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GAF, what is the worst game you've ever played?


I am Korean.
Just in terms of making me furious, Double Dragon Neon. Tone deaf to the max.

In terms of just being a joyless slog, that Southpark kart racer on the N64. I played a lot of meh games that year for Allgameguide, but I think that was the one that made me realize how much I dislike playing games that aren't worth playing. Worse since I didn't have cable and had no idea what the references meant. "Mr Hanky? Why is there a sentient stick?"


Superman 64
Aidyn Chronicles
Tomorrow Never Dies (PSX)

Controversial pick: Bloodborne. Just couldn't get into it or enjoy it. Maybe not the WORST but def. my least favorite popular game.


I've tried a lot of garbage too bad to even remember.

Played and finished, though?

Kind of a tie between Mega Man X7, Metroid Other M and Crisis Core. Can't decide.


One of my earliest memories is playing through this and hating every second:



It's still this


Your worst games have nothing on this one, I saved money for months as a kid to buy it, even Nintendo Power pimped it like it was the second coming of Christ. I lost my innocence the day I played it and understood that day bad videogames could also exist.

Holy shit, I just had a flashback. I had totally forgotten about this piece of shit. But you're right, this is my pick as well.


I got grudge sucked!
Most recently it was Dark Angel Vampire Apocalypse for the PS2. Looked like a net yaroze game and played like ass.


If we can count games that made you feel physically ill I'd say Gex N64. The N64 wasn't known for its great framerates yet for the most part I had no trouble playing other games, but for this game in particular every moment trying to play it made me nauseated. Ugh. At the time had no idea the real cause.



The game does make me laugh though. I knew the game was shit as a 6 year old playing this on the SNES and I didn't bother to play it more than 5 minutes but when having an emulator I would just go back to this game for absolute laughs. It's so bad, it's good.

Watching a 9 minute speed run of this game over on Youtube had me rolling on the floor.

Drakkhen for SNES which is 2nd for me is just flat out boring and might be the most dull of a video game I have ever played. With Pitfighter, I can at least laugh. With Drakkhen besides just having your characters just drown to death there was no excitement with this game. Music sucked ass, sounds were grating, no direction of what to do, boring characters, boring altogether. Just boring.
It's still this


Your worst games have nothing on this one, I saved money for months as a kid to buy it, even Nintendo Power pimped it like it was the second coming of Christ. I lost my innocence the day I played it and understood that day bad videogames could also exist.

Yeah that game is something.

You may have hated them the most, but can you honestly say FO3 & FO4 are the worst games you have ever played?

If so you are lucky, you clearly haven't experienced the crap that most people have.

OT - For me I'd have to go with Earthworm Jim 3D, any others have either been too long ago, too insignificant, or have been burned from my memory

Yes I can honestly say that I find both of those games to be truly atrocious in every way.


Pit fighter on SNES. Not sure if it's the absolute worst, but it's the one that comes to mind. Complete fucking garbage. I got it for free and I paid too much.

As a kid it was probably a tie between Total Recall (NES) and Pit Fighter (SNES). I'd probably give the edge to Pit Fighter because until the release of Aliens: Colonial Marines, it was the first game I had bought, played, and returned all within the same day.

As for within the past couple of years, TMNT: Mutants in Manhattan and Rambo. I got through the first level on both, then returned them.
Oh thank god there's are other poor souls out there alongside me. I also saw someone mention this for the NES, I can't imagine the NES version would be any worse than the SNES port.

Looks the Genesis and arcade ports were actually playable too LOL.
Probably Ephemeral Fantasia on the PS2. I was a huge Final Fantasy fan back then, had recently finished FFX and was looking for a new JRPG expecting similar quality. Saw this game on the shelf, never read reviews back in those days, returned it the very next day when it turned out to be a game about staring at low poly boobs and thongs with some atrocious combat mechanics thrown in for good measure.


I do my homework a lot before I buy, so I don't get burned much. But in recent memory, Dark Souls 2, then followed by Dark Souls and the original Assassin's Creed. .

Edit: Forgot about Killzone 3 which I never finished. That would be 4th on the list.


Worst game ever is a bit too open for me, but worst game I played this year is Torquel. Looks like a neat idea, tedious and frustrating to actually play. I think it was the level design that let it down (it's supposed to be a puzzle game) or maybe the base idea is just a bit shit.

Free on PS+ if anyone is interested! /s

Worst AAA release... Resi 6? I remember hating GTA4 as well but I think that was just a bit dull.
The one that instantly comes to mind is Sonic Lost World on 3DS, a game I'd generously describe as occasionally mildly functional but bafflingly designed. If you play the demo you've played the best part of the game, because everything goes tits up as soon as zone 1 act 2. I stubbornly made it up to the ice zone before I had to give up for my sanity's sake. The amazingly terrible special stages are just the cherry on top of this perfect storm of awful. I'd say it's worse than Sonic 06, which might be completely busted but I was at least able to finish the whole thing.

Honourable mention that has its merits but I didn't enjoy at all: Trails of Cold Steel.

I really wanted to like this because JRPGs are my favourite genre and there was a lot of hype surrounding CS, but the 20 or so hours I spent with it were possibly the most bored I've ever been playing a video game. The plot had no hook, the characters were all either bland anime archetypes or annoying AND bland anime archetypes, and the social sim stuff was obviously only shoved in there because they wanted to do the Persona thing in a game not structured to compliment such a mechanic. I'm cool with RPGs being laid back and slow to get going, since I do really like Atelier and the aforementioned Persona, but all CS did was grind down my patience until I had to give up.

Also, I didn't hate the battle system.
I cannot think of one because it would have to be a throw away game from my ColecoVision / Commodore 64 / Amstrad CPC 464 days. I played a lot of rubbish back then.


A really shitty cash in called Nicktoons Unite. Game soft locked multiple times in one level, had surprisingly almost no music, and just felt broken. As a kid I really liked the Spongebob games cause they were good collectathons, but even I could tell that I got ripped off.


I only ever finished one horrible game as I usually don't play them or drop pretty early, but this one was from series I've played every game for years - Might and Magic IX. It looked like a nightmare, was buggy and short and it ruined series as a bonus.
Superman 64.

years ago, I worked in a store that sold mainly used stuff and someone wanted to get an N64 games for their kid. There were two in stock: Wayne Gretzky and Superman 64 This being Australia, no one would go for the Hockey game so Superman it was, but she wanted to see if it worked so I hooked up an N64 and loaded it up.

Oh jesus, It loaded fine but it was so fucking godawful trying to control (flying through some rings or some shit). How could anyone watch me struggle with this game and still buy it?

She still bought it.
Its by no means a bad game. Its a massive success and plenty of people love it.

However, I don't buy a lot of games. But for me, through sheer disappointment and my personal worst game I've played, it was definitely Destiny.

Say what you want about Resident Evil 4. Personally I think it's not half as good as some talk it up. But no matter on what side of the fence you stand concerning it's quality, it can be said that the original 1.0 PC Version from 2007, was utter garbage.

Released with no mouse support, missing lighting effects, video cutscene footage straight from the PS2, this was the most laughably bad port I've ever witnessed for a AAA title. Maybe even worse than Pre-Durante Dark Souls.

Lacking a controller at the time I played it with the hideous keyboard only control layout, with arrow keys for movement and WASD for aiming. Later on I switched to an unofficial mouse support patch, that literally translated the keyboard controls to the X- & Y-axis of the mouse. And don't even ask about the brain anorysm the quicktime events gave me.
Remapping the keys, doesn't change the keys shown in the quicktime event prompts. Action keys are just called 1-6. Hilarious.

Seriously this version was garbage. Straight up garbage.

Missing lighting effects in action:
Objective perspective: I... dunno, never really played anything that aggressively bad.

Subjective perspective: Fuck you Zero Time Dilemma for shitting on my dreams


E.T. for the 2600 is probably the worst one.

Gex 2 was really bad too. I don't know how Gex got green lighted for sequels.


Probably Ephemeral Fantasia on the PS2. I was a huge Final Fantasy fan back then, had recently finished FFX and was looking for a new JRPG expecting similar quality. Saw this game on the shelf, never read reviews back in those days, returned it the very next day when it turned out to be a game about staring at low poly boobs and thongs with some atrocious combat mechanics thrown in for good measure.


Oh hell, this game! This is one I forgot about! It's a shame because if I recall correctly it tried to do a Majora's Mask like time cycle that I loved in MM, but wasn't implemented super well here. It sucks because I really wanted to like this game, especially considering at that time I was really starved for some good JRPGS on the then new PS2, and unfortunately this game didn't cut it. Not the worst game I have played, but one that ended up being a big disappointment.
Mindjack. I thought maybe it would be good coming from SE but hell no. I dont know what possessed me to play through the whole thing either instead of just ditching early on.
Afro Samurai 2. It constantly surprised me at how fucking garbage it was in every single aspect. Even the comic strip style cutscenes don't work and look terrible. And to think that it was the first episode of many.



Still have the game media. Read about a total conversion for it years ago that sounded like they would make something good of it. Sadly, I never saw that the conversion was completed so I never got to try it.
I remember buying that Aerosmith snes game revolution x , I think that's what it was called

Was just shit and dull, thankfully it was just $10 lol
Shadow Warrior.

I won't buy "it's not a bad game no matter what you think." Shadow Warrior is an one of the most torturous experiences in an interactive medium. Its gameplay can barely carry it for a few interactions, let alone 12+ fucking hours. Fuck Shadow Warrior.


Neo Member
A friend of mine gave me a copy of DJ Boy for the Genesis for my birthday one year. I Never passed the first level. I am still bitter about that game.



I paid 50FiM for it at the time.

I remember that it took quite a few attempts to even get running on my old Pure3D setup.

I stopped playing the game at around this point. I just couldn't.

There are also some really bad Amiga and C64 games I've played but I can't remember any of those so I give the reward to Asghan.
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