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Far Cry 4 PC reviews delayed until release


I wouldn't go that far. The game still will probably be better on pc from a performance/graphics standpoint, just not up to snuff compared to competently released games. Now if it is a bug ridden mess compared to the console version, you might be on to something. Even then, if I had to get the game I would get it on pc because I can't play a fps with a controller.

I wouldn't buy it day one in any case and wait for impressions.

Yeah, you're right. I spoke too soon. It might actually turn out well. Impressions are probably the best thing to wait for. Hopefully the game does well on PC as well


Far Cry 3 was done at the studio who made FC3, this PC version is being done by Kiev, who are well know for their incredibly unoptimized PC ports of other ubi games, including the recently released ACunity.

expect it to be rough.

Ubisoft Kiev? *googles*

Oh these are the fuckers that are responsible for Trials Fusion on PC? Yeah fuck those guys.



Laugh all you want, but stop living like a moron. PC-games as consumers have to face extremely bothersome and tiresome obstacles, issues and whatnot on a regular basis. There's no denying that. From time to time some splendid ports or games with the PC as a main platform appear, but honestly you're most of the time left on your own trying to tweak and fix a lot of games just to get them running ok/and/or with an acceptable performance.
Be it driver related issues, OS issues, hardware configuration issues there pretty much always something wrong. It's wonderful when it works, but compare it to using a console in which you just pop in a disc and start playing right away.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
False in what way? You and I must have a different definition of "broken" then. The state in which all three versions of Unity shipped was unacceptable. They were all loaded with bugs and SEVERE performance issues. I mean, Unity on PS4 might just run with the lowest average frame-rate of any game available on the system yet.


Do I:

A. Pay full price for what is most likely a crap port that will need 6 months of patches to be fixed.
B. Pay half price 6 months from now and deal with a port that is in much better shape.

Hmm....Gonna go with B.


My PC is more than ready, bring it on Ubisoft and Nvidia.

Bring what on? I don't get it....... I have two 970s and a highly overclocked i7 3820 but that doesn't mean I want broken games that I have to brute force my way into playability...


Nothing special here. Publishers usually provide only one version of a game in review-events.
PC Gamer wants to check the performance of the game in light of Ubisoft's past output and thus they are waiting until they can get a PC copy.

You could just as well title this topic as 'Far Cry 4 XB1 reviews delayed until release' because reviewers didn't get their hands on it. The difference is that console versions are treated as interchangeable so it doesn't matter. (Although considering how this gen started, maybe it should).


I have it pre-ordered for PC through an Nordic code that I bought. If Ubisoft fucks this up they can literally lick my balls and I will never purchase another game from them



PC gamers shouldn't be playing this garbage anyway. console gamers shouldn't either but for some reason they love bad games

Far Cry 3 was my game of the generation and FC4 is my most anticipated game. I'm also happy that reviews agree with me and don't consider Far Cry garbage


Far Cry 3 was my game of the generation and FC4 is my most anticipated game. I'm also happy that reviews agree with me and don't consider Far Cry garbage

I liked FC3 to some extent, but from what we've seen so far FC4 blows part 3 out of the water.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
If any of you pre-order this before it comes out you are a part of the problem.

I'm getting it free due to my GTX970 purchase, but yeah I would never buy this day one without reviews and opinions first. It's almost guaranteed to have serious issues.


I pre-ordered it because I loved FC3 and I don't play FPS games on consoles if they are not console exclusives.

If the PC version ends up being shite, no more Ubisoft games from me ever except for the smaller games like Trials, Child of Light etc.


False in what way? You and I must have a different definition of "broken" then. The state in which all three versions of Unity shipped was unacceptable. They were all loaded with bugs and SEVERE performance issues. I mean, Unity on PS4 might just run with the lowest average frame-rate of any game available on the system yet.

broken means unplayable. if you wanna be hyperbolic though feel free.


Sigh... C'mon ubi at least try. Many times I have said that this will be the game I will buy this year before new years. Know what? That dragon age: inquisition is starting to look really fucking good right about now (really glad it seems like a really good game).


Sucks being a PC player these days
getting it on console
This guy gets it.

Ubisoft is shitting on the cheapest and what should naturally be the best way to play the game, so we should reward them by buying the game on a closed platform so as to be sure they get the message, and whatever incentives from co-marketing deals.


This guy gets it.

Ubisoft is shitting on the cheapest and what should naturally be the best way to play the game, so we should reward them by buying the game on a closed platform so as to be sure they get the message, and whatever incentives from co-marketing deals.
Why are you guys automatically assuming this means the PC version is shit?

I swear 9 times out of 10 when people freak about some 'potential' bad news about a PC version, it turns out to be no big issue.

Lets wait and see before deciding that the port is shit and isn't worth buying.
I'm telling you guys, #NO-MORE-PREORDERS

Send a message that a release day embargo on review code is simply not acceptable. Especially after AC:Unity shipped in the state that it is in. Wait, make sure it's a well reviewed and playable game.


Laugh all you want, but stop living like a moron. PC-games as consumers have to face extremely bothersome and tiresome obstacles, issues and whatnot on a regular basis. There's no denying that. From time to time some splendid ports or games with the PC as a main platform appear, but honestly you're most of the time left on your own trying to tweak and fix a lot of games just to get them running ok/and/or with an acceptable performance.
Be it driver related issues, OS issues, hardware configuration issues there pretty much always something wrong. It's wonderful when it works, but compare it to using a console in which you just pop in a disc and start playing right away.

Let me just address the last bit of your post: I could just as well just say "fuck it" and "pop in" the game and start playing right away for a near identical or identical console experience if I didn't want to go the extra mile. It is indeed wonderful when it works, and it works most of the time. I just want it to work flawlessly.
crazy how so many reviewers were even able to complete a playthrough.

I don't know why your defending this. The way Unity shipped in should be unacceptable, and any other company that doesn't have boatloads of money would have be rightfully crucified for it.
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