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Facebook election meltdowns and tasty, salty tears |OT|

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not one of my friends but seen it posted somewhere else



Shit's going down.
My FB isn't too bad, but I had a couple:

"I've completely lost faith in the people of this nation. Fuck you America! That is all."

And from a hardcore Ron Paul supporter:


If only they had nominated Ron Paul!

But on the other end of the spectrum, this one made me smile:


Fingers crossed! :)
A friend of mine who served in the Marines and did a couple of tours in Iraq, she posted this a few hours ago:

"When I watch people cheering for the loss of their liberty, it makes me I wonder why I ever put on a uniform to protect that liberty. If you voted for Obama, this is YOUR America, not mine."

Another from a different person on FB

Need to get off Facebook before I start punching idiots flat out tomorrow. So much for the American dream I was raised with where you earn your wealth thru success in hard work and not expecting everything on a GD silver platter or landing in your lap... Because that's for pussies.

And another who had been posting heavily in favor of Romney for the last few weeks

Sad Day...


Well, she's aloud to say things allowed, so she can do what she wants.

"We don't need no jiggs in the white house"

The fuck, Dakota is from NEW YORK and wears Confederate belt buckles and has a stars and bars tat? Lol.
I have conservative friends but no one posted anything negative so to speak. Just someone worried that his guns will be taken away in 1 to 2 years.

Same tired excuse to dislike Obama which is a complete crock full of crap.

The gun argument confuses me. From the get go, the Obama administration has been pretty quiet about gun control.


I'm from GA so lots of conservative friends on fbook...the worst comment i've seen though goes to:

"That's fucking it. my husband is getting out of the military. I'm not sacrificing our time together so that he can go fight for such a pathetic country. if he stays in... it's on him... I'm out. I was already ashamed.. and now I get another 4 years of being ashamed... If I had the money... I'd leave... too bad I'm a middle class citizen thats going to get fucked again for the next 4 years"

I want to reply so badly, but i'm terrible at arguing politics

"You stupid twat"

Seems fitting to me.


Poor girl. Complete shame that she's ignorant like that. I believe in freedom of speech but freedom of being ignorant just doesn't add up.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
oh shit i lost it at that gif. what a hilarious scene.

those two girls attitudes are ridiculous... very unamerican.

and wearing the flag to protest "the war of northern aggression" is flat out stupid. yall bitches lost that shit, remember?


I'm always very proud of myself for not posting anything political, but this will be all that I will say. I hope that when my children vote, they vote for whats best for the country, not what is trendy.

Wiped out 200 friends on my FB. Feels pretty good. You should give it a try!!
I axed the 200 about 5pm before anything was known. Around 100 are liberals. My thinking is that if they can't discern that obama is a snake oil salesman, and think he's great, what are they going to think of someone even smoother than that on a much larger scale? I don't want to divulge any personal stuff (no matter how trivial) to people with subpar discernment. A dozen are from the church.

He genuinely worries me


I got one!

I cant believe I actually risked my life for these sorry stupid fucking people who would vote for someone that that does not know how to balance a checkbook, hates the military, and has never put his hand over his heart when the flag was raised or the national anthem played. AMERICA WAKE THE FUCK UP!!!!!!!!!!!!

This dude was a fatass piece of shit in the Marine Corps and got kicked out because of it. He never saw combat. Yet, he portrays himself like he's some kinda hardass.


Besides being Canadian, I don't think I have any conservative/republican friends. Everyone is posting good things about Obama. A bunch of my extended family votes conservative (who live in Florida) but they haven't posted anything yet.


Posted this earlier, some Stormfront tears for you all:

strong language below:

Stormfront tears said:
It's time for whites, and White Nationalists to wake up. You will have a Black President for yet another 4 years. I have no idea why some on hanging onto a system that has purposely started replacing you 50 years ago.

We are 49% of new births and falling.

With this outcome, we need to get our asses in gear. We need our own media, entertainment, banking, schools and Political Representation.

For those who got us at this point in history, damn you. We must ensure they get all the benefits of multiculturalism they forced on us.

Stormfront tears said:
If Obama really ends up winning after all of the votes are counted, then as far as I am concerned, America is dead
Stormfront tears said:
I really hate n*ggers.
Stormfront tears said:
As do I, although I despise White traitors with a far greater passion.
Stormfront tears said:
Perhaps. 4 more years of this beast will likely bring millions more to our cause.
Stormfront tears said:
I wish it weren't so, but Obama has won again.
You know, his win may help us out. More whites will be fed up and come to our side, as a result of these election results.
We will gain a foothold of power, as our numbers increase.
Stormfront tears said:
FURTHERMORE, I am even EXTRA MAD at blacks tonight because I just came across a FRONT PAGE article on Yahoo about how that disgusting Negro Eddie Murphy has a new trophy, coal burning, White mud-shark girlfriend. That just REALLY topped off my night for anger.

Stay tuned for a thread regarding that...
Stormfront tears said:
Sadly, your average white woman is a feminist, loud-mouth, worthless bitch who can't think her way out of a ****house. These women mostly go for loser guys (often those with brown skin or wiggers)

To all of those spouting off about how it didn't matter if Obongo or Mittens won, you're fooling yourselves. This asshole is a racist, black nationalist, white-hating son of a bitch will continue to make your lives worse. Lets not forget he was joined by jayz on his campaign trail - a well know, racist black rapper who puts "no whites allowed" signs on his dressing room doors at concerts.

It's over for this country. If you're a white male, you have nothing left. Hands down
Stormfront tears said:
know one thing. I am going to abuse the hell outta Obamacare. Oh my aching - you name it.

Time to help expedite the collapse at every turn. Eligible for food stamps? By all means go for it - especially if you don't even need it, and only shop at high priced convenience stores since they all take EBT cards now. Just throw the food in the nearest dumpster.



I don't think I've ever met a feminist. I think I've met more dudes who are feminists than women. Mr. Stormfront poster is wrong. Most women aren't feminists. Most women try really hard to not get labeled that so people won't think they are crazy bitches.

The Bush/Obama art is really quite fantastic.
I don't think I've ever met a feminist. I think I've met more dudes who are feminists than women. Mr. Stormfront poster is wrong. Most women aren't feminists. Most women try really hard to not get labeled that so people won't think they are crazy bitches.

The Bush/Obama art is really quite fantastic.

As a Swiss person with mostly normal friends I can't contribute but I find it funny when people who lack any interest or knowledge in US politics post how happy they are about Obama winning.

I don't think I've ever met a feminist. I think I've met more dudes who are feminists than women. Mr. Stormfront poster is wrong. Most women aren't feminists. Most women try really hard to not get labeled that so people won't think they are crazy bitches.

The Bush/Obama art is really quite fantastic.

I think it'd help if the actual crazy women who want to burn men at a stake stopped labeling themselves as feminists and embarrass the real ones.
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