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(Finke) Michael Bay's Crew Bitchslaps Megan Fox

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Likes to have "friends" around to "play cards" with
brandonh83 said:
Jennifer's Body looks like the most repulsive movie of the year and that's saying quite a bit considering that it's opening close to winners like The Final Destination and Sorority Row.
Don't you even dare compare Sorority Row to shit like The Final Destination or Jennifer's Body. It's win and love.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
I think Micheal Bay makes awesome movies.


formerly sane
Doesn't really change a thing. If you think Megan Fox fanss care about her behavior or mind than my name title should apply to you well before it does to me. Glad to see this, not enough in hollywood expose the influence for what it is to say the phrase hollywood is faker than implants is quite accurate.
And then there's the classless night she blew off The Royal Prince of Jordan who made a special dinner for all the actors. She doesn’t know that one of the grips' daughters wanted to visit their daddy’s work to meet Megan, but he wouldn’t let them come because he told them “she is not nice."

The press certainly doesn’t know her most famous line. On our first day in Egypt, the Egyptian government wouldn’t let us shoot because of a permit problem as the actors got ready in make up at the Four Seasons Hotel. Michael tried to make the best of it; he wanted to take the cast and crew on a private tour of the famous Giza pyramids. God hold us witness, Megan said, "I can’t believe Michael is fucking forcing us to go to the fucking pyramids!" I guess this is the “Hitler guy” she is referring to.

Not sure if the Michael Bay Defense Force is exaggerating the story, but if its true as it is written, thats just sad
and a pretentious bitch she is

Cruceh said:
I don't get this GAF meme

Does this question have to be asked everytime a plane pic gets posted? this meme has oversaturated GAF since its inception =/


laserbeam said:
Nah because even if Megan's career drys up she can still go Nude so we will always win on Megan's side

What's to stop Michael Bay from going nude if his career goes under, huh?!
she is a fucking bitch. I thought we knew that already since years.
That line about "visiting the fucking pyramids"...man, I can imagine her bitchy face saying that. what an ignorant little brat

jax (old)

she was terrible in T2. After watching How to win friends and influence people, she's extremely unappealing and wooden in that. Just a matter of time before she heather grahams it out of hollywood.

well, fuck her!



Won't change anything. Jessica Alba is a bitch IRL but people will still defend her, because we don't deal with these people in real life and we like seeing their tits. Same for Fox.

That said, fucking cunt.
For what it's worth, Bay made a small post on his blog about it : http://www.michaelbay.com/newsblog/files/05784bc07a65715ec26b433b001fade7-564.html

The Crew Letter
09/12/2009 11:32 PM

I don’t condone the crew letter to Megan. And I don’t condone Megan’s outlandish quotes. But her crazy quips are part of her crazy charm. The fact of the matter I still love working with her, and I know we still get along. I even expect more crazy quotes from her on Transformers 3.


I really don't know what to think of this letter, at first I was thinking it might just be fake but seeing as how Bay has sort of confirmed it with this post...I guess it's true?

You would think that if he wanted to defend her in any way, he would have said something like "She's nice on set" or some shit....ouch. For the most part, I've always thought that some of her little stunts were being overblown....I mean, say what you want, but the girl really only says dumb shit in interviews and nothing else. She's obviously not spiraling out of control like Lohan. But there is definitely a narrative being built around her and she really needs to reel it in a bit or she is going to have a shorter career lifespan than even gaf has predicted.


Haters gotta hate :lol

Personally I don't really care how she looks, and have never seen a movie with her in it that I've enjoyed. That said, she's not a bad actress, nor is she a real standout of an actress beyond her exceptional charisma and physical beauty, from what I've seen of her body of work so far.

Better she's bitchy on set of Transformers than a legitimately good film in the making, and we haven't heard bad things about her outside of the her daring to call Transformers what it is.

And for all her spot on quotes about how awful Transformers is on a theatrical level, I applaud her for having the balls to make them. I also find it weird that people call her an ungrateful this and that for calling a spade a spade and being intelligent and shrewd enough to take the job anyway. She only owes them that they gave her the oportunity because they thought she was the best pick for the film, and they were right. Mutual exploitation and all that. Only an idiot would turn down that job in her position. She's going to have plenty of time and years to work on her acting career, and she's going to probably spend it (if some quotes are any indication) doing thing with a lot more value than Transformers once it's all said and done.

Who cares? She's just an actress.

brandonh83 said:
Jennifer's Body looks like the most repulsive movie of the year and that's saying quite a bit considering that it's opening close to winners like The Final Destination and Sorority Row.

"No, I'm killing boys." Jesus. Fuck Diablo Cody.

It will be successful. When you think about it, it's incredibly brilliant from a marketing standpoint. It appeals to almost every male on the planet, and its lead is a "badass chick" who consistently "owns" men all throughout the film, which appeals to women. Girl power! Damn, that's smart.

How is that quote, within the context of the film, legitimately repulsive. It's a nice bit of awareness in the writing, poking fun at how the type of girls Jennifer depicts can sometimes think about men at that age. It's a laugh line.


Liara T'Soni said:
You would think that if he wanted to defend her in any way, he would have said something like "She's nice on set" or some shit....ouch.

This is called wanting her to come back for Transformers 3, as it is SO much money in the bank.


The press certainly doesn’t know her most famous line. On our first day in Egypt, the Egyptian government wouldn’t let us shoot because of a permit problem as the actors got ready in make up at the Four Seasons Hotel. Michael tried to make the best of it; he wanted to take the cast and crew on a private tour of the famous Giza pyramids. God hold us witness, Megan said, "I can’t believe Michael is fucking forcing us to go to the fucking pyramids!" I guess this is the “Hitler guy” she is referring to.
Note how these guys say Bay wanted to "take" the cast and crew on a tour? Bay obviously wanted to have fun in a group, so he ordered people to have fun, rather than simply inviting them.

Not that I care either way. The retard fight has just been joined by a third retard, and this third retard is made of three retards.

We know this quite intimately because we’ve had the tedious experience of working with the dumb-as-a-rock Megan Fox on both Transformers movies. We've spent a total of 12 months on set making these two movies.


TheCardPlayer said:
Don't you even dare compare Sorority Row to shit like The Final Destination or Jennifer's Body. It's win and love.

Sorority Row was kinda entertaining and scary. I wish I can say the same about the other two.

MC Safety

I can stomach obnoxious celebrities just fine. Obnoxious, political, and preachy is another story.

It's like when the high school dropout lounge singer wants me to vote for candidate X. Or the former Playboy bunny telling me that we shouldn't vaccinate our kids.


idahoblue said:
I hate Bays movies, but he took the piss out of himself for an ad for a bank in Australia. That makes him okay. Fox is just a good looking shitty actor.

Edit: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pTG0_jEvOnA
Exactly, I like that ad actually. Michael Bay knows what he is and what sort of movies he makes. From most accounts though he seems like a nice guy so good on him for making a shitload of money off a shit movie.

Nice Guy > Bitch


Blasphemer who refuses to accept bagged milk as his personal savior
A bitch is a bitch. And M.O.B ( Financial Acquisition Over Female Desperation for Attention) for life.


OnPoint said:
This is called wanting her to come back for Transformers 3, as it is SO much money in the bank.
I think it's called "being one of the most powerful men in Hollywood and not really giving a shit about what some fad starlet has to say."
Jesus fucking christ... you people are real pricks.

You're actually coming to the defense of Michael Bay? The man is a notorious tyrannical prick. One of the biggest douchebags on the planet... I wouldn't be surprised if he ordered these people to write that bitchy school-kid level retort.

This whole fucking thing is pathetic.
idahoblue said:
I hate Bays movies, but he took the piss out of himself for an ad for a bank in Australia. That makes him okay. Fox is just a good looking shitty actor.

Edit: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pTG0_jEvOnA

Pretty much. He's great at the technical aspect of directing and appears to be a nice guy. As long as he continually compromises on the quality of scripts, though, he'll be making heavily flawed films. But he doesn't seem to mind that, and financially-speaking, it's no raw deal.


SolidSnakex said:
This whole thing is hilarious. Megan makes Bay out to be the worst director on the planet, yet she continues to work with him. Bay and his team make her out to be the worst actress on the planet, yet they continue to work with her.


Studio Involvement.

Bay or Fox have nothing to do with getting each other off of the set. Same way TV shows have people who dislike each other, same way you dislike co workers or other students... Not too much you can do about it.


On an aside, people may not like his movies, but I'm sure he gives 100% to try to make them good.


Zen said:
And for all her spot on quotes about how awful Transformers is on a theatrical level, I applaud her for having the balls to make them. I also find it weird that people call her an ungrateful this and that for calling a spade a spade and being intelligent and shrewd enough to take the job anyway. She only owes them that they gave her the oportunity because they thought she was the best pick for the film, and they were right. Mutual exploitation and all that. Only an idiot would turn down that job in her position. She's going to have plenty of time and years to work on her acting career, and she's going to probably spend it (if some quotes are any indication) doing thing with a lot more value than Transformers once it's all said and done.
I'm not sure shrewdness is the quality on display when one takes a well-paying job offered purely on the basis of one's physical assets.

Who cares? She's just an actress.
More like a prop. Let's be honest here.
Meadows said:

How many times are we fucking going to see this picture. It was funny the first time. THAT'S IT!

GAF - Where a funny joke will become increasingly annoying with every member hoping for a hundred :lols

DMeisterJ said:
On an aside, people may not like his movies, but I'm sure he gives 100% to try to make them good.

I absolutely believe this. Transformers 2 was incredibly Bay. It's what made Armageddon hilariously bad. Except there was no hilarity in TF2


Dead said:
Jennifers Body has been getting panned so far

(movie) critics lost any relevance for me some 2 years when the average score of 300 was 59% on RT, critics are out of touch with modern times, especialy when it comes to action or sci-fi movies

then again I am "blessed" with not being able to actualy see the difrence betwen bad or good acting, so...


fortified_concept said:
So who says these crew members weren't planted by Bay?
Nobody in Hollywood plays a PR game like this, which is why if Megan Fox keeps it up she's going to run out of good work pretty soon. Plus, think about it: Bay is known for his explosions and stupid special effects, so of all the people to love the guy, his crew (the guys who get to set up and do all that stuff) are the first to come to mind. Also, crew would probably love to snipe anonymously at an actor/actress who's been a prick to them on set when they can get away with it.

I mean, I hate the guy's movies and think they are stupid as hell, but he's pretty much got all the high ground here.


Enosh said:
(movie) critics lost any relevance for me some 2 years when the average score of 300 was 59% on RT, critics are out of touch with modern times, especialy when it comes to action or sci-fi movies

then again I am "blessed" with not being able to actualy see the difrence betwen bad or good acting, so...
There's an easy way to tell if that sense is completely broken. Watch Daniel Day-Lewis in There Will Be Blood and Adam Sandler in Little Nicky and try to determine which performance is finer.

The correct answer is the man who wears a mustache in his role.
Danthrax said:
great read. hopefully all you Foxites will get the picture and stop worshipping her.

Because this, really, this is the moment everyone realized she wasn't the friendly girl next door type.

Not when

- she claimed to be addicted to sex
- she said "fuck disney" and showed off her tatoos in the GQ spread
- she wanted Megatron to nuke middle America
- she turned down flowers from that little kid on the red carpet

'Foxites' dig her because she's good-looking and a little dirty, I'm really not surprised she's a bitch.


Monocle said:
There's an easy way to tell if that sense is completely broken. Watch Daniel Day-Lewis in There Will Be Blood and Adam Sandler in Little Nicky and try to determine which performance is finer.

The correct answer is the man who wears a mustache in his role.

I watched both movies and while Little nicky had a quite crappy story, I can't tell that his acting was bad or good, even when I knew that everyone was saying how crappy his acting was, so yeah, that sense is for me compleatly fucked

I kinda think it's a good thing, it alows me to enjoy movie a bit more since I am not constantly bohered by bad acting like other people are. I still see the problems with the story, bad CGI etc, but acting? I have no idea how to tell if it is bad or good


Unconfirmed Member
Jennifer's Body could be the best thing to ever happen to Hollywood. It could show the world how shit Megan Fox and Diablo Cody both are in one nice neat little package.

... or make them ever stronger D:


Napoleonthechimp said:
Jesus fucking christ... you people are real pricks.

You're actually coming to the defense of Michael Bay? The man is a notorious tyrannical prick. One of the biggest douchebags on the planet... I wouldn't be surprised if he ordered these people to write that bitchy school-kid level retort.

This whole fucking thing is pathetic.

sup rose boy
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