odd EA Sports game), but I would still consider this direction a good thing because I'd just buy cheaper games on PC instead then, and get the XB1 versions for free. So that'd be great. But then UWP and Windows Store are horrible, so it's looking like I'll keep buying these games for Xbox One for the foreseeable future.

So it's not entirely worthless to me, I guess. I'd rather it was, which is a weird thing.


Sunset Overdrive is still one of the best games I've played this generation.

Xbox 360 BC is still pretty awesome.

Definitely glad I own the system.


Yep, 20+ days play time just for halo5 multi is worth it (i have around 150 games all digital)

Still waiting for RDR / Lost Odyssey / Ninja Gaiden back compat :(


Formerly Gizmowned
Yes I love it. I've definitely got my money out of the Day One edition. My only regret is buying a second one at Christmas, if I'd known of the XB1 S I'd have waited it out.
Yes, and im going to trade it in for an Xbox One S. Then trade that in for the Scorpio. I'm a sucker for new hardware and I love the Xbox live ecosystem. Excited!
Love my xbox one still. A new, more powerful xbox doesn't make me love it less, but I can't wait to jump over to the new system.


Neo Member
I'm happy with my xbox one, I much prefer having a console for gaming and I really appreciate having it as a media device. That said if it weren't for the collection of games I've gotten built up I might be tempted to switch for a ps4 if it did much the same media wise. There's more games I'm looking forward to on ps4 at this moment, though odds are I'll just wait and have both.


Bought the PS4 at launch, and bought the Xbox One a few weeks later (after it launched) on a whim.

My Xbox One has constantly gotten more use out of me than the PS4. Better controller, better OS, and in my opinion, more games that suit my interests.

Enjoy my PS4 though. Bloodborne remains one of my favorites this gen.


Nope. Not too fond of it. OS is clunky albeit better than a year ago, and the frequency of updates is annoying. Because of the performance issues, I end up playing multiplats on the PC. The handful of exclusives just hasn't been worth it. I mean, Sunset Overdrive and MCC was okay but not worth the $349 I paid. I was excited for Rare Reply but I hate the way they lock all the bonus content behind achievements and the games I'd play most anyway I have on their original consoles. It's been my least played new console ever.

Not that the PS4 is much better with exclusives, but I'd likely play more multiplats on it. That $349 would have been better spent elsewhere.

I still have my Xbox 360 and PS3 hooked up, and I play those more than the Xbox One still.


I'm very happy with mine (Elite). I also own a PS4 and WiiU. I mostly buy multiplats for PS4, but I love Halo, Forza, KI, GOW, and BC 360 games on my Xbone

The new S version is really gorgeous, but I will stick to my current box until Scorpio arrives.
Got some good time out of Halo: MCC and Halo 5. The rest, not so much. If Halo is appearing on PC from now on, I won't buy a next Xbox.


I'm still getting mileage out of the game I bought an XB1 for plus have had a steady stream of great games, so yeah, I'd say I'm satisfied with the purchase.


I bought my XB1 a year after launch at half the price so I really don't regret it in terms of price. That said, I do enjoy it a lot since I don't just use it to play games but use it for Nextflix and the hdmi pass-through a lot and I'm excited for the future with windows being integrated into it.


Between Fifa, Halo, Rocket League, Battlefield and Division I've had such a blast playing those games with friends. I've had my money's worth 50 times over in terms of hours spent on the thing. So yeah, very happy with it.

Obviously a little disappointed in how some games have looked and performed compared to the PS4, but ultimately, having fun with friends is why I game, and I've certainly done that.


No I'm not.

I never bothered with Kinect, I've found the interface unintuitive and laggy, and there haven't been many exclusives on the system that I've wanted to play.

I enjoyed multiple hours with Forza Horizon 2, Gears Ultimate, and Titanfall.

But yeah overall not happy.
Zero regrets. Purchased at launch and have had a good time with it. Ive played exclusives and some multi pats on it depending on the game.

Note: I own a gaming pc, ps4, and wiiu. I use them all a fair amount with the exception of the wiiu (just for nintendo exclusives). I play most multi plats on ps4, and have recently played more pc games since they look better with my 980ti.

Edit: some of my favorites are sunset overdrive, dead rising 3, halo MCC, HALO 5, Gears ultimate, titanfall, rise of tomb raider, quantum break, and rare replay (and i know some are on pc). Totally worth the purchase for me.


Yeah? I mean i bought it at a low price with 1TB HDD and The Division also got a free second controller with it i can't complain.
Xbox One has turned from a decent console to an amazing one.
Phil and the Xbox team have done a great job turning things around.
Yeah I am. I've even been buying some multiplats with slightly worse performance than ps4 for it recently because I've been having problems with psn and I enjoy using the elite controller so much.

The whole kinect thing was bullshit though. Worthless peripheral.


I don't regret it but I did sell them off recently since I can get the exclusives on PC. I enjoyed it more during the launch window but after that the exclusives stopped clicking with me aside from QB so that was a bit disappointing.


Not regretted buying three of them but selling the one I use the most because of the Xbox app on pc.
Won't be buying any of the new Xbox consoles from now on.

PS4 & PC for me.


Yup, nothing really changed with the latest announcements, since I don't like playing on PC, don't have a 4K screen (and autumn 2017 is quite far away).
I still think they could have done a better job innovating on apps, services and features (especially bringing them faster), but it's moving in the right direction.
Yeah I think so, I've gotten value out of it over the course of ownership.

Would I buy one now with all the crossbuy capabilities? Probably not, especially if the next Halo comes to PC.

But I'm not angry over what MS is doing with their product and their vision of gaming.
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