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Games you're sad weren't well received commercially


There is a few I can think of. Though I am not sure if poor sales were what prevented a sequel for all of them. I am just assuming that if the games were hits they would of got at least one sequel.


Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines

Alpha Protocol

World in Conflict

I am sure there are a bunch I am forgetting.


I have to put in another vote for Tribes 2. I lost countless hours with friends manning the bomber and, later, playing all the zany mods that were produced for it. Still one of the most heart pumping, anxiety filled game to play CTF on I've ever experienced. I never played the first one though so I can't really say what was missing/goofed since the original.


This is definitely in my top five games of all time. So crushing to know we'll never see a sequel.

Tell me about it. I replay that game at least once a year or so and after I am done I get a little sad every time knowing we will never see another one. Threads like this also don't help.


For really old school PC, Lords of the Realm


Great idea in the game in balancing economy and war being way ahead of its time


  • Klonoa Wii Remake.
  • Blue Dragon
  • Lost Odyssey
  • Valkyria Chronicles

Lemme think back to some older titles.

  • Panzer Dragoon Saturn Trilogy
  • Breath of Fire Franchise
  • Lufia Franchise
Thats about it, off the top of my hand. A big problem here, is that a lot of games I loved, that were initially largely ignored, later got a lot of attention and several sequels. Grandia for example, while never a huge seller, managed to garner plenty of attention later on.

Breath of Fire is kinda a cheat too. By modern standards it isn't a great seller, but it did fine during its release. It's a shame the franchise didn't do better though, because I could really go for a new Breath of Fire about now.


Strap on your hooker ...
Bulletstorm. Just a fun-ass, totally whacked-out FPS with tongue firmly in cheek and full of amazing (and colorful!) setpieces, all the things the genre desperately needs. But it tanked, so now back to your regularly scheduled forgettable graybrown military shooters.


Rayman Origins
It released in the most competitive month of the year and suffered until it got a nice little sales surge towards Christmas. I was genuinely sad that one of the best platformers of all times didn't sell well.

Red Faction (Guerilla)
One of my favorite franchises with the best destruction physics we have ever had in a video game that lead to some hilarious gameplay. I guess Guerilla didn't sell enough copies to cover the faliure that was Armageddon. Hopefully we get a new Red Faction game on the PS4 at some point.

Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning
Loved the gameplay. The game wasn't perfect but it was a lot of fun and a sequel (or spiritual successor) could have gone a long way if they listened to the feedback of the players.

I can't really put my finger on it but I really enjoyed this game.



Luckily it was remastered recently, but I was bummed that the Xbox version did pretty terribly. Great, unique and innovative shooter late in the Xbox life cycle that deserved more sales.


Neo Member
Sleeping Dogs, as someone pointed out. Fantastic game all round, enjoyed it way more than I did any of the GTA games. (And I like GTA)

Gameplay, visuals (beautiful on PC) and engaging story, it had everything really. Hope that SEGA realizes that brand new brands need a game to gain a market, and bunker down and make a second game. I believe it could sell well with the right marketing.

And also, a bit more unknown probably:


Fantastic RPG. The story was epic, and loved how you actually had to time your blows and do combos in a turn based RPG.


A lot of people covered stuff I would've said (Mega Man Legends, ZX, X, F-Zero GX, Sega: the thread because they should all sell a bajillion) but some things I'd like to highlight are:

Resonance of Fate
Klonoa (Wii)
Sakura Wars V (the West depended on it)
In recent times:
Tokyo Jungle
Hell Yeah! (some incredible music... Arkedo disbanded)
Retro City Rampage (I don't even...)
Pinball Arcade (MOAR)
Gravity Rush
Little Big Planet Vita (more players and Vita owners would be nice to create for and play with, as the definitive toolset)
Twisted Metal PS3
Mirror's Edge
Monster Madness
Double Dragon Neon
Turtles In Time Reshelled (could have maybe gotten 2 & 3, or a legit HD arcade compiltion. it wasnt hurtin nobody)
Valkyria Chronicles

In the past:
Legend of Oasis
Dragon Force (could've gotten 2)
Shining Force EXA
Cannon Spike
Earthbound (THEN)
Castlevania: Curse of Darkness
I Ninja
Secret of Evermore



Sonic Generations, as an immense Classic Sonic fan who has replayed the games dozens and dozens of times since the mid-late 90s, this was amazing. Not the fact that they brought back Classic Sonic and classic levels. The best part of the whole thing was the gameplay itself. Act 1 of each area felt like a classic Sonic level being short and sweet and having tons of multiple routes (meaning you can replay the games many times and still have a blast and find something new). Act 2 of each level was exactly what I feel 3D Sonic should play like, it was fast, exhilarating, and an amazing experience.

With tons of music tracks to unlock based upon everything from the main series to spin off games of the series history (all of which can be played on any stage), unlockable mods to the gameplay (Skateboard powerup, Elemental Shields, etc), fantastic controls, and level design, I have no idea why game journalism trashed this. Before the game came out I had mostly lost my faith in game journalism, but when I saw the scores for this I just gave up. The reviews read like people who just wanted to make fun of the Sonic series cause it had terrible games in the past and that it was the "cool" thing to do.

People need to realize that the game follows classic arcade game design principles, short but extremely well detailed and design to keep the player coming back. This is what the Classic Sonic games have always been like. Yet people just said the game was too short and disregarded the many, numerous things this game did excellently.

Sin and Punishment 2 also got hated on for the same reason and the sales reflected it. I loved Sonic Generations to death and had a blast with Sin and Punishment 2. These failures critically and commercially made me realize that most people don't care about classic arcade styled action games any more, they just want 100s of hours of open world stuff.

Better than every Final Fantasy (and damn near every other JRPG) in the last decade. This should have been Tri-Ace's new Star Ocean.


Condemned and Condemned 2, the best survival horror games to be released this generation on the consoles. Sadly sales were too low to warrant a sequel.

Best game on the Xbox.

I love that game. Both of the Otogi games as well and I'm sad they didn't do better. There's a ton more I could mention, but I have to mention Kid Chameleon and Lufia: Curse of the Sinistrals. KC because it's a superb platformer with a ton of variety, would've loved to see a sequel of sorts. And Lufia because it's a good game, but due to low sales we'll probably never see a new one again.

For me it´s this one - played it multiple times


I always loved the pixels in this game. The overhead, walkabout portions had really high quality Amiga-style pixel art. These are screenshots I located on the web, so their quality isn't perfect (jpegs + imgur compression). I ought to DOSBox the game later and snap some of my own to preserve.



Baten Kaitos, Origins especially.

Definitely the most interesting card based RPG I've played, and the localisation was amazing (good job 8-4).


One of the first (or the first?) review that got published was GameSpot's, who gave it a 4,5. Soon after a few other outlets also gave the game something below 6-ish and the game was branded as shit by a lot of people on the internet (and of course, some of the worst Wii U haters loved it and spread it around a lot). Man I was angry about that. My boyfriend also did a review but the embargo wouldn't be lifted until a couple days later. I think he rated it 8 or 9 or something between that. But it was just agonizing that everyone was shitting on the game while I knew it was really good. I think it sits at 7,8 at MetaCritic now. But the bad press must've hurt sales a lot.

Another one: Remember Me. The game is far from perfect but the setting, the story, the really cool memory remix segments and the amaaaaziiingg locations made this a really cool video game. The combat could've been much better and I think it hurt the game a little but, man. It's just so cool. You don't get to see a new IP very often, and even then they try to play it safe by making an IP which heavily relies on other franchises' key features. But Remember Me felt like Mirror's Edge in uniqueness. I'm sorry for Dontnod Studios that the press was so harsh on them. The game wasn't bad bad, but some reviews certainly acted like it. I'm afraid it will eventually lead to them abandoning the series and there will never be a sequel. Only hope is that it becomes something like Mirror's Edge or Beyond Good & Evil and people will come to appreciate the game over time and Capcom might consider a sequel then. But I'm afraid it's not going to happen. (Just for the record, I'm not saying that reviewers should give this game a free pass because it's "new". Just, stop comparing it to Uncharted 2 and Batman Arkham Asylum all the time and rate the game based on that). I have the feeling that because the game got a couple of really low scores (a 5,9 from IGN or something) the game got brushed off as a terrible game by a lot of people. I'm seeing that here on GAF too.

Edit: Just realized that my post focuses more on critical succes rather than commercial, apologies. Still, I think in these two cases the two are heavily connected.
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