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Gaf, I think someone is stalking me.

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Do you have a friend with a dog you can borrow? Just over night. If someone is wandering around out there the dog will go crazy. Also a security camera, you can buy fake cheap ones too so it looks like your house is more secure than it really is.
Every time I come home late the motion sensing light is turned on. It takes a little less time to turn off than it takes for me to get to my house from the entrance of the neighborhood, and it always turns off right before I pull into the driveway. The sensitivity on the light is at minimum. It takes something larger than a border collie to set it off.

The other night at 11:30 there was a light coming from my kitchen reflecting on a door. There are literally only two ways that light could have reached it. One: a very powerful light was in my backyard at the corner of the house and reflected off a wall strong enough to make a door glow blue. Two: The light was actually in my kitchen. There isn't anything in my kitchen that casts blue light, or light that strong.
What's really terrifying about the light is it wasn't on the wall, as if it was specifically being cast on the door.

I keep coming home to find the object I'm using to hold the gate shut moved out of the way, as if someone had gone in my backyard.

Gaf. Someone is stalking me. What do I do?

1. install a security system/alarm
2. buy some security cameras which you can monitor remotely on all of the entrances to your home and if you can afford it-- put a couple in your home as well


Does your house have a shortcut anywhere in the backyard? Kids might be going through your yard to get home faster?

As a kid, my friends and I would go through yards to shorten trips home.


I don't think burglars would cut it so close to you coming home. Maybe once while they were figuring out when you are home, but not more than once. They don't want to be caught.


Security cameras
Dog(s) e

People are crazy and bold as fuck nowadays. These three things are a must for a home owner IMO.

Wish you the best OP. Creeped me out reading the post.


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!

lots and lots and lots of it.

jokes aside call the cops and get them to do some rounds in the neighborhood. something as small as knowing officers are driving by if it is someone casing the joint, they might pack up and head somewhere else.

you got any relatives / friends you can stay with? if you got video cameras you can hook up affix them pointed towards the entrances of your home and see if they catch anything on video during the night. hide them from plain sight of course.

also try check out icam


no idea who this is just did a quick search



I'm going to set up a harmless wire trap outside my house. If someone moves the gate it'll knock a plate over inside the house. If the plate hasn't moved in 3 days, I'll assume it was all in my imagination.

I'll probably put up a camera soon as well just for any future events, but I'll definitely put one up if the plate moves during that time.


It probably isnt this, but if I were you id be freaking out that it was aliens. The motion sensors going off, the blue light from out of nowhere. Fuck man...

Given that there is no proof of aliens even existing, it probably has a reasonable explanation, but what I would do is set up a camera, and point it at your door, and if you can a few other cameras.

If you dont have money do what I did a few times when i thought i was being visited, just let your phone stay on audio record while you sleep and then sift through the recorded audio the next day to see if you hear anything odd.

or get basic webcams or something. You need to see if you can see if the cameras malfunction the same time every night, or whenever you suspect something is happening, they usually disrupt any signals like that when they come.

If they are greys, there literally is nothing you can do about it anyway. You could try to see a therapist and do some regression therapy to see if you have been abducted already.

I would personally try to see a first hand encounter. If you see a light like that again, get up, get a knife or some weapon, and go to the light and find out what it is first hand.

if it is a burgler, they are horrible burglers, you dont shine bright lights when robbing someone at night if you dont know anyone is home...you stay quiet and in the dark. So that is why I don't think its a robber.

A stalker? maybe, but you said you have no idea why or who would even be stalking you. No one comes to mind, do you meet lots of people every day at work, anyone like charlie day that would be wanting you like the waitress he loved? lol

I dont know, im personally freaked out by aliens and to me that is the first thing this sounds like. Id try to get any sort of evidence asap of these encounters first.

I dont mean to scare you just want to give you insight of what I would do in your position.
I'm going to set up a harmless wire trap outside my house. If someone moves the gate it'll knock a plate over inside the house. If the plate hasn't moved in 3 days, I'll assume it was all in my imagination.

I'll probably put up a camera soon as well just for any future events, but I'll definitely put one up if the plate moves during that time.

This sounds like some Kevin McCallister shit. Maybe set up some paint cans at the top of your stairs while you're at it?


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
btw depending on what type of soil / sand / gravel you have around your house as stupid as it may sound spread it around the entrances you usually dont use. next day look for footprints. if its something that can make noise when stepped on you would hear it at night when things are quiet.

Dont make it obvious but put enough so you would be able to tell a pattern if someone or something disturbed the area.


Its not aliens.

I would also be hesitant to offer the above advice to someone who has already said they have paranoid schitzophrenia, i suspect they already have enough on their plate without having to worry about aliens.

I know, yea, aliens dont exist. But the blue light, literally coming from nowhere? maybe OP has a shark vaccum in the kitchen and the recharge light goes on after a while. I have one and its little blue light lights up my whole kitchen at night. Does schizophrenia cause hallucinations that vivid?

Setting up the trap is ok, but what if a raccoon trips it or another animal, its not foolproof against a stalker/burgler.

I just know id be up late at night a few times, baseball bat in hand, waiting for any sign just to find out what it is and confront it, peace of mind that way. It just sounds like such a strange mystery. The light sensors could just be a skunk or raccoon looking for food, its just that blue light that is making me very curious to find out what it is.


I know, yea, aliens dont exist. But the blue light, literally coming from nowhere? maybe OP has a shark vaccum in the kitchen and the recharge light goes on after a while. I have one and its little blue light lights up my whole kitchen at night. Does schizophrenia cause hallucinations that vivid?

Setting up the trap is ok, but what if a raccoon trips it or another animal, its not foolproof against a stalker/burgler.

I just know id be up late at night a few times, baseball bat in hand, waiting for any sign just to find out what it is and confront it, peace of mind that way. It just sounds like such a strange mystery. The light sensors could just be a skunk or raccoon looking for food, its just that blue light that is making me very curious to find out what it is.

The thing is, the blue light could have been many things, as a previous poster has said, could have been a car, a low flying aircraft, people out walking with flash lights. It could have been something in the kitchen like you said, a vacuum, a dishwasher, a washing machine, a fridge, a cooker the list goes on...

I know that the OP has ruled all of these things out but perhaps, and just perhaps the OP may be misermembering things, the brain can play many tricks on its owner, it will try and fill in the blanks, perhaps the light was only on for 30 seconds but because the OP was half asleep, already nervous and thinking about "the stalker" it seemed like an age, as it was in the middle of the night, dark, quiet. Even a tiny single LED (from a fridge etc etc) can light up a whole room when it is pitch dark.

There is a rational explaination for it for sure.


The thing is, the blue light could have been many things, as a previous poster has said, could have been a car, a low flying aircraft, people out walking with flash lights. It could have been something in the kitchen like you said, a vacuum, a dishwasher, a washing machine, a fridge, a cooker the list goes on...

I know that the OP has ruled all of these things out but perhaps, and just perhaps the OP may be misermembering things, the brain can play many tricks on its owner, it will try and fill in the blanks, perhaps the light was only on for 30 seconds but because the OP was half asleep, already nervous and thinking about "the stalker" it seemed like an age, as it was in the middle of the night, dark, quiet. Even a tiny single LED (from a fridge etc etc) can light up a whole room when it is pitch dark.

There is a rational explaination for it for sure.

the thing is, OP said the blinds were closed, no outside light could have caused it and their stove has a yellow light that is covered by a cloth. So it couldnt have been a car, aircraft, people with flashlights. I suggested something inside because they havnt said that nothing else inside their house could have emitted that light other than the stoves yellow light.

And yea your right, the mind can play tricks especially half asleep and when you think it it something else. Other than it being something else in their kitchen or wherever there is room to cast that blue light, I have no idea what it could have been. OP said it had to be directly pointed AT the door toot he way the door was lit up. Think something like this is what im imagining:


At least thats what i got from the description. Would have to be one seriously dumb burglar to be shining a light that bright indoors at night. Doubt a stalker would do that unless they wanted to be found, in which case OP would probably have already made contact with the stalker.

Its just weird, so weird.


Ghosts many many ghosts...seriously!

Go get a game camera see if you can snap a pic of the intruder or the spirit : D


There's a stranger in your house. Somebody there that you can't see!

Naw man. See below.

Dude, that's not funny. I'm a paranoid schizophrenic. I can't help but take literally every statement seriously.

And damn that video, hope that isn't real. I'm just got over thinking there were mexicans in my attic (yes I'm serious, yes it's stupid)

Wait a minute, why does it gotta be Mexicans in specific? lol


Huh? What did I say? Did I screw up again? :(
@Cragvis. The door was half open, and only the door was lit.

No idea. It just was.

I thought I remembered you from the hallucination thread. You got diagnosed. I guess I just wanted to post that you need to first insure your safety by contacting trust-worthy law enforcement and/or getting proper security in place first and then make sure that the threat is in fact... real. Not to be factious because the moved objects make it sound real enough (as opposed to something you just saw) but I guess because of your condition, (and perhaps because of honestly ignorant people like me), things can be complicated when a threat is perceived. Anyways, stay safe.


The thing that would concern me the most from the OP is the gate stuff being moved.

I wanted to ask is it possible that a meter reader may have come by while you were gone to check your electrical meter? Is your meter in a place where he would have had to come through your gate to get to it?

I've been scared shitless because of these guys in the past, sneaking into my backyard with their clipboards and such.

Maybe call the power company and see if their schedule coincides with when the incident happened?


I thought I remembered you from the hallucination thread. You got diagnosed. I guess I just wanted to post that you need to first insure your safety by contacting trust-worthy law enforcement and/or getting proper security in place first and then make sure that the threat is in fact... real. Not to be factious because the moved objects make it sound real enough (as opposed to something you just saw) but I guess because of your condition, (and perhaps because of honestly ignorant people like me), things can be complicated when a threat is perceived. Anyways, stay safe.

Um OP, i have to ask, weren't you the one diagnosed with a certain condition by your doctor?

I looked at the title and then looked at the username, and I just had a feeling....


Maybe you and a friend should have a stake out of your own house. Obviously don't let yourself get followed, and then figure out a way to surveillance the house. Do it The Wire style.



I recently learned from gaf that this is illegal.

But I would suggest some sort of camera positioned in a good spot. Ask the neighbours if they've seen anyone strange wandering around lately. Make sure your locks are good. Get a dog.

Why is it illegal? Why cant a thief be hurt?


Came home, the wire hasn't been pulled. Someone took a bm in my garbage bin though, which is pretty damn gross.

I'm now thinking it may be kids. Either that or someone saw the wire and wants me to think it's kids.


Came home, the wire hasn't been pulled. Someone took a bm in my garbage bin though. It is now filled with soapy water.

I'm now thinking it may be kids. Either that or someone saw the wire and wants me to think it's kids.

keep alert, but as a kid playing in the neighborhood I set off many motion sensing flood lights at night

I was also dead scarred of getting yelled at by a property owner for passing through or playing around their property at night. We were damn good at staying out of sight.


Bm? Are you saying someone shit in your garbage?

Edit: Thinking rationally, It was more likely to be dog poop somebody threw in the nearest bin, and mine happened to be the only one still on the street.
That's still gross and they should use their own bin if thats the case.

Edit of Edit: but then who has been opening my gate?


Came home, the wire hasn't been pulled. Someone took a bm in my garbage bin though. It is now filled with soapy water.

I'm now thinking it may be kids. Either that or someone saw the wire and wants me to think it's kids.

Mate, you need to get a pure bred Scottish Terrier. They're fucking awesome when comes to being watch dogs.


And damn that video, hope that isn't real. I'm just got over thinking there were mexicans in my attic (yes I'm serious, yes it's stupid)

Ah, I was wondering if that was you. I remember that thread.

Did you ever seek treatment for your condition? While I want to be careful not to give you bad advice in case something really is going on, I think it's very likely that this is simply your paranoid schizophrenia getting the better of you.


Ah, I was wondering if that was you. I remember that thread.

Did you ever seek treatment for your condition? While I want to be careful not to give you bad advice in case something really is going on, I think it's very likely that this is simply your paranoid schizophrenia getting the better of you.

I'm on all that has been prescribed to me.


1. Are you a man or a woman?
2. Was the BM bagged?

These are critical questions.

P.S. Camera is the best idea so far in this thread.


I'm going to set up a harmless wire trap outside my house. If someone moves the gate it'll knock a plate over inside the house. If the plate hasn't moved in 3 days, I'll assume it was all in my imagination.

I'll probably put up a camera soon as well just for any future events, but I'll definitely put one up if the plate moves during that time.

I don't like this idea because if the thing moves because of a raccoon or because of the wind, or you just look at it one day and you think it looks like it's been reset, or if you forget how it originally looked, it's just gonna make you freak out. A camera won't lie. You'll either see someone or you won't.

Edit: Thinking rationally, It was more likely to be dog poop somebody threw in the nearest bin, and mine happened to be the only one still on the street.

If it's a bin on the street a dog owner will have just dropped shit in it. It doesn't mean anything. Plus someone harassing you wouldn't shit in a place that is actually convenient for you and may go unnoticed.


I'm on all that has been prescribed to me.

I'm glad to hear that. As far as the blue light on the door goes, can you think of any way that someone could feasibly get into your house? I mean, it's not exactly easy to just sneak into a house, assuming you keep all of your doors locked and windows shut when you leave home.
Edit: nevermind, should have read the thread. Probably not necessary even though it was a joke.

Double Edit: OP, do some more sleuthing, but I wouldn't worry about it too much until you have more convincing evidence.

And let's consider:

It honestly sounds like you're working yourself up over your imagination or something you're not considering. Judging from what you've said here, the light couldn't have come from outside because the blinds were closed, but there probably wasn't anyone inside because I'm assuming you didn't hear or see any movement. Think about it - if someone was in your house, how could they have left without you noticing? If you were being cased for a burglary, they were doing a pretty shitty job doing it at 11:30 at night when most people are in their houses.

You've also said you have paranoid schizophrenia, which we can't really ignore. It was just your imagination, man. It happens to all of us.

The paranoid schizophrenia can't be ignored. I would take extra precautions OP, but having dealt with my aunt who had paranoid schizophrenia, the way you are rationalizing every element of your suspicion leads me to believe you are working yourself up.
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