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#GamerGate thread 2: it's about feminism in games journalism

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I thought most of GG's self appointed leadership detested gamers? Wouldn't that make goobergrapers anti-gamer?
They haven't bothered checking that. Do you think anyone who takes so many false allegations seriously without fact checking them would doubt anyone who supported them? :p

The statement is also hilarious. Oh noes, they'll call us non gamers or casuals!



via @a_man_in_black

Sometimes I see ridiculous comments online and wish I could save them and present them to the person in 5-10 years and see how they feel about their young self.

This one takes the cake. I really would love to know what this guy thinks about what he wrote after awhile.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
I dismissed it early on because those kinds of generalizations make me uncomfortable, but goddamn the number of anime avatars is starting to get to me now. Not as a generalization of people who enjoy anime (hell, I'm in that category) but in kind of a...A contains B type thing


Awesome Youtube video maker MrBtongue made a video with a small section on GG being bullshit. Guess who's still making a fool of themselves in the comments: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PWElVmXXC6U

Edit: TB's comments just disappeared, if the video maker removed them the salt levels are gonna be biblical. Although given plenty of other GG shit is there I'm guessing he removed them himself.
I dismissed it early on because those kinds of generalizations make me uncomfortable, but goddamn the number of anime avatars is starting to get to me now. Not as a generalization of people who enjoy anime (hell, I'm in that category) but in kind of a...A contains B type thing

Just be careful not to voice your distaste in games with lolicon aesthetics.

I made the mistake of saying so once in this thread, and got swarmed by the loli-defence police on gaf.
via @a_man_in_black

Sometimes I see ridiculous comments online and wish I could save them and present them to the person in 5-10 years and see how they feel about their young self.

This one takes the cake. I really would love to know what this guy thinks about what he wrote after awhile.

Ha ha, this is amazing!

"We fap to shit you'd faint at" is an amazing line, I can't front. Legitimately hilarious.


Awesome Youtube video maker MrBtongue made a video with a small section on GG being bullshit. Guess who's still making a fool of themselves in the comments: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PWElVmXXC6U
I can't recommend MrBTongue's videos enough; he is easily the best video game analyst I've listened to. His shandification of Fallout video manages to explain what makes a video game world work, and how games work on different narrative principles.

Even this short video had some good thoughts on problems with modern RPGs.
I dismissed it early on because those kinds of generalizations make me uncomfortable, but goddamn the number of anime avatars is starting to get to me now. Not as a generalization of people who enjoy anime (hell, I'm in that category) but in kind of a...A contains B type thing

Now that you mention it... yeah. I never really thought of how high of a concentration of little girl anime avatars they have... but wow.


Now that you mention it... yeah. I never really thought of how high of a concentration of little girl anime avatars they have... but wow.

The guy making the Anita Sarkessian hit piece documentary is a pedophile apologist.

Not that the anime avatars mean anything though, I just go with what we know.


Man I love MrBTongue, will watch as soon as I can

Edit: it was good, and eff TotalBiscuit, he may be ethical in games journalism but he is not ethical in terms of how he treats other people
The guy making the Anita Sarkessian hit piece documentary is a pedophile apologist.

Not that the anime avatars mean anything though, I just go with what we know.

My opinion of Davis Aurini is that he is an apologist for everything disgusting and apologizes for none of it.


i don't know if my avatar counts as 'anime'? I mean, it was the cover of a Famitsu magazine, but... not really anime?

i don't know if my avatar counts as 'anime'? I mean, it was the cover of a Famitsu magazine, but... not really anime?


It's as reminiscent of "Precious Moments" or hommel figurines as it is anime, so I think you fall someone in the middle.
I'm always reminded of the opening of the Star Wars Ep 3 text when I read something about "both sides"
Cause I always wondered what the hell Lucas was thinking when he wrote "There are heroes on both sides"
What is it... "only Siths deal in absolutes"? George Lucas pro-GG and a Sith Lord confirmed. It's almost 2015 and I can't believe we're still not beyond the Golden Mean fallacy, sigh.
Some Dude With A Fedora For An Avatar on YouTube said:
What is a Gamergater exactly? I mean ,can anyone adopt the hashtag and then have their actions reflect the entire group? That doesn't seem reasonable at all.
You've got to be fucking kidding me.
I feel bad about giving his channel hits, but I check his channel every so often for a good dose of "holy shit, this guy is a piece of work" laugh.

I just watch The Sarkeesian Effect: A Measured Response over and over again. I think that hits most of his highlights and also is funny as hell to boot.
Stop hating on anime, amir0x. I remember your scott pilgrim avatar from way back when. that's like some monkees shit to anime's beatles.
i'm kidding!

can anyone explain where this awful quote from TB came from?

seems like he's on a roll today.

in the running for shithead of 2014.
Honestly I'm one for shitting on GG but I'm not in the camp of completely hating on anything TB had to say about the situation. Seems like mob mentality is striking at him imo. You want someone better to go after, you should look up what DSP had to say about Anita.
Honestly I'm one for shitting on GG but I'm not in the camp of completely hating on anything TB had to say about the situation. Seems like mob mentality is striking at him imo. You want someone better to go after, you should look up what DSP had to say about Anita.

Yeah I don't get the TB hate either. I only discovered him recently, like in the past six months. I've listened to his podcast a bit and he seems like a smart enough guy. He's said some things that are sympathetic to some of the causes that GG people CLAIM to give a shit about, but has come out again and again against harassment and sexism.

I dunno, maybe I'm missing something, but he doesn't seem to be half as bad as people seem to claim he is.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Yeah I don't get the TB hate either. I only discovered him recently, like in the past six months. I've listened to his podcast a bit and he seems like a smart enough guy. He's said some things that are sympathetic to some of the causes that GG people CLAIM to give a shit about, but has come out again and again against harassment and sexism.

I dunno, maybe I'm missing something, but he doesn't seem to be half as bad as people seem to claim he is.
The "I can't take death threats credibly because she's still alive" quote kind of destroyed any respect I might have given him. He's also said plenty of other stuff
In addition to the anime avatar thing, it's disturbing how obsessed that 'Gaters are with the hair of the "Literally Whos", especially Zoe Quinn.


Nobody goes after DarksidePhil for his comments because EVERYONE knows he's an idiot, especially his fanbase. People take issue with TB because people act like he's a swell guy and he has actual influence.

Also, I don't think pretending that none of the harassment is real or actually GG releated qualifies as "has come out again and again against harassment and sexism." Practically every person in GG says the same thing. Doesn't mean it rings true when Milo or Cernovich say it, and it's ringing less true by the day for TB. Pretending that the movement is pure and it is just unrelated trolls, or attempting to undermine the credibility of threats is pretty vile.
I dunno, maybe I'm missing something, but he doesn't seem to be half as bad as people seem to claim he is.

I'm sure people can fill in on a lot of the other unsavory stuff related to GG but:

1. he was one of the YTers pushing the Zoe Quinn nonsense before GG had a name.

2. He's had a huge number of choice things to say during all this like: “I'm also not going to claim they [death threats] were credible, because, well, to put it bluntly, Anita is still breathing."; which is absolutely disgusting.

3. The dude's relationship to GG is absolutely disingenuous as he happily switches between not identifying with it & identifying with it whenever it makes either him or GG look best.

4. I think he shows up to whine about Anita on like every single video ever.

5. His stance "against harassment" is essentially "Shut up about it" (unless it happens to him, because of special pleading.)
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