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Fez (XBLA)|OT| If you have no interest in discussing the game, don't enter the thread


Nice Jedeye! That really helped. Will try some of your tips. I really want to like it, hopefully it'll dig it's way in!


I'm can't get past the first
area with the two floating platforms. I've already drainage valve, but now the water level is such that I can neither reach the platform with the drainage valve on it nor the one that has the exit above it. The only way to get out of there is falling into the contaminated water.


This game is one fucking mad game. I'm not sure what the fuck I'm supposed to be translating something now? Cryptology? QR codes? My phone is all fuckin' old and shit, it don't read no QR codes. What the hell! I think this guy went a little overboard, but the core design is insanely good. Some of the puzzles are a little too outside of the box.
The QR codes aren't needed, they're just an easier way to solve certain puzzles. The language you can decrypt is actually very easy, once you find the right key involving two animals doing something.

Everything you need to solve the puzzles is in the game, with perhaps the exception of the
. A lot of stuff will come together as you explore and find rooms containing things that help you out.


Probably a stupid question, but how do I get back to the room with all the doors that need unlocking?

its all good I found it.


Probably a stupid question, but how do I get back to the room with all the doors that need unlocking?

Use a single use warp to get you back to the nearest Warp Gate then use the Cyan warp gate to get back to the first warp gate you unlock. From there its only 1 room below.


Just finished my first play through, had a lot of fun. Saw the opening cut scene for New Game+ (cracked up at the
), and I'll begin tomorrow.

I've managed not to spoil much for myself, I have gotten a few hints from listening to the Giant Bombcast the past few weeks, and I'm excited to see if I'll be able to figure it out on my own. Probably not. The only thing I have looked up is how to
, but I never would have got that.
My first post in this OT. Just wanna say that I think Fez is one of the best games released recent years.

I'm only missing few anti cubes right now and I need to start to
decrypt the language
. I'm totally baffled and don't know where to start. I'd appreciate a hint AS VAGUE AS POSSIBLE from someone.

I've really enjoyed figuring out most of the game by myself and
were a tough nut to crack. Bombcast spoiled me about
but I haven't figured that out either. Is it necessary?


I'm only missing few anti cubes right now and I need to start to
decrypt the language
. I'm totally baffled and don't know where to start. I'd appreciate a hint AS VAGUE AS POSSIBLE from someone.

One of the rooms that has a doorway to one of the artifacts has the key to what you're looking for.
My first post in this OT. Just wanna say that I think Fez is one of the best games released recent years.

I'm only missing few anti cubes right now and I need to start to
decrypt the language
. I'm totally baffled and don't know where to start. I'd appreciate a hint AS VAGUE AS POSSIBLE from someone.

I've really enjoyed figuring out most of the game by myself and
were a tough nut to crack. Bombcast spoiled me about
but I haven't figured that out either. Is it necessary?

The whole alphabet can be deciphered in a single room. I think that's vague enough.

And flying isn't necessery, just extremely convenient later on, when the game is less about exploring and more about going back and forth between places to figure out the puzzles. I don't think there are any hints in the game on how it actually works though.


the music in this game is so atmospheric and amazing, it's like Tron fucked Mass Effect fucks every awesome old school game ever.


I'm at 31 Cubes and 22 Anticubes. Just figured out
numbers 1 to 4

How come there's no
in the boiler room?
Are there any areas in which you can't find all the secrets on your first time time being there? I've seen several areas where I can't see what I'm supposed to do, yet they appear as grey on my map, meaning there's still stuff to find there.

I just started playing Fez yesterday, and I'm really enjoying it, but I just wish it gave you a little more direction. The map is confusing as hell, and I don't know if I'm supposed to be able to progress in certain areas.
If you can't figure something out, I'd say leave it and come back to it later. I was on my third playthrough before I solved a good half of the game, because I enjoyed exploring. There are areas you'll find that contain things that'll help you solve other areas, so exploring takes precedence I believe.


There is, you're just not looking at things thoroughly enough. That one stumped me too though.
God. This game, you guys.

Anyway, up to 32 cubes and 28 anticubes now.

Didn't much care for
the clock puzzle.
That might actually be my least favorite part of the game.


The slowdown in this game is horrible, ugh. It's rare but when it happens it is irritating.

The art style is very nice, the atmosphere feels great, I like the music, and the puzzle solving is satisfying. It took me awhile though to get the hanging of the room hopping in this game. I felt so lost jumping from world to world, but now I understand how the map works and so I feel much more comfortable.

I do feel dumb though - the lore and story and world feels like a mindfuck.


Holy shit in ONE night I figured out what the tetrominoes meant and the alphabet. FUCK YEAH!

Now I have to try and figure out numbers, which I feel like I'll have a harder time with....
I got Fez two days ago, and I just finished it with all 64 cubes after playing it nearly non-stop. Great game.

I doubt I'll ever go back to it, as it doesn't lend itself well to repeat playthroughs (since you already know all the puzzle solutions) but it was a great experience while it lasted.

The puzzles are really cool, though some of them are too obtuse for 99.9% of people to work out (and then there's the
, which nobody has figured out). However, it's obvious that forcing most players to go online for hints/answers was a design choice, and I think they pulled it off well.

I think the puzzle I enjoyed the most was
the pillars that made your controller vibrate.
I was really pleased that I worked that out for myself, as it's such a clever puzzle that makes you think outside the box. I didn't even know that
360 controllers had multiple independent vibration motors. At first I thought I was just imagining it, but then I focused, and listened to my controller, and noticed it both felt and sounded different.


Glitched out the game during the beginning where it is supposed to glitch
on of my second New Game+. I flew when I gained control with the 3D glasses and the hexahedron attached to me, I started spinning and it glitched (with the noises and everything) permanently

Ironic isn't it? Don't think I'll keep playing, I've completed everything there is to be completed (OR SO IT SEEMS!?). Hope the Black Monolith will be solved some day, for real. My brain isn't quite ready for that sort of work but it would be interesting to read about.


Been a while- is there any word on a patch? Bought the game weeks ago (mostly spurred by how good the soundtrack is) but opted to wait and see if any updates smoothed out the experience before really diving in.


I have no idea what's going on in this game. I just got
16 cubes (so still early in the game), entered the world where people are speaking the foreign language
and I hope that this is just how I'm supposed to feel, and that I didnt miss something big.


A lot of stuff will come together as you explore and find rooms containing things that help you out.

Is it possible for rooms that can help you out to be coloured gold on the map? If so I'm gonna have to re-visit everything then. =/ The game is frustrating in an obnoxious way. I don't know what to do next.
I'm in new game plus with 29 gold cubes, and 4 anti-cubes. Almost all the un-golded rooms left have "secrets" that I can't figure out

Also, those damn treasure maps. Is there a way to zoom out far enough to see if the room you're in corresponds to a particular treasure map?


Here's my sad attempt at decoding the symbols in the game: image. I can't remember which room I used for the middle top symbols, but for the numbers on the left I used the
counting cube
, and for the letters and symbols in the bottom middle, I used the
writing cube

I just figured out my numbering for the left symbols had to be wrong. I used an unfolded die image from google and compared it to the counting block but I must have done it wrong. I found an actual unfolded die in one of the late-game rooms and re-adjusted my "work" - with the correction the numbers on my image would change to 1, 3, 6, 4, 2, 5
. This game, Im so lost.


edit3: Damn it really is bumming me out that things are moving slowly here. I'd love a back and forth discussion with other people giving me little hints. At this point I'm just being a fucking idiot and ruining it for myself by reading other people's posts/solutions. I'm disappointed that I've been so inadequate at this game. =/ I'm feeling bitterness and anger towards the game but deep down it's really because I'm just not good enough to solve these puzzles. The whole high from the art style, the soundtrack, the ambience, the awesome atmosphere, and the weird and intriguing ending is just getting extinguished for me because I can't figure anything out.


man i can't get this shit to work in the room. NG+
I go into first person mode, I see a polytron logo, I match it up with my map and type in the commands... but nothing happens :<
man i can't get this shit to work in the room. NG+
I go into first person mode, I see a polytron logo, I match it up with my map and type in the commands... but nothing happens :<

have to adjust yourself in a 3D space, which means moving to the right spot via one perspective, then rotating one way and moving closer to the correct spot from there. Use the 3D to check exactly where you're standing.

I assume you realized the map was telling you about a very specific spot you need to stand before entering the code.


yeah i know exactly the spot, but man it doesn't seem to want to accept it my commands.

It's like that damned owl door, I got the four owls and I assume there's something to do in that owl place, but nothing happened. There's no door or passage or anything.

Some things in this game just don't seem to want to work for me


I feel soooo fucking good. =D I just figured out the symbols for numbers 1 through 10!

edit: Nevermind I'm not gonna bother writing this all out. But I'll just say I feel really great. I didn't do it all on my own (I got some hints) but regardless I feel good since I
solved the three equations that add up to 10 in one of the classroom walls on my own


I feel soooo fucking good. =D I just figured out the symbols for numbers 1 through 10! I feel so good I'm going to post my solution here, LOL. I feel like I just wrote a paper I have to hand in to my discrete math professor.

Gonna upload it in a tick.

Yeah the numbers one was fun to do. It clicked after all day at work looking at the symbols, then suddenly I started putting two and two together.

The language one was a bitch for me, jus' cause there is really only a few core symbols facing all four cardinal directions, and that made it confusing as fuck to keep track of.


Yeah the numbers one was fun to do. It clicked after all day at work looking at the symbols, then suddenly I started putting two and two together.

The language one was a bitch for me, jus' cause there is really only a few core symbols facing all four cardinal directions, and that made it confusing as fuck to keep track of.

Is there any use for the
unfolded die in that classroom? I ended up avoiding it because it gave me bad results initially! I tried comparing it to an actual unfolded die on google with awful results (see previous post). You don't need it to find numbers 1 through 10 so what is the point of the unfolded die? The classroom I'm speaking of is the one with the walls that 1) give you numbers zero through three with the dimension puzzle, 2) tell you two different ways to write three and 3) give you three different equations that add up to the same number (you find out, after solving the three equations, that they all add up to ten)


The QR codes aren't needed, they're just an easier way to solve certain puzzles. The language you can decrypt is actually very easy, once you find the right key involving two animals doing something.

Everything you need to solve the puzzles is in the game, with perhaps the exception of the
. A lot of stuff will come together as you explore and find rooms containing things that help you out.

I think it's more difficult than you're making it out to be.
I'm in the room with the fox and the dog, and I only know that it references the pangram "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" because I read that in this thread (I wouldn't have been able to find that out on my own). That's a big leap on its own IMO, and after that it isn't obvious what to do with the symbols on the stone slab. I'm stumped
From top to bottom, right to left. I figured out the writing direction by looking for repeating symbols, which would most likely be the commonly used vowels. It took me a sheet of paper and a little time, but it wasn't that hard. Then again, I liked cryptography as a kid.

I think the thread is slow right now because most people that were there from the start, finished it with all cubes, and are now in total downtime from the game. I still have the stacks of papers with notes on them on my desk, as a reminder to how much fun I had, and how much work it was to figure everything out, but how awesome it felt to figure it all out...

But I don't want to think about the game right now, I'm stuffed. :p It'd be like having just climbed Everest and someone asking you if you want to go for a jog. It's like, no, dude. Too soon.


First post in here, so it's probably been said or asked, but in regards to the clock tower:

I fiddled with my 360's clock to unlock my 64th cube, but now I'm locked at 206%. Is there a way to adjust this so that it's accurate? I went through and finished NG+ and went through the ending on NG++ too, just for good measure, but nothing.

If it requires starting over, that's totally okay. Just curious.


From top to bottom, right to left. I figured out the writing direction by looking for repeating symbols, which would most likely be the commonly used vowels. It took me a sheet of paper and a little time, but it wasn't that hard. Then again, I liked cryptography as a kid.

Thanks Miktar. Yeah, I was trying to read it left to right like normal english, or top-to-bottom from left to right, over and over, trying to make the words fit, but I couldn't do it.
Then I gave up and looked up the codes for the letter T, H, and E to find out where "the" was placed. As soon as I found "the" on the tab I thought "idiot... right to left! idiot!"

But I have a problem... it's not a big deal, because I basically spoiled the solution for myself, But does this photo show a glitch?


Reading top to bottom and going right to left, that should read "The quick brown fox." But what's up with the first and last letters of what should be the word "quick." Why do they both look to have the same letter?

And Miktar, regarding the inactivity, I understand. =D




Fuck yeah, that's a puzzle that I did figure out on my own! Here are some hints I can give:

Hint 1) Have you beaten the game yet? Because
new game+ gives you a new ability that let's you examine that platform from a unique perspective.

Hint 2) Gives away the puzzle:
Check out the diagram at the foot of that platform. Even if you haven't beaten the game, this puzzle might be solvable with only hint 2

Hint 3) Full solution:
Use the aforementioned new ability from hint 1 to see that there are six glowing pink slots on the platform. You have four blocks. The goal is to place these blocks in the correct glowing pink slots in such a way that no matter how you rotate in 2-d, the block configuration on the platform matches the diagram on the bottom. There are four different diagrams of course (one for each side of the platform.


I'm at 31 and 6/8 golden cubes, and 16 anti-cubes (and counting). I feel like I'm gonna get to 33 anti-cubes before I finish my 32nd golden cube and glitch the achievement at this rate.

edit: Nevermind, I just encountered a bit in an early game room that I ignored for whatever reason. I should be able to get that list bit easily before I ever touch even 32 anti-cubes.
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