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GAF Votes The Best TV shows from anywhere, ever. VOTES CLOSED - RESULTS IN OP

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1. The mother***king WIRE
2. Seinfeld
3. Arrested Development
4. The Office (UK)
5. The X-Files

6. Mythbusters
7. Breaking Bad (could def. break into top 5 when it's all said and done)
8. Dexter
9. Intervention

That's all I can think of.
How the hell did I miss this thread?

Here goes:

1. The Wire
2. Deadwood
3. The Shield
4. Arrested Development
5. Six Feet Under
6. Curb Your Enthusiasm
7. Breaking Bad (will probably rise as the show continues on)
8. Veronica Mars
9. Gilmore Girls
10. The Office (UK)


People are gonna think I'm joking, but I'm not I'm really into stereotypical "chick" shows so here it goes..

1. One Tree Hill
2. Doctor Who (2005-)
3. The Soup
4. Gillmore Girls
5. Dawsons Creek
6. King of the Hill
7. Family Guy
8. Friends
9. Scrubs
10. Simpsons

Sorry I keep changing it, it's pretty much set in stone now though...
1) The Shield
2) Arrested Development
3) House M.D.
4) The 4400 (undeserved victim of the writers strike)
5) Dexter
6) 24
7) Family Guy (very hit and miss)
8) Lost
9) Chuck (even though I agree with the 3 season rule)
10) Newsradio

Honarble mentions go to:
Weeds, Batman TAS, DBZ (not sure how I could get sucked into something so drawn out), SpongeBob, South Park, Roseanne, Futurama, Monk, Psych, Burn Notice (USA was on a roll) & countless others that don't come to mind at this moment


Dax01 said:
You can't just watch through the entirety of TNG and not go on to Deep Space Nine! I forbid it!
This was I feared when I started watching TNG- that I would then find myself being asked to watch all the other series as well. For to watch all the other shows as well, thats like, a billion hours of television.

daw840 said:
Why hasn't the OP been updated with the results thus far?
Gonna wait until the the end of the week before putting the results.
1. The Wire
2. Arrested Development
3. It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia
5. The O.C.
6. The Office (American)
7. 30 Rock
8. Curb Your Enthusiasm
9. Battlestar Galactica
10. Entourage
Bernbaum said:
This was I feared when I started watching TNG- that I would then find myself being asked to watch all the other series as well. For to watch all the other shows as well, thats like, a billion hours of television.
Having endless hours of entertainment is a bad thing? Besides, I think most here would recommend that you see DS9 before moving on from Trek.

Oh, and we haven't had an update from you on TNG in awhile.


Voting for this ends on the weekend, with results put up on Monday.

Edit: Sorry Dax, I'm midway season 2 but made the mistake of starting the Wire, which is incredibly addictive.


01 - Lost (by an embarrassing landslide)
02 - The X Files
03 - Seinfeld
04 - House MD
05 - Curb Your Enthusiasm
The Office (UK)
Garth Marenghi's Darkplace
Family Guy

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
1. Seinfeld
2. Homicide: Life On the Street
3. The Twilight Zone
4. The Shield
5. The Honeymooners
6. Mary Tyler Moore
7. The X-Files
8. The Outer Limits
9. Alfred Hitchcock Presents
10. Mr. Show


1.Battlestar Galactica
4.Curb Your Enthusiasm
5.The Wire
7.Six Feet Under
10.Married w/ Children
1. Gilmore Girls
2. The Office (US)
3. Battlestar Galactica
4. Veronica Mars
5. Buffy the Vampire Slayer
6. The Wonder Years
7. Mad Men
8. My So-Called Life
9. Top Gear
10. Seinfeld
2.It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia
5.South Park
6.Cowboy Bebop
7.Venture Bro.s
8.Arrested Development
10.Rescue Me


1) The Wire
2) Lost
3) Band of Brothers
4) The Office(US)
5) The Shield
6) The Office(UK)
7) Arrested Development
8) Extras
9) Dexter
10) Californication


1. Twin Peaks
2. Brideshead Revisited
3. The Wire
4. I'm Alan Partridge
5. Gilmore Girls
6. M*A*S*H
7. The Office (UK)
8. The Day Today
9. Sopranos
10. Seinfeld
Cosmic Bus said:
1. Seinfeld
2. Homicide: Life On the Street
3. The Twilight Zone
4. The Shield
5. The Honeymooners
6. Mary Tyler Moore
7. The X-Files
8. The Outer Limits
9. Alfred Hitchcock Presents
10. Mr. Show
Homicide at #2 and The Shield at #4? You really need to watch The Wire, man! Did you ever buy it? I remember you expressing interest when I offered my season sets up.


1) Lost
2) The Office (UK)
3) Curb Your Enthusiasm
4) The Shield (better than The Wire, sorry guys)
5) Seinfeld
6) It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia
7) Californication
8) Futurama
9) Six Feet Under
10) Late Night With Conan O'Brien

If the list went to 11) MST3K
1. The Simpsons*
2. Twin Peaks
3. The Twilight Zone (original series)
4. The X-Files
5. Xena Warrior Princess
6. Alfred Hitchcock Presents
7. Futurama
8. South Park
9. Veronica Mars
10. Buffy TVS

*That's only valid for Seasons 2-9. Ignore this line if it breaks any thread rules :lol


donkeymonkey said:
1. The Simpsons (S2-S9)

I don't know what the "rules" are but I think this skews the results if you're able to do this. I didn't put The Simpsons on my list because I feel like all the terrible seasons tarnish the show just enough to not make my top ten. So picking random seasons has to be against the rules.


Damn this is going to be tough.

1. The Simpsons
2. Angel
3. The Wire
4. Firefly
5. Arrested Development
6. Avatar the Last Airbender
7. Lost
8. The X-Files
9. Dexter
10. Chuck

Honourable mentions: Buffy, Star Trek: TNG, Airwolf (loved it so much as a kid, although re-watching it as an adult shows it was really kind of a shitty show like almost everything from the 80s), Farscape, Gargoyles, Millennium (would have probably beat X-Files if it had had one more season), Ultraviolet, Madmen, Venture Brothers

Honestly I haven't watched Simpsons in years and never re-watch old episodes, but I just can't not have it #1 after the incredible number of great shows it gave me.


Mumei said:
Dear Bernbaum,

When did you say the tallying would be revealed?



Voting ends for this tonight. I didn't realise people were still voting, and have organised the list of the results all ready to go.

I guess voting will stop at 12 midnight, PDT, which is 20 more hours.

Sorry Mumei, I thought I answered your PM, but I checked my outbox and it wasn't sent. The method for counting votes is listed in the OP.


Honorary Canadian.
1. West Wing
2. Band of Brothers
3. Friday Night Lights
4. Boston Legal
5. Chuck
6. House
7. Seinfeld
8. Simpsons
9. Always Sunny in Philadelphia
10. MASH

I know the Wire should be here but I haven't seen it sooo yeah. I'm guessing htat's why there's not much West Wing here.


Noooooo I missed it! Oh well...

1) Lost
2) South Park
3) Buffy the Vampire Slayer
4) Angel
5) Firefly
6) The West Wing
7) Battlestar Galactica
8) 24
9) X-Files
10) Veronica Mars

GAF's choices are pretty good. Wish Buffy was higher but that's okay. I'm on Wire Season 3 so so far it's not in the Top 10. Maybe it will be when I see it all.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
FNL didn't even make the top 20? Looks like I should have bothered to enter this thread earlier.

But Lost making the top spot is great, though.


The Legend of BorkBork: BorkBorkity Borking
Pretty predictable list, but I have a bit of an issue with LOST and the Simpsons. I made my choices based on the complete television series. To include shows that haven't finished their runs when the narrative is of significance, or shows that have obviously declined in quality in recent years, seems a bit strange to me.

John Dunbar

correct about everything
BorkBork said:
Pretty predictable list, but I have a bit of an issue with LOST and the Simpsons. I made my choices based on the complete television series. To include shows that haven't finished their runs when the narrative is of significance, or shows that have obviously declined in quality in recent years, seems a bit strange to me.

i agree that lost shouldn't be on that list (because it's garbage) but no amount of crap seasons will take anything away from the brilliance of the simpsons.


Absolutely pathetic part deux
daw840 said:
There is not NEARLY enough praise for Breaking Bad in this thread. Possibly the greatest show ever on TV. EVER.

I haven't seen The Wire, so I can't say if it's better than that or not

Breaking Bad might reach Wire levels but as of right now, Wire is only better because it is finished and like some reviewer wrote, "feels more like a modern Dickens novel of Baltimore than it does a TV series."

Edit: Wait, how long ago was this post I quoted?


Gaf has a lot of idiots i see.

Lost followed by the simpsons. I enjoy Lost but i laugh when it is even in top 100 lists. The Simpsons has a whole is rather poor. 1/3 of the series have been good and should have been put to rest a long time ago.
1. Doctor Who :lol
2. The X-Files
3. Star Trek: TOS
4. Twilight Zone
5. Batman: TAS
7. Spaced
8: Buffy
9. Justice Leage Unlimited
10. 30 Rock

EDIT: Ahh fuck voting ended... :(

The finaly tally is terrible. GAF needs to watch more TV!!!
Best Show:

Winner: Lost
Runner-up: The Simpsons


11) Office, The (UK)
12) South Park
13) Office, The (US)



Lost better than The West Wing?

You all fucking fail.

Lack of Yes Minister is disappointing, yet unsurprising :p


Subconscious Brolonging
I don't agree with the order but that list is full of great shows, except for 24. Cut out that hackneyed cancer and the list is pristine.


Bernbaum said:

Thank you for running the vote. That looks like it took a hell of a lot of time.

What can I say about the list? The top ten includes most of my favorite shows.

The only real WTF is how low The West Wing is. Really? American, recent-but-not-too-recent, critically acclaimed, high ratings...


I'd say the list was pretty predictable for GAF, with the only real surprise being X-Files in the top ten. That show and Futurama were both a case of not being everyone's favourite show (i.e: appearing in the top 5 of peoples lists), but were mentioned in enough lists to make it high on the list.


ChoklitReign said:
11) Office, The (UK)
12) South Park
13) Office, The (US)


I really love the US Office, but it just doesn't have the same classic tone that the UK series had- maybe because it had a great sense of closure with the Christmas finale that didn't need to drag out the relationship between Tim and Dawn. I do like the Pam/Jim arc though, but I'm not sure how the
will pan out for the next season.
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