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Man fuck fishing.
Catching a big fish is just too difficult without upgrades. The line runs out too damn fast.

I thought it'd just be me trying to put tension in the direction the fish is moving and then reeling in a bit once in a while but everytime fish changes direction I loose like 200-300 points on my line, then if I start to reel in I can only get a tap most of the time before tensions starts to flash red and I lose a few hundred durability points again. Theres also the fact that even if I tap R2 to give a short reel at times it'd still lead to losing durability because the fish changes direction way too often...sometimes I just have to change direction of tension 5-6 times before I can get one tap to reel.

Just an asshole of a fish. 2000 is too low for the line, guess I'll go and play another stupid mini game in Altissia to get better gear so that I can play this stupid mini game.


I'm kind of sad we didn't slowly unlock more Link Strikes as the game went on.
For a 50 hour game, there's a weirdly small selection of them.
I feel like I've seen Ignis' back-to-back and Prompto's sliding shot literally hundreds of times now.

I always imagined as the game went on and the Bros got more comfortable playing off each other they'd gain newer, more elaborate Link Strikes.


Yeah stop saying Versus XIII was the reason this game couldn't succeed.

It's wrong.

The story they made out of the original trilogy is perfectly fine.

But it got cut down to an incoherent mess.

And it's all the more frustrating.

It's not a matter of it being a bad story, it's a matter of a good story not being properly told to us.
Man fuck fishing.
Catching a big fish is just too difficult without upgrades. The line runs out too damn fast.

I thought it'd just be me trying to put tension in the direction the fish is moving and then reeling in a bit once in a while but everytime fish changes direction I loose like 200-300 points on my line, then if I start to reel in I can only get a tap most of the time before tensions starts to flash red and I lose a few hundred durability points again. Theres also the fact that even if I tap R2 to give a short reel at times it'd still lead to losing durability because the fish changes direction way too often...sometimes I just have to change direction of tension 5-6 times before I can get one tap to reel.

Just an asshole of a fish. 2000 is too low for the line, guess I'll go and play another stupid mini game in Altissia to get better gear so that I can play this stupid mini game.

Keep in mind also that when your controller vibrates you must not tap R2, as it depletes your stamina way fast, I think that's why you tension starts to flash red so often
Well that was something all right... Sad ending that left way more questions than answers. Punished Ignis. Bro trip was worthwhile. Should have focused solely on that. Didn't need a reclaim the throne or save the world plot(shit it couldn't even pick one of those, had to be both). Idk, a grounded defeat the empire, but Aydins the real final boss would have been fine. The immortal puppet master stuff was dumb.

A few thoughts.

Fuck them for name droping a badass demon slaying Iris and not showing it. Should have dropped you at the cove and did a seige of Lestallum by demons first. With the sacrifice of Cor. Chapter 14 had loads of potential. Could have been a Dragons Dogma esque reboot of the map with another 25% extra gameplay. Chapter 9=14 in general feels like a lack of time. The game feels very barebones all in all. I wonder if wrestling with the engine caused this, the switch in directors, or just the general unfamiliarity with open world development. Sad.

Fuck Jared.

The dialouge options are the most unintentionally hilarious thing in a game all year. The "Not really" choice after Prompto is saved made me bust out in laughter.

New game plus seems pointless. Not sure I'd ever want to go through this story again, personally. Forced stealth sections, jump scares, fetch quests, Jared. Nah, once was enough. There's too much scrpted stuff for that to be enjoyable.
Even with a brand new story, Tabata still would have fucked this up. We all know what a poorly presented shit show Type-0 turned out to be. This game has all the same issues. Tons of off screen stuff, characters disappearing, janky cutscenes, poorly flesh out villains, a story that barely holds itself together.


Even with a brand new story, Tabata still would have fucked this up. We all know what a poorly presented shit show Type-0 turned out to be. This game has all the same issues. Tons of off screen stuff, characters disappearing, janky cutscenes, poorly flesh out villains, a story that barely holds itself together.

I feel like this might just be his "style."
Like, he thinks that making events happen off-screen and unseen makes them mysterious, and leaving gaping questions in the narrative makes it "open to interpretation" and "deep."
Type-0 never had any development issues, did it? I feel like it's exactly the game he wanted to make, and that boded poorly for XV.


I feel like this might just be his "style."
Like, he thinks that making events happen off-screen and unseen makes them mysterious, and leaving gaping questions in the narrative makes it "open to interpretation" and "deep."
Type-0 never had any development issues, did it? I feel like it's exactly the game he wanted to make, and that boded poorly for XV.

Being a PSP game with very limited storage space probably limited what he could do too.


anyone else mad about how luna totally wasn't a character ten years ago but they decided to say that woman on the logo was her

Yes. It's a blatant retrofitting.
That's supposed to be "the figure who still lies asleep in the fantasy" which I assume was Etro in the Versus XIII version.
I *guess* that snake creature could be Leviathan, but there seems to be at least one other unrecognizable character/creature in the upper left.

Rebel Leader

I feel like this might just be his "style."
Like, he thinks that making events happen off-screen and unseen makes them mysterious, and leaving gaping questions in the narrative makes it "open to interpretation" and "deep."
Type-0 never had any development issues, did it? I feel like it's exactly the game he wanted to make, and that boded poorly for XV.
That's a horrible way to go about telling a story


Is there something more to Ardyn's backstory that I'm missing? he isn't my real dad or something is he

Um... Actually... Sort of?

No wait. I'm not sure. I'm not 100% clear on how the "Izuna/Lucis Caelum" swap worked.

Is Ardyn Noct's great^100 uncle, or something?


Yeah, the same thing happened with FFXIII (Toriyama admitted the ending was based on the logo rather than the other way around).

Right? Like how the characters in the logo are retroactively Fang and Vanille, and then Odin's horse head is with them for some reason.
They really need to finalize the narratives, or at least the most important story points and imagery, before they finalize and unveil a project's logo.


that puzzling face
We 2 demos, 1 of which featured completely content not in the main game. Trailers full of shit cut from the game. An anime, a movie, a tie in game. If they actually just built this damn game and had a clear vision it couldve been fine. This is not versus baggage fault.

You'd think after the game was out we'd stop getting the "____ needs to stop doing ____ and finish the damn game" posts. :V
What a heaping pile of festering shit.

Absolutely. Close off the game with the logo that has been clearly retrofitted to mean it was a dozing Luna all this time with her dearly beloved next to her. Yes, that character. The woman who barely even shows up. You want a proper logo? Have the four bros walking towards the rising sun or something. That Red Dead Redemption 2 parody they came out with on their Twitter account was actually the right idea. Because they're the ones who matter, not this peripheral character devoid of personality.

Chapter 14 was screaming potential. The turning point of the game. The Kefka moment where evil has won, hope is lost and you are trapped amid a lightless place. Under this oppressive and dangerous setting, the player has to frantically regain their bearings, learning to navigate through this hellish new world while Demon Walls emerge and scurry across and from rock surfaces. You slowly discover that remnants of humanity are still alive and kicking. You meet each one of them, discovering for yourselves how the last ten years of darkness have changed them. You also learn of life under a perpetual cloud of darkness. You experience the people's terror, but also their resilience as they continue to fight on. You see for yourself how Iris has developed into this famed Daemon hunter. You find out what Cor is still doing besides sitting on his arse. How has old man Cid been faring? How has Ignis become Daredevil in the last decade? How about we discover something new about Cindy that is not about how much Prompto still wants to bone her and how he's been friendzoned? No? Ohhh...

Dreadful, dreadful schlock. Thankfully it's saved by (most of) the ending, where it's actually well handled, all things considered. Campfire scene is excellent. The photo you choose turning up is an excellently simple idea so long as you play it straight. That post-credits Titanic segment can go away though. Undeserved. You cannot make me care one iota about this pairing for a single moment. It could have ended with Noctis embracing the Regalia and I would have bought that. At least the Regalia had presence and I got the sense it truly meant something to him as it was an extension of his father, whom he would have at least been close to.

Who the fuck is Jared indeed. I met him, exchanged a few lines and had forgotten who he was after three minutes, let alone after a few hours and Ramuh McGuffin hunting later.


I feel like this might just be his "style."
Like, he thinks that making events happen off-screen and unseen makes them mysterious, and leaving gaping questions in the narrative makes it "open to interpretation" and "deep."
Type-0 never had any development issues, did it? I feel like it's exactly the game he wanted to make, and that boded poorly for XV.
Considering there's a lot of assets in that game's files that are nowhere to be found I think it had its fair share of issues as well. A lot of it mirrors what happened in FF15, like cities getting conveniently nuked and sudden cuts in the story to the abrupt end. There's certainly a bit of "Tabata style" in that but I do think Type-0 ran into deadlines issues as well.


Who the fuck is Jared indeed. I met him, exchanged a few lines and had forgotten who he was after three minutes, let alone after a few hours and Ramuh McGuffin hunting later.

Fun fact. I explored the cape before he died and his grave was already there. Noctis had his line and I still got the item for the car


that puzzling face
I feel that a lot of Type-0 had to do with not being able to make PSP do 100% of what they wanted.

(Don't get me wrong, the best developers are 100% aware of their target platform at all times)

Fun fact. I explored the cape before he died and his grave was already there. Noctis had his line and I still got the item for the car

open world storytelling


We 2 demos, 1 of which featured completely content not in the main game. Trailers full of shit cut from the game. An anime, a movie, a tie in game. If they actually just built this damn game and had a clear vision it couldve been fine. This is not versus baggage fault.

Well, we are identifying the same problem, we are just disagreeing about the cause.

I think the very reason FFXV didn't have a clear concept was because they had to build a new game around the restrictions Versus left behind. They rewrote everything heavily - likely to the degree that FFXV only shares superficial similarity - but they still had to keep it familiar while doing that. They kept the cities, the countries, (most of) the characters, the basic premise, etc instead of starting entirely from scratch again by working out a clear vision and a new concept of what FFXV was supposed to be. Even if a lot of FFXV is new, they were still restricted by what had been done before.

Looking at what they have showed over the years, it feels like half the development time of FFXV was spent struggling to find a way to somehow set all of the pieces together. I think a lot of these problems wouldn't have been there if they made a clear break right from the beginning, instead of trying to building up on the shambles of an overambitious project.

I think they did this a) because they wanted to keep up appearance (people weren't supposed to know that the project got essentially rebooted) and b) because they thought that save time and money by re-using the designs and assets created for Versus over the years. But while admitting the cancellation of Versus would have lead to huge disappointment, I'm not sure if fans slowly realizing that FFXV isn't the game anymore they were once anticipating was the much better choice. Similarly, I think that while b) might have saved time in the beginning, it eventually ended up becoming more trouble than it was worth.

I'm not implying that Versus was bad or that its story was bad, btw. I'm not talking about that at all. How would I even know that. I'm just saying that whatever has been done before just ended up not being a good fit to what FFXV would later become (which includes scope).


Did you guys successfully get the platinum yet? The only thing I think I'm going to struggle with is the fishing trophy. I didn't even get to level 2


I think Luna and Noctis might be the worst romance in the history of the series. It's up there with Snow and Serah, and I only dislike that because I think Snow is awful.


that puzzling face
Head to the Vesperpool, buy the rod and reel from the shop there and like 50 of the 2000 durability lines, then go nuts. Sleep in the nearby camp to level and gain more fishing bonuses and you'll be able to tackle the harder fish.

Fishing 1->10 should take like 2 1/2 hours tops, starting from zilch.
Call me crazy, but I think Crisis Core, and Type 0 were better games. The story, and characters just didn't do it for me with this one. The ending didn't touch me the way those two games did, which surprised me.

Zack Fair was the man!



Call me crazy, but I think Crisis Core, and Type 0 were better games. The story, and characters just didn't do it for me with this one. The ending didn't touch me the way those two games did, which surprised me.

Zack Fair was the man!

I bought the CE for Type-0 and regret every euro.... can you please tell me what makes this game stand out? The battlesystem was dull, characters died every 2 seconds from 1 hit, controls felt really sluggish, Level-Design was horrible, Questing was a pain

Things I liked: Music, Characters looked interesting


Call me crazy, but I think Crisis Core, and Type 0 were better games. The story, and characters just didn't do it for me with this one. The ending didn't touch me the way those two games did, which surprised me.

Zack Fair was the man!


I enjoyed Crisis Core a lot more than this, for sure. Haven't played much Type-0.


I actually played Type-0 for 10 hours and at that point I had no idea what was happening in the story and even how to play the game properly. It's really a big mess of a game.
I think Luna and Noctis might be the worst romance in the history of the series. It's up there with Snow and Serah, and I only dislike that because I think Snow is awful.

You know, I'm genuinely struggling to think of anyone worse, so I think you might be right.

In another thread I was sitting there in disbelief when someone argued that Luna's sake is for Noctis, ergo there is absolutely no need to flesh her out, because that would ultimately have no effect on Noctis's development anyway. Putting aside the troubling insinuation that the woman here need only serve the man and doesn't need to be anything more, my sheer inability to describe her character beyond what she looks like, her profession and what the people of the world think about her really speaks volumes about how well written she is.

She really is a trophy wife. Even I was scoffing at this idea when it was once raised, but here we are now. Pen pals for twelve years, using a poor dog (was this ever explained??) as messenger to deliver some of the shortest and most uninteresting of messages I have ever seen. Never properly met or interacted as adults I don't think? Sure, they met as kids, but all the flashbacks do is have young Luna bleat on about how Noctis is chosen and how she must support him or such bollocks. Nothing at all that in the way of proper characterisation that we can glean from. There is nothing there. The story is trying to hammer us on the head, demanding that we make the leap to forcibly accept the idea that this is a couple who are separated for...reasons and therefore it's a tragedy in the end.

Nah, fam. This setup of a lover beyond reach is needless and daft.


My biggest regret from this game was that I didn't explore a thing or fought even one enemy while Iris was in the party.

Everytime we stopped In just assumed it was to take in the view but I didnt realise I could have gone anywhere and even explored dungeons with Iris.
I remember before Type-0 was released in the West we were wanting it like it was the second coming of Christ... The awakening was rude.


Head to the Vesperpool, buy the rod and reel from the shop there and like 50 of the 2000 durability lines, then go nuts. Sleep in the nearby camp to level and gain more fishing bonuses and you'll be able to tackle the harder fish.

Fishing 1->10 should take like 2 1/2 hours tops, starting from zilch.

Hell yeah, thanks!
I bought the CE for Type-0 and regret every euro.... can you please tell me what makes this game stand out? The battlesystem was dull, characters died every 2 seconds from 1 hit, controls felt really sluggish, Level-Design was horrible, Questing was a pain

Things I liked: Music, Characters looked interesting

I played it on PSP years before it got the HD treatment. If the game had been released in the West much sooner, and on the PSP, I think the reception would've been much better. Personally, I loved the battle system. I found most of the class zero members interesting, and likeable. Controls felt good to me IMO. Main missions were awesome, and really impressive (for PSP standards). The end game was super creepy, dark, and grim (unlike WOR in FFXV). I loved the ending as well.

Negatives - The game just had way too much grinding,

The HD port seems pretty jarring by today's standards, so I understand the negative flack it got. Give it another shot on PSP, the new visuals took away from the charm, and atmosphere that version had. .


Well, we are identifying the same problem, we are just disagreeing about the cause.

I think the very reason FFXV didn't have a clear concept was because they had to build a new game around the restrictions Versus left behind. They rewrote everything heavily - likely to the degree that FFXV only shares superficial similarity - but they still had to keep it familiar while doing that. They kept the cities, the countries, (most of) the characters, the basic premise, etc instead of starting entirely from scratch again by working out a clear vision and a new concept of what FFXV was supposed to be. Even if a lot of FFXV is new, they were still restricted by what had been done before.

Looking at what they have showed over the years, it feels like half the development time of FFXV was spent struggling to find a way to somehow set all of the pieces together. I think a lot of these problems wouldn't have been there if they made a clear break right from the beginning, instead of trying to building up on the shambles of an overambitious project.

I think they did this a) because they wanted to keep up appearance (people weren't supposed to know that the project got essentially rebooted) and b) because they thought that save time and money by re-using the designs and assets created for Versus over the years. But while admitting the cancellation of Versus would have lead to huge disappointment, I'm not sure if fans slowly realizing that FFXV isn't the game anymore they were once anticipating was the much better choice. Similarly, I think that while b) might have saved time in the beginning, it eventually ended up becoming more trouble than it was worth.

I'm not implying that Versus was bad or that its story was bad, btw. I'm not talking about that at all. How would I even know that. I'm just saying that whatever has been done before just ended up not being a good fit to what FFXV would later become (which includes scope).

The problem is that, as we've pointed out, the most glaring issues with the narrative would have only required exposition. That we're constantly asking "Wait, what the fuck?" every single chapter doesn't mean that the game isn't salvageable, they just need to actually explain what's going on.

How to fix Jared: Add a quest where you stay the night at the inn and Jared speaks to you about his time in the Crownsguard (that's what he was, right? Some older Kingsglaive member?) and have the guys sit around listening to him. Hell, this would have been a perfect place to incorporate most of the Dawn trailer. "He was a good man, your father, he loved you." etc, blah blah blah.

How to fix the Summon macguffins: Allow the player to actually acquire that Cosmogony book that is randomly lying out in the open at various locations, have the bros talk about it, explain what a Covenant is, have them go "Luna must be speaking with them to get them on your side ahead of time" or whatever. Say something like "No one knows where Bahamut is" and "Legends say he Ifrit has grown to hate them, and mankind as well." Plant the seed. Make the player curious.

How to fix the Royal Arms macguffins: Simply state that you don't need to actually collect all of them. Make some reference that Lucian kings can be temporarily granted their powers without needing to permanently acquire the weapons in times of great need. Now suddenly finishing the game with only half of them makes a little more sense.

The narrative problems with this game aren't unsolvable. They just required better writers, and unfortunately, a better director.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
I remember before Type-0 was released in the West we were wanting it like it was the second coming of Christ... The awakening was rude.

I read the impressions thread and warned the story won't be as good lol.

Honestly, I'd rather choose XV's story over Type-0's. Despite all the cuts and missing pieces XV had (and honestly, it can be kinda fixed if you plug in the holes with more cutscenes), the overall concept was interesting. Type-0 was kinda interesting but the story explanation was convoluted and poorly told, even worse than XIII.


Type-0 isn't better than this game. Maybe a more cohesive title as a whole, but not better gameplay or music or I guess 'fun factor'.

Tabata hasn't directed a great game. I don't think he should be given another mainline title. Don't get me wrong, he hasn't directed a bad game either. Everything he's made has been decent but not up to the standard expected from the main series. He has no eye for delivering narrative (there is a good story in XV waiting to be told), his titles lack polish and the gameplay is messy. He's kind of the opposite of Toriyama. This game falls short in the opposite ways to XIII. XIII had an atrocious story told competently (at least compared to XV), great polish, smooth battle system and basically nothing else.

Oh and Tabata has chapter 13. I've been trying to think of any section in a mainline FF that's worse than that and I still haven't. Truly bad stamp to have on your track record.


I feel that a lot of Type-0 had to do with not being able to make PSP do 100% of what they wanted.

I thought it was the case back then until I played FFXV.

It wasn't the platform restricting them.

Call me crazy, but I think Crisis Core, and Type 0 were better games. The story, and characters just didn't do it for me with this one. The ending didn't touch me the way those two games did, which surprised me.

You are definitely not crazy.
1. The ending worked for CCFF7 and sort of worked for Type-0: because the games actually took time to develop the characters and made players care about them - we knew Zack from FF7 and got to know every single one of Class-0 the whole game.

2. A lot of the problems presented in Type-0 actually are still present in FFXV.

a. The PSP platform made it seem like it was the hardware limiting the dev's the ability to do what they wanted. They got significantly magnified on home consoles if Tabata and the team didn't fix them..
b. Lots of things OK on a handheld would become problems when moving to the home console if unchanged.
c. It didn't do Tabata's any favour when it was a mainline title this time around too. It got a lot more attention.
d. Worse, people would naturally compare Tabata and his team with Versus/Nomura's work. If they (me included) didn't like what they saw/got, Tabata would get some very heavy blame.

The consequence is devastating when Tabata and friends failed to improve.


it doesn't matter if the game sells.


The problem is that, as we've pointed out, the most glaring issues with the narrative would have only required exposition. That we're constantly asking "Wait, what the fuck?" every single chapter doesn't mean that the game isn't salvageable, they just need to actually explain what's going on.

How to fix Jared: Add a quest where you stay the night at the inn and Jared speaks to you about his time in the Crownsguard (that's what he was, right? Some older Kingsglaive member?) and have the guys sit around listening to him. Hell, this would have been a perfect place to incorporate most of the Dawn trailer. "He was a good man, your father, he loved you." etc, blah blah blah.


If you talk to Talcott in chapter 14 he says that Jared was a butler that served the Amicitia family or something like that.

Was actually a kinda nice scene hearing Talcott talk about it since it explains what went down then.
Call me crazy, but I think Crisis Core, and Type 0 were better games. The story, and characters just didn't do it for me with this one. The ending didn't touch me the way those two games did, which surprised me.

Zack Fair was the man!
As bad as type-0's combat was overall, landing a red hit, or going ham with cinque's whirlwind were more satisfying than anything in FFXV's combat. I also liked the class dynamic of the type-0 cast a lot more than noctis's gang, but that was also halfbaked. Still a bad game overall with odd progression, bad combat, and awkward incohesive story. Crisis Core combat was bad too, but overall its the best game out of the three since it tells a cohesive story and has by far the most memorable scenes.
The problem is that, as we've pointed out, the most glaring issues with the narrative would have only required exposition. That we're constantly asking "Wait, what the fuck?" every single chapter doesn't mean that the game isn't salvageable, they just need to actually explain what's going on.

How to fix Jared: Add a quest where you stay the night at the inn and Jared speaks to you about his time in the Crownsguard (that's what he was, right? Some older Kingsglaive member?) and have the guys sit around listening to him. Hell, this would have been a perfect place to incorporate most of the Dawn trailer. "He was a good man, your father, he loved you." etc, blah blah blah.

How to fix the Summon macguffins: Allow the player to actually acquire that Cosmogony book that is randomly lying out in the open at various locations, have the bros talk about it, explain what a Covenant is, have them go "Luna must be speaking with them to get them on your side ahead of time" or whatever. Say something like "No one knows where Bahamut is" and "Legends say he Ifrit has grown to hate them, and mankind as well." Plant the seed. Make the player curious.

How to fix the Royal Arms macguffins: Simply state that you don't need to actually collect all of them. Make some reference that Lucian kings can be temporarily granted their powers without needing to permanently acquire the weapons in times of great need. Now suddenly finishing the game with only half of them makes a little more sense.

The narrative problems with this game aren't unsolvable. They just required better writers, and unfortunately, a better director.

Yep, and I completely got the impression that the original plan was to make the whole game open world, offering a lot more time to build on these plot issues. Heck, you sail all the way across the ocean and into the city of Altissia without a loading screen. The engine is clearly a beast at huge open worlds. And Altissia so was so beautifully detailed and sprawling. Questionable maze-like design to it, but that's clearly a design that was intended to be a new hub, and not something you spend 10 minutes in before never returning to again.

The one issue I can't see time fixing was Ardyn though. Awful antagonist. He was alive all that time ago during the last war? Then why didn't Gentiana tell us who he really was? Or ANY of the Astrals for that matter? And if Ardyn wanted Noct dead after all, why not get it over with instead of helping him by feeding him the power of Gods and Kings before a final showdown? Did he need Noct to become one with the crystal first before he could kill him? Then why not do that right at the start when he had Noctis and co all aboard an Imperial ship?

I genuinely thought they were going to pull some awesome twist and have Ardyn reveal himself as Bahamut. Every Astral has their own trial before giving Noct their power, and I thought Ardyn's was a more patriarchal role. Give Noct a helping hand, but have him do most of it himself - like getting him into the gate to see Titan, but not assisting him with the battle. Especially in Chapter 13 when Ardyn forces Noct to fight alone for so long, meaning Noct finally accepts the power and responsibility of the ring, then also realizes how important friends are in this battle when Ardyn ensures Gladio and Ignis rescue him at the last moment. It all looked like a perfect setup for "I'm Bahamut, you've earned my respect and power, now let's deal with these demons and Nifs together."

Instead it was "I'm a dick with motives that make no sense. Now that I've fed you the power of six astrals and a dozen kings, I'll finally try and kill you."
I'm not sure why they had the campfire scene as a post-credits bit. Also what's the starscourge? I think its the plague of darkness that turns people into daemons, but why is that a 'star' scourge? The Six don't really seem to give a shit about humanity (except perhaps Bahamut, but he was chilling in distorted time and Shiva, who spent her free time photobombing Prompto). Was Pyrna in the game outside of a hanging corpse?
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