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G.A.M.E. 4.0 - Chiptunes/Retro SEXPLOSION!!!

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as in all things reducing is always easier than adding so get your track louder if you can w/p peaking and i'll try and get everything leveled the same
btkadams said:
soundtrack pro? is that free? id like to make my tracks louder

EDIT: definitely not :(

Have you been using GB's EQ? That's the best way to get things louder in that program. Raising the master tends to lead to crummy bounces....unless you follow Monchi's advice and reduce everything first, but even then you run up against limitations. There's only so much you can do in a given soundscape without limiters & compressors.

But actual loudness and perceived loudness are not the same thing - worry about how your sounds come across relative to one another and leave the global levels to whoever does the mastering.


LiveFromKyoto said:
Have you been using GB's EQ? That's the best way to get things louder in that program. Raising the master tends to lead to crummy bounces....unless you follow Monchi's advice and reduce everything first, but even then you run up against limitations. There's only so much you can do in a given soundscape without limiters & compressors.

But actual loudness and perceived loudness are not the same thing - worry about how your sounds come across relative to one another and leave the global levels to whoever does the mastering.
no lol they are actually all the same level compared to each other but my songs are always a few levels of loudness below normal songs. :(


monchi-kun said:
ok, potential track # 2...messing around with a drum groove i created


btk, left comment on your soundcloud

Highs/Lows is fun :) but chippify your vocals if you can.
ugh i left a comment replying to yours lol. I SUCK AT MY mK AGHHHHH

your song id like it if the main line wasn;'t constantly being held (the notes) like if it released. it just feels weird how its constanty playing and holding the notes? sorry if that sounds weird. ill try and reply again in the morning. i had a drunken night so ill understand if i sound like a dumbass. forgive me.


lol does anybody have this weird glitch with their soundcloud? i noticed it the day i made mine and have been patiently waiting for someone else to comment on it. i'm the only one?

Fusebox said:
Chuck this on your master channel btk and thank me later:

dled and installed. not recognized by GB lol, more and more signs for me to upgrade popping up everydayy
GB won't recognize it since its a VST plugin for WinDOHs

search for some mastering plugins (free) in the KVR audio plug daptabase


monchi-kun said:
GB won't recognize it since its a VST plugin for WinDOHs

search for some mastering plugins (free) in the KVR audio plug daptabase
hmm i may have dled the wrong thing then since i installed a mac plugin lol. dmg is the mac equivalent of an exe file. i cant install a windows program lol.


Aww man, I messed up on my song. I just realize that my drums aren't fast enough for DnB. Anyone know of a way to increase the speed of my drums but still keep the rest of the song at the same speed? Right now the BPM is set at 140. The drums don't sound like DnB unless I set the BPM to 170. However, that also speeds up every other instrument. I might have to redo the whole song.

I'm on FL Studio btw.

lil smoke

Bit-Bit said:
Aww man, I messed up on my song. I just realize that my drums aren't fast enough for DnB. Anyone know of a way to increase the speed of my drums but still keep the rest of the song at the same speed? Right now the BPM is set at 140. The drums don't sound like DnB unless I set the BPM to 170. However, that also speeds up every other instrument. I might have to redo the whole song.

I'm on FL Studio btw.
Well ya can't have 2 separate tempos (or can you? :D )Speed it all up, and rework the rest of the song by dropping notes, perhaps every other note and requantizing it to the beat tempo. Gonna be some work.

I'm having a hard time finding authentic chip sounds, other than pulling up an entire synth just to use basic oscillators... and when you have like 10 separate synths, the computer starts choking. So I have some basic waveforms, and I have some 'other' synth stuff going on. Threw some raw pink noise-like percussion into a sampler for the drums. My song is probably not going to sound like a chiptune, but so far I am liking this different approach. Got some weird things happening with all these high pitched sounds juxtaposed together weaving in and out, and some crunchy sawtooth bass punching thru! Just need to tame this baby down!

lil smoke

monchi-kun said:
what app do you use smoke? I know Ableton Live has a freeze track option that frees up your CPU to focus on your active tracks
I can use freeze in Cubase, but I feel it limits my ability to make specific changes on the fly, which is a huge part of the way I work.

...and I'm using Gladiator and Prologue. 2 processor hungry plug-ins!


I'm going to rebuild the song. Hopefully I'll have something to upload onto soundcloud by later tonight. I've been working on it for two weeks now and have only got about 50% done.

I can't stop myself from rearranging the tunes around to get different sounds. Than I'll settle on that sound for a few days and feel the urge to move it around again.

lil smoke

Bit-Bit said:
I'm going to rebuild the song. Hopefully I'll have something to upload onto soundcloud by later tonight. I've been working on it for two weeks now and have only got about 50% done.

I can't stop myself from rearranging the tunes around to get different sounds. Than I'll settle on that sound for a few days and feel the urge to move it around again.
I call em remixes :D Seriously I have ruined plenty of good songs like that. Need to know when to call it a day, or just 'save as'.

I could use some feedback, so I think I'll upload mine later and start a new track. Getting kinda addicted to this sort of approach and already have new ideas.


btkadams said:
lol does anybody have this weird glitch with their soundcloud? i noticed it the day i made mine and have been patiently waiting for someone else to comment on it. i'm the only one?

Is that Dutch or a typo?

ice cream

Guys, I just downloaded the documentary Reformat the Planet. Pretty damn good. I know it's indie and all, I would've payed for it but theres no where on there site which says I can buy it.

lil smoke

Just hearing some of the stuff posted by you guys, man I think I need to rethink my mix! I have a lot goin on. My shit is all over the place.


Well at least I have an idea for a tune now, it remains to be seen whether it works as a chiptune or not (I've never made a chiptune before, at least not a finished one). This GAME gives me the opportunity to explore the Thor unit in Reason 4.0 some more.
Apenheul said:
Well at least I have an idea for a tune now, it remains to be seen whether it works as a chiptune or not (I've never made a chiptune before, at least not a finished one). This GAME gives me the opportunity to explore the Thor unit in Reason 4.0 some more.

mess with the analog style oscillators, maybe have 2 with one detuned one octave up or down. you might want to mess around with semi-tunes as well to create some interesting sounds. mess around with the AMP ADSR sliders too :)


Hey guys, I have a question. For thos of u using the Triforce VSTi, is it possible to add velocity variations, like pianofortes and such? or do I have to rely on the sequencer's envelopes?


I'm working on this obscure theme as my first try experimenting with triforce's sounds:


It's the main melody developed on the piano, basically the original tune with dynamics sounds like this:


What I intend to do is use the velocities already existant in the Piano template to tweak the velocities of triforce, however I don't think that will be possible so I'll just have to redraw a new envelope with portamento and dynamics to match the original velocities.

Any tips ?


I came up with these tune in Reason, I used 2 Substractors with quite primitive sounds, only added reverbs, the one with the foreground melody sounds quite "Metroidesque", do you think it might qualify for this compilation?

I get better luck creating chip sounds on a malstrom, especially playing with the stepped modulation waveforms to create this nice arpeggiated pattern

maybe we can swap patches...


Okay, I know this is quite ignorant, and there are some helpful posts already, but I have never had any musical experience in my life, so I am quite confused already.
I was at a concert(?) Monday night and this one DJ did some chiptunes stuff, and seeing this thread I thought, hey, I could use a new hobby!
So I'd like to get started. But I mean I am completely new to everything music related. Please be gentle. :D
I have a Mac, and I have GarageBand which I imagine isn't all that great but as I am bareass ignorant, is that something that I can start with without neutering future progress?
What should I look at?
What exactly do you think of when you start doing this? Do you just play with things until you find something you like? Do you go in with a plan? Little bit of column A, little bit of column B?
It's a really interesting thing, I have no idea if I can do anything with it, but it does seem quite crazy interesting.


RevenantKioku said:
Okay, I know this is quite ignorant, and there are some helpful posts already, but I have never had any musical experience in my life, so I am quite confused already.
I was at a concert(?) Monday night and this one DJ did some chiptunes stuff, and seeing this thread I thought, hey, I could use a new hobby!
So I'd like to get started. But I mean I am completely new to everything music related. Please be gentle. :D
I have a Mac, and I have GarageBand which I imagine isn't all that great but as I am bareass ignorant, is that something that I can start with without neutering future progress?
What should I look at?
What exactly do you think of when you start doing this? Do you just play with things until you find something you like? Do you go in with a plan? Little bit of column A, little bit of column B?
It's a really interesting thing, I have no idea if I can do anything with it, but it does seem quite crazy interesting.
:( lol i make all my music in garageband. here is what you can do with just garageband. go to "OK Now You Go" or "Highs & Lows" since those are the GAME 4 tracks im working on.. unless you think those are garbage it shows what you can do with a free program. its surprisingly deep when you get into it but there are definite boundaries.


I'm not ragging on GarageBand. :lol I just figured as something people get with their computers when they buy them, a lot of people wouldn't think too highly of it! But it seems it can do exactly what I'd like to! Now to get started!
RevenantKioku said:
Okay, I know this is quite ignorant, and there are some helpful posts already, but I have never had any musical experience in my life, so I am quite confused already.
I was at a concert(?) Monday night and this one DJ did some chiptunes stuff, and seeing this thread I thought, hey, I could use a new hobby!
So I'd like to get started. But I mean I am completely new to everything music related. Please be gentle. :D
I have a Mac, and I have GarageBand which I imagine isn't all that great but as I am bareass ignorant, is that something that I can start with without neutering future progress?
What should I look at?
What exactly do you think of when you start doing this? Do you just play with things until you find something you like? Do you go in with a plan? Little bit of column A, little bit of column B?
It's a really interesting thing, I have no idea if I can do anything with it, but it does seem quite crazy interesting.

Garageband is perfect to start out on, it's very straightforward but fairly flexible. Just start with a drum track, add a bassline on top of that, then a melody - hey, you've got a song. You'll have to fiddle around with the instrument settings a lot to come up with chiptuney stuff, but it can be done.

As for your questions at the end - making a song that's completely finished and that you're cool with having others listen to is a really tough process. You'll start off with an idea, which may come together fairly quickly in an evening of inspiration, which is followed by hours and hours of tweaking, trying to get everything to fit like you think it should in your head. You might listen to a track literally 50 times fiddling with things, and even then nobody's ever 100% happy with what they finish with - sometimes you have to man up and realize it doesn't work and toss whole sections out. This is why regular bands just show up and play, and leave all the other stuff to producers & engineers.

But if you stick with it, you'll find that your favourite music often ends up being your own, and hearing your progress over the years (yep, it takes years) can be very rewarding.


RevenantKioku said:
I'm not ragging on GarageBand. :lol I just figured as something people get with their computers when they buy them, a lot of people wouldn't think too highly of it! But it seems it can do exactly what I'd like to! Now to get started!
alright, feel free to ask us for any help because i'm not the only one here who has or does use garageband.


I decided to go with a SID sound instead of NES, I like the warm yet rough sound of it. I've tried Renoise with VSTs first but it's been many years since I've used a Tracker so I'm just sampling the VST and making Reason NNXT patches. 450 MB of 16-bit 44khz mono wave files :)
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