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Gaf, I think someone is stalking me.

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Dude, that's not funny. I'm a paranoid schizophrenic. I can't help but take literally every statement seriously.

Sorry sorry. It could be a bird or some animal flying near a motion sensor light. We have bats that do this near our garage at night. Sometimes racoons set it off too.

If something is going on right now I'd call a neighbor or something and have them come over and go through the house. If you are really paranoid or scared right now it can't hurt to call the police.


I'd put a note on the door saying you know what they're doing and that you have a security system and hidden cameras, so fuck off
I'd probably rig up some kind of surveillance setup to see what's going on.

And also


Woe be unto the fool who thinks he can steal his 1980's NBA championship rings.


I hope this doesn't end up like the last stalker thread I remember.
with a naked man running down a squirrel while riding a unicycle? or maybe that was different thread

Seriously, let your neighbors and friends know see if they can keep an eye out or help an any way. Also I would definitely look into some sort of camera to see what is up, not to mention buying a firearm and contacting the local authorities. Person could be a sick perv or scouting for a burglary. I don't know what your schedule is like, but maybe lay out some flour or powder in areas see if there are any unusual prints left behind. IDK just a thought


Also try to get one of those security camera. They can be found for pretty cheap now.

This is true, you could get a pretty good one and hook it up to your PC or something and record for probably $60-100 depending on what kind of quality you are looking for.

Also, is it possible that somehow the headlights of your car are casting shadows that trigger your motion sensor light as you are coming down the road?


If you're thinking you might be being cased for a burglary, talk to your neighbors and call the cops to have them do a drive-by around the time the incidents have been occurring. Also, have a dog.


Did you not check to see what the source of the blue light was? Horror movie cliche, but if the light was bothering me, I would've investigated.

Security cameras are dirt cheap now. I'd invest in a system, for the peace of mind at least, if weird shit was apparently happening. The gate being opened is most troubling.
The other night at 11:30 there was a light coming from my kitchen reflecting on a door. There are literally only two ways that light could have reached it. One: a very powerful light was in my backyard at the corner of the house and reflected off a wall strong enough to make a door glow blue. Two: The light was actually in my kitchen. There isn't anything in my kitchen that casts blue light, or light that strong.
What's really terrifying about the light is it wasn't on the wall, as if it was specifically being cast on the door.


I thought it must be from an outside source at first, then I remembered all my blinds are closed, I have a privacy fence, and my neighbors house is several hundred feet away.

And let's consider:

Dude, that's not funny. I'm a paranoid schizophrenic.

It honestly sounds like you're working yourself up over your imagination or something you're not considering. Judging from what you've said here, the light couldn't have come from outside because the blinds were closed, but there probably wasn't anyone inside because I'm assuming you didn't hear or see any movement. Think about it - if someone was in your house, how could they have left without you noticing? If you were being cased for a burglary, they were doing a pretty shitty job doing it at 11:30 at night when most people are in their houses.

You've also said you have paranoid schizophrenia, which we can't really ignore. It was just your imagination, man. It happens to all of us.


It honestly sounds like you're working yourself up over your imagination or something you're not considering. Judging from what you've said here, the light couldn't have come from outside because the blinds were closed, but there probably wasn't anyone inside because I'm assuming you didn't hear or see any movement. Think about it - if someone was in your house, how could they have left without you noticing? If you were being cased for a burglary, they were doing a pretty shitty job doing it at 11:30 at night when most people are in their houses.

You've also said you have paranoid schizophrenia, which we can't really ignore. It was just your imagination, man. It happens to all of us.

Couldn't help but think the same thing, honestly. I don't know much about paranoid schizophrenia but this seems like it could easily be a symptom of that.

I'm willing to give OP the benefit of the doubt, though.


Couldn't help but think the same thing, honestly. I don't know much about paranoid schizophrenia but this seems like it could easily be a symptom of that.

I'm willing to give OP the benefit of the doubt, though.

I'm really hoping it's not related. I've never had a visual hallucination, and it's not a good sign if it's starting.

It probably wasn't even a hallucination. There are several reasons why you could have seen a "blue light" coming from somewhere. Cars driving by, low-flying planes (even with blinds closed, these can be obvious), a phone or other gadget going off, a Wii... seriously, in my more paranoid moments I've turned a tree moving in the wind into a demonic superman outside my window.

It kinda sounds like you saw something random that scared you, and because it scared you, you keep trying to rationalize it in a scary context.

Because of the location of the light, the long length of time the light was on, and the way the blinds are closed (leaning up of course) The light, if real, literally could not have come from any of those. In the end, I decided to ignore the light on its own. But when combined with the repeated activation of the sensor right before I come home, It's hard not to be nervous.
I'm really hoping it's not related. I've never had a visual hallucination, and it's not a good sign if it's starting.

It probably wasn't even a hallucination. There are several reasons why you could have seen a "blue light" coming from somewhere. Cars driving by, low-flying planes (even with blinds closed, these can be obvious), a phone or other gadget going off, a Wii... seriously, in my more paranoid moments I've turned a tree moving in the wind into a demonic superman outside my window.

It kinda sounds like you saw something random that scared you, and because it scared you, you keep trying to rationalize it in a scary context.
Maybe it's just a method actor researching a role? In all seriousness, any chance the light in the kitchen could have come from some electronic device you may have forgotten about? Like a laptop waking up to install updates or a tablet or something like that?

I guess the best thing to do would probably get some kind of camera as others have suggested, even if it's just a camera on a laptop that you can point outside just to try to confirm if anything fishy is really going on. I'm not sure if there's much the police are going to do with what you've told us without some evidence. I'm sure they get stuff like this all the time. Better to call them if you're really scared than not, though. Maybe ask a neighbor if they can keep an eye out if someone is going in to your backyard that looks suspicious. Any chance it could be your landlord?
I keep coming home to find the object I'm using to hold the gate shut moved out of the way, as if someone had gone in my backyard.

Not sure what kind of gate this is, but maybe invest in a lock. Also, if the motion sensor light is on when you get there it is probably very unlikely that someone would stand around it until you pulled up, especially if they do not know when you will be home. You could get a motion activated trail cam and put it near the gate or motion sensor too, just hide it so it doesn't get stolen.

or for an even more terrible idea

Get a few large piece of cardboard and cut out silhouettes of yourself.
Place them in strategic locations in the house.
Put one at the kitchen window so it looks like your peeling potatoes, then another in the living room so it looks like your playing video games.
scribble things like "I know who you are" and "Who's stalking who now motha fucka?" on them in shiny reflective red lipstick.


Maybe it's just a method actor researching a role? In all seriousness, any chance the light in the kitchen could have come from some electronic device you may have forgotten about? Like a laptop waking up to install updates or a tablet or something like that?
Literally zero. The only source of light possible of coming from the kitchen is the oven. It has yellow lights, which are currently covered by a cloth.


I'm just got over thinking there were mexicans in my attic (yes I'm serious, yes it's stupid)

Oh you're that dude, I remember that thread.

Most likely it's nothing and you're just over reacting to your sensitive lights, and the light from your kitchen is just something from outside reflecting.

If I were you I would get a camera and stick it somewhere. Even a webcam set up to your laptop, tuck the laptop in a cupboard, or some kind of wireless camera or something. Next time you see a funny light, go and watch the tape and I guarantee you it ends up being nothing.


If you have some old android phones laying around, download a video camera server broadcasting app and connect to your phone from your PC via wi-fi and just record all day. If you know how to set up a static address, you can connect over the internet and watch your house while you're out.
Go out and buy a home security system and set it up ASAP. Point it directly in locations where you are certain the stalker would go through or has been in. I'd also call the police but I don't know that they do anything until something actually happens.

For a more longterm solution get a professional home security installation done. I don't care if it's overpriced or whatever, it's saddening and infuriating the idea that you can't feel safe in your own home. Every single person deserves the right to feel safe in their home.

EDIT: I also agree with those saying you should ask for friends to stay over.

Velcro Fly

Yeah definitely talk to the police. Even if it turns out to be nothing their job is to protect people.

Also summary/link to other stalking thread?


Dude, that's not funny. I'm a paranoid schizophrenic. I can't help but take literally every statement seriously.
I was actually in the house at the time, in the bedroom. I saw the light clearly, and it didn't wobble like a flashlight would. I have literally no clue what the light source would be.

And damn that video, hope that isn't real. I'm just got over thinking there were mexicans in my attic (yes I'm serious, yes it's stupid)

Are you undergoing treatment?


This is semantics, and nothing more
Here are some helpful links if you think you may be being stalked (assuming you live in the U.S.--if you don't, you'll still find some helpful tips in the below resources):

The National Crime Victim Law Institute's Stalking Resources page. This page includes a number of links, including contact information for state-specific organizations that may be able to help.

The Stalking Resource Center webpage, which includes links to this pamphlet and this flyer.

It sounds like you don't have a lot of money for stuff like a security system or even a motion-activated camera. In that case, there are two good places to start, which others in the thread have suggested (and which you should take advantage of regardless of whether you can afford more high-tech approaches): first, talk with your neighbors. They can help you keep an eye on the goings-on in your neighborhood. Second, contact the police. They may be able to refer you to local resources that can help you, if needed. At the very least, they can make an effort to patrol your neighborhood around the time you think this mystery-person is showing up.

Finally, I'd suggest locking your back gate. You may even wish to put a "No Trespassing" sign back there. And lock your doors and windows.

Hopefully, this is nothing, and you're just worrying over innocuous details of daily life (for instance, perhaps your neighbor walks his or her dog by your house each night around the same time you get home). But the above are simple steps you can take to protect yourself and put your mind a bit more at ease.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Call the cops, get a few cameras. Stay at someone else's place and watch the live feed and see what's up. Make sure you have good insurance in case someone breaks in while you're away.

Creepy stuff. I'd be making my house a fortress right now (or a Home Alone set).


I have nothing really constructive to say other than I think you're looking into the lighting analysis a little too much. I would think it's paranoid if someone was saying these words to my face.

It could however be someone casing the place, or just an animal looking for food and that has turned you into a lighting expert.
Op, do you have a camera of any kind? A cellphone camera, a point and shoot, anything digital. Or buy one for five bucks. Take pictures of your the stuff inside house as is before leaving, especially of the things that would be hard to put in the same place if picked up, like random kitchen stuff. Leave stuff on the floor, and take pictures of that too, close to the doors and entry places preferably. When you come home check if anything is out of place.

I used to do this to check if my mother had been searching for my cigarettes.
I'm really hoping it's not related. I've never had a visual hallucination, and it's not a good sign if it's starting.

I'm assuming you've had paranoid delusions in the past. If so, were any of them involving being watched, spied upon, or that other people were out to get you? Not trying to delve too deep into your mental history, but if you've never had a visual hallucination, it seems likely that delusions are the cause of your current diagnosis.

Not to say that what you're experiencing is a delusion, but being a paranoid schizophrenic can exacerbate some of the coincedences that can occur around you.


Will Smith gave Ashley Banks really good advice if she gets into a fight, act crazy.

Id turn on Bjork music with loud german porn and start banging on table, yelling out Final Fantasy 10 builds out loud.
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