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Favorite villain from X-Men?





at last, for christ's sake
back when he still wasn't a fucking laughable joke, certainly Mr. Sinister.
Mysterious, intriguing, poweful, and a fucking good design



Already posted Magneto but I just noticed thread said 'favourite'.

Mystique done right has some cool stories.

Demon Bear as a 'villain' worked cool, even after the reveal.

The Wendigo is stupid but I like Wendigo stories, even the recent appearance in the 2014ish Amazing X-men.

I like the absurdity of Sebastian Shaw.

Arcade is stupid and I dislike most Arcade stories. Cannot fucking stand Quentin Quire.


Apocalypse (cartoon version) and Sinister.

Actually id say they're probably the most formidable Villians in all of Marvel for me.

Joker is still GOAT from all Comic Books. I mean hes given as much importance as Batman.


Strap on your hooker ...
As far as obscure ones go, I always though X-cutioner was a pretty interesting design and concept. Learned his father was killed by mutants, so stole himself some Shi'ar/Sentinel tech and went hunting for bad muties. Took the mutie-hating human and basically applied The Punisher's MO to it. A slightly more nuanced and understandable take on the archetype than the Senator Kellys and the Reverend Strykers, as his goal wasn't to genocide the whole race, just punish the actual wicked.

From the movies I thought stryker from x2 was the best. Brian Cox killed it

Magneto was a cocky sumbitch tho for sure


Omnipresence. Appears whenever you say or type his name. Gambits arch enemy. Last issue he shattered the fourth wall and made Gambit see our reality and how he was so crap that his film constantly got delayed by someone calling Chan Ign Tetam

Lmao. Forum game Franklin Richards
I like the ideas of Apocolypse and Mr. Sinister, but I've never seen them treated with any kind of respect.

The Victorian Sinister posted earlier is definitely what I thought the character should have been like all this time, though, so that's a plus.

I'll choose the Shadow King though.
I haven’t read both editions to compare them, but at a glance, I’d say the newer edition is cheaper to get everything.
The Dawn volume of the new edition is mostly backstory material that was written afterwards, so you should probably read it last. The biggest omission of the new edition seems to be X-Men Prime, which was a one shot that dealt with the aftermath of AoA in the main timeline and laid out new plot threads for the X-books at the time. If you’re looking for a self-contained story, it’s actually a good call to get rid of it.

Sums up what I was going to say. And I never read the Tales From stuff that came after.

And seconding the recommendation about it skipping X-Men Prime. Good move for them to remove that really.



Consumed a star, and in turn, destroyed a solar system...what would be a frightening display of power for most, was just simply like eating a protein bar for her. Became Universal Enemy #1. Several intergalactic civilizations deemed she must die..even years later, spooked the Shi'ar into decimating the entire Grey family line and branding Rachel Grey, just on the possibility of a Dark Phoenix re-emergence. Became the ultimate cautionary tale for immensely powerful psychics that endured several thousand years into Cable's timeline and were instilled into the teachings of the Askani Clan. Even Onslaught tried to tap into Jean Grey's mind in order to access the Phoenix Force to augment his power, and was denied...forcing him to tap into less experienced mega-mutants such as Franklin Richards and Nate Grey.


aka ThreeOneFour

Consumed a star, and in turn, destroyed a solar system...what would be a frightening display of power for most, was just simply like eating a protein bar for her. Became Universal Enemy #1. Several intergalactic civilizations deemed she must die..even years later, spooked the Shi'ar into decimating the entire Grey family line and branding Rachel Grey, just on the possibility of a Dark Phoenix re-emergence. Became the ultimate cautionary tale for immensely powerful psychics that endured several thousand years into Cable's timeline and were instilled into the teachings of the Askani Clan. Even Onslaught tried to tap into Jean Grey's mind in order to access the Phoenix Force to augment his power, and was denied...forcing him to tap into less experienced mega-mutants such as Franklin Richards and Nate Grey.

I'm surprised it took four pages for someone to suggest her. ^_^

Spiral is another fave of mine.
What are some good stories featuring these two?
Off the top of my head, stuff I liked:
- Nimrod’s first appearances circa Uncanny X-Men #195 are pretty cool. He’s basically established as a smart uber Sentinel who takes on Juggernaut and some X-Men singlehandedly.
- Nimrod and Master Mold are central to Uncanny #246-247, which are some of my favorite issues of that era.
All of these establish an interaction with the DoFP timeline and make it closer to happening.
- (a) Master Mold is in Morrison’s “e is for extinction”, which makes it and Cassandra Nova pretty huge villains, considering what happens.
- and then there’s the Kyle/Yost meta-storyline which ran for years, from their New X-Men run to Second Coming, with Messiah Complex, X-Force and Messiah War on the way. I like this run as it’s kind of a greatest hits, featuring Sinister, the Marauders, Stryfe, and every anti-mutant faction rallying together. It’s not perfectly executed but it’s well worth a read.

There’s also Operation Zero Tolerance, but I couldn’t really recommend it, as I haven’t read it since it was first published and remember finding it underwhelming back then.

Sums up what I was going to say. And I never read the Tales From stuff that came after.

And seconding the recommendation about it skipping X-Men Prime. Good move for them to remove that really.
Checking the rest of these recent collections, Prime is actually published in the first of the three Road to Onslaught collections, which bridge AoA to Onslaught. I’m not a fan of these years, but it looks like they’re doing some really good curation there, making sense of the editorial clusterfuck that were the nineties, with all these books spilling over all the time.
The best thing done with Apocalypse is when Remender made "Apocalypse" a cosmic role opposite the Phoenix.
Brian Michael Bendis /s (but seriously, fuck young Jean Grey)
Outside of the more popular ones (Mags, Sinister, Mystique), I loved Terminator Bishop, he made Cable and Hope (remember Hope? Ha ha...) interesting.
Young Jean's been pretty great recently.
I'm surprised it took four pages for someone to suggest her. ^_^
Honestly I think it's because it's really just Jean after she got fucked with by Mastermind. Shit wouldn't have happened otherwise.


I had to google who The Twelve were, and yeah, they seem lame, but mostly they seem un-Apocalypse, and I'm not willing to dismiss what I thought was a good character just because some writer mishandled them. (If I did that, no comic book character would be left standing.)

This is Apocalypse, to me:

The First Mutant. Fully immortal/ridiculously old. His mutant ability is full control over his own body (which has absorbed information about alien tech), like Mystique but on a whole other level, making him nearly indestructible, and his powers are thematically the embodiment of the "evolution" at the core of Mutants (he evolves to counter threats to his being). I never got any sense that we're "told" about his powers but can't see them, as we mostly just see him being aloof and shrugging off massive blasts. He has achieved personal invulnerability in addition to his immortality, and now he's bored.

His philosophy is that he believes in survival of the fittest (evolution again), and thus he has come to the evil idea that it's his purpose to kick the anthill every now and then to encourage the weak to die and the strong to take their place. He's slow and plodding. Prone to thousand-year naps. He picks out themed Horsemen as his generals and takes his time selecting just the right ones that have some sort of appropriate meaning (unlike in the movie, where any old Mutant will do). Heroes fuck up his plans to destroy the world, and it doesn't much bother him, as he has all the time in the world, and that heroic overachieving is the sort of growth he's trying to nurture in his own evil way. Due to his extreme age, the Four Horsemen in the Bible were likely based on something terrible he did at some point.

He took on the Original X-Men, and took out the weak link in their group (back in the days when killing your characters was uncommon), upgrading him into something cool (because he fit the theme, aka, Apocalypse was looking for a "Death", so he took the X-Men's lame Angel and flipped him into an Angel of Death). Mr Sinister tried to create Nate Summers (the perfect Mutant) to try and kill Apocalypse (to prevent his repeated attempted Extenction Level Events), and Apocalypse defended himself by smacking down the X-Men's Mary Sue and giving birth to Cable (the X-Men's coolest and most overused thing since Wolverine).

IMO, Apocalypse is a great X-Men villain when used properly. When you can't use him properly, just have him get bored and take a nap for a few years. It's simple.

Edit: Thinking about Pocky-lips's powers being "Mystique, but on a whole other level", and Mystique being indispensable to the X-Men movie franchise due to Jennifer Lawrence's multi-picture contract combined with her Academy Award, I'm surprised the movie didn't draw any parallels between the two. Unless they did, and I just blanked it out.



For real. Great concept. They were fucked minute one for having to go up against one of the best X-teams out there

This has to be my favorite X-Men roster ever lol.

Been going back and re-reading alot of the X books starting with Morrison's run and I cant wait till I get to this team. While it was shortlived, Supernovas was an awesome arc set during one of the best times in recent X-Men history.

Speaking of Villans though, The Future Brotherhood from Bendis's run was a really cool idea.


Apocolypse is definetly the biggest bad for the X-Men but if you boil it down he really only wants to become the strongest mutant. His horsemen though are imo the biggest threat. Angel alone went from being this pretty boy rich kid with angel's wings, and after becoming a horsemen his life changed forever. Now he constantly battles becoming the Archangel and destroying everything he cares about. He even had to team up with Psylocke and have her train to kill him if he ever went too far.

Now this is a badass Villan!

I don't think I saw a post mentioning The Reavers.

That whole arc where the X-Men had to go into hiding and pretend they were dead was the best run of X-Men. Sadistic cyborg mercs that were only about killing X-Men.



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