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Cor just "got there with experience."
Aranea seems to be a technology hero. She's equipped with gear that lets her take impacts and such.
Iris doesn't really do anything that impressive? Also apparently her entire family is combat trained as defenders of the royal family.
With Iris I was more referring to her healing, but I can accept these things. I just recall being impressed with the hunters merely existing, given the implication they were also fighting the monsters and daemons but without of the fancy abilities Noctis and Bros possess.


You're not wrong. The first time she died I was whatever about it. But I did a second playthrough and I almost cried when Noctis was having that dream after the big fight with Leviathan. It hit me much harder the second time around.

I think the game mentioned that Noctis needed both the ring and the royal arms to achieve the full power he needed to defeat the empire pretty early on. But yeah the empire developed tech to take down some of the magic of the Lucii with Ardyn's assistance since he has access to the same powers Noctis has. It makes sense so I'm not too sure what your complaint is about your powers being blocked. Also the ring was talked about and brought up several times, although it's never really explained what it does beyond giving you a lot of power prior to putting it on which is lame but fair since like 3 people in the whole game would really know what it does. 2 of which die.

Also you misinterpreted Ardyn's motive. His ultimate goal was to either get revenge on the Lucis bloodline by killing the chosen king and ending the line of kings, or to be finally freed of his accursed immortality. He wanted Noctis to be fully powered so either he defeats the chosen king at his maximum power so his revenge feels sweeter or Noctis defeats him and frees him. So regardless of the outcome of the battle Ardyn gets what he wanted.

Actually his PshycoNinja's explanation of his motives are better. Listen to those.

So in a 30-40 hour game they talked about the ring for what, a total of 5-10 minutes at most? Why the hell wasn't he using it after receiving it from Luna?

It also doesn't make sense, if Ardyn wanted to end the Lucis bloodline, he didn't have ANY other better opportunity before Noctis came along? It was clearly shown he was unstoppable by anyone aside from the King of Kings so why not just kill any of Noc's ancestors?

I would've, personally, preferred the full credits being played in between the two after credits scenes. Just sayin'.

Agreed. TMiNE wouldn't have worked in that scene. I feel they're too tonally different. Dawn was the perfect track choice for that scene.

I mean... he still needed the Royal Arms. If he didn't have them he couldn't have defeated Ardyn in the end.

As for the ring, they do talk about it quite a bit in the game. They talk about it for a good few minutes while on the boat to Altissa, as well as various other points in the game. The Holy and Alternia spells are wicked powerful.

As Ardyn explains, he wants to end the royal line, destroy the Gods, throw the world into darkness, wanted to be granted into the afterlife and end the Crystals existence. It was basically a revenge tour. In order to throw the world into chaos there must be many daemons and no one to slow it down (Noctis and Luna). To destroy the Crystal and end the royal line, Noctis must fulfill his destiny and absorb all of the Crystal's Light and die to end Ardyn. Through the empire and Noctis, he orchestrates the destruction of the Gods (Astrals) physical forms. And to fully die is to be eliminated in the way that he was.

And in the end, while Noctis and crew "won", Ardyn accomplished exactly what he wanted.

For a dude that had millenia of prep time he really went about his plan in a shitty way. If anyone thought this was good storytelling or was written well or enjoyable, props to them. Game ended way worse than it began.


Cor just "got there with experience."
Aranea seems to be a technology hero. She's equipped with gear that lets her take impacts and such.
Iris doesn't really do anything that impressive? Also apparently her entire family is combat trained as defenders of the royal family.

She one-shots magitek Assassins. I'd call that impressive.


Why does everyone think Noctis is dead at the end?
He can canonically timetravel and maintain his powers and after defeating Ardyn in the dark future and canonically ascending / acquiring the full armiger, why not go back in time and smack Ardyn at like Galdin Quay?
I thought it was pretty obvious he gets married as he was supposed to and only gets to take 1 picture back with him from the "life he had to sacrifice" aka the roadtrip/bonding/tradgedy/journey.


Why does everyone think Noctis is dead at the end?
He can canonically timetravel and maintain his powers and after defeating Ardyn in the dark future and canonically ascending / acquiring the full armiger, why not go back in time and smack Ardyn at like Galdin Quay?
I thought it was pretty obvious he gets married as he was supposed to and only gets to take 1 picture back with him from the "life he had to sacrifice" aka the roadtrip/bonding/tradgedy/journey.

1: Because he dissolves after dissolving ardyn's soul (Basically they are now both completely dead at that point)

2: Bahamut's prophecy: He must die for ardyn to die.

3: The scene with Luna heavily implies its his spirit.

4: Its the way the VA and pretty much everyone else interpreted it.

5: Papa stabs him square in the chest.

6: he wouldn't be able to "smack ardyn at galdin" because... you know... ardyn is immortal and the world and the crystal can't both be depleted and not depleted at the same time, so Noct wouldn't have the power to kill him at that point even with time travel involved.


You know, how do the characters(like Cor, Aranea, Iris) do all the superhuman stuff they do without being tethered to someone like Regis or Noctis?

I see no reason to believe that Cor wouldn't be tethered to Noctis.

Aranea is equipped with alot of Magitek stuff, especially that crazy spear of hers. It's a bit different, but look how strong a magitek arm made Ravus.

Iris...don't underestimate an Amicitia i guess

So in a 30-40 hour game they talked about the ring for what, a total of 5-10 minutes at most? Why the hell wasn't he using it after receiving it from Luna?

It also doesn't make sense, if Ardyn wanted to end the Lucis bloodline, he didn't have ANY other better opportunity before Noctis came along? It was clearly shown he was unstoppable by anyone aside from the King of Kings so why not just kill any of Noc's ancestors?

For a dude that had millenia of prep time he really went about his plan in a shitty way. If anyone thought this was good storytelling or was written well or enjoyable, props to them. Game ended way worse than it began.

No, it really just sounds like you weren't paying attention.

Especially if you can't understand why Noctis avoided wearing the Ring after he obtained it. That doesn't even require any lore to gleem. And especially not after actually equipping it and seeing the shit it can do (and what it does to him).

Ardyn wanted to end the Lucis bloodline AND the Crystal itself, which requires him to also end the Starscourge, since that's the whole reason the crystal/ring/lucis line even exists in the first place. So no, he probably didn't have a chance to do it before the events of the game. Simply murdering Regis/Noctis would have solved nothing, since he himself is immortal and is obviously of Lucian heritage. If Noctis had died at any point, it's a good chance either he would have had to wait for the crystal to choose yet another usurper, or the world would have just been stuck in darkness eternally.

And I don't see how his millenia of prep time was shitty at all. He literally accomplished everything he set out to do.


1: Because he dissolves after dissolving ardyn's soul (Basically they are now both completely dead at that point)

2: Bahamut's prophecy: He must die for ardyn to die.

3: The scene with Luna heavily implies its his spirit.

4: Its the way the VA and pretty much everyone else interpreted it.
1. He goes into the spiritzone just like the cutscene at the end of ffxiv's story mode where none of the four characters involved there actually die

2. he has to sacrifice a life to win. which i already stated i am assuming is the entire journey/roadtrip that he only gets to keep one picture from

3. i got nothing here

4. who cares what the voice actors thought? their input is just as valuable as mine is. I already established i think the entire internet is assuming wrong on this. Was there an interview with the game/story director or the person who finalized the script?


1. He goes into the spiritzone just like the cutscene at the end of ffxiv's story mode where none of the four characters involved there actually die

2. he has to sacrifice a life to win. which i already stated i am assuming is the entire journey/roadtrip that he only gets to keep one picture from

3. i got nothing here

4. who cares what the voice actors thought? their input is just as valuable as mine is. I already established i think the entire internet is assuming wrong on this. Was there an interview with the game/story director or the person who finalized the script?

1. XIV's world is nothing like XV's world. Noctis was in the "spiritzone" because he was dead.

And i don't even think that was the spirit world. They were probably just inside the crystal itself. Which makes sense, because that's exactly where Noctis and Ardyn would go after being killed anyway, being tied to the crystal.

2. He doesn't have to sacrifice a life to win. It's not the sacrifice itself that was part of the prophecy. It's just that there was no way to accomplish his task without killing himself because of what it entailed.

And it's Umbra's power that sends Noctis back in time, not his own. And there's also really no canonical significance to that either, because no matter how strong you get in the past, you can't go back to Chapter 9 and save Luna, or go back to Ch.1 and save Regis. His ability to time travel was never alluded to in the actual narrative, similar to the way Carbuncle exists but is never directly mentioned in the game. It's just Final Fantasy stuff.


1. He goes into the spiritzone just like the cutscene at the end of ffxiv's story mode where none of the four characters involved there actually die

2. he has to sacrifice a life to win. which i already stated i am assuming is the entire journey/roadtrip that he only gets to keep one picture from

3. i got nothing here

4. who cares what the voice actors thought? their input is just as valuable as mine is. I already established i think the entire internet is assuming wrong on this. Was there an interview with the game/story director or the person who finalized the script?

I don't understand your 2nd point. The game is pretty heavy handed that Noctis has to die for the prophecy to be fulfilled. The camp scene would make no sense because why would you be crying over your friend's sacrifice if you know they are going to be okay at the end? The Luna scene is pretty telling that it's in the afterlife. You think that after all they have been through his three best friends would miss his wedding while also living in the same city the wedding is taking place in?
So in a 30-40 hour game they talked about the ring for what, a total of 5-10 minutes at most? Why the hell wasn't he using it after receiving it from Luna?

It also doesn't make sense, if Ardyn wanted to end the Lucis bloodline, he didn't have ANY other better opportunity before Noctis came along? It was clearly shown he was unstoppable by anyone aside from the King of Kings so why not just kill any of Noc's ancestors?

Because putting on the ring was a huge burden? When he puts it on for the first time it physically hurts him. He also just lost his bride to be, and one of his best friends is blind and another is being a dick to him, it's understandable that Noctis wasn't feeling particularly kingly. Another aspect of the story which I don't know if you picked up on is that Noctis is hesitant to be the king and to have all this responsibility thrust upon him, Gladio mentions it when you go fight the titan.

Also again that's my interpretation, but Ardyn does say he wants to fight the chosen king and he wants him to be at full power so when he kills him it will be more satisfying. But if you look at it from the idea of he also wants to die then stopping the Lucis bloodline before Noctis serves him no purpose.


Because putting on the ring was a huge burden? When he puts it on for the first time it physically hurts him. He also just lost his bride to be, and one of his best friends is blind and another is being a dick to him, it's understandable that Noctis wasn't feeling particularly kingly. Another aspect of the story which I don't know if you picked up on is that Noctis is hesitant to be the king and to have all this responsibility thrust upon him, Gladio mentions it when you go fight the titan.

Also again that's my interpretation, but Ardyn does say he wants to fight the chosen king and he wants him to be at full power so when he kills him it will be more satisfying. But if you look at it from the idea of he also wants to die then stopping the Lucis bloodline before Noctis serves him no purpose.

I think you other post was spot on. All roads lead to a victory for Ardyn which is why he is by far my favorite villain of the entire series. At the end of the day, he got almost everything he wanted (the astrals are still alive). I also feel like his motivation is actually something pretty realistic. I would personally want revenge on all of the people that fucked me over too.


I think you other post was spot on. All roads lead to a victory for Ardyn which is why he is by far my favorite villain of the entire series. At the end of the day, he got almost everything he wanted (the astrals are still alive). I also feel like his motivation is actually something pretty realistic. I would personally want revenge on all of the people that fucked me over too.

I think the most interesting thing about Ardyn is that it's unclear how much of his motivation was also fueled by a desire to accomplish the task he was set out to do (save the world from darkness.)

I didn't notice it until after I beat the game, but the Chapter 9 scene where he slaps Luna makes you wonder. She tells him that "all those enthralled to the darkness will know peace". Ardyn stares at her for a minute, visibly loses composure, and hits her, and that's pretty much the only time in the entire game where he is shown to be angry, or anywhere close to aggravated.

It's like she hit a nerve or something with the comment. And knowing exactly how Ardyn came to host the Starscourge, it makes sense that such a comment would trigger him. Especially the "enthralled" part.


Okay actually, there was also the "I will give the ring to the rightful king" part. Also, very easy to see how that would trigger him. Luna probably doesn't know it, but she's spitting in the face of everything he was when he was just like Luna and Noctis.
I think the most interesting thing about Ardyn is that it's unclear how much of his motivation was also fueled by a desire to accomplish the task he was set out to do (save the world from darkness.)

I didn't notice it until after I beat the game, but the Chapter 9 scene where he slaps Luna makes you wonder. She tells him that "all those enthralled to the darkness will know peace". Ardyn stares at her for a minute, visibly loses composure, and hits her, and that's pretty much the only time in the entire game where he is shown to be angry, or anywhere close to aggravated.

It's like she hit a nerve or something with the comment. And knowing exactly how Ardyn came to host the Starscourge, it makes sense that such a comment would trigger him. Especially the "enthralled" part.


Okay actually, there was also the "I will give the ring to the rightful king" part. Also, very easy to see how that would trigger him. Luna probably doesn't know it, but she's spitting in the face of everything he was when he was just like Luna and Noctis.

Yeah I noticed that scene a lot more on my second playthrough. I also didnt realize that Luna was healing him my first run through. When she grabs his arm it starts to glow all yellow and stuff. Thats when he slaps her if I'm not mistaken


Yeah I noticed that scene a lot more on my second playthrough. I also didnt realize that Luna was healing him my first run through. When she grabs his arm it starts to glow all yellow and stuff. Thats when he slaps her if I'm not mistaken

Yeah. She does the "rightful king" line and he grabs her face. Then she mentions the darkness, and then he frowns and hits her.


He actually just kind of let his arm go and passively watched on when her healing light came on. It wasn't until the "all in thrall to darkness shall know peace" line that he hit her. His attitude almost immediately dropped.

Honestly, in hindsight that's one of my favorite scenes in the game. Knowing what actually happened to Ardyn, i can't even fault him for popping her ass in the mouth after that. Ardyn in his time was basically the same as Luna, except after he fulfilled his duty, he was shat on by the gods. But Luna is giving him the Oracle speech as if he's the true bad guy. Like ripping a really bad scab off. He isn't enthralled to darkness, he's actually enthralled to the light, way more than Luna herself.

He's definitely the most interesting FF villain to me. Probably among my favorite VG villains ever at this point.


Yeah. She does the "rightful king" line and he grabs her face. Then she mentions the darkness, and then he frowns and hits her.


He actually just kind of let his arm go and passively watched on when her healing light came on. It wasn't until the "all in thrall to darkness shall know peace" line that he hit her. His attitude almost immediately dropped.

Honestly, in hindsight that's one of my favorite scenes in the game. Knowing what actually happened to Ardyn, i can't even fault him for popping her ass in the mouth after that. Ardyn in his time was basically the same as Luna, except after he fulfilled his duty, he was shat on by the gods. But Luna is giving him the Oracle speech as if he's the true bad guy. Like ripping a really bad scab off. He isn't enthralled to darkness, he's actually enthralled to the light, way more than Luna herself.

He's definitely the most interesting FF villain to me. Probably among my favorite VG villains ever at this point.

Never thought of this she is insulting him the whole time. I also think he would be angry because what she is doing when she grabbed him is what he did which got him cursed and lead to him being possessed by daemons.


Never thought of this she is insulting him the whole time. I also think he would be angry because what she is doing when she grabbed him is what he did which got him cursed and lead to him being possessed by daemons.

Yeah, I don't think she knows that she's insulting him though...at least, i don't think she knew she was cutting as deep as she actually was.

XV has issues with its scene editing, but that scene in particular was very deliberately storyboarded. In all of Kingsglaive and FFXV, that is the only moment of frustration that Ardyn shows.

And it has nothing to do with Luna's actions, she's already played into his hands. It's only what she says to him.
So in a 30-40 hour game they talked about the ring for what, a total of 5-10 minutes at most? Why the hell wasn't he using it after receiving it from Luna?

It also doesn't make sense, if Ardyn wanted to end the Lucis bloodline, he didn't have ANY other better opportunity before Noctis came along? It was clearly shown he was unstoppable by anyone aside from the King of Kings so why not just kill any of Noc's ancestors?

For a dude that had millenia of prep time he really went about his plan in a shitty way. If anyone thought this was good storytelling or was written well or enjoyable, props to them. Game ended way worse than it began.

Because then the Crystal would just chose another Chosen One, and he would've played his hand before the next one comes along. His revenge was to destroy all who wronged him (Lucis bloodline, the Crystal, the Gods) and die. Simply killing Noctis before the Crystal gives all of it's light to Noctis would not serve his goals at all. The way he went about it is the reason why he achieved his goals. He had already waited a long time, why put his revenge tour in danger by prematurely killing Noctis? It would literally not serve any purpose and set him back to wait even longer to enact his plan again.
I just saw this super detailed reddit post about the Pitioss Ruins and how it relates to the story of the game. Definitely worth a read if the lore of FFXV means something to you


The TL;DR (Copied and pasted from the reddit post) is
Pitioss Ruins tells the true story of Ifrit and Eos Goddess of the Dawn. The end result of this tale literally shaped the landscape of FFXV


I just saw this super detailed reddit post about the Pitioss Ruins and how it relates to the story of the game. Definitely worth a read if the lore of FFXV means something to you


The TL;DR (Copied and pasted from the reddit post) is
Pitioss Ruins tells the true story of Ifrit and Eos Goddess of the Dawn. The end result of this tale literally shaped the landscape of FFXV

This has to be true. This changes the whole game for me... and there is evidence everywhere. Wow.


I just saw this super detailed reddit post about the Pitioss Ruins and how it relates to the story of the game. Definitely worth a read if the lore of FFXV means something to you


The TL;DR (Copied and pasted from the reddit post) is
Pitioss Ruins tells the true story of Ifrit and Eos Goddess of the Dawn. The end result of this tale literally shaped the landscape of FFXV

Something to note here is that you find the Genji Gloves at her navel. http://imgur.com/XqH6F6b

This is key as to WHY Eos was imprisoned and sentenced to the Underworld. She was pregnant. Could she have fallen in love with a human, and become pregnant? That would be a huge taboo in the eyes of the other Astrals... http://imgur.com/B7Sosgw

Hmmm. I Donno it all seems a bit tenuous


Ifrit burst out of Taelpar Crag, carrying Eos…and lit a Pyre at the nearby Rock of Ravatogh. He laid his beloved Eos down, lit the Pyre, and collapsed in death next to her, and while embracing her body, burned along with her. As her corpse burned, the ash and smoke rose in the sky, releasing the star scourge throughout the planet. And all that remains are her fossilized wing, and his crystalized horns, still visible from atop The Rock of Ravatogh to this day.





What does the top picture have to do with the heart of Eos?


Just got to this part, at the beginning:

After multiple play throughs, we've noticed sometimes as you approach Ifrit's statue the first time, the OST Overworld Music, ”Wanderlust" track begins to play. We think this is important!! The music playing is saying that at this point, Ifrit is outside on the world map, restless, eager to start his journey.

...this is going to be a lot of bullshit, isn't it? If it was an intentional feature it wouldn't just happen 'sometimes', so this sounds like they're using glitches in a very glitchy game to help prop up fanfiction.

The bottom line of this is, if any of this is what the developers intended, the story they didn't tell is possibly better than the one they did tell. Why would they put this much effort into Souls-like world design and fall flat on their face with the main narrative?


Just got to this part, at the beginning:

...this is going to be a lot of bullshit, isn't it? If it was an intentional feature it wouldn't just happen 'sometimes', so this sounds like they're using glitches in a very glitchy game to help prop up fanfiction.

the begining parts are not that accurate, but the whole middle and the most important end part...there are parts and ingame evidence that things happened which are explained here and also where the crystall is from etc.

That whole part:



OH.MY.GOD. Do you see it?! DO YOU SEE IT?!?!?!?! It's been in front of our faces this whole time!! We were all as blind as Ignis!

Ifrit burst out of Taelpar Crag, carrying Eos...and lit a Pyre at the nearby Rock of Ravatogh. He laid his beloved Eos down, lit the Pyre, and collapsed in death next to her, and while embracing her body, burned along with her. As her corpse burned, the ash and smoke rose in the sky, releasing the star scourge throughout the planet. And all that remains are her fossilized wing, and his crystalized horns, still visible from atop The Rock of Ravatogh to this day. http://imgur.com/829cqW6

During the quest ”Ascend The Rock Of Ravatogh" Vyv says, ”if you really want to impress people, you've got to show them something they've never seen before. They say there's a cave near the summit that offers the finest view in all of creation." THIS IS A SUBTLE HINT FROM SQUARE ENIX! When you arrive at the cave to photograph it for Vyv....there's an item nearby. A RUBY BRACELET. Now why say it's the finest view in all of creation, when it's just a tiny cave with lava that you can't even enter? Let's take a closer look at it.... http://imgur.com/hxgqEhd

Huh. This reminds us of something... http://imgur.com/4knAvLR

OH.MY.SWEET.BILBO.BAGGINS. IT'S EOS' HEART! It has a hole in it...the same shape and size of the Dark Lucian Crystal. Let's see what Bahamut has to say about the Crystal. http://imgur.com/XF86yoy

The soul of the star is in the crystal. The sun is a star. Eos' soul is in the crystal. This is why it can restore the Dawn. The crystal contains a small shred of the goodness and light that once was Eos. Ifrit saved her just in time, before the last of her light was extinguished. If he had not gotten Eos' out when he did, and purified her body with the Pyre, her light would've gone out, bringing eternal night. Burning her on the Pyre spread the star scourge into the air, but it was a necessary evil.

But how was the Crystal retrieved?? Let's look at Ifrit during the Citadel battle. http://imgur.com/PpxwtZR

After Ifrit transferred his soul to his nearby messenger, he must have returned to the Pyre after the flames died down. He must've cut open her heart and reached inside to retrieve the Crystal. That is why he has burns on half of his body. Her burning, crystalized heart was still that hot! At some point, Bahamut must've stolen the Crystal from him. Also, at some point after his first death and retrieving the crystal from Eos' heart, Ifrit in his messenger's body must have built Pitioss ruins.

At the cost of his life, at the cost of becoming a Betrayer, at the cost of spreading star scourge unto the world. IF IFRIT HAD NOT SAVED EOS WHEN HE DID, THE LAST OF HER LIGHT WOULD'VE EXTINGUISHED, AND THERE WOULD NEVER BE ANOTHER DAWN!!

And more, the whole begining of Pitioss Dungeon explained (except for Titan and meteor for example) are vague, but the end parts? lol wut.


Okay. I'll accept that Eos and Ifrit's bodies are the Rock of Ravatogh
And the crystal is her heart.

But, Eos being pregnant because of some genji gloves on her body? Lol wtf.


Okay. I'll accept that Eos and Ifrit's bodies are the Rock of Ravatogh
And the crystal is her heart.

But, Eos being pregnant because of some genji gloves on her body? Lol wtf.

Also having all the healing items there indicating that Ifrit healed himself etc. sounds also bad, rather like Eos tried to survive or Ifrit tried to cure her (like Ardyn, they both are a mirror in that regard), but overall, it sounds good to me with visual evidence. We will know with Gladios DLC episode :)
Okay. I'll accept that Eos and Ifrit's bodies are the Rock of Ravatogh
And the crystal is her heart.

But, Eos being pregnant because of some genji gloves on her body? Lol wtf.
I imagine that being told to you in vague spiritual anime terms, with full stoic conviction after already accepting that Prompto came from an infant farm before bulking up and getting into dog photography.

This feels 100% like something deliberate that was eventually slashed to pieces in order to make release date.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Cor just "got there with experience."
Aranea seems to be a technology hero. She's equipped with gear that lets her take impacts and such.
Iris doesn't really do anything that impressive? Also apparently her entire family is combat trained as defenders of the royal family.

Yeah Iris is just strong like Gladio I would imagine.

Iris should have shown up in the future, when she is a daemon slayer, looking like this



I just saw this super detailed reddit post about the Pitioss Ruins and how it relates to the story of the game. Definitely worth a read if the lore of FFXV means something to you


The TL;DR (Copied and pasted from the reddit post) is
Pitioss Ruins tells the true story of Ifrit and Eos Goddess of the Dawn. The end result of this tale literally shaped the landscape of FFXV
Okay. I'll accept that Eos and Ifrit's bodies are the Rock of Ravatogh
And the crystal is her heart.

But, Eos being pregnant because of some genji gloves on her body? Lol wtf.

Given that the platforming was so intentionally designed, I think it makes sense that the item placement was intentionally designed as well. As for some of the claims, yeah, they are a stretch, but I think the Genji gloves are absolutely important.


So.. Pitioss Dungeon. This was simultaneously one of the greatest dungeons in the series and also one of the worst. Jesus. I wasn't having any difficulty until you get to the part where you have to jump onto the statue's boob. It would have been excellent if the camera weren't so bad in tight spaces and if Noct was a bit more reliable with your input.
Few questions:

What was the covenant thing that Luna kept talking about? Why did I have to kill the summons? And if I killed them why do they help me out during battles?

Whats the difference between the Leviathan and the Hydraean for example?

Who is Izunia?

Did the crystal always look like that? It looked evil as hell. I thought it might have been corrupted. Did the crystal fall from space? Did the crystal bring the scourge?

Was Noctis being sucked into the crystal significant? If he's part of the royal bloodline, isn't that expected?

Is the royal bloodline now over?


Who is Izunia?

Did the crystal always look like that? It looked evil as hell. I thought it might have been corrupted. Did the crystal fall from space? Did the crystal bring the scourge?

Was Noctis being sucked into the crystal significant? If he's part of the royal bloodline, isn't that expected?

Is the royal bloodline now over?

1.) Izunia was the man (Noctis Ancestor) who became the new Lucis after Ardyn did not meet the requirements for his task

2.) Yeah the crystal was always like that and no the crystal did not bring the scourge, it was Ifrit who brought the scourge as far as I know. The Crystal was some kind of the Soul of the Planet itself.

3.) He was sucked into the crystal in order to gain strength from bahamut and the crystal in order to finish what the bloodline has started 2000 years ago.

4.) Yes, the royal bloodline is over now.

As far as I understood, the luci where just some kind of "solution" that was blessed by the Crystal (the planet) in order to banish the starscourge. Some kind of defense mechanism.

Some stuff about the Starscourge
In chapter 1 when Ardyn throws that coin at you at Galdin Quay I wonder if that's an early hint into his origins as part of Eos' ancient history. Maybe it's a coin similar in function to the oracle aescention coins but only from his time period? If so it would be a symbol of his faded glory. Just something I noticed upon replaying.


Few questions:

What was the covenant thing that Luna kept talking about? Why did I have to kill the summons? And if I killed them why do they help me out during battles?

Whats the difference between the Leviathan and the Hydraean for example?

Who is Izunia?

Did the crystal always look like that? It looked evil as hell. I thought it might have been corrupted. Did the crystal fall from space? Did the crystal bring the scourge?

Was Noctis being sucked into the crystal significant? If he's part of the royal bloodline, isn't that expected?

Is the royal bloodline now over?

The covenant is waking up the summons as Luna does this she begins to die for some reason. You have to fight to summons to show them you are worthy of their protection.

Leviathan and the Hydraean are the same thing. Hydraean is just a nickname for Leviathan same as Archaean is a nickname for Titan.

Izunia is implied to be one of Noctis relatives from the past that lived at the same time as Ardyn. Izunia is the one that takes over after Ardyn is deemed impure by the crystal.

Noctis getting sucked into the crystal was unexpected because nobody knew that Bahamut lived in the heart of the crystal. It is significant because during his time in the crystal he absorbed the crystal's light which is what allowed him to kill Ardyn. It also took all of the power from the crystal so Ardyn's plan of destroying the crystal came to be.

Yup, the Lucis line died with Noctis, exactly what Ardyn wanted.


Ah thanks, this explains so much. Is there a lore book that explains this stuff? Only bits and pieces of it were in the game.

Not really, all the information is spread inside the game in pieces. For instance in the last room before you go to the throne, there are images of the past (inspired by christian art)
you can inspect all of them and get some lines of information. Also the Cosmonogy books that are spread in the game have some information.
The covenant is waking up the summons as Luna does this she begins to die for some reason. You have to fight to summons to show them you are worthy of their protection.

Leviathan and the Hydraean are the same thing. Hydraean is just a nickname for Leviathan same as Archaean is a nickname for Titan.

Izunia is implied to be one of Noctis relatives from the past that lived at the same time as Ardyn. Izunia is the one that takes over after Ardyn is deemed impure by the crystal.

Noctis getting sucked into the crystal was unexpected because nobody knew that Bahamut lived in the heart of the crystal. It is significant because during his time in the crystal he absorbed the crystal's light which is what allowed him to kill Ardyn. It also took all of the power from the crystal so Ardyn's plan of destroying the crystal came to be.

Yup, the Lucis line died with Noctis, exactly what Ardyn wanted.

So Ardyn was basically the Oracle and the protector of the Crystal before he became too corrupted by daemons and then rejected by the Crystal? I guess the Astrals should have separated those duties in the first place.

After diving into Wikia and YT and these posts, the lore of this game is really awesome. Its a shame it wasn't properly told in the game.

Pretty bittersweet game. Seems like Noct and Luna are the real losers in all this. Basically destined to go through insurmountable odds just to die.

Not really, all the information is spread inside the game in pieces. For instance in the last room before you go to the throne, there are images of the past (inspired by christian art)
you can inspect all of them and get some lines of information. Also the Cosmonogy books that are spread in the game have some information.

Oh what. I ran around that room but I didnt get any prompts to interact with them :(
I always thought Luna sealed his arm or something. When he realizes what's going on he slaps her.

At the end of the game when they're floating in space. He raises his arm like he's about to do something but nothing happens, his arm glows and he sees Luna. Then Noctis and the kings destroy him.
The Oracle's role is to stop the Starscourge from spreading (which is why Luna's death brings about eternal night). Oracles have the power to repel demons and we know Ardyn absorbed numerous demons, which is why her powers were affecting him.


I LOVE the Pitoss discussion. The intriguing connection between the Rock of Ravantogh and Eos' wings/ Ifrit's horns is really something I hope will be explored.
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