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Gaf, I think someone is stalking me.

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Congrats, not everyone gets a stalker in their life.

But seriously, it sounds like you are overreacting, man. But if you really think something is going on, set up some cameras and make sure. but don't jump to conclusions.
Edit of Edit: but then who has been opening my gate?

Set up a web cam and find out. That idea you had about the wire thing didn't make any sense to me anyway, just buy a cheap usb webcam and set it somewhere. even if it is too dark to make out exactly who it is, at least it can be used to verify what it is. Could be a kid, a bear, a raccoon, or a person.


If you are a paranoid schizophrenic you have to consider...that perhaps...you are being paranoid.

But better safe than sorry.
Set up a camera
I had a similar experience (but my case was far more violent and severe). First things first, file a police report just in case something does happen in the future. You'll have proof that this is a recurring event.

Second, buy some security camera at Costco or someplace similar. I found a really good quality pair for around $300, with motion sensing, night vision, and a tablet I can connect to the internet which allows me to watch the feed anywhere using my phone. It paid for itself literally the next day when my stalker was on camera harassing me.


No one broke in while I was out of town, so I'll consider it all paranoia, for now. I still went ahead and bought a camera just in case.


Do you live in a crime prone area? Have any of your neighbours been broken into? Do you have people often walking/hanging around your area?

If your answers are all 'no' I'd suggest just relaxing and wait for something more substantial than 'I saw a light'.

Set up some thin cotton strings that are diffcult to see; if anyone has passed through the area you'll find them broken. Arrange wood chips or bright sand around the place to show up foot prints. Cut back any overgrown shrubbery and increase lighting and visibility in the area.


Well, it's official, either I'm totally nuts, or someone has been sneaking into my house.

I didn't get anything on camera, but the guest bathroom trashcan is filled with tampon wrappers and someone clogged up the toilet.

Nothings missing, and I haven't had enough girls over to leave that many wrappers.

Should I call the police now?


Well, it's official, either I'm totally nuts, or someone has been sneaking into my house.

I didn't get anything on camera, but the guest bathroom trashcan is filled with tampon wrappers and someone clogged up the toilet.

Nothings missing, and I haven't had enough girls over to leave that many wrappers.

Should I call the police now?

You probably need more evidence.


Well, it's official, either I'm totally nuts, or someone has been sneaking into my house.

I didn't get anything on camera, but the guest bathroom trashcan is filled with tampon wrappers and someone clogged up the toilet.

Nothings missing, and I haven't had enough girls over to leave that many wrappers.

Should I call the police now?
This sounds really creepy... subbed.

Seriously though, I would definitely call the cops and see what they think.


Well, it's official, either I'm totally nuts, or someone has been sneaking into my house.

I didn't get anything on camera, but the guest bathroom trashcan is filled with tampon wrappers and someone clogged up the toilet.

Nothings missing, and I haven't had enough girls over to leave that many wrappers.

Should I call the police now?

Why not? Its their job.

What I do when I think someone is stalking me: I put an upside down bottle in front of the door ways. That way it will knock over if someone sneaks in before strangling me.

Call the non emergency line and ask them.

And setup more cameras, that way you can ID the person and get a restraint order.


Well, it's official, either I'm totally nuts, or someone has been sneaking into my house.

I didn't get anything on camera, but the guest bathroom trashcan is filled with tampon wrappers and someone clogged up the toilet.

Nothings missing, and I haven't had enough girls over to leave that many wrappers.

Should I call the police now?

woh that's creepy as hell

how are they breaking in so easily?
Every time I come home late the motion sensing light is turned on. It takes a little less time to turn off than it takes for me to get to my house from the entrance of the neighborhood, and it always turns off right before I pull into the driveway. The sensitivity on the light is at minimum. It takes something larger than a border collie to set it off.

The other night at 11:30 there was a light coming from my kitchen reflecting on a door. There are literally only two ways that light could have reached it. One: a very powerful light was in my backyard at the corner of the house and reflected off a wall strong enough to make a door glow blue. Two: The light was actually in my kitchen. There isn't anything in my kitchen that casts blue light, or light that strong.
What's really terrifying about the light is it wasn't on the wall, as if it was specifically being cast on the door.

I keep coming home to find the object I'm using to hold the gate shut moved out of the way, as if someone had gone in my backyard.

Gaf. Someone is stalking me. What do I do?

Many hikers are good trackers by nature. If the police cannot assist you yet because of lack of evidence, it may be good to consult a few hiking friends to quickly track this person to determine if there is a danger. Reading urban signs is kind of an art, too, so maybe streetwise hikers is a good combination.

No offense, but these should be biggish guys. Have them circle the neighbourhood for clues while trying not to be seen.

Even if they are seen and have not picked up the trail, the stalker will understand their actions are being tracked by committed friends. Hopefully this is enough. Repeat as necessary? Better safe than sorry.


They're breaking into your home to take a shit? Do you have roommates or give your key to someone that knows your schedule and is maybe using your house to party with girls while your out?


They're breaking into your home to take a shit? Do you have roommates or give your key to someone that knows your schedule and is maybe using your house to party with girls while your out?

I live alone. Good news is I'm not living here much longer.


Well, it's official, either I'm totally nuts, or someone has been sneaking into my house.

I didn't get anything on camera, but the guest bathroom trashcan is filled with tampon wrappers and someone clogged up the toilet.

Nothings missing, and I haven't had enough girls over to leave that many wrappers.

Should I call the police now?

Maybe it's your alter ego.


On the plus side- this sounds less like something malicious and more "you have a crazy person in the neighborhood". Call to the police non-emergency line for advice wouldn't be a bad idea.


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
Well, it's official, either I'm totally nuts, or someone has been sneaking into my house.

I didn't get anything on camera, but the guest bathroom trashcan is filled with tampon wrappers and someone clogged up the toilet.

Nothings missing, and I haven't had enough girls over to leave that many wrappers.

Should I call the police now?

Well don't watch this.



Have you ever given your house key to anyone? They might have had a duplicate made.

Could be aliens though.


Well, it's official, either I'm totally nuts, or someone has been sneaking into my house.

I didn't get anything on camera, but the guest bathroom trashcan is filled with tampon wrappers and someone clogged up the toilet.

Nothings missing, and I haven't had enough girls over to leave that many wrappers.

Should I call the police now?

wow wtf. keep us posted op
Jesus, call the police or something. Tell someone, or get yourself out of there.

Also check under your pillow. You never know where the tampons might be.


Most of the things you mentioned can be rationally explained without the presence of a stalker. For example, maybe animals made the light stay on...


Most of the things you mentioned can be rationally explained without the presence of a stalker. For example, maybe animals made the light stay on...
I agree with this guy^. Maybe animals opened a bunch of tampons and put the wrappers in the trash, OP.


Do you have a friend? Just have a buddy stay over one day you go out to work and keep an eye on the place while you're gone to see if anyone breaks in for a poop.


Ask me about the moon landing or the temperature at which jet fuel burns. You may be surprised at what you learn.
HypoChie, was that you who posted about the time you saw a woman lying on your sofa and the time you thought a Mexican family was living in your house and laughing at your singing.

That WAS you who posted that, right?

Sera O

The tampons and stopped toilet might make a bit of sense if it's harrassment. One way to stop a toilet up would be to fill it with bunch of tampons and flush, I guess. . . I'd think most people wouldn't bother buying tampons for this purpose and just throw your stuff in there. The shit in the garbage doesn't make a lot of sense either, but I suppose if someone were doing this, they are not the most rational person.

Given your condition, talk to someone close to you and see what they suggest or if they can help. I suggest you set up the camera, get record of service if the plumber was called in, take date and timestamped photos of vandalism etc. Bring it up with your doctor or therapist, and contact the police instead of going over possibilities by yourself.

You'll have difficulty making a case that this is real, to others (and maybe to yourself). That wire and plate plan was not good. You need tangible records that are uncoloured by your judgement, because what you perceive is not reliable.

But yes, contact the authorities when you have some evidence or video, and be safe. Please ignore all the people suggesting that someone with paranoid schizophrenia would be better off armed.

I really hope this turns out to be nothing, but I don't want to be dismissive. People might not take your concerns seriously due to your condition and that makes you a pretty vulnerable target - being able to prove it in concrete terms is crucial here.


OP says she hasnt had MANY girls over, enough to have that many wrappers of tampons in the trash, maybe one friend she had over, before they left, emptied out their purse of wrappers into the trash without OP knowing? Then took a massive dump?

It actually sounds more like someone pranking you, but going way too far.

You need to set up some sort of camera system. there are free programs for laptops where you can set them up easily to record movement.


Yeah, I'd say you should be calling the police right about now.

I know some people are saying to consider your mental condition (heck, I was one of the ones who pressured you the most in that thread to get help, or at least tried), but that shouldn't be an excuse if you honestly believe your well being is in danger and your place might be compromised.
So this is interesting. I think someone is watching me late at night. I hear noises from the back lawn adjacent to the kitchen. I go in the kitchen with lights off, and outside I see a light that turns off.

I don't know what's going on.


This thread is creeping me out! Please tell me you called the police already (and please keep us updated!)


Change your locks and get a camera. I remember your previous threads and it seems very unlikely that someone would break in for tampon and poop disposal. Are you certain this isnt paranoia?
Well, it's official, either I'm totally nuts, or someone has been sneaking into my house.

I didn't get anything on camera, but the guest bathroom trashcan is filled with tampon wrappers and someone clogged up the toilet.

Nothings missing, and I haven't had enough girls over to leave that many wrappers.

Should I call the police now?
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