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Games you've played through so many times they're basically muscle memory now

double jump

you haven't lived until a random little kid ask you "how do you make love".
Dark Souls 1, every item, every enemy placement, every illusory wall.

Never had a game mapped in my head quite like this one.

This. I have played this game so much and in so many ways that I'm bored as soon as title screen loads up.
Megaman X. I've actually wanted to try playing it blindfolded, just to see how far I can get based only on muscle memory and sound cues.
Uncharted 4 (5 times)
Bloodborne (7 times)
Metal Gear Solid 3 (13 times!)

I've also beat Journey around 5 or 6 times, but that's something I can beat in an hour.
Mario 64's gotta be up there for a lot of people.

I'm definitely there with Pikmin, I just go to town and get mad if I haven't gotten as many things as possible each day.
Mario 64 and Super Mario World

I have consistently played these games throughout the entirety of my life. I know every secret, switch area, powerup, and can practically play them in my sleep.

The only downside is that I'm getting more and more tired of them with each passing decade.
Since I dont replay games as much as I did when I was young and had even less money than I do now, mario kart double dash is the closest one for me, followed by smash brothers melee. The tracks have been picked apart over the course of thousands of races, but they are that good that it keeps me coming back.
If only mario kart 8 could say the same


Dark Souls
A Link to the Past
Super Mario Kart
GoldenEye 007
Final Fantasy 6
Destiny(cheating as its game type encourages that)


I don't really replay games anymore, but back in the day I was probably beating duck tales for nes with my eyes closed.


Battletoads. I'm no longer able to understand how someone finds it hard. I always know what's coming and can do it without thinking.

Sonic 1, Sonic 2, Mega Man 2, Contra, Mario Kart DS


Viewtiful Joe
Devil May Cry
Devil May Cry 3
God Hand

Played Bayonetta a good 20+ times. VJ a good 10 times.
Uncharted 2. Played through it more than a half dozen times, it's a blast each time. The pacing is really good so it's easy, can't see the same happening for Uncharted 4 unfortunately.


Max Payne 2. I love that game with all my heart! I've played it to completion annually for nearly 10+ years.

And Mafia (the first title). Probably in my top five games of all time, have it installed on every old PC I own.


Shoutout to Tetris (and other puzzle games)!

Mostly NES/SNES games:
Super Mario Bros
The Legend of Zelda
Mega Man 2
Blaster Master
Super Mario World
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past

Mario Kart 64
Mario Kart 8

Most of the areas/dungeons/raids in WoW.
Half Life multiplayer maps.
I know these games inside and out. I've probably played Jak 1 at least 15 times from beginning to end, i used to challenge myself as a kid to beat the story within 1 day. And forget about it with KH, i know i've played it from beginning to end at least 10 times.



A Link to the Past
Link's Awakening
The Oracle of Ages/Seasons (I have completed the Ring sidequest)
Magicland Dizzy (DOS)


Gears of War

"Are you THEE Marcus Fenix, the one that fought in Aspho Fields?"

"Look at all that JUIICCEEE!"
"Hey Marcus, how much do you think all that imulsion is worth?"
"I don't think I can count that high."
I can still run the all the Sonic 2 special stages by memory, without having to do any of them over, I played them that much when I was a kid.

Played the game through for the first time in like 10 years around Christmas time and was surprised I could still do that after so long.


Baldurs Gate 1 and 2 I have to play them with self imposed ironman no reloading if I die its game over to have any kind of challenge.


Halo 1 2 3 and ODST. Even after a long break, they're really really in my muscle memory. Unfortunately, none of the games offer me any challenge whatsoever on Legendary anymore (nope, not even Halo 2, so goddamn easy, i remember all the snipers and more difficult enemies etc.).

Mass Effect 2, i played it so many times.
Mass Effect 1's shitty gameplay and unstable framerate on 360 made it somewhat more difficult but fortunately the game's poor enough a game it can be completed on hardest difficulty without upgrading gear without any real problems (just takes longer).

Starcraft/Warcraft 3/Command&Conquer 1/Red Alert: Mass over-large army, obliterate enemy.
Destiny's Vault of Glass.

Just ran it again over the weekend to sherpa a couple friends who hadn't done it before. Never gets old.


Halo CE (it never gets old)
Advance Wars 2
Super Mario World
Ocarina of Time
Link to the Past
Link's Awakening (tho eagle's tower sometimes trips me up still)


Sonic Rush Adventure is probably the big one. There are games that I've put more time into, but nothing where muscle memory alone can carry me.

Splatoon is pretty close if I use a familiar set.
Probably any of the Mass Effect games. I know all the bugs, the paths of least resistance, where to find and how to do all the sidequests, how to get the best endings, and how to rig encounters in my favour using specific abilities.

Can't say I'm proud of it but everyone has that ones series they love.
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