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FFX: Worth spending the time or not?

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I still own it but I only played it for like 10 hours, I couldn't force myself to play any longer than that... It was also the last RPG I really put any time into... it's strange how I seem to no longer like to play traditional Japanese RPGs... I finished a TON of Square RPGs last gen, but absolutely none this gen... I wonder if FFXII will change that.


sevenchaos said:
Am I one of the few people that liked the grid system?
I really enjoyed it. Kept characters pretty different, but allowed for some decent branching.


Naked Snake said:
I still own it but I only played it for like 10 hours, I couldn't force myself to play any longer than that... It was also the last RPG I really put any time into... it's strange how I seem to no longer like to play traditional Japanese RPGs... I finished a TON of Square RPGs last gen, but absolutely none this gen... I wonder if FFXII will change that.

Bet me it doesn't?


FFX killed my interest in the series for good. Too linear (the game is just one big friggin corridor and absolutely no control of the direction of the storyline), terrible gackt inspired character designs, too many many lousy cutscenes (made worse by terrible voice acting).
Pimpbaa said:
FFX killed my interest in the series for good. Too linear (the game is just one big friggin corridor and absolutely no control of the direction of the storyline), terrible gackt inspired character designs, too many many lousy cutscenes (made worse by terrible voice acting).
Give XII a try. And if you hate that give IV, V, or VI a try.

Naked Snake said:
I think he wants your moneys.


Naked Snake said:
I know I can't see FF12 getting anyone back into JRPGs, mostly because it doesn't really play like one and partially because it's not really good.
RevenantKioku said:
I know I can't see FF12 getting anyone back into JRPGs, mostly because it doesn't really play like one and partially because it's not really good.

It not playing like one might be a good thing in my case, since I can no longer stand the traditional formula... I tried Valkyrie Profile 2 the other day, and I really liked the graphics, music, setting, etc... But I just couldn't be arsed to learn the battle system; too damn complex requiring a ton of reading and memorization... I didn't have problems with that kind of stuff last gen, but back then I was in school and had plenty of free time, while now I have a job and a social life so I no longer have the time/energy surplus required for such games.

About it not being really good... I thought the general consensus was that it's one of the best games in the series and an overall fantastic game, to be fair I haven't been following it much but that's the impression I got from this forum.
The battle system was decent..just about everything else was garbage.

Tidus is perhaps the worst designed character EVER.

KyanMehwulfe said:
Heheh, Kimahri was my favorite, and one of the only two that I loved (Auron being the other). He's the only one I mastered the Sphere Grid on.

I've got a preference for demihumans, goblinoids, etc.

FFVIII has the best character models of any game I've ever played in the series..they are awesome. Auron doesn't hold up that well against Squall and Seifer IMO.
FFX-Yes, just don't waste your time on legendary weapons or sidequests
FFX-2- Never competed it, but was fun for awhile. Play it if you love FFX


Naked Snake said:
It not playing like one might be a good thing in my case, since I can no longer stand the traditional formula... I tried Valkyrie Profile 2 the other day, and I really liked the graphics, music, setting, etc... But I just couldn't be arsed to learn the battle system; too damn complex requiring a ton of reading and memorization... I didn't have problems with that kind of stuff last gen, but back then I was in school and had plenty of free time, while now I have a job and a social life so I no longer have the time/energy surplus required for such games.
Diffrent strokes, really. Part of my hate is bitterness, but I waited 5 years for a game that almost completely disappointed me.

About it not being really good... I thought the general consensus was that it's one of the best games in the series and an overall fantastic game, to be fair I haven't been following it much but that's the impression I got from this forum.
General consensus on GAF will get you playing shit like REZ so, you know. Take it as you will.


FFX; Yeah, its pretty straightforward though, no real side missions of worth. Never played X-2.

sevenchaos said:
Am I one of the few people that liked the grid system?
Nope, probably the best levelling system in FF.

Although I liked junctioning in FFVIII, so maybe my opinion isn't so great.


FFX is a fun ride. It is not the best Final Fantasy game ever, but it is certainly good. The voice acting is not as bad as all that, and the overall plot is actually pretty solid.


EviLore said:
Oh I remember you! You're the guy who attacked DMC3 for supposedly being a depthless button masher.
I calls it like I sees it!
I'd attempt to argue with you, but it's pointless on so many levels. :D
Btw: DoC > DMC3 :D

Red Scarlet

I found the game worth it. I came into the game with very low expectations and dismay, but was pleasantly surprised with the way the characters were and how the battle system worked. I found the game's battles to be pretty strategic in comparison to the series as a whole.

Each character in the normal Sphere Grid is rather individualized for a long time in the game, and you can mix and match who you use whenever, or go with a main group and work around those character's weaknesses. I found it a lot of fun and a rather replayable game (moreso than all the PS1 entries in terms of # of replays I've done) thanks to the intricacies of the battle system, sphere grid system (but quite a bit due to the Expert Grid, which isn't available in the NA version), and customization of weapons/armor system.

If it's not your thing, doh. But I found it to be a great surprise and an enjoyable entry in the series. Much moreso than I had originally thought.
sevenchaos said:
Am I one of the few people that liked the grid system?
I enjoyed it. It provided constant progression and reward, which is fun. And despite not having much practical freedom for some time, I really enjoyed the freedom and scale of it once I reached end-game. It is likely one of the three FFs that I most enjoyed mastering a character in.

No one area of it is very strong, but as a whole I thought it was still nice and fun.


Before I say what I'm about to say, let me first say I haven't finished V, and haven't played VI, VIII, or IX. Obviously not XII. With that out of the way...

Final Fantasy X is my favorite Final Fantasy game. I love it. Every bit of it. The story, the grid system, the battles, the music, everything. I don't mind the lack of a "world map," or the oh so hated linearity. I think the game is awesome.


I don't really need a tag, but I figured I'd get one to make people jealous. Is it working?
Considering how cheap they probably are, sure, why not. If you don't like'em you're out, like, what, twenty bucks?

I liked them both enough to finish them.

Red Scarlet

Victrix said:
Shooting Star on a sandworm makes it worth playing




akachan ningen said:
It's worth playing, just don't bother with the ridiculously long sidequests. Yeah, the story can be corny at times.

Saying it's "corny" is like saying the Pope is kinda Catholic.

White Man

RevenantKioku said:
Actually X-2 is fantastic and one of my favorite games. Best version of the ATB in a FF game and a great use of the class system. It gets a lot of crap because most gamers are easily ashamed of themselves.
FFX is also really good, but gets ragged on a lot for terrible VA (It's not that bad though) and being linear, which on occasion is a nice diversion in my RPGs.
Suggesting FFXII over FFX-2 is like saying "I think you should have less fun."

I mostly agree with you. I'd notch down the X2 enthusiasm a bit. Non-skippable dress changing animations was a VERY poor design choice, especially when coming off a battle system known for its speed.
very enjoyable....favourite ps2 rpg so far.....ahead of dqviii, shadow hearts covenant, suikoden 3 etc....has by far the highest production values and although the world is linear, it is extremely well designed...basically if you like ff get it....I suspect that alot of the people with issues with this game just have vastly different taste....no doubt I would be dubious abouttheir prefered games


Red Scarlet

White Man said:
Non-skippable dress changing animations was a VERY poor design choice, especially when coming off a battle system known for its speed.

Well, you could set the dress changes to be shorter, or take about 1 second or so after the first time you change to/from a dress to another. I'll show ya.
Shit, I forgot. Auron. He's also the best reason to play the game. As a fan, it mostly disappointed. It's like sleeping with a cousin; I enjoyed it while I was playing, but I felt guilty and sick afterwards.

nelsonroyale said:
very enjoyable....favourite ps2 rpg so far.....ahead of dqviii, shadow hearts covenant, suikoden 3 etc....has by far the highest production values and although the world is linear, it is extremely well designed...basically if you like ff get it....I suspect that alot of the people with issues with this game just have vastly different taste....no doubt I would be dubious abouttheir prefered games

No, even as a FF fan, I had to force myself to finish it. The religion thing was done better in Xenogears and it was a little difficult/stupid about the whole Tidus=dream thing. Most of the costumes were stupid and needlessly decorative, too. Nomura should be closely monitored before they give him so much control. Who wants to play as Meg Ryan, really?



If you grew up on FF 1-6 then you won't be able to stomach FF10.

Oh looks its a flying enemy switch in Wakka. Oh its a magic-weak guy. Switch in a caster. --> If doing that over and over sounds appealing to you by all means go for it.

I found the story to be idiotic.


Count me in on the "I liked the sphere grid system" camp.

Aside from the constant whining, complaining, and total martyr-complex of Tidus (not to mention the ... way ... that Yuna ... usually ... spoke ... which made me want to smack her), I enjoyed FFX. I did get frustrated in certain boss battles and the fact that there seemed to be no way to skip the damn cutscenes when I've seen them a dozen times (due to dying), but overall it was quite an enjoyable experience.

Tidus, though. Oh Tidus. I could've lopped his head off the ten-millionth time he whined about why things were happening to him, or that everything was all his fault. Gah.


I just finished replaying FFX the other day, never saw the game over screen until the final stretch before the last fight. Got hosed once against a marlboro, and other time against that thing that looks like a diseased clock, can't remember the name of it. Never lost to a boss. I literally won the last real bossfight in four rounds with a single aeon: Bahamut.

Level grinding ftw.


FFX is great.

it was definitely one of the factor that helped the success of PS2 in Asia and Japan.

a game of that calibre should not be overlooked by people who haven't yet finished playing it.


The cutscenes in FFX (and to a lesser degree, X2) would have been so much more tolerable if the English VO work was actually delivered in the way actual humans talk. The timing/pacing of the lines was so full of jarring pauses it was sometimes difficult to even follow conversations..... which is too bad, because the actual actors they used were pretty good.

Does anyone happen to know if the english VO for FF12 is any better in this regard?


if the English VO work was actually delivered in the way actual humans talk

You ... mean .... people don't ... speak ... the way that ... Yuna ... does?

Seriously, though, I totally agree with you. And I definitely hope the pacing is done better in FFXII.
The grid system has to be one of my favorite leveling systems of all time (FFVIII was the absolute worst since it consisted of sucking out whatever those things were called), i'd recommend them both to anyone with some time to kill.

Mallika said:
(not to mention the ... way ... that Yuna ... usually ... spoke ... which made me want to smack her),

Quoted for absolute truth. This was my single beef with the voice work in FFX and it was only her particular VA that had unnaturally long pauses. I'm not saying all of it was perfect but all of it was tolerable but her. The pauses drove me absolutely insane, it was like she had an IQ of 10. Oddly enough FFX-2 was a different matter, the exact same VA was 100x better and delivered all her lines like a person would naturally speak (or close enough to). In retrospect i chalk up the very average (and below average work by Yuna's VA) voice overs to it being Squeenix US' first time working with voiceovers. I'm looking forward to FFXII and pray the voice work is acceptable.


I'm playing it now...:)

I'm really enjoying it...it's my first FF since FF7...:D

Cut-scenes are long...but interesting for me. I don't think the voice-acting is all that bad and I'm rather enjoying the story thus far even though everything is confusing at the moment...(I'm at Thunder Plains)

Blitz ball is boring...and as a player your forced to learn to skill up Wakka...grrrr...

The grid system is refreshing...and definately seperates everyone to their designated area's but also allowing you to pick and choose skills you wantt o customise for the individual character if your far enough ofcourse in the game.

I'm enjoying it...and don't really have any major issues with the game and would definately recommend it to anyone...:)

I guess if your rather picky and snobby about RPG's then you can pick it apart but the same can be said for most if not all RPG's...there has been many solid RPG's this gen...so FF as a series has loads of competition for once... from various I.P's. :)
Verboten said:
Shit, I forgot. Auron. He's also the best reason to play the game. As a fan, it mostly disappointed. It's like sleeping with a cousin; I enjoyed it while I was playing, but I felt guilty and sick afterwards.

No, even as a FF fan, I had to force myself to finish it. The religion thing was done better in Xenogears and it was a little difficult/stupid about the whole Tidus=dream thing. Most of the costumes were stupid and needlessly decorative, too. Nomura should be closely monitored before they give him so much control. Who wants to play as Meg Ryan, really?


hmm, well I enjoyed it more than ffix and ffvi, which I have replayed recenty....I though the game was just by far the most immersive ff....I found wakka's religious faith quite well portrayed and yuna a very good character...a strong female character without being badass as the trend seems to be these days...also, like I said the world was very well designed...of course there was some flaws such as lack of seamless world, linearity of quest and crap last boss....as to the comparison with xenogears....no doubt that game is far more epic and complex, but ffx is an epic journey to save the world, rather conventional, while xenogears is....bloody hard to describe in brief...the better story no doubt....but that statement could made in comparison to just about any rpg

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