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(Finke) Michael Bay's Crew Bitchslaps Megan Fox

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I don't know if anyone read one of the more recent interviews with Megan Fox lately but she is quite honest about her demeanour and how she is generally uncomfortable with her roles in the public domain. I don't think she intentionally tries to come off as a bitch or a mean person. To be honest she can't act and she says she doesn't enjoy the public role, so why is she in this industry? She sounds like someone who just doesn't know their place in the world.


Jax said:
she was terrible in T2. After watching How to win friends and influence people, she's extremely unappealing and wooden in that. Just a matter of time before she heather grahams it out of hollywood.

well, fuck her!

What is this in reference too?

John Dunbar

correct about everything
Meus Renaissance said:
I don't know if anyone read one of the more recent interviews with Megan Fox lately but she is quite honest about her demeanour and how she is generally uncomfortable with her roles in the public domain. I don't think she intentionally tries to come off as a bitch or a mean person. To be honest she can't act and she says she doesn't enjoy the public role, so why is she in this industry? She sounds like someone who just doesn't know their place in the world.

money is probably a pretty good incentive.
Slayven said:
What is this in reference too?

I'm guessing it's about how Heather Graham was popular after Austin Powers and then quickly faded. The problem with that comparison is that she was never even remotely as popular as Megan is right now.


She is truly a here today gone tommorow actress ala Lindsay Lohan.

She's one of those 'beauties' that around her mid 30's - 40's simply is NOT going to look attractive. She looks a lot older then she is already.


Cruceh said:
I don't get this GAF meme

The airplane meme is used when there is something going on somewhere else around the world and you want to go there. For example:

"It is now legal in the Netherlands for all woman to go topless."

You would follow this up by posting the airplane pic. Unfortunately, it has only been used correctly very few times. Too many idiots have ruined it, like the poster that did it in this thread, by using it incorrectly.
Raydeen said:
She is truly a here today gone tommorow actress ala Lindsay Lohan.

She's one of those 'beauties' that around her mid 30's - 40's simply is NOT going to look attractive. She looks a lot older then she is already.

She looks and dresses (and truthfully, talks and acts) like a typical 22 year old college girl, she'd be considered normal if she went to FSU/ASU/USC.

John Dunbar

correct about everything
Raydeen said:
She is truly a here today gone tommorow actress ala Lindsay Lohan.

She's one of those 'beauties' that around her mid 30's - 40's simply is NOT going to look attractive. She looks a lot older then she is already.

I've never seen Megan Fox in a movie and don't really care to, but it's too soon to say how she'll end up. Lohan fucked up, sure, but that doesn't mean they all will. There's tons of actors and actresses who are only considered as pretty boys or hot chicks at first who go on to have respectable careers.

And it's possible to be a successful actor even if you lose your looks (in a non-cocaine way). Hell, some people probably think it gives them character.
I am with Megan on the rose thing. She said that she felt bad about it afterwords, and I believe she reached out to the family (I don't think a meeting ever actually took place though).

I mean, she was definitely being ushered away pretty fast, and there were definitely a ton of people around her flashing lights, poking in and out, calling her name, and trying to divert her attention to them. I can't blame the woman for not giving a stop and chat.
John Dunbar said:
I've never seen Megan Fox in a movie and don't really care to, but it's too soon to say how she'll end up. Lohan fucked up, sure, but that doesn't mean they all will. There's tons of actors and actresses who are only considered as pretty boys or hot chicks at first who go on to have respectable careers.

And it's possible to be a successful actor even if you lose your looks (in a non-cocaine way). Hell, some people probably think it gives them character.

The Lohan comparisons are dumb to me, she isn't known for being a party animal, has openly talked about disliking cocaine, doesn't seem like she wants that club lifestyle. I mean, if you want to compare her to Alba or Jennifer Love Hewitt (Before she got that TV show) than I can see it, but the Hilton/Lohans are on some completely different shit imo.

If her being a superbitch is true, I can see her being the kind of superbitch that doesn't like going out and mingling with the "uglies"....:lol

Lohan fucked up her life by being a dumb coked out maniac, and her family seems to have had a big part in this.


John Dunbar said:
I've never seen Megan Fox in a movie and don't really care to, but it's too soon to say how she'll end up. Lohan fucked up, sure, but that doesn't mean they all will. There's tons of actors and actresses who are only considered as pretty boys or hot chicks at first who go on to have respectable careers.

And it's possible to be a successful actor even if you lose your looks (in a non-cocaine way). Hell, some people probably think it gives them character.

Having seen her in a couple of movies, I don't think she's that great an actress - but even worse, the death knell of any actor or actress trying to make it big, she just doesn't seem to have any warmth or likeability to her either. Ranting against bay isn't going to help, he's the type of guy with the clout to get someone blacklisted pretty quick.


LCfiner said:
eh, we may not like the final product of his work, but I don’t doubt that he works his ass off on set.
Bay has probably worked directly with us over at ILM the most of any other director in terms of direct communication for direction and review of shots, either through video conferencing or actually being here. He's probably been on-site the most of any other director in recent memory. He definitely works his ass off on his projects and geniuinely appreciates the hard work done by the crew for his films.


If I e-defend Megan, maybe I can actually touch her in my fantasies. She's such a bitch than when I try to jerk off late at night, she still won't take her clothes off. She just stares at me with a disgusted look to my penis and says, "good God, are you fucking done? I need go. And NO, I will not take my top off. Just cum and get to sleep already".



If this part is true:

The press certainly doesn’t know her most famous line. On our first day in Egypt, the Egyptian government wouldn’t let us shoot because of a permit problem as the actors got ready in make up at the Four Seasons Hotel. Michael tried to make the best of it; he wanted to take the cast and crew on a private tour of the famous Giza pyramids. God hold us witness, Megan said, "I can’t believe Michael is fucking forcing us to go to the fucking pyramids!" I guess this is the “Hitler guy” she is referring to.


Even if everything in that letter is true I'll still end up disliking those who wrote it more than Megan. They go on about how unprofessional she is and do something like this. Every single time they go out of their way to make a pathetic jab like "hurrrr it must be because of a shit childhood" it makes me want to punch myself in the face.

If they just stated the facts without all the lame bullshit then fair enough, but that was an absolute turd to read. I could go outside, pick up a dog shit, rub it into a piece of paper and envelope it to Megan as a letter with more effect.
K2Valor said:
I'm sorry that such an evil man made a movie that you don't like. It's a shame, he is obviously a failure in life since you don't enjoy his movies. And the people that do enjoy those movies are "worthless pieces of shit," I'm guessing?

If anyone is familiar with "worthless pieces of shit," it's fortified_concept.


Outlaw said:
The airplane meme is used when there is something going on somewhere else around the world and you want to go there. For example:

"It is now legal in the Netherlands for all woman to go topless."

You would follow this up by posting the airplane pic. Unfortunately, it has only been used correctly very few times. Too many idiots have ruined it, like the poster that did it in this thread, by using it incorrectly.

The airplane meme references part of what you are saying but it implies flying off to a different place to commit an act that is the grey area of morality and legality of wanting in person contact with someone who is legal in one state, not so much in another is what I assumed that meme was about as where the originating thread brought to people's attention. Kind of like a pseudo pedobear without pedobear.
X26 said:
sup rose boy

Is your life really that empty that you have to devote so much time to hating her? Who gives a shit if she acts like that. It makes no sense to me that people feel they have a personal stake in this little spat.
universalmind said:
Even if everything in that letter is true I'll still end up disliking those who wrote it more than Megan. They go on about how unprofessional she is and do something like this. Every single time they go out of their way to make a pathetic jab like "hurrrr it must be because of a shit childhood" it makes me want to punch myself in the face.

If they just stated the facts without all the lame bullshit then fair enough, but that was an absolute turd to read. I could go outside, pick up a dog shit, rub it into a piece of paper and envelope it to Megan as a letter with more effect.

well that's the kind of classy stuff you've got to expect from Bay and his minions. I mean, aren't his movies enough proof?


fortified_concept said:
My contribution to society compared to Bay is that I don't waste people's time or contribute to the stupidification of the human species. Not doing something awful like TF2 is an act by itself. I contribute by not contributing shit.
Dude you're posting on neogaf.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
These crew members sound like knuckleheads. If anything, they are just as petty as the actress.


Incredibly Naive
Dead said:
Jennifers Body has been getting panned so far

That won't matter at all. For whatever reason Megan Fox is a big pop icon. It definitely will hurt her rep I think, but I'm pretty sure the movie will be at least a minor success.


msdstc said:
That won't matter at all. For whatever reason Megan Fox is a big pop icon. It definitely will hurt her rep I think, but I'm pretty sure the movie will be at least a minor success.

It's not going to hurt her rep at all. People don't give a shit about how good or bad her movies are. They care about the Esquire photo spreads, not about her fucking acting.
Nobody gives a fuck about Megan Fox's personality. Most people (men and women) wrote her off as a bitch before she even said a word in Transformers.

She's there to look good and is a zeitgeist for women in the late 2000's where "porn chic" is in. Once people move on, she'll most likely try to adapt to a new trend and fail, "accidentally" leaking a sex tape, or doing a Playboy spread. She might be around five years from now playing bit parts or Lifetime movie specials. In 10 years? I doubt it.


Incredibly Naive
Dresden said:
It's not going to hurt her rep at all. People don't give a shit about how good or bad her movies are. They care about the Esquire photo spreads, not about her fucking acting.

This is true. She's a fad for the time being, I think it'll eventually pass.


brandonh83 said:
Jennifer's Body looks like the most repulsive movie of the year and that's saying quite a bit considering that it's opening close to winners like The Final Destination and Sorority Row.

"No, I'm killing boys." Jesus. Fuck Diablo Cody.

It will be successful. When you think about it, it's incredibly brilliant from a marketing standpoint. It appeals to almost every male on the planet, and its lead is a "badass chick" who consistently "owns" men all throughout the film, which appeals to women. Girl power! Damn, that's smart.

Jennifer's Body features Diablo Cody screenwriting and Megan Fox starring. It's essentially guaranteed to be the worst movie ever made.
Zeliard said:
Jennifer's Body features Diablo Cody screenwriting and Megan Fox starring. It's essentially guaranteed to be the worst movie ever made.

Pretty much what I was going to say.

Was I the only person not won over by Juno, and in fact rather disliked it entirely.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Jax said:
she was terrible in T2. After watching How to win friends and influence people, she's extremely unappealing and wooden in that. Just a matter of time before she heather grahams it out of hollywood.

well, fuck her!


T2 is reserved for referencing Terminator 2 ONLY!!!!!!!



Face it, Terminator 2 is not T2, it's Transformers 2 because it did so well in the box office... and that's what counts, right...amirite?


thebaroness said:
Pretty much what I was going to say.

Was I the only person not won over by Juno, and in fact rather disliked it entirely.

I liked the acting, but I think it's one of the worst-written movies in years as far as the dialogue goes. It's a testament to Ellen Page's acting that every single word and sentence she spoke didn't sound 100% scripted. The writing was incredibly unnatural and forced - an adult following a guidebook on how to write trendy and hip teenager dialogue and then putting to page whatever shit she conjures up (honest to blog?).
Zeliard said:
I liked the acting, but I think it's one of the worst-written movies in years as far as the dialogue goes. It's a testament to Ellen Page's acting that every single word and sentence she spoke didn't sound 100% scripted. The writing was incredibly unnatural and forced - an adult following a guidebook on how to write trendy and hip teenager dialogue and then putting to page whatever shit she conjures up (honest to blog?).

Before seeing Juno, I never described a movie as having "off-the-rack" qualities. After seeing it, that was all I had to say about it. It made me not like Ellen Page for a long, long while.
Zeliard said:
I liked the acting, but I think it's one of the worst-written movies in years as far as the dialogue goes. It's a testament to Ellen Page's acting that every single word and sentence she spoke didn't sound 100% scripted. The writing was incredibly unnatural and forced - an adult following a guidebook on how to write trendy and hip teenager dialogue and then putting to page whatever shit she conjures up (honest to blog?).

Oh I like both Ellen Page and Micheal Cera (though I feel he's being spread a bit thin nowadays due to his popularity) but like you said, the writing was the worst part of the film. Only the competent actors managed to hold it together somewhat. I really don't like Diablo Cody.


Incredibly Naive
thebaroness said:
Pretty much what I was going to say.

Was I the only person not won over by Juno, and in fact rather disliked it entirely.

Ahh please don't start this debate. Juno has to be one of Gafs most hated movies... this and crash.


Dabookerman said:
How many times are we fucking going to see this picture. It was funny the first time. THAT'S IT!

GAF - Where a funny joke will become increasingly annoying with every member hoping for a hundred :lols

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