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Facebook election meltdowns and tasty, salty tears |OT|

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It's sad to see nearly the exact same analogies and sentences being brought up in several different posts from unrelated individuals. Do people just regurgitate sound bytes in lieu of having a well reasoned opinion of their own?


Some of what I'm seeing:

America, We Shall Get Through This. This Election Was Never About Obama Or Romney, It Was About A Future That Will Be Better Off For Our Families, Kids And Ourselves. I Hope, After All Is Said And Done, That People Will Still Desire A Job Over A Handout. I Get The Need For Them But I Truly Wish The Era Of Self-Reliance Set Aside By My Great Grandparent's Generation Is Not Over.

This Is America, Not Europe. We Left Them For A Good Reason. There Are Riots In The Streets There Over A 30 Hour Work Week And Retiring At Age 42. They Are A Collective Of Spoiled Children (Minus Germany And England). This Will Be A Difficult Time With Threats Like Iran. That Is One Obama Strength. But The Lies In Libya Are Palpable And Disgusting. For The Sake Of This Country, I Pray Obama Changes And Sees The Close Popular Vote As A Proverbial Smack To The Face To Get Things Done. That's All. Goodnight.

Time to be moving even more backwards.

Get ready folks. Four more years of misleading and deception are on there way. Make sure you know your Bible and your faiths strong because things are gonna get real messy real quick.

Congrats to all liberals that have re-elected their homeboy. Here's to another 4 yrs of turning this great country into a socialist one.

Hooray, 4 more years of democrats ignoring human rights abuses

Baraka in the White House

2-Terms of Kombat
One of mine just carpet bombed Facebook with angry posts. He's a smart fellow but a completely ignorant prick when it comes to politics and Obama in particular.

A choice tidbit:

"to all the complete morons who are squealing in glee "OMG! MY OVARIES ARE FINALLY UNDER MY OWN CONTROL!"....you do realize that Romney didn't run on the sole platform of "MY ONLY GOAL IN PRESIDENCY IS NO ABORTIONS!?!?" right??? Not like even if he did win abortions would EVER be declared illegal... He just didn't want you to be irresponsible sluts and sleep around and expect taxpayers to have to pay for it just because you decided to slum it"
One of mine just carpet bombed Facebook with angry posts. He's a smart fellow but a completely ignorant prick when it comes to politics and Obama in particular.

A choice tidbit:

"to all the complete morons who are squealing in glee "OMG! MY OVARIES ARE FINALLY UNDER MY OWN CONTROL!"....you do realize that Romney didn't run on the sole platform of "MY ONLY GOAL IN PRESIDENCY IS NO ABORTIONS!?!?" right??? Not like even if he did win abortions would EVER be declared illegal... He just didn't want you to be irresponsible sluts and sleep around and expect taxpayers to have to pay for it just because you decided to slum it"

What a moron.


oh lordy

Well I voted (not like it REALLY mattered n the end obviously) so I'm aloud to bitch about this right?? Haha!! Hahaha!!! I think deep down we ALL knew it was coming... And now it has, so!!!! Look at the bright side, At least this way all who are NOT for Obama will b able to say "I told u so, to all who are." I dnt kno about anybody else but I love being right! :) Romneys life was probably spared too! Remember! Everything happens for a reason!!! God is still with us, do not feel abandon by him! Have faith that there IS something good that will and maybe already has come from this devastating event!! I will not congratulate him, I do not and will NEVER support him. This is only the end if we let it b the end!! Keep ur head up my friends!!


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
I'm Canadian, so I have very few people who are upset by Obama's win. The most likely dissent is from the few conspiracy theorists who think Obama is an Illuminati puppet... not conservatives per se.

There is one bonafide conservative on my list... "Americans made the wrong choice today". And I remember him rooting for Bush in 2000. I think that speaks for itself.


It amazes me how so many people think they really KNOW the difference between democrat and republican but they have NO clue! Wake up people this president has ruined our country!!! I'm sorry if what I am saying offends anyone but this is a free country and freedom of speech goes both ways not just towards liberals!

This election wasn't a traditional Democrat versus Repulican choice... It was a Republican versus a socialist-in-disguise. And really he's not disguised, the info is right there, but so many Dems just don't want to see it.

I have tried to keep my opinion to myself about this election, but i've got only one thing to share. I consider myself an Independent, i'm careful to look at all the policy and see how a canidate has voted in the past, etc. Our current President has time and time again throughout his life associated himself with people that are not very ProAmerican, that's his choice, but when it comes to the this slogan of FORWARD, i have to speak up. This slogan was used by the American Communist and Socialist Parties in the 40's and 50's. It was also a slogan for the Soviets and Eastern Block Nations of Europe. This is not an anti Obama rumor, it's true. Google the word forward, and it's there. If that doesn't convince you then watch the old movie with Spencer Tracy, called Keeper of the Flame, and it's about an American Politicain with ties to the Soviets, and the slogan was FORWARD. cooincidence? I DON'T THINK SO!!!!!


I have some good ones on my facebook, I'll post tomorrow. Sample:

To many people do not value what the founding fathers gave us......LIBERTY!!!!!
I wonder if I can make him my slave, since he is losing his liberty.


I really should have waited a few days before getting rid of my facebook. My area is full of country folk and outright racists (even though my city/county almost always votes blue in national and local races). I can only imagine the stupid shit being said right now.

The post on page 2 about the person now preparing for an invasion from China because OBAMA won is the weirdest one of the whole thread for me. I can understand and get the stupid people with their socialist/Obama Care/Kenyan/nagger stuff, but Romney was the one who made it a point to talk shit to China for the past 2 months every chance he got, so Obama staying in office is going to lead to a war with them? Wat. That's the one that got to me. Not the silly racist and misspelled rants that make no sense because the thoughts aren't even connected.


I always like the arguments of "Obama makes it impossible for anyone to get a job. All the freeloaders on wellfare need to get off their asses and get a job" and don't get what they're saying at all. Also, young people (25-under usually) who go on and on about how terrible Obama Care is when it is going to benefit the young people who don't have insurance more than anyone. Or the idea that they don't consider paying taxes any form of "socialism" unless Obama makes the taxes. People be crazy, y'all.

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
Here's one from a very conservative friend of mine on FB:

I knew this was going to be a sad day in American history, because it shows just how ignorant the people in this once great country are. First off no I didn't want Romney as president, neither candidate was qualified for the position. However Obama had proven time and time again that he can't govern this country. A presidents job is to unite the country and Obama has only blamed others for the problems and turned the country into a cesspool of angry individuals who lash out at others. Romney may not have been ideal but he was governor of a huge liberal state which at least means he can work with the opposition. As for all those people thinking Obama reelected is a good thing; allow me to introduce president lame duck. He couldn't deliver on any of his promises last election except obamacare and now you expect him to deliver? And you think I'm crazy. Who knows perhaps we'll get lucky and Texas will finally secede and be rid of the US's failed policies and incompetent leaders.
This specific meltdown is a real gem. I have been seeing her crazy posts all election season and this post was the one I had been anticipating the most and needless to say she did not fail to deliver.

Crazy Woman said:
Yay!!!! Obama won!! OBAMA IS PRESIDENT ONCE AGAIN! I can't wait to pay for your healthcare, your free phones, and your food stamps in the years to come. I've always wanted to be just like Greece. Thank goodness Obama is here to downsize our military after our embassies have been attacked. Thank goodness parents will be reunited with their loved ones returning from college unable to find a job. Thank goodness small businesses will now layoff hundreds of thousands of workers in anticipation of a $1 trillion tax for Obamacare. I'm so proud to be a citizen of the United Socialists of America. Save up for the winter holidays ya'll, not for presents, but for the sequester and the onslaught of household tax increases to come. The voice of America has spoken, and it says that America should not longer be America. Hugo Chavez, Vladimir Putin, and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad would be so proud.


Some of those salty comments are just sad and pathetic. They all sound like comments you would be hearing all the way back from the 1950's. Plus moving to Canada seems unpatriotic. Hypocrites.

We should really make US economic history classes mandatory in schools so everyone knows what the term "socialism" means really.


‎10% unemployment.
$5 gallon gas.
An increase in jobs lost to outsourcing.
Massive tax increases. For ALL.
Another housing and mortgage crisis due to increassed lax lending practices.
Welcome to the 2nd term, America, you voted for it.
But hell, that's ok, we can just keep blaming Bush, right?
My response:
The unemployment rate is lower than that (7.9%) and has been steadily dropping for a while now. The recovery has actually been faster than most other major financial sector initiated recessions.

The president doesn't really have control over gas prices. Those are controlled by investor speculation more than anything else. It's why the gas prices used to spike by $.20 *instantly* after an IED went off during the height of the Iraq war.

On outsourcing there's not much the president can do the stem this tide other than get rid of the tax exemption that corporations get for shipping their facilities overseas. Companies that outsource to contractors (where the work is being done on another company's property) will be unaffected. Unless you are proposing a tax penalty on these companies? Companies may legally be considered as people by the current supreme court, but they are not Americans and they do not have American interests. There's also the concept of penalties for outsourcers or closing loopholes companies use to make outsourcing so profitable but that will never happen in this political climate

I was under the impression that taxes have actually gone down for most Americans.(http://cbo.gov/sites/default/files/cbofiles/attachments/43373-06-11-HouseholdIncomeandFedTaxes.pdf)

Not sure where you are reading about this new mortgage crisis, have any links?

The reason why people blame Bush isn't just because it is politically expedient but also because it is true. I'm thankful that we are no longer trading thousands of American lives to support wars that either should have ended a while ago or should have never started. That we are no longer offering new tax breaks for companies that use that additional money not to invest back into the American economy but only extract money from the consumers here. I'm thankful that the government, for the first time since the wars began, is actually counting the financial cost of the wars in its debt figures. I'm thankful to say, again, that we are a nation that do not torture. I'm thankful to say that people who are in urgent need of healthcare will not be turned aside by the insurance industry because the person seeking medical assistance only did so when they discovered that they has a terminal illness or disease such as cancer.

It's a shame that the president had become such a polarizing figure before a single bill or executive order had been signed, and I think a large part of that shame is due to the decrease in the level of discourse in American politics (thinly veiled racist attacks charging that the president is not a citizen, is a muslim, is associated with black radicals...attacks that would have never happened if his skin color was different).
I'm from GA so lots of conservative friends on fbook...the worst comment i've seen though goes to:

"That's fucking it. my husband is getting out of the military. I'm not sacrificing our time together so that he can go fight for such a pathetic country. if he stays in... it's on him... I'm out. I was already ashamed.. and now I get another 4 years of being ashamed... If I had the money... I'd leave... too bad I'm a middle class citizen thats going to get fucked again for the next 4 years"

I want to reply so badly, but i'm terrible at arguing politics


Moving to Canada sounds awesome, though. Not because of some terrible black dude killing the country or anything. Canada just seems pretty boss. I don't know why we make fun of it so much. It's like America, but friendlier, with less people, better health care, cleaner, more diversity, and general pleasantness. I've been thinking about moving there for a few years and I voted for Obama both times.

The funny thing is all the rants against Obama cutting military budgets and what not. I mean, have they not payed attention to anything he's done regarding the military and domestic defense? The stuff he's done with the NDAA and predator drones should absolve him of all socialist sins to the salty section of the nation.
I like seeing replies backed up with facts in response to the ignorance. Wonder if it'll have any real effect on these people.


I have conservative friends but no one posted anything negative so to speak. Just someone worried that his guns will be taken away in 1 to 2 years.

Same tired excuse to dislike Obama which is a complete crock full of crap.
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