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GAF Votes The Best TV shows from anywhere, ever. VOTES CLOSED - RESULTS IN OP

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Forgotten in his cell
1. The Simpsons
2. Angel
3. Buffy the Vampire Slayer
4. Pete & Pete
5. Futurama
6. Jeopardy!
7. Firefly
8. 30 Rock
9. Iron Chef (JP)
10. Fawlty Towers


1. Top Gear
2. Seinfeld
3. South Park
4. Family Guy
5. 24
7. Ghost Hunters
8. Futurama
9. Storytellers


1. Firefly
2. Arrested Development
4. 24
5. The Office (US)
6. South Park
7. Venture Brothers
8. Sopranos
9. Aqua Teen Hunger Force
10. The Simpsons

Honorable mentions to Family Guy, Dexter, BSG (not finished watching yet), Chappelle's Show, and Seinfeld.
John Dunbar said:
Not enough love for Frasier is more like it.



1. The Simpsons (counting only 2-10, but there it is)
2. Freaks and Geeks
3. The Adventures of Pete & Pete
4. Cowboy Bebop
5. Arrested Development
6. The X-Files
7. The Wonder Years
8. Batman: The Animated Series
9. Futurama
10. Avatar: The Last Airbender


Fork 'em, Sparky!
1. Lost
2. Seinfeld
4. The Simpsons
5. Batman: TAS
6. Twin Peaks
7. Sealab 2021
8. The Office
9. Good Eats
10. Law and Order (up until about 2002 or so)

Eric WK

1. The Wire
2. Twin Peaks
3. The Simpsons
4. Deadwood
5. Lost
6. Curb Your Enthusiasm
7. 30 Rock
8. Freaks and Geeks
9. Arrested Development
10. John From Cincinnati

Edit: Not sure why I forgot Lost before. Whoops.


1- Futurama - This show basically craps all over every other show ever made.
2- Family Guy - Before Fox resurrected it.
3 - X Files
4 - Simpsons - Seasons 1-9.
5 - South Park
6 - Scrubs
7 - Seinfeld - Mid to late seasons.
8 - The Daily Show
9 - Frasier
10 - Everybody Loves Raymond


Rank of shows has been updated to post #210. Waiting for a few pm's to come back regarding some votes.

Will let this thread burn until at least mid-week, maybe even Friday and then I'll post the final results.

I was considering having a few sub-categories when I post the results, similar to what Ani does for the GotY threads.

Here are the categories:

Best Show
Best Drama
Best Sitcom

Best Sci-fi (may change this to "Best Sci-fi with spaceships" if people don't consider Lost a true sci-fi)
Best Animated Comedy
Best Animated Show (Non-comedy) - For shows like Batman TAS and Avatar the Last Airbender
Best Show That Got Cancelled
Best Non-fiction Show (doco's, food shows, and Top Gear)

I won't do best anime on the basis of this thread, because there was a far better voting thread for that.

Your thoughts on these categories and suggestions for others would be greatly appreciated


Bernbaum said:
Rank of shows has been updated to post #210. Waiting for a few pm's to come back regarding some votes.

Will let this thread burn until at least mid-week, maybe even Friday and then I'll post the final results.

I was considering having a few sub-categories when I post the results, similar to what Ani does for the GotY threads.

Here are the categories:

Best Show
Best Drama
Best Sitcom

Best Sci-fi (may change this to "Best Sci-fi with spaceships" if people don't consider Lost a true sci-fi)
Best Animated Comedy
Best Animated Show (Non-comedy) - For shows like Batman TAS and Avatar the Last Airbender
Best Show That Got Cancelled
Best Non-fiction Show (doco's, food shows, and Top Gear)

I won't do best anime on the basis of this thread, because there was a far better voting thread for that.

Your thoughts on these categories and suggestions for others would be greatly appreciated

Yeah, LOST isn't a sci-fi show (not really).

Will you also include the plain top-ten?

Good job, BTW.


gdt5016 said:
Will you also include the plain top-ten?

Of course!

Probably will just do the top 100, with scores so people can see how close certain shows were (re: The Office UK vs US has been interesting to watch each time I've updated the list!).

Because of the voting system, the order of shows beyond the first 100 or so won't really mean anything, because a lot of shows only have 1 or 2 votes.


The Storyteller said:
Really? Really?

"We're either in the past or we're in the future."

You know, I like you. And I'm beat from debating Lost-stuff, so, can we skip to the part where we agree to disagree?


Changed, thanks for the heads up.

BTW, the only other vote that I've changed because someone edited it was Desperado's, and that's only because he told me. I will not be checking these twice, so if anyone has changed their vote, please let me know and include the POST NUMBER, this makes it a hell of a lot easier to change.


1. Chuck
2. Lost
3. Futurama
4. Breaking Bad
5. Firefly
6. South Park
7. Dexter
8. Life
9. Angry Beavers
10. Mythbusters


1. Seinfeld
2. Arrested Development
3. The Simpsons Seasons 1-8 (Rest don't count)
4. Curb Your Enthusiasm
5. Family Guy Season 1-3 (Rest don't count)
6. The Venture Brothers
7. Extras
8. Entourage
9. Pingu
10. Spaced


Subconscious Brolonging
The number of you that haven't watched The Shield is depressing. I don't think any other show has executed a story so well, especially a story that spans 7 seasons. It proves that television is just as good a storytelling medium as any other, it's just a remarkable piece of fiction.


The Shield is currently ranked 20th, directly ahead of big GAF favourites Chuck, Star Trek TNG and Friday Night Lights.


gdt5016 said:
When will you...make final tally?

I'm thinking end of this week. Want to have as many votes in as possible to avoid ties (and there are a few), but won't set a closing time just yet.



For people voting for the Wire, it is almost always in their top 5, and it has some of the most #1 votes from voters, meaning that people that have watched it, really love it. There are other shows which have done well in the tally which have not recieved #1 votes, but are universally loved by most and appear in the lower ranks of a lot of lists (Futurama).

I will start watching the Wire this week!
1) Robin Hood
2) Big Brother (US Format)
3) Saved by the Bell
4) Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares (UK Format)
5) The Adventures of Pete & Pete
6) Friends
7) Beavis and Butt-Head
8) Ned & Stacey
9) South Park
10) Supermarket Sweep


1. FullMetal Alchemist
2. One Piece
3. Death Note
4. The Office (US)
5. House MD
6. The Daily Show with Jon Stewart
7. Band of Brothers
8. Friends

There is an incredible lack of FMA and One Piece in this topic :(


1. Mystery Science Theater 3000
2. Firefly
3. The Daily Show with John Stewart
4. Buffy
5. The X-Files
6. The Colbert Report
7. Fullmetal Alchemist
8. Mythbusters
9. South Park
10. Iron Chef (JP, not the godawful American edition)


battlestar galactica
the wire
cowboy bebop
red dwarf
twin peaks
the simpsons


1.) The Sopranos
2.) Rome
3.) Neon Genesis Evangelion
4.) Arrested Development
5.) Monty Python's Flying Circus
6.) Batman - The Animated Series
7.) Azumanga Daioh
8.) Curb your Enthusiasm
9.) South Park
10.) Dexter
2. Supernatural
3. Buffy
4. Angel
5. Battlestar Galactica
6. Arrested Devlopment
7. X-Files
8. South Park
9. Family Guy
10. Smallville


1. Blackadder
2. The Young Ones
3. Twin Peaks
4. Lost
5. The Mighty Boosh
6. Futurama
7. Carnivale
8. South Park
9. Seinfeld
Bernbaum said:

For people voting for the Wire, it is almost always in their top 5, and it has some of the most #1 votes from voters, meaning that people that have watched it, really love it. There are other shows which have done well in the tally which have not recieved #1 votes, but are universally loved by most and appear in the lower ranks of a lot of lists (Futurama).

I will start watching the Wire this week!
You can't just watch through the entirety of TNG and not go on to Deep Space Nine! I forbid it!


milkyjay20 said:
anybody who doesn't say the wire hasn't seen the wire


"My list of favorite televsion does not include The Wire!"


"Wha-wha-What's he thinkin, man? That-that aint cool."


"Yeah. Yeah, I got it, Kima. Let's go."


"Where is this fuck?"


"We need. to get. that. wiretap."


"I'll see what I can do."


"We got you now."

"The fuck."

"*chuckles* Coooooool Lester Smooth."

"Wait, what's your P.C.?"


"Who needs probable cause?"



*whistles 'Farmer in the Dell'*


"Thanks to the capture of this criminal nerd, this drain on our society, today we are a smarter city! I want to thank the hard working Baltimore City Police Department, particularly Commissioner Burrell and Deputy Ops. Rawls, without whom..."
1. The Simpsons
2. Arrested Development
3. House MD
4. Seinfeld
5. Futurama
6. Firefly
7. Sealab 2021
8. Good Eats
9. Family Guy

Nothing really worth mentioning for no. 10.


1. The Simpsons
2. Mystery Science Theater 3000
3. Arrested Development
4. Angel
5. Futurama
6. Seinfeld
7. Top Gear


1. Firefly
3. BSG
4. Friends
5. House
6. Family Guy
7. Everybody Loves Raymond
8. Seinfeld
9. South Park
10. Phineas and Ferb
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