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Fighting Games Weekly | July 13-19 | Stream Monster Yearly: Evolution 2015


Also what's the deal with this Marvel talk? People saying players have levelled up, others saying the gods don't care or the game is dead?
Players have leveled up, this is obvious to anyone who has actually followed the game for the past year.

Gods don't care is also not true. They haven't been playing the game as much as before but they still care enough to compete in it and take it seriously. Especially ChrisG, every single one of his match he was sweating bullets. Someone who doesn't care is PRRog, he loses it's whatever to him. Justin and ChrisG were so devastated by their loss they refused to play in the USA vs Japan MM afterwards. These players are actually better than they were last year but they didn't improve as much as the players below them.

People saying the game is dead is just a bad stream monster meme at this point and shouldn't be taken seriously. I mean yeah obviously it's decreasing in popularity but the strength of the competition this year was actually the highest it has ever been.

Yeah I deserve that, pure hubris.


So apparently I got 49th in P4U2 and 97th in Xrd? Not too bad for my first time entering Evo main games (especially since I don't really play P4U2).

UNIEL... *sigh* I really should've practiced that more. I lost in some hard matchups, but I was awful at adapting that day.

Edit: Anyways, I accomplished my goal of making it out of pools one day. Now it's time to shoot higher next time.


So apparently I got 49th in P4U2 and 97th in Xrd? Not too bad for my first time entering Evo main games (especially since I don't really play P4U2).

UNIEL... *sigh* I really should've practiced that more. I lost in some hard matchups, but I was awful at adapting that day.

Edit: Anyways, I accomplished my goal of making it out of pools one day. Now it's time to shoot higher next time.

Grats. I dont know how often you play those games but you did a hell of a lot better than a bunch of people. At least you werent that 12 year old kid.


SFV panel had some interesting stuff overall, I'd recommend checking it out:

They really went in on the way NRS do patches lol. Start at 38:50 during Q&A.

Few notes from the Q&A:
- No fast reactionary balance patches
- They have plans for implementing CPT related stuff into the game
- Plans for post release story mode content
- Someone begged them to fix Ken's face and they said the game isn't done and graphic is still being improved
- Biggest training mode in SF history(not saying much really)
- This was obvious I guess, but they mentioned you be able to buy cosmetics with in game currency, not just characters


SFV panel had some interesting stuff overall, I'd recommend checking it out:

They really went in on the way NRS do patches lol. Start at 38:50 during Q&A.

Few notes from the Q&A:
- No fast reactionary balance patches
- They have plans for implementing CPT related stuff into the game
- Plans for post release story mode content
- Someone begged them to fix Ken's face and they said the game isn't done and graphic is still being improved
- Biggest training mode in SF history(not saying much really)
- This was obvious I guess, but they mentioned you be able to buy cosmetics with in game currency, not just characters
That's all i wanted to hear


Marvel Top 8s(repeats bolded + italicized)


1. EG|Justin Wong (Wolverine, Storm, Akuma)
2. GG|NYChrisG (Morrigan, Dr. Doom, Vergil | Others)
3. RG|Filipino Champ (Magneto, Dormammu, Dr. Doom | Others)
4. CTRL|RayRay (Magneto, Dr. Doom, Sentinel)
5. RG|Flocker (Zero, Vergil, Hawkeye | Others)
5. Jan (Hulk, Shuma-Gorath, Haggar | Others)
7. MRN|Marn (Zero, Vergil, Strider)
7. BIFU|Insaynne (Nova, Spencer, Dr. Doom)

1. EMP|Flocker (Zero, Vergil, Hawkeye)
2. EG|Justin Wong (Wolverine, Storm, Akuma | Others)
3. Angelic (Wolverine, Dormammu, Shuma-Gorath)
4. Cloud805 (Zero, Vergil, Dante)
5. AGE|NYChrisG (Morrigan, Dr. Doom, Vergil | Others)
5. coL|Filipino Champ (Magneto, Dormammu, Dr. Doom | Others)
7. ATX|Zak (Zero, Vergil, Dante)
7. Ranmasama (Haggar, Dormammu, Magneto)

1. coL.CC|Filipino Champ (Magneto/Doctor Doom/Phoenix, Magneto/Dormammu/Doctor Doom)
2. LXG|Infrit (Nova/Spencer/Sentinel)
3. FC|NYChrisG (Morrigan/Doctor Doom/Hawkeye, Wesker/Hawkeye/Ryu, Doctor Doom/Akuma/Morrigan)
4. coL.CC|Combofiend (She-Hulk/Spencer/Hawkeye, Nova/Spencer/Hawkeye)
5. TA|Frutsy (MODOK/Captain America/Taskmaster)
5. Flocker (Zero/Vergil/Strider)
7. EG|Justin Wong (Spencer/Vergil/Frank West, Wolverine/Storm/Akuma)
7. ytwojay (Wolverine/Spencer/Magneto)


That is a very international Top 8 for UMvC3. 4 people from 3 different countries correct?

5 non-US, 4 countries

frusty and dizzy are repping mexico
KBR is repping chile
cross and RF are repping japan
rayray, apologyman and neo are repping US

i should note that top 16 is probably insane too, even moreso than usual- there's a lot of dudes in it who basically never showed up on stream
like, i know chris schmidt was in there and he literally never appeared on stream once


SFV panel had some interesting stuff overall, I'd recommend checking it out:

They really went in on the way NRS do patches lol. Start at 38:50 during Q&A.

Few notes from the Q&A:
- No fast reactionary balance patches
- They have plans for implementing CPT related stuff into the game
- Plans for post release story mode content
- Someone begged them to fix Ken's face and they said the game isn't done and graphic is still being improved
- Biggest training mode in SF history(not saying much really)
- This was obvious I guess, but they mentioned you be able to buy cosmetics with in game currency, not just characters

All sounds good, especially the intregration of Capcom Pro Tour within the game, pls give us a Road to CPT mode.


Evo protip#37: Carefully vet the people you will share a room with for snorers.

Currently enjoying snoring in stereo. Fuck.


Had a dream that KBR and RF were in grand finals for UMVC3.

KBR got resetted but he was doing well in the second set. Crowd started chanting USA USA (because no USA in GF)) whenever KBR got the hit! Final game of the 2nd set, KBR had the game winning combo, drops it, gets Foot Dive and loses the match.

KBR faints in the profound sadness. Frieza turns golden in anger. Japan flags flood the stage. Yipes is fucking furious. Lots of salt images posted on GAF.

I woke up, get paranoid, take a shower and then put on USA soccer team shirt. Then put on Guile theme to calm my nerves.


Had a dream that KBR and RF were in grand finals for UMVC3.

KBR got resetted but he was doing well in the second set. Crowd started chanting USA USA (because no USA in GF)) whenever KBR got the hit! Final game of the 2nd set, KBR had the game winning combo, drops it, gets Foot Dive and loses the match.

KBR faints in the profound sadness. Frieza turns golden in anger. Japan flags flood the stage. Yipes is fucking furious. Lots of salt images posted on GAF.

I woke up, get paranoid, take a shower and then put on USA soccer team shirt. Then put on Guile theme to calm my nerves.
This is Marvel's version of EVO 2011 SFIV final, lol.


Had a dream that KBR and RF were in grand finals for UMVC3.

KBR got resetted but he was doing well in the second set. Crowd started chanting USA USA (because no USA in GF)) whenever KBR got the hit! Final game of the 2nd set, KBR had the game winning combo, drops it, gets Foot Dive and loses the match.

KBR faints in the profound sadness. Frieza turns golden in anger. Japan flags flood the stage. Yipes is fucking furious. Lots of salt images posted on GAF.

I woke up, get paranoid, take a shower and then put on USA soccer team shirt. Then put on Guile theme to calm my nerves.

That's it, no more Evo for you.


tagged by Blackace
SFV panel had some interesting stuff overall, I'd recommend checking it out:

They really went in on the way NRS do patches lol. Start at 38:50 during Q&A.

Few notes from the Q&A:
- No fast reactionary balance patches
- They have plans for implementing CPT related stuff into the game
- Plans for post release story mode content
- Someone begged them to fix Ken's face and they said the game isn't done and graphic is still being improved
- Biggest training mode in SF history(not saying much really)
- This was obvious I guess, but they mentioned you be able to buy cosmetics with in game currency, not just characters
Jesus christ it's like they're hitting on everything I/we used to say the series needs but thought they'd never do. From KI-style in game economy to integrating tournament stuff directly into the game. If they reward you for competing or watching via twitch like DotA with currency/limited edition items, I don't even know what will be left to ask for.


Street Fighter V sounds like it's shaping up nicely. I like that they are borrowing some of KI's market/upgrade ideas. I know there was a lot of hate thrown around when KI announced it's business model but it honestly works very well. Although I hope they don't make it too grindy to get things, something KI is guilty of.


I assume this has been discussed a million times but whats the value in employing "difficulty of use" as a design paradigm? If you don't compensate the character with better tools, why would anyone pick them over an equally effective easier to use character? But if you do give them better tools, won't that just lead to them being over-picked by dedicated (aka top) players?


tagged by Blackace
Great SFV news! In retrospective, SFxT might just have been the best thing that happened to modern Capcom, a humiliating lesson! :eek:
SFxTK had a lot of good ideas, just none were in the gameplay really.

I hope colour edit mode returns above all.
I assume this has been discussed a million times but whats the value in employing "difficulty of use" as a design paradigm? If you don't compensate the character with better tools, why would anyone pick them over an equally effective easier to use character? But if you do give them better tools, won't that just lead to them being over-picked by dedicated (aka top) players?
Not at all. I prefer characters that are challenging and deep. Otherwise I get bored. Some people like to master this stuff. This is like those "Who would become a doctor if everyone got paid the same?" arguments. Some people would want to be doctors even if the pay wasn't special.


SFxTK had a lot of good ideas, just none were in the gameplay really.

I hope colour edit mode returns above all.

I was a fan of color edit in CVS2, KOFXIII and SFxTK. Its such a small thing but it adds a lot. All you need to do is use polygroups for each colored area on your model and treat the map in photoshop as seperate layers when you save files to help you set up an editor. Its a bit of extra prep work during the unwrapping and such but its well worth it if you got the folks to put in the time. Simple, but tedious so its often skipped but I hope to see it return for SFV. The points thing actually made me become actively interested in the game. That and the promise for less frequent patching.


Not at all. I prefer characters that are challenging and deep. Otherwise I get bored. Some people like to master this stuff. This is like those "Who would become a doctor if everyone got paid the same?" arguments. Some people would want to be doctors even if the pay wasn't special.

People don't become doctors because of how difficult it is or isn't. Some of them do it for the pay, some of them do it because medicine is interesting. But the challenge alone is not the compelling factor.

I think most of the characters of any well-designed fighting game should be challenging and deep. I think you can say this is true of Street Fighter and Marvel. Is Gen any more challenging and interesting than Dhalsim because of his tricky stance changes? I don't play enough SF to really speak to that, but I'd guess most would say no.

But I thought it was accepted that the real challenge of a good fighting game is understanding the characters and their matchups as well as your opponent's abilities. Technical ability doesn't have much to do with that.


Damn, just got back from my camping trip with no cell service. No gods in marvel is a huge surprise, should be a really interesting top 8. Who beat Justin and Champ?


tagged by Blackace
Damn, just got back from my camping trip with no cell service. No gods in marvel is a huge surprise, should be a really interesting top 8. Who beat Justin and Champ?
Justin got beat by KBR and eliminated by Chris G.

Champ got beat by Flux then eliminated by Clockwork IIRC.
People don't become doctors because of how difficult it is or isn't. Some of them do it for the pay, some of them do it because medicine is interesting. But the challenge alone is not the compelling factor.

I think most of the characters of any well-designed fighting game should be challenging and deep. I think you can say this is true of Street Fighter and Marvel. Is Gen any more challenging and interesting than Dhalsim because of his tricky stance changes? I don't play enough SF to really speak to that, but I'd guess most would say no.

But I thought it was accepted that the real challenge of a good fighting game is understanding the characters and their matchups as well as your opponent's abilities. Technical ability doesn't have much to do with that.
Re: doctors. I know.


Re: doctors. I know.

Ok, I wasn't trying to talk down to you or anything, just meaning to address the point as I understood it. Anyway I think I may be conflating difficulty of use with technical difficulty. I'm all for complexity in characters, which would certainly make them more difficult to use but also more interesting for many. It looks like Capcom is addressing technical difficulty in SFV by limiting links to three frames and doing who knows what else.


I'm glad Ogawa decided to come to Evo, it certainly looks like resolved whatever apprehensions he had and enjoyed himself. I hope he returns next year.


Great news guys...there was an EVO 2015 Tatsunoko vs Capcom side tourney with a $250 pot bonus that folks setup on top of entry fees at BYOC. The whole thing got recorded too.

Folks like Kbeast, MagnomanX, and Phanby showed up and it had a lot of character variety in teams.
Batsu/Megaman Volnutt
Jun the Swan/Ryu
Ken the Eagle/Tekkaman

...and more really solid teams made appearances.

IGN latin america interviewed Daigo.

-Daigo in SFV likes Ken the most
-He thinks Japan's level in Ultra is superior and Aiai is an example of that, but that many of those unknown Japanese players don't get to travel overseas.
-He thinks the money has increased the level of play and more players are taking their training more seriously because of it
-Thinks one of the 4 Japanese players will win evo, but it's really difficult to predict who will win
-He's disappointed he couldn't win EVO, and he's going to practice hard for Capcom Cup

And currently Santarou is blowing Luffy up 5-1.
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