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Fallout 4 Speculation Thread - Graphic talk elsewhere please.

I know it's a pipedream and probably for the best not to have it, but I wish it did have co-op. Maybe up to like 4 people.

I'd totally welcome it too, but I think Fallout and Elder Scrolls were always meant to be single player RPGs... unless they change that tradition. At least New Vegas made the followers interesting, I miss Veronica and ED-E.

The best moments from Dead Island were with a friend, we had more fun just goofing off than doing missions.


Interiors and cities will still need loading I think. The area with the ghouls doesn't seem like something you can just walk in and out of.
Interiors and cities will still need loading I think. The area with the ghouls doesn't seem like something you can just walk in and out of.

True, but if that stuff is leveled (i.e. basement level or underground) and you can see it upon walking on the level above it anyway, it could load in the background, yeah?


It still wasn't a surefire thing that was going to happen, especially since some of the 8 GB of RAM is allocated to the OS of the consoles.

Eh, he was speaking generally with the number. They obviously were well into development on current gen when he made the comments. I'd say it's gonna happen and the trailer shows it.


I suspect the pc exclusive top down mode will be vats only combat, doesn't seem manageable in real time.

Will probably play it in first person and real time anyways.


I wonder if they will alter how many companions you can have at anyone time since Dog is seemingly by yourside as a default? I bet you can tell the Dog to stay at the base for those adventurers who like to tackle it alone.


I wonder if they will alter how many companions you can have at anyone time since Dog is seemingly by yourside as a default? I bet you can tell the Dog to stay at the base for those adventurers who like to tackle it alone.

There is no doubt in my mind you can, unless they designed the game in a way that it's more like a co-op, like Resident 4 or 5 I guess is what I'm thinking of where you would control the dog or give orders that absolutely need to be fulfilled by the dog. I doubt it though and I don't want that nonsense in my Fallout personally.
Plus Pete Hines is being pretty direct that this won't be cross-gen:


Which also means this rumor is debunked.

I do hope they release it on a potato though.

loved that reply

I know it's a pipedream and probably for the best not to have it, but I wish it did have co-op. Maybe up to like 4 people.

It's not that you want Fallout or Elder Scrolls to have co-op, it's just that you want an open world RPG with co-op in it, which is very rare for some reason.
My speculation for the main plot of the game.

You*, your spouse, your baby and your dog go into cryopods.
You and the dog wake up, your spouse and your baby are missing.
The main story is you searching for them.

*You can choose to either be male or female and your spouse flips based on your choice.
I think it's a safe bet we won't be seeing an old-gen version. It would've been announced along with the main platforms if they were developing for it, doesn't make sense to hide it.


I hope they add more music channels or talk only channels to the radio. It was cool in Fallout 3, just not enough of it.


I hope they add more music channels or talk only channels to the radio. It was cool in Fallout 3, just not enough of it.

Agreed. They definitely need to bolster the radio channels. There's tons of great music from that era, I'd love to see some more instrumental big band pieces.
Only thing I can think of is all the mods for this game........................looks like this will be another game ima drop like 1000 hours into over the course of a few years.
The developers behind ESO (Zenimax Online Studios) are different than the ones who made Fallout 3 and the Elder Scrolls games (Bethesda Game Studios).

My comment was directed to someone expressing a desire for these games to have co-op or 4P multiplayer; that an MP Elder Scrolls game exists, and not necessarily that BGS made ESO, but I should've been clearer :\


I think it's a safe bet we won't be seeing an old-gen version. It would've been announced along with the main platforms if they were developing for it, doesn't make sense to hide it.

Not only that, around 2012 Bethesda outright said they were not making the next Elder Scrolls for PS3 because it wasn't powerful enough to do what they wanted to do next. I'm pretty sure in general that was their "We're done with PS3 period (and honestly probably next gen)" statement.


I just realized that the mobile over the crib in the first scene is the same mobile over the crib in the playpen room in the beginning of 3.
What if that garage at the end of the trailer was the lone wanderer's last hideout. Well whoever lived there had quite a collection, that power armor, the pip-boy on the workbench, charisma bobblehead found in the cloning vault, rack of magazines with grognak the muthafuckin' barbarian.
What if that garage at the end of the trailer was the lone wanderer's last hideout. Well whoever lived there had quite a collection, that power armor, the pip-boy on the workbench, charisma bobblehead found in the cloning vault, rack of magazines with grognak the muthafuckin' barbarian.

Good eye spottin' that Grognak :)

No idea, tbh. Looked wayyyyy too neat and tidy to be something the PC just happened upon, especially since it was exposed to the elements like that. My guess is that it could be:

- a base of operations for the PC
- a house you can "buy" where you can store your stuff and have "display cases/racks" to show them off a la Elder Scrolls.
- a merchant's shop
- a mockup made for the trailer to show off all this recognizable stuff so people would get nostalgic and excited.


My crazy prediction is that there will be some sort of top down tactical view. It sounds nuts, but I can see it happening.
My speculation for the main plot of the game.

You*, your spouse, your baby and your dog go into cryopods.
You and the dog wake up, your spouse and your baby are missing.
The main story is you searching for them.

*You can choose to either be male or female and your spouse flips based on your choice.


That's actually a pretty good theory, and it fits with the trailer footage!



Seems like a bunch of it was off. All signs point to you being a Parent, plus you can see him leaving the vault apparently alone. I mean I guess it's possible because we haven't see the beginning but all signs point to the main character
being human, unless there is some kind of twist but I doubt it will start off that way as proposed by those spoilers.


Good eye spottin' that Grognak :)

No idea, tbh. Looked wayyyyy too neat and tidy to be something the PC just happened upon, especially since it was exposed to the elements like that. My guess is that it could be:

- a base of operations for the PC
- a house you can "buy" where you can store your stuff and have "display cases/racks" to show them off a la Elder Scrolls.
- a merchant's shop
- a mockup made for the trailer to show off all this recognizable stuff so people would get nostalgic and excited.

I hope not, at least at the sake of being nice to the fans and showing off something as big and specific as that and then not really allowing it.
lol, that's most trailers

I hope it's your garage though and where you can craft things and build upon whatever you have stored there and can swap out your gear


I think I can agree with most of this list:

Not sure about vehicles though. I kind of like walking, but, I guess I can still just walk.
Yeah, most of that stuff are good things to hope for, but I REALLY hope there isn't any vehicular combat. I'd be okay if we got a vertibird that we could fast travel with or something, but I don't want cars with guns and shit. I don't want this game to feel like Borderlands or Rage.

If there are vehicles, they should be SUPER hard to get your hands on.

The God

Seems like a bunch of it was off. All signs point to you being a Parent, plus you can see him leaving the vault apparently alone. I mean I guess it's possible because we haven't see the beginning but all signs point to the main character
being human, unless there is some kind of twist but I doubt it will start off that way as proposed by those spoilers.

I guess we'll see in 9 days. I hope it's not true.


I think I can agree with most of this list:

Not sure about vehicles though. I kind of like walking, but, I guess I can still just walk.

I would love Biker gangs that you could fight.

Really, traversal should be Walking, maybe Sprint, but it would consume Action Points, Motorcycles, and Fast Travel.

Motorcycles could be a late game thing, so it could be beneficial to people that would want to look at the world when going from one side to the other and not look at a loading screen if you want to fast travel.

Horse Detective

Why the long case?
I hate fast travel, I really do.

I don't mean that in the "Oh just don't use it..." way, but in a way that is desiring of a more interesting way of getting around quickly. But not as quick as fast travel. Vehicles or a functional metro would be cool.


I hate fast travel, I really do.

I don't mean that in the "Oh just don't use it..." way, but in a way that is desiring of a more interesting way of getting around quickly. But not as quick as fast travel. Vehicles or a functional metro would be cool.

I guess I'm just used to it, but the more I think about it, it does kill the immersion. Having to use vehicles to get around as opposed to instantly traveling would fit the game well and would add more survival elements. But I'm fine either way, or maybe an option for either. Fast travel could be eliminated in survival mode, for example.

Horse Detective

Why the long case?
I guess I'm just used to it, but the more I think about it, it does kill the immersion. Having to use vehicles to get around as opposed to instantly traveling would fit the game well and would add more survival elements. But I'm fine either way, or maybe an option for either. Fast travel could be eliminated in survival mode, for example.

I just felt like while playing, it was super encouraging of stopping one thing and going and doing something completely different with pretty much no boundary.

Don't get me wrong, I don't think linearity is the answer, I just don't like that I could give up on something and forget about it with no consequence. I like the idea of doing a bunch of quests in one area for a good while.
I guess I'm just used to it, but the more I think about it, it does kill the immersion. Having to use vehicles to get around as opposed to instantly traveling would fit the game well and would add more survival elements. But I'm fine either way, or maybe an option for either. Fast travel could be eliminated in survival mode, for example.

That could be super interesting if it forced you to make hard choices about which time-sensitive quests to fill. I really hope Bethesda includes a hardcore mode like what obsidian did with NV. Giving ammo weight, etc.. Really made me play the game differently in a way that made it more immersive and enjoyable.
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