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First image from Martin Scorsese's 'Silence'

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Also, thanks for bring up Shinoda. Such a good filmmaker. Have you seen his film Pale Flower? Underrated crime masterpiece of the Japanese New Wave.
That's been his most well-known film, though not once the Scorsese-directed version releases. Himiko, Ballad of Orin, and Double Suicide are three of his more notable productions exploring Japanese history from alternate perspectives. As far as him being New Wave, Shinoda was never as radical a director as Oshima or Yoshihige Yoshida, but definitely not as well-known as these people deserve to be. Japan effectively had a New Hollywood moment almost a decade before the U.S. did, and you just don't hear enough about how crafty, individualistic film-makers used the studio apprentice system to get reputation, funding and crew for movies few thought could be made in the country back then.

I hope this adaptation of Silence differs from Shinoda's, whether better or worse.
Good news.





Yep, that's Neeson.
I kinda want this to happen, but the dude has a serious nose for great roles so maybe its for the best that he doesn't go full Malick.

I do want to see him in an action film one day. Old people killing criminals is very en vogue these days.
DDL is gearing up for PTA's newest film. God is real

Edit: holy shit.. Didn't realize how old this thread was...

Well at least there will be something good to watch in Fuck You It's January!


Great, it's about time something was said about this movie, I've been waiting for it for nearly three years at this point and all we've gotten is two measly pictures.
This films production has been so weird, you'd think since Scorsese has been trying to make this film for thirty years he would jump right into it, but no he took his sweet time with it for some reason.
Man I wonder if there will be any outcry at the fact that you got Liam Neeson, Andrew Garfield and Adam Driver playing Portuguese characters. They're all fine actors and I'm excited to see them in this but man Scorsese didn't even bother going for a Latino at least lol

Well at least Leo ain't in it I guess. That guy is awful at accents
Man I wonder if there will be any outcry at the fact that you got Liam Neeson, Andrew Garfield and Adam Driver playing Portuguese characters. They're all fine actors and I'm excited to see them in this but man Scorsese didn't even bother going for a Latino at least lol

Well at least Leo ain't in it I guess. That guy is awful at accents
Huh? Portuguese are white and pre roman they were very closely linked to the Celts.


Huh? Portuguese are white and pre roman they were very closely linked to the Celts.

Not only that, but Masahiro Shinoda had cast non-Portuguese actors for his adaptation in 1971. I would assume that it was more important for him to have had English-speaking actors that could also speak Japanese fluently than anything else, which I assume is probably going to be the opposite for Scorsese's take on the material.


this seems like such a perfect combination of novel and director. the book is really outstanding. i'm going to be devastated if it's not great.

then again the last time i felt this way was with inherent vice :/


Would love to see the 195 minutes cut. I only go to cinema mostly for Scorsese movies nowadays, with few exceptions like Mad Max and Django. To me Scorsese is the greatest director that has ever lived.
Would love to see the 195 minutes cut. I only go to cinema mostly for Scorsese movies nowadays, with few exceptions like Mad Max and Django. To me Scorsese is the greatest director that has ever lived.

Yeah, I don't go to the theater much anymore, but Scorsese will definitely get me there. I'm hoping our art house theater gets this in December.


hide your water-based mammals
It's always had having radio silence while waiting for these movies tocome out but we're almost there with this one.
What Scorsese films don't run for 2.5 hours these days?

I can only think of Hugo since 2000. Maybe Shutter Island.

But Gangs, the Aviator, Wolf... all around the same ballpark.
It also seems there's another screening coming up on 11/30 for the New York Film Critics Circle. Looks like that's the next time we'll hear any impressions on Silence, as I doubt Jesuit priests feel the need to tweet vaguely-worded impressions.
This is one of my most anticipated movies in years.

I'm fascinated by the history of Christianity in Japan and hearing that this is a passion project like The Last Temptation of Christ for Scorsese makes me feel confident that this is going to be special.


The premise sounds intriguing. Wasn't the Tokugawa Shogunate's persecution of Christians incredibly harsh? I wonder if the movie would be a tad too disturbing.


Crashing this plane... with no survivors!
The premise sounds intriguing. Wasn't the Tokugawa Shogunate's persecution of Christians incredibly harsh? I wonder if the movie would be a tad too disturbing.

In the book, they talk about the Japanese hanging people upside-down and cutting them behind the ear causing them to bleed out slowly, so yeah.


The premise sounds intriguing. Wasn't the Tokugawa Shogunate's persecution of Christians incredibly harsh? I wonder if the movie would be a tad too disturbing.

yes it was, after tokugawa took power he closed the country to all western influence. In those times the western country who had the most contact with japan was Portugal who was superpower at time and was also engulfed in religious prosecution(against the jews and all that didn't act like Catholics) and with the most committed missionares. Those missionares went to japan and I believe things weren't nice when these two realities clashed.
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