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Fighting Game Headquarters |eSports| 4444 Life

I hear so many people complain about SFV, but I never hear wants and solutions. What, specifically, does the game need?

There are literally hundreds of posts on just Gaf with specific answers.

. I don't necessarily like them but I also don't know them personally at the same time so it will be moronic on my part to totally hate them and they do say and do funny things here and there.

This makes no sense lol
Can they change the way the game feels? You can add a lot of things but if the game feels the same it won't do much if anything. Certain people just don't like the feel of the game and for everyone who says that they have their own opinion on how the game feels.

I'd personally be more happy with an added mechanic and more supers, triggers, etc. More characters and all that will come in time and hopefully the favorites of past games will be in. Champ himself today said who in the world would want Kolin, Ed, etc over Fei, Sagat, etc. Capcom probably knows what they are doing but they are gambling on it.

That's my problem really. All these changes won't make the game feel different and I feel that is what is needed to win back the competitive fan base. That's something Phenom stated a while back too.


^What's there to explain? People think I'm in here defending Marn? Marn's been on my shitlist ever since he hasn't given a stick he raffled or whatever to one of OG SF regs. But just because he's done some bad things doesn't mean he isn't entertaining to listen and hear now and then. Same with Champ and so many others. I don't necessarily like them but I also don't know them personally at the same time so it will be moronic on my part to totally hate them and they do say and do funny things here and there.
I guess I just didn't feel like the aris comparison was fair, because marn is still marn. Rather aris's situation where introspection happened. And marn is... marn.

Was watching TGUC. Marn was commentating and many people in chat were like who is this guy, whos on the mic. Obviously if they don't know who he is they must be new, ala an 017er because Marn is pretty well known. So somehow some nut came in here thinking I'm like defending his commentating or some shit.

Even if you were I wasn't really talking about that I guess. Because that conversation, while we could have it, is long and involves social psychology, and "us against them" mentality thats... unfortunate pretty prevalent in gaming circles. Along with not even being sure you were defedning him, my whole issue was the aris thing. Aris actually did a cool, is all i'm saying.

Like other conversation needs to happen, like NEEDS for a great many reasons, because sometimes people do... very bad things and are still allowed to be around. But that's not the conversation i wanted to have.

Sorry If I made it seem that way


Mrs. Harvey
Some people are smart enough not to say or do things in public but that doesn't mean they don't feel a certain way or do certain things behind closed doors. Like a certain player feeling a certain way against gays and LGBT but yet you see him being cool with Ricki at tournaments, etc.
Aris does still feel like people should get use to the old FGC and toughen up but he's smarter about how to convey it and not do something as stupid as sexually harass someone anymore in public at least.
In Marn's defense even though I think he's beyond help unless he goes Rambo and starts saving the thousands of Vietnamese girls that gets kidnapped and put into slavery every year, he hasn't done anything bad per say in the last year or so. And by bad I mean compared to pre-SFV era. SFIV era and before he was definitely a scum.
Fuck Woshige man. Who is going to complain if they all of a sudden gave us better neutral tools? Fuck the current meta. Give us those better tools and everyone would worship SFV.

You know I'm with you on this, but I'm sure you also know asking for what is basically a complete overhaul of the game isn't going to happen. That's why I've stuck to my one suggestion and I hesitate to even respond to Karst because I've thrown out my suggestion multiple times this week already and feel like people are sick of hearing it.

However they do it, please weaken the overwhelming pressure in this game. That's my main wish for S3, Super, or whatever they call it.


SFV's issues are super obvious even to a SFs scrub like me:

*Anti airs are bad across the board, only a few characters have good anti airs in the game that aren't just DPs. This makes jumping too good which is a bad thing for SF because it ignores the core footie game.

*Dashes are still too good. This is a bad thing for SF because it ignores the core footsie game.

*Priority system makes it so that you can be out playing someone landing 5-6 medium pokes on them but then one of your medium trades with their CC heavy and they get a full CC. They should really revert this and make it so that trades can still occur like normal so that if you trade against a CC they at least don't get a full combo. This priority system also undermines the core footsie game of SF.

*Hitboxes/hurtboxes on most normals make them not conducive to a good foostie game. It instinctively makes people want to dash/jump in more.

*Game is lacking in a defensive option to counter the throw bait game and pressure on block due to chip. Previous SF games have had an OS to make the throw bait not such a dominant offensive flowchart. And of course previous SF games did not have chip on block. V reversal does not cover these issues enough.

*Fireballs in general are weaker than they should be given the amount of anti fireball tools that characters have in the game. Only Guile can really play a defensive game with fireballs, this hurts the amount of viable play styles in the game.

Most if not all of these issues taken by themselves are not that bad. But together they synergize to create a game that players don't perceive as SF. You improve the game a ton by improving just a few of these issues.

Things like the game not having enough depth/skill cap is an issue Tha cannot be fixed via simple patching, that requires serious additions of new mechanics to the game. But Capcom intended this game to have low skill floor to begin with so this just feels like a conscious design choice that they will probably not budge on.


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
That sweet SFV money he never earned, doesn't earn, and will never earn.

Reminds me of Justin signing up for MvC3 at every 2017 major only to drop out before pools so that he can "focus on SF5"... then lose in SF5 pools.


Unconfirmed Member
I hear so many people complain about SFV, but I never hear wants and solutions. What, specifically, does the game need?
That's the thing, there is no easy change they could make. I feel like in general people want a more solid ground game, as in, better defensive options, good footsie tools and fewer 50/50s. You can't just say "remove Crush Counters" or "remove the priority system" and fix everything, it's in the details.

Look at Tokido vs Daigo yesterday: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oXHyNECkIwM
Tokido starting off by turning offense to 11. Against Guile.


I believe the "CC" is for Canada Cup and not Capcom Cup or something else with Capcom in it. But regardless the general dislike or "I like the game but" has never seemed as universal during the SF4 era as it seems now for SFV's 2nd year(OK, maybe AE being the exception

Back then we didn't have a lot of social media which is why the minority didn't have such a huge voice to drown out the rest. I remember SF4 was disliked (and still is) in many parts of the world.

Can they change the way the game feels? You can add a lot of things but if the game feels the same it won't do much if anything. Certain people just don't like the feel of the game and for everyone who says that they have their own opinion on how the game feels.

I'd personally be more happy with an added mechanic and more supers, triggers, etc. More characters and all that will come in time and hopefully the favorites of past games will be in. Champ himself today said who in the world would want Kolin, Ed, etc over Fei, Sagat, etc. Capcom probably knows what they are doing but they are gambling on it.

I think they can change the game with a few small tweaks, nothing major. SFIV took almost 7/8 years to get to where it was and some people still didn't like it so we'll see what they do with SFV as they are in it for the long game (pardon the pun). What is FChump whining about now? lol. I'm not sure if he missed the memo but the season are new characters and just because he doesn't like them doesn't mean others won't.

*Anti airs are bad across the board, only a few characters have good anti airs in the game that aren't just DPs. This makes jumping too good which is a bad thing for SF because it ignores the core footie game.

*Dashes are still too good. This is a bad thing for SF because it ignores the core footsie game.

*Priority system makes it so that you can be out playing someone landing 5-6 medium pokes on them but then one of your medium trades with their CC heavy and they get a full CC. They should really revert this and make it so that trades can still occur like normal so that if you trade against a CC they at least don't get a full combo. This priority system also undermines the core footsie game of SF.

*Hitboxes/hurtboxes on most normals make them not conducive to a good foostie game. It instinctively makes people want to dash/jump in more.

*Game is lacking in a defensive option to counter the throw bait game and pressure on block due to chip. Previous SF games have had an OS to make the throw bait not such a dominant offensive flowchart. And of course previous SF games did not have chip on block. V reversal does not cover these issues enough.

*Fireballs in general are weaker than they should be given the amount of anti fireball tools that characters have in the game. Only Guile can really play a defensive game with fireballs, this hurts the amount of viable play styles in the game.

Good post. For me the defensive options are much needed from that list.


The hell, which character is this?

Wait a second aren't there supposed to be 6 DLC characters this year? It's July and there only 2? Weren't there already 4 out by this time last year? WTF is going on at Capcom?


Unconfirmed Member
Wait a second aren't there supposed to be 6 DLC characters this year? It's July and there only 2? Weren't there already 4 out by this time last year? WTF is going on at Capcom?
Akuma, Kolin and Ed are out. They moved Ed to the end of may and never said what would happen to the next one. And they still haven't.
But it's looking like it'll be at the end of july, I guess.
Akuma, Kolin and Ed are out. They moved Ed to the end of may and never said what would happen to the next one. And they still haven't.
But it's looking like it'll be at the end of july, I guess.
Akuma wasn't DLC he was free. We got him in December with the Season 2 update.


*Priority system makes it so that you can be out playing someone landing 5-6 medium pokes on them but then one of your medium trades with their CC heavy and they get a full CC. They should really revert this and make it so that trades can still occur like normal so that if you trade against a CC they at least don't get a full combo. This priority system also undermines the core footsie game of SF.

Well, they wouldn't get a CC anyway because they'd need to be in a counterhit state for that to register. If they could trade it would mean they weren't in start up therefore they can't be counterhit.

I agree with the sentiment, however. CC + the priority system gives too much reward for little risk. Either the timing is off and the heavy trades their heavy or beats their medium/light or the timing is on and they get CC'd. Some buttons, like Rog st.HK, are buttons you should be pushing in most situations.

I'd rather they just make CC normals unsafe as hell so there is thought behind them. Take CC functionality off of normals that are already great.
V is still a much better game than that trash tbh, but gohead start up that revival with your Kappa friends. Kappa

Nostalgia alt Akuma looks better than glossy ass T7 Akuma, and he animations much better as well.

The problem is that you don't see that alt Akuma enough. Same with Urien and Guile. I want to see their alts more than their defaults. It sucks. Give me thong Urien all day.


That's true, i agree with you there. I don't mind SFV Akuma, I see they were aiming for Zodd but classic is a much better look for sure.


Thong Urien is fucking terrible.

Suit urien is really good, and I generally like better, but the fact that thong urien works with ever costume is dope. You can get super machi man long haired thong urien

I know your sins

Eww no he does not. His new raging demon animation alone makes him look much better in SFV.


One, its art style preference two

the only reason raging demon looks good in V is that you can't see his busted ass face and hairline.

Which brings me to point two, character design preference
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