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Gay and Bisexual relationship thread |OT|

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Hah, I'd take a guy with great arms/chest/legs over someone with nice abs any day. Nothing irks me more than a guy with great abs and virtually no chest. It may just be the bodybuilder in me talking though.


You need photographer lights for that, I would wager. Make it so bright that the various light levels even out.
Yes, I figured as much, but I only had a cheap desk lamp and an equally cheap digital camera. As one can imagine, these did not make good bedfellows.

I have felt the same way for quite some time now.
Y halo thar, fellows. I suspect a mental block the size of the moon.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Reading some other community threads here is an eye-opening experience. That's all I'm going to say on the matter, but seriously.

Edit: *ahem* Space, I'm still waiting. ;) ;)


Hah, I'd take a guy with great arms/chest/legs over someone with nice abs any day. Nothing irks me more than a guy with great abs and virtually no chest. It may just be the bodybuilder in me talking though.


Legs - my favorite part of the male body. Don't get me wrong, I love a man who's in-shape, but I hate it when guys focus so much on their upper-body and have huge abs/pecs/biceps...but then have chicken legs.

I'd rather a guy have a less-than-perfect upper-body and have pair of thick legs than the reverse.

More force to put behind the thrust, if you get my drift...
Eh, it's not drastically lower. I've never been a horn dog. I've always felt like an outsider at predominantly gay parties, since my mind processes other thoughts besides sex.

Exactly. The human body, for me, has lost all of its mystique. Is your dick really that much different from my own, or the ones I've seen? Uhh... No.

Yeah, I would probably prefer to be asexual just so I wouldn't be subject to another kind of obsessive thought. If I look past the illusion of urgency that follows desire, there's really nothing substantial behind it, but it's easier just to be swept away by desire than to completely see (through) it, so usually that's what I do. My libido is fairly disruptive, though, and I only see its grip loosening via me consciously working towards that. Which I wouldn't have to bother with if I hadn't already decided on being celibate in the future (and wasn't trying it out in a kind of half-assed fashion now).

Bailey 87


Legs - my favorite part of the male body. Don't get me wrong, I love a man who's in-shape, but I hate it when guys focus so much on their upper-body and have huge abs/pecs/biceps...but then have chicken legs.

I'd rather a guy have a less-than-perfect upper-body and have pair of thick legs than the reverse.

More force to put behind the thrust, if you get my drift...

YESSSS the best part of the body not including the ass of course, is the legs. I love thighs, the closer you are to rugby thighs the better you are in my opinion
Well, good news for me. I've been running and biking my whole life, so my legs are very defined. The bad news is that I never really thought legs are all that special. A guy can have chicken legs for all I care, as long as he has a nice upper body: flat stomach and V-shape torso.


YESSSS the best part of the body not including the ass of course, is the legs. I love thighs, the closer you are to rugby thighs the better you are in my opinion


Well, good news for me. I've been running and biking my whole life, so my legs are very defined. The bad news is that I never really thought legs are all that special. A guy can have chicken legs for all I care, as long as he has a nice upper body: flat stomach and V-shape torso.

Put up or shut up. ;)


Yeah, I would probably prefer to be asexual just so I wouldn't be subject to another kind of obsessive thought. If I look past the illusion of urgency that follows desire, there's really nothing substantial behind it, but it's easier just to be swept away by desire than to completely see (through) it, so usually that's what I do. My libido is fairly disruptive, though, and I only see its grip loosening via me consciously working towards that. Which I wouldn't have to bother with if I hadn't already decided on being celibate in the future (and wasn't trying it out in a kind of half-assed fashion now).
I'm pretty sure the general consensus would be that we are both kind of nuts for thinking in this way. I try to see past it, too, and succeed most of the time. I think that's just how I'm wired. I don't what else to say. Maybe I just haven't been fucked proper and have come to expect nothing but cold fishes in bed. I could really see myself being celibate in the future. I'm in a relationship so, like, that's not possible right now.
I'm pretty sure the general consensus would be that we are both kind of nuts for thinking in this way. I try to see past it, too, and succeed most of the time. I think that's just how I'm wired. I don't what else to say. Maybe I just haven't been fucked proper and have come to expect nothing but cold fishes in bed. I could really see myself being celibate in the future. I'm in a relationship so, like, that's not possible right now.

Yeah :p

I want to give up lay life and become a monk, so that's a lot of my motivation, but I think I'd be inclined to celibacy even if that weren't the case. I'm mostly interested in solitary activities and socially I'm more partial to a community of peers, and an intimate romantic relationship would cut into my ability to pursue both. Besides, I find my platonic relationships to be more fulfilling anyways. I'm not ignorant of the possibility of being proven wrong on this last point as who knows what can happen, but just in terms of where I would like my life to go, I don't see it as being enough.


Yeah :p

I want to give up lay life and become a monk, so that's a lot of my motivation, but I think I'd be inclined to celibacy even if that weren't the case. I'm mostly interested in solitary activities and socially I'm more partial to a community of peers, and an intimate romantic relationship would cut into my ability to pursue both. Besides, I find my platonic relationships to be more fulfilling anyways. I'm not ignorant of the possibility of being proven wrong on this last point as who knows what can happen, but just in terms of where I would like my life to go, I don't see it as being enough.
I'm a huge fan of solitary activities, too. I've been studying up on web design recently so that I won't have to work around people (my current profession is a makeup artist which is the complete opposite of what I want out of a career). We should date. We sound perfect for each other. Scorpio x Pisces, too ! ;) *prepares for the incoming shit-storm for mentioning astrology*
I like solitude as well *shrug*

I hate guys with abs.
I think I remember you saying something like this before. It's because you think people who have nice bodies are shallow because they spend too much time in the gym or something. Right?

Or is it in a joking kind of sense because you want abs?


I like solitude as well *shrug*

I think I remember you saying something like this before. It's because you think people who have nice bodies are shallow because they spend too much time in the gym or something. Right?

Or is it in a joking kind of sense because you want abs?
I've actually had similar thoughts about guys who obviously have spent half their lives in a gym. Is it really because they are self-centered? Are they trying to prove a point? Is it fun for them? Enlighten me, GayGAF.

And no, I'm not passing any judgment, just wondering. Seeing as how I hate the gym, and am a lazy fucker.
I'm a huge fan of solitary activities, too. I've been studying up on web design recently so that I won't have to work around people (my current profession is a makeup artist which is the complete opposite of what I want out of a career). We should date. We sound perfect for each other. Scorpio x Pisces, too ! ;) *prepares for the incoming shit-storm for mentioning astrology*

Hahahaha. I agree, it does seem like we would get along.

I couldn't imagine being a makeup artist. When I was a cashier even that could feel like way too much face time, and that's like 2-5 minutes to ring them up and take their money, so doing makeup sounds a little like agony :p

edit: blah time for bed, goodnight GAF.
I like solitude as well *shrug*

I think I remember you saying something like this before. It's because you think people who have nice bodies are shallow because they spend too much time in the gym or something. Right?

Or is it in a joking kind of sense because you want abs?

Neither, I dont mind guys who go to gyms. I use a home gym myself. As I said before, i love guys with big arms and shoulders and pecs. I just find the ripped cut look too "clean" if that makes an sense. I love coming up from behind my man and hugging him and cupping a cute little belly.


I think I remember you saying something like this before. It's because you think people who have nice bodies are shallow because they spend too much time in the gym or something. Right?

That'd be an awful reason to hate people with abs. Lord knows I didn't get mine from the gym or diet, since I've had visible abdominal muscles, a small waist, and wide shoulders from the beginning of puberty (11ish). Everyone's body and circumstances are different. ETA: Though that wasn't SpaceBridge's reason. :)

I've actually had similar thoughts about guys who obviously have spent half their lives in a gym. Is it really because they are self-centered? Are they trying to prove a point? Is it fun for them? Enlighten me, GayGAF.

And no, I'm not passing any judgment, just wondering. Seeing as how I hate the gym, and am a lazy fucker.

Going by the FitnessGAF thread, some do it for the fun, some do it for aesthetic reasons (a prime motivator), some do it because it makes them feel good (exercise release endorphins), some do it for health-related reasons, etc. Unfortunately, I think gay men more than other demographics do it because they don't think they'd be attractive otherwise.
I dont actually "hate" dudes with abs just that I dont prefer them myself. I shouldnt have made such a blanket statement though. My apologies abs-gaf.


Hahahaha. I agree, it does seem like we would get along.

I couldn't imagine being a makeup artist. When I was a cashier even that could feel like way too much face time, and that's like 2-5 minutes to ring them up and take their money, so doing makeup sounds a little like agony :p
I have no idea why I even decided to do makeup. I guess it seemed like something my creative mind would be good at, and while I am talented in that regard, I just HATE being in peoples' faces. I should have thought of that before going to school for it. I mean I did cashier work before too and would get people out of my line as quickly as possible with as few words as I could possibly spare. Makeup is agonizing for me when I do it... I'm forced to touch their faces and their hair and their lashes... Horrible.

Going by the FitnessGAF thread, some do it for the fun, some do it for aesthetic reasons (a prime motivator), some do it because it makes them feel good (exercise release endorphins), some do it for health-related reasons, etc. Unfortunately, I think gay men more than other demographics do it because they don't think they'd be attractive otherwise.
Those are all good reasons. You have motivated me to get off my ass and do something physical.

... And it's gone.

I felt like that for a long time. I felt like I wasn't good enough unless I was in shape. I'm not in shape, but slim, and don't really care what people think when they look at me (that's a lie, I care too much... ugh).


abs do nothing for me. Rugby thighs on the other hand turn me into that Jack Nicholson gif where he nods.
Yep, I lift for healthy reasons before aesthetics/looks, but I won't lie to you guys by saying it doesn't come into play as a gym motivator. When I started working out I was obese and needed to lose weight for health concerns, then I just got addicted and started getting into bodybuilding. I really enjoy the feeling you get when you workout, meet a goal, get stronger/faster/more flexible, not to mention seeing your body change. It's a rush.

There is some vanity, but that's the case with everyone. Everyone wants to feel physically attractive, but most people (the ones who actually take fitness seriously) do it for other reasons first.

This is why I go for other body parts over abs. Many people have abs and haven't done jack squat for their bodies. Someone who is muscular and lean without a doubt had to put SOME effort at some point in their life, whether it be through sports, the gym, or just being active.

EDIT: Should also include a disclaimer saying that just because someone is muscular, doesn't mean they're fit either. However to me, they've still worked to put on muscle which in my eyes puts value on it, and that's hot.


I've actually had similar thoughts about guys who obviously have spent half their lives in a gym. Is it really because they are self-centered? Are they trying to prove a point? Is it fun for them? Enlighten me, GayGAF.

At first it was just a way to lose some of the excess baggage. But as I keep doing it, I get a lot of self-confidence out of it. I look at myself 2 years ago and I look at myself now and I'm surprised at the amount of confidence that I got due to body improvement.

Also, while you're doing it, you get endorphin release that makes you feel good. I just lifted 106 lbs (53 lbs x 2) of free weights x 10 reps x 3 sets for shoulders exercise today whereas I couldn't even lift the same weight about 3 months ago. To see and feel that kind of progress feels *really* good.

As for boxing, that's just a way for me to defend myself should I ever got into a situation where I need to do so. It also helps to channel some of the pent-up anger that I sometimes have. And having classmates who are being put through the same harsh routines the trainer put you on really motivates you to keep going.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
I honestly hate gymrats. I understand the "wanting to look good/lose weight," blah blah blah. But when your life revolves or becomes a main focus, no thanks. :/

I'd rather do geeky things or go out to dinner and get fat than lift weights 3 days a week. :/


I honestly hate gymrats. I understand the "wanting to look good/lose weight," blah blah blah. But when your life revolves or becomes a main focus, no thanks. :/

I'd rather do geeky things or go out to dinner and get fat than lift weights 3 days a week. :/

Why do some people assume that just because one lift weights 3 days/week it means they can't do other things and have fun? I have no less than 10 platinum trophies so that pretty much proves that working out 4 days/week doesn't rule me out from geeking out/playing games obsessively. I also go out with my friends to have dinner/see movie/just walking around the harbor during the weekend. Working out 1-2 hours per day does not have to mean you're missing out on other things in life. And those are on top of me working from 9 to 5 and taking Japanese class on Mon/Wed for 2 hours.

Anyway, speaking of games, I just spoiled myself for Mass Effect 3 possible m/m relationship and was surprised at what Bioware has decided to be possible and not possible. I'm pretty pleased with what I've learned though. March 6 can't come sooner.
At first it was just a way to lose some of the excess baggage. But as I keep doing it, I get a lot of self-confidence out of it. I look at myself 2 years ago and I look at myself now and I'm surprised at the amount of confidence that I got due to body improvement.

Also, while you're doing it, you get endorphin release that makes you feel good. I just lifted 106 lbs (53 lbs x 2) of free weights x 10 reps x 3 sets for shoulders exercise today whereas I couldn't even lift the same weight about 3 months ago. To see and feel that kind of progress feels *really* good.

As for boxing, that's just a way for me to defend myself should I ever got into a situation where I need to do so. It also helps to channel some of the pent-up anger that I sometimes have. And having classmates who are being put through the same harsh routines the trainer put you on really motivates you to keep going.

You'll make someone a great boyfriend one day.
Why do some people assume that just because one lift weights 3 days/week it means they can't do other things and have fun? I have no less than 10 platinum trophies so that pretty much proves that working out 4 days/week doesn't rule me out from geeking out/playing games obsessively. I also go out with my friends to have dinner/see movie/just walking around the harbor during the weekend. Working out 1-2 hours per day does not have to mean you're missing out on other things in life. And those are on top of me working from 9 to 5 and taking Japanese class on Mon/Wed for 2 hours.
EXACTLY. Gaymer jocks do exist, we're just very very very rare. I have 3 level 50 characters in SWTOR, two of which are high valor rank, yet I still hit the gym 1.5-2 hours 4-6x a week and go to class.

I take pride in my gaming as much as I do lifting, pretty equal love in my book.


Why do some people assume that just because one lift weights 3 days/week it means they can't do other things and have fun? I have no less than 10 platinum trophies so that pretty much proves that working out 4 days/week doesn't rule me out from geeking out/playing games obsessively. I also go out with my friends to have dinner/see movie/just walking around the harbor during the weekend. Working out 1-2 hours per day does not have to mean you're missing out on other things in life. And those are on top of me working from 9 to 5 and taking Japanese class on Mon/Wed for 2 hours.

Anyway, speaking of games, I just spoiled myself for Mass Effect 3 possible m/m relationship and was surprised at what Bioware has decided to be possible and not possible. I'm pretty pleased with what I've learned though. March 6 can't come sooner.

This. It makes no goddamn sense to me. I've never been a "work out all day every day" type, but when I was 15 and chubby and decided to change my lifestyle enough to at least have a flat stomach and be attractive to other dudes, I was spending an hour on my hair and 2+ hours a day playing DDR/doing various cardio/working out... and even more time counting calories. All this replaced was the time I spent sitting around doing absolutely fucking nothing; time spent working out is kind of like.... i dno, free time. It gives you so much more energy that you get everything else done faster. It's pretty awesome!

Oh, and since DDR was part of my cardio plan.... I got to play vidjya anyways! :D
I really need to get into exercising again, can't seem to find the motivation though. Lost 40 lbs a while ago, and I really wanna lose another 15. I just don't know what to do to make me actually commit to it.


This. It makes no goddamn sense to me. I've never been a "work out all day every day" type, but when I was 15 and chubby and decided to change my lifestyle enough to at least have a flat stomach and be attractive to other dudes, I was spending an hour on my hair and 2+ hours a day playing DDR/doing various cardio/working out... and even more time counting calories. All this replaced was the time I spent sitting around doing absolutely fucking nothing; time spent working out is kind of like.... i dno, free time. It gives you so much more energy that you get everything else done faster. It's pretty awesome!

Oh, and since DDR was part of my cardio plan.... I got to play vidjya anyways! :D
Because some of us will find any excuse to continue being lazy about our fitness goals. :|


I just don't know what to do to make me actually commit to it.

The best way is to find a gym buddy ;)

I was a couch potato (literally, I spent most of the time sitting or laying on a couch) myself a year ago and my friend motivated me to start working out (that and the fact that I couldn't fit into my suit anymore D:). Training just by yourself is really hard, but when you do it with someone not only both of you spend time together (it became our routine to meet twice a week on a gym), but also motivate each other too.

And I agree with Replicant, noticing improvements really helps and makes you feel good. One year ago I could hardly do a simple routine with a 20lbp weight; now I'm able to do pretty hard routines with 100lbs (and sit ups with almost 220 pounds). :D
The best way is to find a gym buddy ;)

I was a couch potato (literally, I spent most of the time sitting or laying on a couch) myself a year ago and my friend motivated me to start working out (that and the fact that I couldn't fit into my suit anymore D:). Training just by yourself is really hard, but when you do it with someone not only both of you spend time together (it became our routine to meet twice a week on a gym), but also motivate each other too.

And I agree with Replicant, noticing improvements really helps and makes you feel good. One year ago I could hardly do a simple routine with a 20lbp weight; now I'm able to do pretty hard routines with 100lbs (and sit ups with almost 220 pounds). :D
That sounds great. :) A friend actually asked me if I wanted to join the gym with him, cause he wants company and someone who can push him, but he can't seem to make up his mind about if he want to actually do it now. And I need to know it's someone who doesn't give up after a couple of times so that I don't stand there alone afterwards. ^^
I have 20 miles to the nearest gym, that's the main negative factor. :)


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Why do some people assume that just because one lift weights 3 days/week it means they can't do other things and have fun? I have no less than 10 platinum trophies so that pretty much proves that working out 4 days/week doesn't rule me out from geeking out/playing games obsessively. I also go out with my friends to have dinner/see movie/just walking around the harbor during the weekend. Working out 1-2 hours per day does not have to mean you're missing out on other things in life. And those are on top of me working from 9 to 5 and taking Japanese class on Mon/Wed for 2 hours.

Because, to me, those people make it a full-time job instead of a side-interest in feeling/looking better.

I'd rather spend my time doing other things than working on my body for one other person to see because I'm not shallow. *shrug*

I was spending an hour on my hair and 2+ hours a day

See: Gym people spend time to make themselves look good and then worry about their hair: Shallow.

But I'm fighting a losing battle on the gay population since the majority want to be gym rats because they think they're "chubby" when they're average and need to be ATLUS GREEK GOD OF MANLY to get someone. But whatever.


Because, to me, those people make it a full-time job instead of a side-interest in feeling/looking better.

I'd rather spend my time doing other things than working on my body for one other person to see because I'm not shallow. *shrug*

See: Gym people spend time to make themselves look good and then worry about their hair: Shallow.

But I'm fighting a losing battle on the gay population since the majority want to be gym rats because they think they're "chubby" when they're average and need to be ATLUS GREEK GOD OF MANLY to get someone. But whatever.

Is this entire post sarcasm? Please let this entire post be sarcasm.

(I spend no time on my hair anymore, and now that I'm at school with two majors and two minors I have little/no time to lift so I just do basic cardio.... It's still enough to keep me fit though :p)
I saw your photos. If you're "the least fit person in the world", I want to live in your world.
but only if it isn't full of furries

That's about 32km. D:
Haha, exactly, so I'm a little hesitant about starting. Sometimes it's hard just to actually decide to work out for the day, and traveling that long for it isn't exactly helping. :)
Oh well, I have a treadmill and weights at home, but I find myself lazier here than at the gym. :/

Bailey 87

Why do some people assume that just because one lift weights 3 days/week it means they can't do other things and have fun? I have no less than 10 platinum trophies so that pretty much proves that working out 4 days/week doesn't rule me out from geeking out/playing games obsessively. I also go out with my friends to have dinner/see movie/just walking around the harbor during the weekend. Working out 1-2 hours per day does not have to mean you're missing out on other things in life. And those are on top of me working from 9 to 5 and taking Japanese class on Mon/Wed for 2 hours.

Exactly working out 3 days a week, an hour each session, does not means "gym rats" don't have fun doing other things (add me on xbox and I will show you true gaming skill :p)

I would argue the case that everyone in this thread should do some gym work. it boosts confidence (that so many of you need. Seriously the lack of confidence displayed in this thread is depressing.) It makes you happy (releasing endorphins) and it improves health.

p.s if anyone gets vain from going gym they're idiots.
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