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(Finke) Michael Bay's Crew Bitchslaps Megan Fox

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"he simply wants people to bring their ‘A’ game. He comes very prepared, knows exactly what he wants, involves the crew and expects everyone to follow through with his or her best, and that includes the actors."

okay, this is definitely fake. I mean, unless they're as retarded as the movies themselves
wonkyaddict said:
Didn't Simon Pegg also say she was a bitch on the set of that movie they were in together?


Simon Pegg says Megan Fox is the "most beautiful geek" he has ever met. The "How to Lose Friends and Alienate People" actor - who stars alongside Megan in the film - was surprised to find the "Transformers" star is as much of a nerd as he is.

Simon, 38, said: "We wrapped early one day and went to a bar. Megan and I sat in the corner, got really p***ed and had a good chat."

"She's really sharp and actually a bit of a geek. Queen of the geeks - the most beautiful geek I've ever met."

"Even if she did keep pointing out I was old enough to be her father."

According to Simon, the 22-year-old beauty is so stunning she has the ability to impair men's vision.

He added: "Megan is perplexingly beautiful. She walks into a room and your eyes go out of focus."

"How to Lose Friends and Alienate People" is released worldwide from October 3.


Rodent Whores
fortified_concept said:
Fox wins though because she's a gorgeous talentless bitch while Bay is just a hack.
Bay is gorgeous too. Such a stud.

Dude helped make The Rock. I just can't hate him.
Both Transformers movies are crap but the production values are ridiculously high and it's evident that a ton of exceptional work went into the technical side of them. That's probably what they meant by "A-game." Doesn't make the movies good, but it's not hard to appreciate the technical stuff.
brandonh83 said:
Both Transformers movies are crap but the production values are ridiculously high and it's evident that a ton of exceptional work went into the technical side of them. That's probably what they meant by "A-game." Doesn't make the movies good, but it's not hard to appreciate the technical stuff.

kudos to the CGI team then. Nut sure if it's got anything to do with Bay, though
OuterWorldVoice said:
That letter reads like a Perez Hilton coffee klatch.

So it was written by the screenwriters of TF2. I should have suspected it.

My god... the childish "jokes"... it's all starting to come back to me now... Oh the humanity...


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Michael Bay's made one great film: The Rock.

Megan Fox's made zero great films, and she's ugly and talentless.

Michael Bay wins.
Anasui Kishibe said:
kudos to the CGI team then. Nut sure if it's got anything to do with Bay, though

I'm not really just talking about CGI, there's tons of special effects and all kinds of crazy shit that's physically happening on set, making movies as big as TF2 is really hard, even if it's pure ass on film. They're still impressive in other aspects.
Anasui Kishibe said:
yeah I know what you mean. Bay's deffo got some knowledge about tech shit, i concede

too bad that's about it though. Both Transformers films could have been really amazing if the scripts didn't suck. I just hate it that so much effort went into... that.
This whole thing is hilarious. Megan makes Bay out to be the worst director on the planet, yet she continues to work with him. Bay and his team make her out to be the worst actress on the planet, yet they continue to work with her.
well movies made a ton of money because people wanted to see giant robots so there's really no reason to put some effort into something as passè as script, dialogues and such useless stuff :|

I still pray for a Transformers made by Spielberg, now that woulda been the shit

P.S WTF people, me and brandon are having a conversation here!
I just fail to see how any director could read the Transformers 2 script and say "okay" and turn that into a $200 million + production. It really just confuses me.

P.S WTF people, me and brandon are having a conversation here!

I don't guess the world revolves around us. =(


well not really...yet
brandonh83 said:
I just fail to see how any director could read the Transformers 2 script and say "okay" and turn that into a $200 million + production. It really just confuses me.
Probably because there wasnt even a real script when Bay started to make the movie

Though, Im sure he still would have made it had it been done before too :lol
Well deserved. You may not enjoy Bay's films, but the guy is doing something and a lot of the films aspects are worthy of some recognition.

A friend of mine showed me a clip from the MTV Movie Awards when Andy Samberg says her name and she has the most bitch look on her face. I will always remember that when i think of her.
Maybe, probably. It's just... fuck. I mean, the museum scene where college roommate and Turturro are handcuffed together with their pants down around their ankles and Bay shoots it like it's legitimately hilarious? I just don't know. That has nothing to do with anything. I mean that whole scene was retarded, but jesus christ. When there's cool shit going on, it's pretty awesome. As a hater, even I was blown away by some of the shots and special effects. But the bad stuff is just too abundant and too hard to ignore. It's bad.


reilo said:
Michael Bay wants everyone to bring their "A" game? Does that include himself? If it does, then :lol
you do realize that regardless of what people think about the story content of his movies, most of the shit that appears in his films are technical nightmares that he pulls of successfully and gets a lot of respect for it from the people that work with him.
Jennifer's Body looks like the most repulsive movie of the year and that's saying quite a bit considering that it's opening close to winners like The Final Destination and Sorority Row.

"No, I'm killing boys." Jesus. Fuck Diablo Cody.

It will be successful. When you think about it, it's incredibly brilliant from a marketing standpoint. It appeals to almost every male on the planet, and its lead is a "badass chick" who consistently "owns" men all throughout the film, which appeals to women. Girl power! Damn, that's smart.
like I said, Bay knows about tech stuff, and that's about it. His camera work is atrocious- really guys, have you EVER seen an action movie?- actors are mere devices, and the more advanced the CGI is in his movies the more it looks fake, thanks to seriously appalling angles. Let's not even talk about editing, cinematography and other small details..
Anasui Kishibe said:
like I said, Bay knows about tech stuff, and that's about it. His camera work is atrocious- really guys, have you EVER seen an action movie?- actors are mere devices, and the more advanced the CGI is in his movies the more it looks fake, thanks to seriously appalling angles. Let's not even talk about editing, cinematography and other small details..

I think he's absolute shit at shooting action. He's shown some decent action scenes in other movies, but he really doesn't get the flow of action sequences. I know you guys hate this movie, but just an example of a well done action sequence is the jungle chase in the new Indiana Jones. That's how action should be assembled. In Transformers there's no sense of flow or unity or sequencing, it's all just a big clusterfuck of amazing effects and loud noises with no purpose.

I think Bay's camerawork overall is pretty good, at least from a summer blockbuster level. Some of the shots in Transformers 2 were pretty jaw-dropping. He knows how to put amazing stuff on screen. I just wish he could do as well in other aspects.


fortified_concept said:
I accept your apology. Now go watch some more military porn where soldiers are shooting randomly at all directions for 30 straight minutes and there's nothing but explosions and people screaming at each other for another hour.



Anasui Kishibe said:
like I said, Bay knows about tech stuff, and that's about it. His camera work is atrocious- really guys, have you EVER seen an action movie?- actors are mere devices, and the more advanced the CGI is in his movies the more it looks fake, thanks to seriously appalling angles. Let's not even talk about editing, cinematography and other small details..
His camera work and visual style are some of the best in the industry (and those things arent even his, its his DP). Why do you think his movies sell so much. They have the visual appeal of big budget commercials, lot of style and little substance, which is why everyone gets hyped and then bash his stuff to hell when they finally watch it.
tokkun said:
I can't believe GAF has a Michael Bay defense force.

Is there anything we can all agree to hate?

Not so much a Michael Bay defense force. More like GAF collectively loves to hate on women that are way, WAY out of their league.


Neo Member
Well, after the rest of Hollywood figures out what a talentless, unappreciative, schizophrenic piece of trailer trash she really is, about all she'll have going for her is her hammer-toe thumbs... which would leave her with only one film job... a remake.


Good luck Ms. Fox!
quadriplegicjon said:
whats this about?

I'd like to know as well.

Edit : From the comments -
To those who are wondering about the Bruce Willis comment, a reporter asked him why his films cost so much to make, Bruce said that it was because were overpaid (this from somone making $15m a film.) After this came out, Bruce had parked his car on the Universal lot and when he came back found his car covered with spit. Or maybe Nikki is talking about another time.

Anyways, fuck it, I'm a Megan Fox fan as long as she gets me off.


As a reader, it's hard to feel a smackdown is being delivered when you're constantly being distracted by shoddy grammar. I'm not sure if pointing this out makes me a prude, but that letter really could have used a competent editor.

In other news, Megan Fox is a talentless trollop.


Look GAF, you may not like Michael Bay films but I dare say he is professional and does look after his teams. And for that he is being compared to Hitler.

What a bitch.


there is joy in sucking dick
quadriplegicjon said:
and this? i'm not current with hollywood gossip.


Happened a couple of months ago. She passed over a fan that was trying to give her a rose. She tried to play it off like she was flustered due to all the paparazzi but she seems to be racking up incidents that show her in a different light.
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