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Free copy of Xenoblade Chronicles to one fellow neoGAFer [Up: Where is the prize?!]

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Looking forward to developments of this. I shall PM the OP. :)



edit: should of looked above >_>
Long time player of RPG's (started with Final Fantasy 6 and Super Mario RPG) and have been eyeing this game for a long time. I kept seeing it in stores and thought "I'll grab it when it drops in price"... Oh what a mistake that was.

If I got the chance to own it, it would not only get played to completion by myself. But the experience would be shared with as many people as possible.

Regardless of wether I get the game or not, I hope you have a Merry Christmas. It's pretty cool you are giving out a free game!


Long time player of RPG's (started with Final Fantasy 6 and Super Mario RPG) and have been eyeing this game for a long time. I kept seeing it in stores and thought "I'll grab it when it drops in price"... Oh what a mistake that was.

If I got the chance to own it, it would not only get played to completion by myself. But the experience would be shared with as many people as possible.

Regardless of wether I get the game or not, I hope you have a Merry Christmas. It's pretty cool you are giving out a free game!



I want the copy because I've always wanted to play Xenoblade, being it a highly regarded game on the Wii. The main factor I couldn't ever get it, was because it simply was never available in my country (Guatemala). Nintendo didn't bother bringing it here, so I basically lost my chance. I couldn't afford getting it from GameStop and shipping it here, since I didn't have the +$100 to buy it, and because the game doesn't interest anyone else but me in my household, I didn't get any help :(

flippedb am cry.

This thread is hilarious.


I want the copy because I've always wanted to play Xenoblade, being it a highly regarded game on the Wii. The main factor I couldn't ever get it, was because it simply was never available in my country (Guatemala). Nintendo didn't bother bringing it here, so I basically lost my chance. I couldn't afford getting it from GameStop and shipping it here, since I didn't have the +$100 to buy it, and because the game doesn't interest anyone else but me in my household, I didn't get any help :(

The USA version isn't the only one you know.

UK copy is around £20 or so on ebay. Install the homebrew channel on your Wii and import it. This advice goes for anyone who doesn't want to spend a shitload on a USA version.
Oh man of all the mods to bring down justice Duckroll came in lol

F5ing to death here

I am sorry for having some amusement in such a sad state of events my apologies

Dash Kappei

Not actually that important
Hey Dash, do you want the PAL version of the game?

I've spent too much money for Xmas presents this year, sorry. If you were "offering" it to me than I applaud you sir for being so kind but I could never accept, wouldn't be fair at all and getting the game isn't the reason I've decided to post about the matter.

Thanks again tho, even if you were offering it for purchase (more if it was for free tho, lol)


I've spent too much money for Xmas presents this year, sorry. If you were "offering" it to me than I applaud you sir for being so kind but I could never accept, wouldn't be fair at all and getting the game isn't the reason I've decided to post about the matter.

Thanks again tho, even if you were offering it for purchase (more if it was for free tho, lol)

take it!
Poor Dash, that sucks man. Do you still have the PMs you guys exchanged? maybe forward them to a mod for further proof, although it's probably not needed at this point.


I have a feeling OP does this to everyone. He will be banned, and we will never get closure. GAF should make a sub thread were banned people can post why they got banned to give us all closure.


I have a feeling OP does this to everyone. He will be banned, and we will never get closer. GAF should make a sub thread were banned people can post why they got banned to give us all closer.

In this case, I think we all know why he will be banned.

Dash Kappei

Not actually that important
No, I was offering to give it to you, and it was given to me for free so there's no loss on my part.

Well then, as I've said already, then you're awesome-er! But really, I can't accept especially after all this mess I don't think it'd be right for me, I'm not begging for games, there was a contest of sorts and I tried my luck. You giving me the game for nothing would be an amazing gesture on your part but not fair.
What an odd and shitty thing to do. Having taken part in a couple of the IOS gaming competitions, I know that few people deserve a giveaway more than Dash does

I just don't understand why someone would post fake giveaways. It's just baffling to me.


I remember seeing this thread and looking at the date of the OP I guess I was right. Was wondering why it got bumped. Well now...this is interesting.


I'm wondering what's going to happen with that Majora's Mask CD. :p We should get the winner to keep everyone posted.


Okay Dash, the offer's always open.

Like I said, I was the beneficiary of someone's "Free to a good home" post, so you're not imposing.

Dash Kappei

Not actually that important
Poor Dash, that sucks man. Do you still have the PMs you guys exchanged? maybe forward them to a mod for further proof, although it's probably not needed at this point.

I do have the PMs, but let's see if a mod is interested and asks for them first, it's not like they don't know my GAF handle


True, I still want to know why he did it at least. He's going to pull a firefly and leave me hanging now.

Attention. He wanted the accolades from everyone about "What a good guy you are!"
Some people crave that attention and adoration.


Attention. He wanted the accolades from everyone about "What a good guy you are!"
Some people crave that attention and adoration.

I gave someone on GAF a free Nyko battery pack for the 3DS and no one gave me any attention or adoration

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