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FINAL FANTASY Community Thread: XV Mainline Entries and Counting


Gilgamesh, you may be "using more technologically advanced weaponry such as Gunblades and firearms, like Rocket Launchers and Submachine Guns", your arsenal remains devoid of these pretties.
Aight, so I cracked into IX. Just to clarify -- while the XIII games are the only ones I've beaten, I've barely touched I, II, and XII, and got pretty far in IV and X (the latter of which I would like to continue, but I'm stuck against a certain frustrating
boss. I'm fairly familiar with Final Fantasy lore though, having hung around the internet long enough and reading wikis.

Anyway, I just cleared the Evil Forest, so I'm not very far at all, but the first thing I thought about an hour in was "Man, they don't make 'em like this anymore." It's a real charmer, with rich prerendered backgrounds and winsome character animations (I love Vivi's little stumbles, and how the boss of Tantalus loudly kicks down each door while most of the other characters just push them open). It really is a gem of the PS1 age. I can see the seamless CG cutscenes blowing minds back in the day, and come to think of it, FFX and FFXIII are the only games that come to mind which do the same.

While there isn't much originality to speak of yet in terms of the plot or characterization (not that I expected it at this early juncture), the initial main cast are all likeable in their own right with room for chemistry and exploration, which I can see brewing in the low-key humor and tentative dialogue respectively. In any case, look forward to seeing how the story unfolds. I can't imagine the story playing it too safe after an array of predecessors full of memorable plot twists. I hear this is one of Uematsu's best soundtracks, too, so my ear will be on the lookout!
Glad you're enjoying it so far.

The pace of battles are the aspect the game didn't age well on, and not just because of the slow speed the ATB fills itself at, but also for the transitional loading times in-between exploration and combat. Not seamless at all, albeit they must have been improved for the PSN version.
The pace of battles are the aspect the game didn't age well on, and not just because of the slow speed the ATB fills itself at, but also for the transitional loading times in-between exploration and combat. Not seamless at all, albeit they must have been improved for the PSN version.

Yeah, forgot to mention that. Battles are definitely a little slow, especially with the lengthy opening pans and such. Reminded me of Lost Odyssey, as I guess it should, thanks to Sakaguchi. Really got a taste of that slowness when I died against
the Tantalus boss
, thinking that it was one of those redoable battles, and instead I got sent back to my pre-
Prison Cage
fights. Man.


Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
Gilgamesh, you may be "using more technologically advanced weaponry such as Gunblades and firearms, like Rocket Launchers and Submachine Guns", your arsenal remains devoid of these pretties.

Wouldn't be so sure about that.




Never saw that weapons' cemetery scene before.

Yeah, forgot to mention that. Battles are definitely a little slow, especially with the lengthy opening pans and such. Reminded me of Lost Odyssey, as I guess it should, thanks to Sakaguchi. Really got a taste of that slowness when I died against
the Tantalus boss
, thinking that it was one of those redoable battles, and instead I got sent back to my pre-
Prison Cage
fights. Man.

The game remains easy overall, with a nice progression curve both linear and clean-cut, without random peaks in difficulty. Poor English prevents me from wording it any better, but it's a difficulty à la f(x) = y in a word. You shouldn't have to save all that often, you just lost against that particular boss because you weren't acquainted with the battle system yet the way I see it.

Not to stealth brag or anything since I don't consider the following to be an accomplishment, but IX was the first FF game I played and beat. To give you a representation, I was 10 back then, and my background in RPGs went no further than Pokemon's boundaries at that time. As far as the story goes, you will have no real trouble on your run. That is, if you don't plan to do side-quests mid-way. Those are another deal.



Just bought this baby. 140€ unsealed on Ebay, shipping included. Wanted to purchase it for almost a year now, but I was too late to the party at ordering it. I ended up not buying the game at all out of such disappointment, meaning this will be the first time I play XIII-2. Now is the perfect time to do that since XIII-3 is around the corner, but also because I'm taking a break from Dissidia for personal reasons. I've already got myself spoiled quite a bit by reading the threads about XIII-3. Even then, I don't expect the enjoyment to be much ruined.


So FF Tactics...fuck the
Marach battle. Those archers fuck my shit up EVERY DAMN TIME.
Gonna waste the Knights first then make my way up to those damn bitches

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess

Is there an existing relationship I'm missing between Narolf and MagiusNecros (and probably Corvo) that I seem to be missing here?

Anyway, I just cleared the Evil Forest, so I'm not very far at all, but the first thing I thought about an hour in was "Man, they don't make 'em like this anymore." It's a real charmer, with rich prerendered backgrounds and winsome character animations (I love Vivi's little stumbles, and how the boss of Tantalus loudly kicks down each door while most of the other characters just push them open). It really is a gem of the PS1 age. I can see the seamless CG cutscenes blowing minds back in the day, and come to think of it, FFX and FFXIII are the only games that come to mind which do the same.
Sorry, this kind of make me squee inside. I got such a kick out of a lot of everyone's animations in the game. They're so clever and cute, and they remind me so much of the animations I tend to complement in older RPGs.

I love FF9. It's what I think FF should aspire to, really. I don't even care about the CG stuff being in that game even though I don't like cutscenes very much. A lot of the stuff blends in very well with the rest of the game, I guess.


Dark Schala, it's a long story.

At this point tho, I've spent enough time cracking private jokes and speaking between riddles into various FF threads that I must be transpiring as an attention-whore to a lot of members. This just can't keep going, for goofing around acting as a joke character isn't in my nature either. Last thing I want in this day and age as far as my activity on the Internet goes is to get banned from GAF for thread-derailment. I didn't forget Juniors only get one chance.

It would be pompous of me to say I'm a close-buddy of MagiusNecros. He is a member I've interacted with for the first time a bit more than a month ago on another forum. What he didn't know back then is that he was someone I was already acquainted to thanks to lurking and third-parties' reports. Nowadays, I'm confident that, while he may not understand the entire scope of the story, he has at least got a solid grasp of it, judging by his responses.

What story you ask? It's impossible for me to narrate it without sugarcoating it. Narrating it bluntly would effectively bring an unwarranted, not to say uncalled for, negativity to this thread. For the sake of Final Fantasy, I'm going to sum it up with a lot of subliminal messages resorting to hyper-links that will reference Versus XIII.

Our hero, an important figure that is torn from the inside by his own demons, lives in a world that goes further to doom with each passing day because of a divine entity. He is partly responsible of the situation and remains self-conscious.

It's only when his most jovial friend unveils the truth to him that he realizes which roles they were respectively playing in this debacle. With the help of his closest friend, he then effectively elaborates a plan to prepare his revenge.

The bubble bursts.

The mysterious man behind all this debacle calls our hero most wanted. Battle rages. There is no hope left. Almost.

Our heroes decide to engage into a journey to foreign realms that will connect them to a third party capable of settling the conflict. After stumbling upon a lot of ordeals along the way, our hero reaches the third-party.

The woman, conscious of our hero grudge-full nature and past sins, eventually condemns him to a duel to test his good faith, much to her dismay for she remains aware she is the only one capable of restoring peace. That is not enough. Our hero succumbs to her angelical power.

As his chastisement, she sends him to the Void wherein he wanders aimlessly for hours through. Helpless in covering his empathy for him, she ultimately sentenced him to another challenge. His last chance to find redemption.

"Defeat Gilgamesh."​

Long story short, defeating Gilgamesh simply consists in becoming a Member. At the time this post is submitted, I'll be missing 65 posts.

Besides, that third party isn't "Corvo". No idea who on earth that can be, actually, and Google didn't help.

One last clued sentence to confirm your guess, as I'm sure you already got who I'm referring to at this point.

This story is a (virtual) Reality based on a Fantasy and I don't intend to remain asleep in the Fantasy. Or not in that Fantasy, at least.

I effectively want to change things for the better by bringing sanity into this whole drama. I have a project for this forum to back such endeavor. If you want to know what that is along with the riddles-less version of the story, then please, feel free to PM me. Alternatively, the most entertaining way to proceed would be to wait for me to become a Member.


Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
*Meaningless Prattle*

You see Naro my boy. Your task may be to defeat the MIGHTY ME but I fear you forgot one thing. Only worthy adversaries may defeat GILGAMESH and sad to say, no such adversary EXISTS. MWA HA HA HA!


Story you say you ignorant fool. I think I shall aid you in this endeavor!

"Asleep in the Fantasy" huh. Sounds like Kagari's tagname.


Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
I only really know Narolf from Dissidia Forums unless he was from another forum I was on.

FXN(dunno why considering I generally hated everyone there) and Gamefaqs are the only ones to come to mind.

If I'm correct I suspect Kurasame Gaiden might have 4 volumes one basically heralding each of the 4 Heavenly Kings. And maybe regardless of how many volumes the manga receives I think it would have enough content for a game itself. Getting the Kurasame game I so cherish.


Forgot about you, Beef. Guess we share the same sentiment of being "turned off" now.

Taking fiction from a good friend for facts is only natural.

That could have been a quote of your nihilistic Final Fantasy villain.

(Corvo as in "CorvoSol")

Makes sense now, thanks. Near as I can tell, he only was on the GameFAQs' board.

"Asleep in the Fantasy" huh. Sounds like Kagari's tagname.
I only really know Narolf from Dissidia Forums unless he was from another forum I was on.
Don't feint obliviousness, Gilgamesh.

Gilgamesh's remaining HPs = 64

You guys all got it. No point in role-playing any further.

Rest assured you won't be disappointed.


Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
Forgot about you, Beef. Guess we share the same sentiment of being "turned off" now.

Taking fiction from a good friend for facts is only natural.

That could have been a quote of your nihilistic Final Fantasy villain.

Makes sense now, thanks. Near as I can tell, he only was on the GameFAQs' board.

Don't feint obliviousness, Gilgamesh.

Gilgamesh's remaining HPs = 64

You guys all got it. No point in role-playing any further.

Rest assured you won't be disappointed.

You should just post in other topics of interest until you are a member.

It's not hard.


Posting on GAF isn't hard, no, and I'm not one of those people who feel the need to triple-check the FAQ before posting either. It's just that I remain a "snob" poster overall, the kind of person who is reluctant to say anything unless the message lasts for five lines at least.

I've been a Junior ever since July 2011 now and I'll become a Member by Sunday at most. The pace I post at is the key part you overlooked. I'll effectively have to make 63 posts within three days while keeping on working on the project altogether. This will be the first time I post so much on a board within such time span.

These are the final three days.

While I still have a few thoughtful and constructive posts in store, the rest will be post-farming: forum's games ("Do you recognize the above poster?"), Avatar Request thread, birthday's threads and, ultimately, K-Pop's Community thread. Been a while since I last visited the guys', they were the first GAF's sub-community I partook into before this right one. I owe a lot to them.

Replying to your PM as we speak.


I think we are witnessing a Final Fantasy fanfiction themed courtship.
About summed it up.

Don't read too much into it tho, especially the "courtship" part. It's merely professional. I would be (very) hard-pressed to push it any further than that, for personal reasons as well. However, that would make me life-journal even more, and I think I have already done too much of that recently. Eventually a brief look at my posts' history will make you understand where I'm coming from.


Spiritual siblings, if anything.​

And nope, none of this is a "lie". None of this veils secrets plans tied into the bigger picture either. Sugar-coated for entertainment purposes and served to you guys on a plate, that is.

Again, anyone who has no idea of what is going on is more than free to shoot me a PM, just like MagiusNecros did. Part of why I word things that way is for fun, but I ultimately refuse to thread-shit by cross-posting forums' drama. All this confusion remains a necessary step for me to start up my project here, so that you guys don't have the impression I'm coming out of nowhere once the project is up and running.

Moving on.


Referring to the Distant Worlds concert that took place in Paris last week-end.

I'll be posting here the pictures I took once I found my camera's usb cord.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess

Let's get this thread back on track somehow I dunno.

That isn't FF5's Decisive Battle, but people always forget that this boss theme exists.

Semi-related: I've always wondered what tracks people always considered to be underrated in the series. People always seem to post the most recognized stuff or the battle themes or something.

Also, if there were a composer or sound team who you'd like to compose for an FF, who would it be and why? People who've already composed for the series or are going to compose for the series don't count!


Their names escape me off the top of my head, but I would love for the people behind P4's soundtrack to get a crack at a Final Fantasy game.

You mean Persona 3/4 style of music in Final Fantasy? I'm not sure that will fit very well and people will cry 'ripoff' anyway considering the response to some of the vocal tracks in FFXIII-2.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
That reminds me that no one ever talks about FFXI's music.

Well, some of you guys would probably know who I'd want to compose for an FF one day. I think they'd do an awesome job.

No one really talks about FFII's music either, but I really like it. It's kinda different from some of the other music in the series in terms of mood and composition.

You mean Persona 3/4 style of music in Final Fantasy? I'm not sure that will fit very well and people will cry 'ripoff' anyway considering the response to some of the vocal tracks in FFXIII-2.
Why not? That was the sort of thing FF needed. Games have been including vocal tracks for a long time now (like, ToP's OP song on the SFC, or the vocal themes in Sonic R, etc.), and it was about time FF finally caught up with the rest of the world. I liked it and I thought the obvious genre variance on that soundtrack was a success.

This maybe.

Sub-topic- Why does everyone pretend FFV doesn't exist?
This one would qualify more because everyone seems to give attention to My Home Sweet Home when FF5's mentioned.

No one likes to think FF5 exists because they don't have a lot of experience with it. Its narrative isn't as involved as the other games' either, so people seem to not have a lot to attach themselves to.
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