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Games you've played through so many times they're basically muscle memory now


With the recently released footage of Modern Warfare Remastered from the COD XP event, as well as giving the "Crew Expendable" footage from E3 a rewatch, I was inspired to give COD4 a playthrough once again. Now, COD4's campaign is one of my favorite shooter campaigns ever, it just hits all the right buttons for me. As such I've played through it A LOT over the years.

It's occurred to me during this most recent playthrough that I pretty much know every aspect of this game's campaign like the back of my hand. I know all 30 of the hidden intel locations off the top of my head, I know where the enemy spawn triggers are, I know shortcuts on each level, I can recite the NPC dialogue from memory, etc.

It's practically the only game where that's the case for me (though RDR is getting there). How about y'all?
Sonic 1+2 and Adventure 1+2. I haven't taken the levels slowly in years because I'm permanently, unconsciously in speedrun mode whenever I play.


I haven't played a game that much, but I have a friend who is such a Resident Evil fanatic that he knows all of codes, puzzles, locations for items, etc. for all of the games. The dude is my strategy guide for Resident Evil lol
A bunch of NES classics are too easy for me these days. Castlevania, Contra and Super C, Ninja Gaiden 1 and 2, Mega Man 2. It's rare I even take damage playing them.

I play Tetris almost daily. It's gotten to the point that I zen out while playing it and don't even realize until minutes later I'm several levels higher than the last time I actually paid attention to the pieces dropping.


Some of the DKCR 3D and Rayman Origins levels I played so many times, especially Rayman in speed runs, that I just knew them so innately. It's a satisfying and unique feeling to get to that point in a game. It helps that both have great music. I need to play some TF time trials since I love that game but haven't touched the time trials and didn't care for them in DKCR 3D due to dying not resetting the level.
Rollercoaster Tycoon and Galaga.

I can start a game of RCT and within the first ten minutes I'm done building to the point where I can walk away and still complete the challenges.

With Galaga it's all muscle memory.


the first episode of the original Doom. I don't know where a few secrets are in the later levels, but I have a "routine" and beat it every so often nowadays still.

Back in high school, Eternal Darkness would've fit this for me, too.


Dark Souls 1, every item, every enemy placement, every illusory wall.

Never had a game mapped in my head quite like this one.


Spyro 2 was my first game so I could probably beat that game with my eyes closed.

Kid Icarus Uprising's levels are pretty much memorized to me as well. Controls are a different matter.


Metroid Prime. I know every power-up and can get through the game pretty efficiently for 100% without sequence breaking and only going where I need to go to get forward. I even get momentarily lost at the same point in the game every time.


Hitman: Blood Money and Halo 2, i've put over 500+ hours on each one and i'm the kind of guy who finishes a game only once no matter how good they are but H:BM and Halo 2 were something special


There are a few games where this probably applies for me. Super Metroid, Metroid Prime, Sonic Adventure 2...

...But none of those even remotely compare to Sonic 3 & Knuckles. I've played through that game so many times, it's beyond counting. I've sucked every single ounce of fun from that game for almost 20 years. I used to play it from start to finish EVERY. SINGLE. DAY! This was especially the case when I was in middle school and couldn't get new games very often.

I don't play it nearly as much as I did back then, but I'm confident I'll have the layout of every single act memorized to a T until I'm dead, even if I never touched the game again. If I develop dementia, I will forget my own name before forgetting how to beat that game.


the lucky dime caper starring donald duck on gamegear, i can play that game without losing a single life, it was a pretty hard game overall.

Chrono trigger, i know every single detail by heart.

Metroid Prime

I've played it so often, I now have a personal optimal route for 100%. I've even streamed it on my channel with Dolphin. Next goal is to beat 2:30.
At one point in time, I could close my eyes and run through the entire final track of Daytona USA in my head.

Also, Chrono Trigger, got all my guys to Level ** in one summer. 15 years later, playing the DS version, I could still nail all the dialogue, or where the enemies pop in, etc.


Mega man X
A link to the past
Ocarina of time

Chrono trigger sorta? In the sense that I know where to go and where all the good hidden items are?
In the Snes era, Battletoads.

Was able to do the whole hoverbike section blind. Cause I literally memorized the timings to all the jumps.


Probably Donkey Kong Country, blast through the game in around an hour, my completion rate is around 80%.

Star Fox 64 too but that's an arcade game (with the years SF0 will probably turn into muscle memory too).



I've got over 800 hours in that thing on Steam. And Im still finding new Quests and new miscellaneous Quests that appear every now and then.

This game never ends with mods.


Only really something that happened during my teens. Prior to that I didn't really have easy access to a console, and now I just prioritise new games due to lack of time.

Some that spring to mind -

Metal Gear Solid, Sonic Adventure 1/2, Shenmue 1/2, Skies of Arcadia, Final Fantasy X, Persona 3, Tales of the Abyss


Max Payne I know like the back of my hand. I played it through on tablet even- which I don't recommend.

The Suffering is another one that I've basically memorized start to finish.

Also another one for Ocarina of Time, and Perfect Dark and Body Harvest too.
Definitely Super Mario Bros. 1 and 3, Metal Gear Solid 1-4, Street Fighter 2 (any if them, really), 3rd Strike, and Mortal Kombat II and 3.


Sonic Adventure 1
Sonic Adventure 2
Super Mario Sunshine
Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask

If RPGs count (knowing the game from top to bottom, exactly where to go, what to do, all the secrets, etc):
Paper Mario TTYD
Every pokemon game up to gen 5
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