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Games you're sad weren't well received commercially

Elite Beat Agents should be a godamn household name for Nintendo.

Another one of those for the WiiU or even 3DS (perhaps both) would be an instant purchase of a WiiU. Or save some moolah and just make a 3DS sequel.

Fuck the Microsoft iNis and get to godamn work on it.

Agents are go...


Alpha Protocol - Jankiness (cover mechanics), mini games and one strange bug aside, my second favorite game of the current generation. It didn't have my favorite story, but it did tell it in the best way possible. I enjoyed the choices and consequnces they give during your playthroughs. There are also a lot of characters that I liked.

Okami - Sure, it did get re-releases and a sequel but that in no way helped Clover Studios. I'm currently playing this and having a great time. The boss battles have been fun, the game looks great with a lovely artstyle and the soundtrack is top notch. I'm sad I didn't pick this up on the PS2.

The Last Remnant - I'm going to assume the game didn't do well enough to warrant a sequel. Despite techical issues on Xbox 360, I spent close to 100 hours on this. I really like turn based combat, I liked it even more that this game toyed with new cocepts for a jrpg. Positioning had different effects, setting up unions was fun and setting up formations for unions added even more depth.

Final Fantasy Tactics Advance 2 - You can't rotate the camera, most annyoing it felt. Other than that, I loved the game. Spent almost 120 hours on my first playtvrough. The jobs were great. I loved all the different classes you could choose from. The game also made the law system less restrictive and annyoing compared to the first game.

Nier - It didn't have a great combat system and the graphics didn't give the player a good first impression. The game did however have a good story that revealed things on subsequent playthroughs. There were enough likeable characters to keep me going and the boss battles were really fun. The game also has a great soundtrack.

Mistwalker's games - I have only played Lost Odyssey and am progressing through Blue Dragon right now. They were/are solid enough games, but the sales were less than impressive. Lost Odyssey had sever loading issues on my console, frying it. When the option to install games to the HDD was an option on 360, I completed the game and enjoyed it despite a boring antagonist.

Troika Games' games - They all had technical issues (which probably hurt them a lot) but they were also some of my favorite games of all time. Arcanum with its steampunk setting. Roaming the lands with 8 adventurers was great fun, especially seeing my mercenaries slaughter enemies before I could even blink. The character customization was off the wall. Your main character could truly be built the way you wanted.
Temple of Elemental Evil has a great turn based combat system that I am surprised we haven't seen in other games.
Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines is my favorite Troika game. You do need to install fan patches, it really makes a difference. It has the best voice acting in any game and the writing probably helped a lot. Some crazy characters that are not easy to forget. Had the games released with less bugs, it might have helped Troika.

That's ten out of many games that makes me sad.

PN 03
You know, I'd like to post this game in every thread like this, but if I would, half my posts would be just those, so I don't. Thanks for doing it instead of me and even among the first responses! You are a great person!


Vanquish and God Hand. Two amazing gems. I really wanted Vanquish to be a multi-million seller especially.

Hopefully The Evil Within does that.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
Psi-Ops: The MindGate Conspiracy

Anyone who has beaten it know exactly what I'm talking about. The cliffhanger was bullshit.

That and Second Sight. Psi-Ops was much better for messing around with, whereas Second Sight had stirling narrative and characters.

You wait for a game that lets you use psychic powers and two come at once... then nothing.
One of my top 5 games this gen, loved everything about it but the characters really stuck with me.


A god awful Socom but a pretty good 3rd person shooter.
Had a nice story mode, good mp and an outstanding soundtrack
likely killed the Socom series and definitely killed Zipper Interactive.


Didn't think it was the best or worst of the series but its an Ace Combat.
Panzer Dragoon RPG
Gravity Rush

...but I realised all of them got (or will get for GR it seems) some kind of "sequel" (Orta, Okamiden and Shadow of the colossus)


Too many to name.

I'll go with the first 3 that come to my mind:
1) DmC
2) Mirror's Edge
3) Red Steel 2


Neo Member
Alan Wake.

I just love the IP and would've loved a sequel straight ahead. American Nightmare was quite decent, I really liked the arcade action style. However, I'm really looking forward to a full-blown sequel.


For me, Okami and Psychonauts were some of the most original, fresh games of last generation. It hurt to see so many generic grey games selling so well, while these two had to struggle for publicity. You can also pretty much say all Clover studio's games should have sold much better than they did.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
So many I could named, especially as a fan of niche games, but the three that struck me immediately were


Shadows of the Damned


Alan Wake


Valkyria Chronicles


I microwave steaks.
This thread is great, really outlining what I still need to pick up.

Advance wars: Days of ruin deserves much more than what it got. Was disgustingly a good game and the series deserves as much love as what FE gets :mad:

Half Minute Hero is one of the most entertaining pick up and play games, the humor is awesome, the gameplay is quick and solid. Didn't sell nearly enough to port the sequel here :/

Hotel Dusk. Yeah, it got a sequel that was localized in every region except america but CING went god damn bankrupt, how could you let this happen?


Arcanum: Of Steamworks And Magic Obscura
So classy, so dapper, so badly received.

Drakengard / NieR
The atmosphere and plot, so good and dark. Less so in NieR, but still had oodles of charm.

Shadow Hearts
There'll never be one set in the modern age..


Eternal Darkness

It really should have become a third pillar in survival horror with RE offering the B movie cheese, Silent Hill offering the psychological horror and ED offering the
Cthulu weird stuff

It is a unique game in its genre, it did combat pretty well, especially compared to other survival horror games and had a very well told story.


There are so many games I could put on this list, seems like there are always a bunch every single year.

right now the one that sticks with me the most is Trails in the sky, both because I love the series and because I feel that that there are ways to have increased the sales and things they could still do to save the series in the west. I'm stilling holding out hope though.

One of my all time favorites is still Shenmue, a game ahead of it's time and with so much potential. It's also awful the we wont' ever find out the rest of the story(which barely got started), at least with trails I still have some hope and in the worst case I can learn Japanese but there's simply nothing to do about Shenmue except hope maybe one day Suzuki will just spill the beans on his plans that never came to be.


Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath - It's relatively low sales delivered a near fatal blow to one of my favourite franchises.
I still hold a largely irrational grudge against Microsoft and EA for the part they played in the downfall of the series even if it's unfair (although I have reluctantly bought things from both of them).


Gold Member
Zak and wiki. That games characters and environment is ripe for another genre of game too bad if flopped on the wii. Perfect for a platformer or rpg
Zak and wiki. That games characters and environment is ripe for another genre of game too bad if flopped on the wii. Perfect for a platformer or rpg

I'd actually love to see another puzzle game. It was so different from what I was used to playing at the time. Too bad Capcom is allergic to great ideas.


Another vote for Nier...top 3 of this gen for me...so sad there will not be a sequel...story was brilliant and the soundtrack was amazing.


Was bummed this one never got a sequel. At the end it even told you to write down your characters final stats and items to continue your adventures. :(



Remember Me.

The game grabbed me with its gorgeous sci-fi environs; held me with its diverse locales, innovative memory remixes, and combat customizations; and won my heart with a story I enjoyed and an ending that surprised.

Game gets trashed by a lot of ignorant folks who haven't bothered to play it, which is a shame because more open-minded gamers might really enjoy this game.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
Nier is the obvious answer.

But I have to say that Demon's Souls springs to mind too, as although it did well enough to get a "spiritual successor" it kind of pisses me off that its not nearly as hyped or well known generally as Dark Souls despite being equally great.
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